Quadruple split

Chapter 876 Not Retreating

I want to kill Hogg!

More ruthless!


When Mo Tan heard these three keywords, his first reaction was 'It's broken', and then he jumped out to meet the kobold boy who was rolling and crawling towards him not far away.

Although he knew that it was probably difficult for Hogg to tell whether the knight he had killed just now or the new enemies were more powerful, but even if the threats of the two were equal, those who had already been calculated seemed to be chasing after them. Hogg’s stuff is definitely very threatening!

After all, no matter how funny the Sun Dynasty was back then, they wouldn't have arranged a few sweeping robots behind the two doormen, right?

Two seconds later, his suspicion was proven.

At the moment when Hogg had already run into Motan's guarding area, a total of six knights covered in black armor and holding cross swords suddenly appeared at the end of the stone corridor. Their height was similar to that of Motan. , about 190 centimeters tall, wearing a bright red tattered cloak, exuding an outrageous dangerous aura, walking slowly towards their target, the kobold boy Hogg Blackskin. .

Although the visual impact is far inferior to the large knight statues that Mo Tan had arranged before, these things that also look like man-made products are superior in terms of oppression. They are filled with a creepy aura, that It's not a 'murderous aura' that only powerful people can detect, but a power that even an ordinary boy like Hogg can feel.

And Mo Tan also felt a sense of unreal horror the moment these small knight statues appeared in his field of vision. It was a feeling that even though he was not frightened by the things in front of him, his body was acting on its own initiative and the hairs on the hair stood on end.

He didn't know what it was, but he reacted immediately, using [Glorious Leap] to jump between Hogg and the knight statues without hesitation, and while pulling out the [Justice Mandala], he The [Cold Steel Sword] that was about to run out of durability was replaced by the low-level but intact [Sword of White Night] in the bag, and he nervously watched the six 'knights' approaching slowly.

After a rest just now, Mo Tan's health has returned to 100% at this moment, and his physical fitness has been restored to 85%. Although the condition is not excellent, and the diminishing effect of the treatment potion has not faded, theoretically There is still strength to fight.

But it is only the strength of one battle. Whether it is a defeat or a victory is another matter.

Not to mention that although these puppets are much smaller in size, you can tell at a glance that they are elite puppets. They are nine out of ten stronger than the previous battle ax-sized knight statue. Even if the combat power of the two is similar or slightly worse than the ones in front of them, As long as they are not as weak as the several sweeping robots in Lu Wei's laboratory (the overall strength is rated as intermediate, and the hand-to-hand combat ability is slightly stronger than that of the 'Black Van' character), it will be an extremely severe test for Mo Tan. , and it is a test that may turn into bad news at any time.

But Mo Tan still stood in front of Hogg resolutely, instinctively protecting the frightened kobold boy behind him without any hesitation.

The six statues of sword-wielding knights with uniform movements also stopped at the same time, staring at Mo Tan with their 'pupils' hidden behind their visors that exuded a faint golden light.

The next second, Mo Tan's stamina dropped by 1%. Although it was not much, it was particularly strange since he had not done anything that might consume his stamina.

This discovery immediately shocked Mo Tan, and he subconsciously connected this phenomenon with the six knight statues in front of him.

Although he didn't know the principle, he still felt that the abnormality in his physical strength was most likely related to the 'power' exuded by the other party.

He guessed right again.

If Mo Tan had a God's perspective, he would have discovered that these extremely dangerous puppets in front of him have been activating a passive skill called [Guard Aura] since their appearance. The effect is also simple and clear, generally making the surroundings All units not wearing [Sun Amulet] will continue to have their health value reduced. It will be ineffective against units with epic strength or above. There is a certain chance that units with strength lower than mid-level will be given a [Fear] effect, which cannot be superimposed.

This is also the main reason why Hogg seems extremely frightened and confused.

The main reason is that he is really afraid.

As for Mo Tan, he was not affected by [Fear] because he had already broken through to a high level. In fact, the [Iron Spirit] in his talent originally had the hidden effect of 'reducing the negative mental effects received by 45%', so he was afraid I'm not afraid at all, it's just that I'm not immune to the effect of [Vigilance Aura] that continuously reduces physical energy.

But not being afraid does not mean that Mo Tan is not nervous. In fact, the moment the six knights stopped in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Since the other party did not come up to kill them without saying a word, then This means that there was still a certain amount of leeway between the two parties. For example, they did not come to kill Hogg. They just thought that this spiritual young man with "noble blood" had lost his way and wanted to come over and help.


[A new unfamiliar unit has been retrieved and the identity is being verified.]*6

The female voice that she had heard before sounded very inconsistently under the six helmets, and Mo Tan swallowed nervously.

[Verification failed, reason: the thinking sequence was irreversibly damaged.]*6

The six knight statues made a harsh noise at the same time, and the light in their eyes that was not very bright dimmed a bit.

[Verify condition modification and retrieve backup storage sequence.]*6

[Verification completed, confirmed target 1: The kobold race does not have level five or above authority/Confirmed target 2: The half-dragon race does not have level five or above authority.]*6

The 'pupil' of the knight statue suddenly brightened.

"Brother Mo!"

At the same time, Hogg, who finally managed to calm himself down, suddenly shouted: "Be careful! These are the ones who suddenly pulled out their weapons and started chasing me after saying this!"

Mo Tan nodded slightly, but did not make any reaction. He just seized the few seconds when the six knights in front of him were 'talking', opened the friends bar like lightning, and sent a few brief messages to Ji Xiaoge.

The next moment——

【Exclude intruders】*6

The six knight statues trembled, then raised the weapons in their hands and rushed towards the two men at a terrifying speed that was completely different from when they slowly approached Hogg just now.

Mo Tan also closed the message bar immediately, jumped into the air before his body was about to be torn apart by ten huge heavy swords, and while sweeping Hogg away with his tail, he activated [Knight Skill-Tiger Spear]. 】, spilling out two angry red sword shadows, both in strength and speed, which were several times stronger than when he faced the large puppet before.


Two light wheels with a radius of at least two meters roared out, directly crushing Mo Tan's [Twin Lotuses: Blooming], which had never suffered a big loss since he improved this move, and instantly destroyed dozens of gorgeous The sword shadows were swept away, and apart from the two knight statues holding swords and throwing out light wheels, the other four were split into two groups after a dazzling change of positions, three of which directly faced Mo Tan's fall. Click to launch a charge, and the last one nimbly passed by the side and flew towards the kobold boy who had just collapsed to the ground.

It's not a perfect coordination, but it's as if they are two different bodies and they move smoothly without leaving any gaps.

【Oops! 】

As early as when the Twin Lotuses were directly crushed, Mo Tan realized that the things in front of him were much stronger than the previous large puppet. He smashed it towards the knight statue who was performing a 'leap slash' on Hogg. The Mandala of Justice in his right hand stabbed out like lightning, pointing directly at the target's ribs.

With a roar, Mo Tan's most impactful skill [Spinous Process] was blocked by two overlapping giant swords. The knight statue that was originally in mid-air actually used the same sword as Mo Tan just now. He kicked the wall to forcefully reverse his position, and blocked Mo Tan's blow with ridiculous reaction speed.

However, because both parties were also in mid-air, the knight who blocked the [Spinous Process] move was still unable to hurt Hogg, but was forced to stay in place.

Mo Tan saved the young man with his impeccable judgment and on-the-spot reaction.

This is already his limit.

As for the ten thrusts behind him that left no blind spots, he tried his best to dodge half of them and blocked two of them. In the end, he was struck by three heavy swords at the same time, and spurts were sprayed out from his left shoulder, under his ribs, and from his lower back at the same time. After a shower of scorching blood, his health dropped directly from 100% to 71%, and a bleeding effect was added.

And his physical fitness value, which has been declining, also dropped to 62% after using two skills.

Behind him is a young man who must be protected.

There are many powerful enemies in front of you.

Death came suddenly like this!

"It's really hard to laugh at."

The corner of Mo Tan's mouth twitched, and he activated the first level of [Reverse Scale] that had just finished cooling down. It barely stopped the wound and at the same time increased his physical fitness by about 20%. Then he activated his talent [Thunder Scale]. Suddenly, the scales and horns on his body, which had suddenly increased by one-third due to the reverse scale effect, became electric and flashed, looking quite cool.

It's a pity that this fashion value is not directly proportional to his combat power at this moment. Although Mo Tan, who is becoming more and more proficient in the [Thunder Scale], has developed the technique of using the 'electric field' on the body surface to increase his speed and resistance to blows. But this is still not enough for him to gain the strength to match the six knight statues in front of him.

In fact, now he almost feels like being a sandbag for these puppets.


Mo Tan narrowly passed between the two heavy swords that swept out, and then he was blinded by another knight hiding behind his companions. He was hit in the chest by a sword, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out.

The [Silver Scale Breastplate from the Five Dollar Store] that had been with him for more than two months was cracked and cracked, and its durability was completely wiped out in the blink of an eye, turning into fragments mixed with blood on the ground. Although the chest covered with a few scales was not penetrated, it was still a moderately deep hole. If the electric field of [Thunder Scales] hadn't reduced the power of the sword to a certain extent, I optimistically estimate that he would have been hit by now. Dressed in strings.

However, it's not over yet!

Just as Mo Tan spurted blood from his mouth and flew backwards, the knight who had just thrown out a whirlwind move at the same time was already rushing toward Hogg, who had fled to the stone room in front of him under Mo Tan's instruction. He was fierce and full of killing intent. !

So Mo Tan had to forcefully suppress the surging energy and blood in his chest. The moment he hit the ground, he whipped the ground with his tail to make himself bounce up, and activated [Thorn Charge] at the same time amid a burst of severe pain. With another skill that he didn't like very much, he rushed towards the two knight statues charging at him as fast as possible!

【Glorious Backstab】

Active skills

Mastery requirements: Possess the profession [Knight of Justice]

Consumption/limitation: 200 physical energy, within a radius of 10 meters, within a unit facing away from you

Effect: Covers one's own breath for a short period of time, rushes to the designated target at three times the current movement speed when the skill is activated, and causes a 100% critical hit damage to the target's back yard. If the target has a history of hemorrhoids, the damage will be increased by an additional 50%. Damages and adds a bleeding effect that cannot be dispelled for 1 hour, with a cooldown time of 2 hours.

[Note 1: Ancestors! Where is the glory in something like this that insults the spirit of chivalry! ? ——Lord Knight Pierre Diesel, on the 8th of the Hazy Moon, 8315 of the Holy Calendar. 】

[Note 2: Pierre I@#你\u0026%*——High Lord Lina Mograine, on the 3rd of the Song Moon in the Holy Calendar, 8321. 】

[Note 3: The above two people got married on the 5th of the Melody of the Moon of Light in the year 8323 of the Holy Calendar. 】

[Note 4: I have taught you how to get out of singles, the rest is up to you. 】

Let’s talk about it, aside from the annoying remarks and the annoying skill itself. Well, there seems to be nothing to talk about. In short, the effect of this skill is actually very low. It is very powerful, as long as it is combined with acceleration such as charging. Using the skill, you can completely close the distance with the enemy at an unimaginable speed. Coupled with the automatic calibration effect of this skill, as long as the person being attacked is even a little bit slack, a critical hit is basically a certainty. Even if the target cannot be directly incapacitated, it can still gain a decisive advantage.

So this is a good skill! (This article costs fifty cents, remember to delete it

Boom! ! !

Accompanied by a harsh sound of metal fighting, the skirt of the knight statue on the left was directly cut open, and Mo Tan's synchronized [Scarlet Slash] also successfully intercepted the other knight. Together with the four flying knight statues behind him, he successfully drew the attention of all enemies back to himself.

Immediately afterwards

Mo Tan took a deep breath, and his whole person suddenly disappeared from where he was!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Accompanied by a series of crisp slashing sounds, the figures of the six knight statues suddenly tilted at the same time. There was a deep slash mark on their helmets, and they were pushed back by a sudden dark red sword energy. More than enough steps!


Mo Tan, who reappeared in the corridor, shook the Mandala of Justice in his hand.

A mouthful of dark red blood suddenly spurted out.

He was half-kneeling on the ground with a long sword in his hand, his back facing the stone room where Hog Heipi was hiding, his face pale, and he didn't take a step back.

The next second, angry red wild lotuses bloomed in the cold stone corridor.

Don’t retreat, advance instead!

Chapter 869: End

I've been a little busy recently, so the update time may be erratic, so please forgive me~

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