Quadruple split

Chapter 882 Hidden Mission

Game time AM00:52

In the outskirts of the Golden City, in the center of the kobold settlement, the patriarch's house

"So... you all ended up being teleported out of that terrible place because you said the wrong password too many times?"

The extremely chubby kobold matriarch picked up a handkerchief and put it on her face, blew her nose hard, and looked at the entire Wangwang Adventurer Team/Beautiful Girl Mercenary Group headed by Mo Tan in front of her with red eyes, and her voice sounded like Her little chubby hand that was pressing on her nephew's head was trembling violently: "And then he came back like this?!"

Everyone smiled and nodded. They all still remembered the voice of the Carion matriarch who screamed with joy when she saw her nephew come back safely ten minutes ago. They also witnessed this apparently ordinary walking man with their own eyes. The woman, who was three minutes slower than the others and whose body looked very similar to a gas tank, rushed out of the house like a hurricane, hugging Hogg tightly and sobbing.

The woman whose physical fitness could only be said to be average, with a little more fat at best, almost had an afterimage. In the blink of an eye, she held her nephew, whom she had thought was separated from the world, in her arms. No one would I doubt that at that moment, this fat kobold matriarch was definitely the happiest person in the world.

Although they are not mother and son, this aunt's love for her nephew is indeed genuine, without any impurities, and 100% maternal love.

Not to mention whether she is a qualified clan leader, but even Kasena, who has the biggest objection to kobolds among the people, cannot deny that Carion Blackskin is a great woman.

At this moment, she had successfully regained her composure, and she had truly become an almost inhumane patriarch.

"Am I dreaming?"

She breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the boy who was standing beside her obediently: "You are really back, brat."

Although the latter is a calm, precocious, and intelligent kobold boy, a boy is still a boy after all. Facing the aunt he will almost never see again, Hogg, who has always been dependent on him all these years, works hard to maintain his image in public. After all, she choked and nodded: "I'm back, aunt, I'm really back. Uh-huh!!"

"Turn 560 degrees in the air, no splash."

Lucie nodded slightly and turned her appreciative gaze to Hogg, who was beaten to pieces by a slap: "I give it nine points."

Christina, who was frightened by Carion's slap just now, shrank her neck and whispered in Lucie's ear: "But Xiaoxi, there won't be any splash in this place, right?"

The latter frowned and snorted willfully: "Then I'll give it nine points."

"Oh, you can give it if you want."

Christina smiled bitterly, having absolutely no way to deal with her friend who had a somewhat strange personality.

Others didn't directly rate the kobold boy who was whipped into the air like Lucie did, but they didn't say anything. After all, this was a family matter. As long as Galion didn't take out a knife, Mo Mo would be beaten to this level. It was not convenient for Tan and others to intervene. After all, this incident was indeed too dangerous for Hog Heipi. Being able to come back safely was simply a miracle among miracles, and he deserved to suffer a little.

"You're back! Do you even know you're coming back?"

A few minutes ago, Carion was so happy that she hugged her nephew and cried. She was not afraid of outsiders' jokes at all. She picked up the child and put it on her lap, cracking it, and gave her a good beating, even though objectively she was just a kobold with an average physique. Women, but Hogg, a little kid in his teens, was not as good as an ordinary woman like Carion. He was immediately beaten and howled, and he was let go after admitting his mistake more than twenty times.

Of course, part of the reason is that the hands of the patriarch are really a little painful.

"Go back to your room and reflect!"

After finishing the first period of corporal punishment, Carion let out a vicious breath, raised her hand and pointed at the door with the sign "Hogg's Room" not far behind her, and glared at her eldest nephew fiercely.

"No, aunt"

Hogg, who had been sleeping on his stomach for the past two days, covered his buttocks and nodded, then turned pitifully and bowed to Mo Tan and others: "Thank you, Brother Mo, and everyone for saving me. I will definitely do it." Looking for an opportunity to repay everyone."

Mo Tan smiled: "Be good in the future and try not to make your aunt angry."

Kasena, who had a good impression of the child, cracked the joints a few times and said fiercely with a dark face: "If you don't obey again, I will deal with you for your aunt."

"Even if you have to sleep on your stomach, don't put pressure on your heart, otherwise you will have nightmares."

Lucie inexplicably gave Hog a little knowledge and said seriously: "I recommend sleeping on your left side."

Yaya grinned innocently and said, "If you want to repay Wang, you can help Wang eat!"

"Even if you want to go out and play, you should find a friend with a good sense of direction to go with you."

Ji Xiaoge gave the instructions seriously, and then glanced at someone who found it difficult to move alone in a strange environment.

Others also said some unscrupulous things to Hogg. On the one hand, this kid is indeed very lovable. On the other hand, after being slapped in the face countless times by the kobolds in this settlement, Hogg, this kid, A child who is relatively sensible and polite suddenly becomes countless times cuter in the eyes of everyone. Not to mention anything else, at least he knows how to call you big brother or big sister, instead of ignoring you while cursing and swearing in a special way. Loud.

All in all, a few minutes later, the Hogg boy, who had greeted everyone individually, limped into the bedroom and began to think about his mistakes behind closed doors for who knows how many days.

The matriarch, who was furious just now, happily moved back a few steps, sat back on her 'armchair', which to ordinary kobolds was infinitely close to a double sofa, and said with a chuckle: "Let everyone laugh. Yes, Hogg is a good boy. This accident is not so much his fault as it is that I usually control him too harshly, which makes this child become so wild. In the final analysis, I am more responsible. .”

Mika Youk whistled and said with a dry smile: "That's what I said, but you almost opened up that kid's ass just now."

"Haha, I can't help it. On the one hand, I have to make that kid realize the seriousness of the problem. After all, not every time there is an accident, you can meet kind-hearted outsiders like you to help."

Carion patted her belly twice and winked slyly: "On the other hand, you are Hogg's savior after all. If I refuse your request in front of that child, I will feel a little uncomfortable. "

Kasena hugged her arms and snorted heavily, then curled her lips and said, "As expected, you still refuse to lend us that thing?"

"That's right, I can't give it to you."

Carion pointed to the necklace around her neck and said in a deep voice: "As Hogg's aunt, I am personally very grateful to you. As the patriarch of hundreds of people in this settlement, I also want to believe that you have no Malice, but the mission is the mission. I can treat you as honored guests. I can tell everyone that you are trustworthy. I use the dowry I have saved for many years as a reward to thank you for rescuing Hogg. I can even allow you to purchase our poachers at the lowest price. The ore produced.”

Dabbs sighed and said the second half of the sentence for Carion: "But you won't give us the 'key', right?"


Jialiang nodded without thinking and waved her hands: "Everything else is easy to talk about, but this 'key stone' is not negotiable. I can't let everything that my family has inherited from generation to generation be cut off on me. I can't bear this responsibility." ."

"But you have impulsively given us the keystone before."

Ji Xiaoge flapped his wings a few times uncomfortably, wanting to fight for it again.

But Carion grinned: "You also said it, beautiful little orc girl, I was 'impulsive' before. After all, I was completely irrational because of Hogg's disappearance, but I was kind and noble. You and this young knight did not take advantage of others' danger, not only did they not take the opportunity to steal the key stone, they even helped me find my nephew with my companions."


"'We can't just sit idly by and ignore this kind of thing.' Did you two say it yourself?"


"Did I promise you anything in exchange?"


"No, I even told you clearly that even if you can find Hogg, I will not violate the ancestral teachings and give you the key stone, right?"

Carion's words were full of malice, but there was still a hint of helplessness and bitterness in her eyes. Obviously, her person was not as bad as her words, but she had to do this for some reason. Due to the behavior of the white-eyed wolf.

Of course, having said that, it was still a fight or a fight. After all, they did not promise Mo Tan that they would give them the key stone as long as they could rescue their nephew. Instead, they emphasized that they would not violate the ancestral precepts. .

"Wang hopes you will give things to the dogs."

Yaya shook his ears, squatted on the ground, licked the back of his hand, and said vaguely: "You must try hard to return the whole dog to the dog, but if the dog doesn't give it to you, just one dog will do it." If you give Wang Shi to Wang, you can also change Wang Shi!"

Jialion suddenly trembled: "What did you say?"

"She said she hopes you can lend us the keystone and we will try our best to return it to you intact."

Jadeka, who is the most proficient in parsing babbling, immediately started to translate subconsciously, shrugged and said: "If you don't want to give it to us anyway, she can snatch it away by herself and beat you even worse than you are now. Looks fatter."

Carion's face turned dark at that time, and she said angrily: "Old gentleman, are you being a little too rude!"

Jadeka looked innocent: "I'm just helping to translate. I'm just a mage. How can I fight? Mo, don't you think so?"


Mo Tan, who didn't want to be punished by God for such a stupid thing, shook his head without hesitation and sold Jadeka, who claimed to be incapable of fighting.

The old mage suddenly felt like he was struck by lightning.

"Haha, whatever you want to say"

However, Jia Liang was not annoyed at all, and even grinned: "But in my opinion, you are all very good people. Even if you take out any one of you and have the ability to easily steal my key stone, it will not matter. I won’t do it easily.”

Yaya bared his teeth in dissatisfaction. Just as he was about to prove that he was the type who likes to take action easily, he was held down by Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge, one on the left and the other on the right. Even the beautiful girl mercenary group Christina also stood in front of Yaya under the instruction of Kasena.

There are two reasons.

First of all, although Yaya, who is an NPC, is not clear about it, the players' mission logs clearly state that the key must be obtained 'through peaceful means', so let alone whether it is acceptable emotionally, even if everyone is bloodless Those who lead evil without tears also have to consider the possibility of adverse consequences if they obtain mission items through "violent means", so this account must be settled anyway, and given the missions, items, and skills in this game Although a lot of nonsense will be injected into [Remarks], the opposite is true in places other than [Remarks]. Useless content rarely appears.

Therefore, unless it is a last resort, normal players will never consider using violence. Even if it is a last resort, many people would rather give up the mission than violate the mission.

Because it has been spread on the forum a long time ago, but if it goes against your own mission, such as killing the target you need to protect, releasing NPC pigeons at the appointed time, etc., basically nothing will happen. Good ending.

And the second reason, which is the most important reason, is also related to the mission!

That was the mission that several players got after leaving the previous ruins that were most likely located underground——

【get off work】

Mission Level: Hidden Epic

Mission difficulty: high

Requirements for receiving: [Black Skin] Family reputation \u003e Respect, mastering the keywords 'Administrator' and 'Keystone'

Mission goal: Remove [Heipi] from his position as health administrator of Family No. 7 Library.

Stage goal: Enter the Sun Dynasty No. 7 Archives while holding the [Key Stone] (0/1)

Stage reward: 100 optional experience

mission rewards:? ? ?

[Note: Such a long service time can even make Abel Linken angry enough to survive. 】

Obviously, even if you just study it literally, as long as a thoughtful person knows the ins and outs of the matter, he can deduce a rather obvious conclusion from this hidden task.

For countless years, the Heipi lineage will die suddenly and inexplicably if they stray too far from the settlement. The 'curse' of disappearing from the world as soon as they leave the village is very likely to disappear after they are relieved of their duties as the 'health administrator'!

In other words, as long as they get the key from Carion, not only can they complete the large-scale regional mission of the Archaeologists Association, but this small village that has always been isolated from the world is also very likely to be liberated!

That is, if they can convince the stubborn Carion Blackskin.

So, did they succeed?

No, they failed~

Chapter 875: End

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