Quadruple split

Chapter 891 Process

The Bloodwing family received a drop of the blood of Duchess Illyli Bathory.

Raphael and Lionel want to use this drop of source blood to make their family stronger and become the leader of the third-rate strength in the Free City.

The effect of the source blood is very good. The subjects who have used it are extremely excited, and the ones that are not broken almost exploded.

In order to stop the loss, Raphael had to bite the bullet and continue to advance the plan, and conducted a large number of experiments with that drop of source blood as the core.

Finally, after burning a quarter of the Bloodwing family's property and 90% of Raphael Bloodwing's small treasury, the project of researching source blood finally made substantial progress.

A breakthrough has appeared. Although it is not a perfect solution, it can barely meet the needs of the Bloodwing family.

Then, the researchers who used a lot of 'bloodline power' in their research seriously told Raphael two pieces of news. First, if you want to complete the plan, you need a lot of 'bloodline power'; secondly, it is The family's 'blood power' has been basically exhausted, and it is difficult to meet the final plan needs.

There is a saying, after hearing the conclusion made by the young and hot-tempered research team leader, Raphael felt like strangling her to death, but in the end he was still not able to do it ruthlessly. The 'talent from another world', instead, after asking about the needs, re-formulated a plan as quickly as possible.

As for the specific content of that plan, we will talk about it later. Let’s first explain what ‘bloodline power’ is.

To a certain extent, this is a word with a very broad meaning. The most common example is "the son of a mouse can dig holes". The reason why I didn't say the previous sentence "dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes" is because before There has been content about dragons being able to give birth to bastards in addition to dragons, so I won’t mention it.

It's just that for blood seekers, the so-called 'bloodline power' is much easier to understand, and it only means two things.

First, it focuses on 'power', which usually refers to the source blood of a certain blood seeker, such as the drop of source blood that Lionel Bloodwing just squeezed out, such as the blood that Raphael obtained by chance. The source blood of Duchess Tori is a bloodline power that represents the meaning of 'power'. These things usually have some quite powerful effects, and the specific content depends on the characteristics of the source blood itself, such as Lionel's Origin blood can transform ordinary people into blood seekers, and make low-strength blood seekers quickly become stronger; while the origin blood of Duchess Bathory can destroy or burst people.

Second, it focuses on the 'bloodline'. What we are talking about here is not the 'source blood' mentioned just now, but a prop called [original blood crystal] by blood seekers. This thing is far more powerful than If it is not the former, it is usually difficult to exert any powerful functions and effects. Compared with those really useful props, although [Original Blood Crystal] cannot be used to enhance itself, its effect is really limited.

Yes, it is really quite limited. After all, the commemorative significance of that thing is far greater than the actual use.

The reason why I say this is because [original blood crystals] are basically "owned by most blood-seeking families". To a certain extent, they can even be regarded as family tree things. Since I don't know according to the As a custom passed down thousands of years ago, most blood-seeking families will take some blood from the newborn's body at the moment of birth and stuff it into the family tree, and take some heart blood after the normal death of a direct family member ( That is, new blood in the aorta of the heart), and keep two copies of these things, one-third sealed in the "original blood crystal", and two-thirds buried in the family cemetery, just like the urns in today's society The same, it doesn’t take up space and is safe and environmentally friendly.

As mentioned just now, every family that has existed for more than two hundred years basically has a piece of [original blood crystal] that is rarely 'used'. On the one hand, it is because of its special properties, and on the other hand, it is This thing is really of no use. Although a large amount of blood from the tribe has been collected, ordinary blood and source blood are two different things.

[Original Blood Crystal] is, after all, a symbol and a heritage, rather than a treasure that can be used as a legendary staff by welding a branch together.

However, when used properly, the [original blood crystal] that represents the first two words in 'bloodline power' is not necessarily lighter than the [original blood] that represents the last two words.

For example, as long as the power in [Original Blood Crystal] is properly channeled, even the extremely destructive original blood of Duchess Illyli Bathory will become dormant after a brief stalemate with the former, even though that drop of The power contained in the source blood will still kill a person's soul immediately, but it will become peaceful and harmless before being destroyed together with the body.

As the most powerful and famous blood seeker in history, the original blood of Duchess Illyli Bathory, the 'Scarlet Magic Voice' who has never defected to or owned any family, was unexpectedly crystallized by [original blood crystallization] 】This kind of power itself does not have much power. Apart from the family bond, there is almost no buffer or even suppression that carries any meaning. This is really ironic.

However, Raphael Bloodwing did not find it ironic at that time. Although he was indeed a very artistic person, he lost even the slightest trace of leisure in the face of the cruel facts.

The reason has been mentioned just now, that is, the [original blood crystals] of the Bloodwing family have almost been destroyed in the previous experiments. Not only that, even the blood that was preserved in duplicate for burial after death was destroyed. A lot of it was consumed, because it only had commemorative significance. After these things were found to be beneficial to the experiment, they were consumed very quickly. In just a few months, the Bloodwing family still has ashes...well, there is still blood to be had. Only Lionel and Michael's fathers were left to mourn.

"So Raphael and Patriarch Lionel are very anxious. After all, the Bloodwing family has invested too many resources for that drop of blood, and they will definitely not let it go until the last moment, let alone that there has already been a huge amount of money." progress.”

At this point, Mo Tan suddenly blew a sharp whistle, then turned to Kraibo and grinned: "His Excellency Kraibo should be familiar with what follows. Yes, just as you guessed, Raphael quickly thought of a way to save the country, that is, when he could hardly squeeze out a drop of his own... to squeeze out other people's."

Creb Kevos's expression was unmoved. He just glanced at Lionel opposite him calmly and asked with a wry smile: "So you came to us?"

"To be precise, it was Raphael who found you."

Lionel nodded calmly and said bluntly: "I just used my family's strength to assist him."

"Aha, this is an enviable trusting relationship. Please allow me to express my gratitude for the fact that I was here first, but instead of feeling the double happiness, I gradually drifted away from the inner circle and was adopted by my own son...well, or an illegitimate child. Lord Michael, who has taken his place, expresses his condolences."

Mo Tan shrugged, made a face at Michael Bloodwing, and said with a playful smile: "Anyway, you are dead. It is said that you died in an unfortunate accident? Are you sure you didn't plan this matter?" "

The frosty-faced Michael stared at Mo Tan with a gloomy expression and asked word by word: "What do you mean?"

"Haha, relax, relax. That was just an innocuous joke. Aside from the fact that it is almost impossible for a father to kill his son to win his uncle's favor from the underworld, I am willing to guarantee it with my own personality. , Mr. Raphael Bloodwing was definitely not killed by you or Mr. Lionel, we will talk about the reason later."

Mo Tan laughed aloud, then turned his attention to Kraibo again, his eyes full of teasing: "The Bloodwing family's roots are rooted in the Free City, and what kind of place is this? I believe you all know better than me, looking for blood There are indeed a lot of people, and there are quite a lot of families who have [Original Blood Crystals], but most of them are the kind of big ones who can either destroy the Bloodwing family in minutes, or have people behind or above them who can destroy the Bloodwing family in minutes. So after a rigorous investigation, your Kaivos family stood out as a matter of course."

Creb's expression remained calm and indifferent, as if he had nothing to do with the Keyvos family that Mo Tan mentioned.

The latter smiled and deliberately imitated the expression of Kreb's tablet, and continued in a tone like a mainstream late-night radio anchor: "We are also a family of blood seekers, and the Kevos family in the Night Zone is... In terms of strength, it is at least half a level lower than the Bloodwing family. It can barely be regarded as a force between the bottom and the third rate. It has a history that is not short, but its background is very average. It is simply a perfect target. So, La After the investigation, Mr. Phil quickly approached the person who spoke here, Mr. Fezeron Keyworth, and made a very unreasonable request, that is, he hoped to obtain the descendant of the Keyworth family. The inherited [Original Blood Crystal], am I right?”

Creber, who was stared at by Mo Tan, just snorted softly: "So what?"

"Nothing, I just asked casually."

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "As we all know, the City of Freedom seems to have two sets of rules, overt and covert, but after all, it is one of the places in the entire continent that is most consistent with the law of the jungle, so it has a bigger fist. In front of the Bloodwing family, there is not much room left for the Kaivos family."

Crebo, who was gradually starting to lose his composure, looked at Mo Tan uncertainly, and asked like most people who had dealt with the latter: "What on earth do you want to say!"

"I am just objectively stating the facts that I have learned during this period."

The smile at the corner of Mo Tan's mouth became thicker and thicker, and after a while he said leisurely: "I don't know what happened after that, but in the second month after that negotiation, Mr. Feizelen was supposed to give The night before the formal reply was issued, a large-scale turmoil occurred in this manor. To put it simply, Your Excellency, you suddenly completed a double murder of the Fezeren couple and successfully created a textbook power conspiracy. Usurping the throne, he suddenly became the patriarch of the Kaivos family, and when he was done, he found Mr. Raphael, showing his willingness to surrender...at least on the surface."

"On the surface?"

Lionel, who kept up with the rhythm, immediately repeated these three words in a questioning tone. Unlike Michael, the Bloodwing leader who participated in almost the entire plan was very sensitive.

"Yes, on the surface~"

Mo Tan nodded, walked slowly behind Creber and touched his shoulder, whispering at a volume that could be clearly heard by everyone present: "I killed Mr. and Mrs. Feizelen because of my great ambition or left-leaning opinions. Without knowing the specific contents of the transaction, he carelessly let go of Thalia Keyvos, who was pregnant with the Keyvos family’s [original blood crystal]. In order to make amends, he sent people to chase Thalia while working around the clock. New crystals are condensed in the family tomb, these are all just 'surface'."

"What did you say..."

"Mr. Krab's real purpose has been only one from the beginning, and that is to create a defective [original blood crystal], causing the 'puppet' fused with the original blood of Duchess Illy Bathory to go berserk and destroy The entire Bloodwing family.”

Mo Tan walked briskly around the stiff Kreb and walked to the man sitting opposite Michael Bloodwing, who was wearing the same cloak with the Bloodwing family crest as him and said nothing from the beginning to the end. In front of the figure, he pulled off the man's hood: "Turn this thing into a real monster."

It was a woman with dull and empty eyes, and a large number of dark red spells engraved on her face. She was the 'weapon' that the Bloodwing family planned to carry the blood of Duchess Illy Bathory, and whose soul was wiped out. .

"Tsk, tsk, what a pity."

Mo Tan gently patted the extremely pale left half of the woman in front of him, and murmured as if talking to himself: "Well, I have said everything that needs to be said. Now the two heads of the Bloodwing family Now that you know the truth, Mr. Creber, you can also start to activate the... mechanism under the table? Or the magic circle? Oh, it doesn't matter. In short, you can ignore me for the time being and take revenge for those who have been wronged. "

Michael Bloodwing had already stood up and stared at Mo Tan murderously: "You're not so naive... that you think you can stay out of it, are you?"

"Haha, how could that happen~"

Mo Tan immediately shook his head with a smile, blinked and said, "Don't worry, I will introduce my employer to everyone after you sort out the results."

"Oh, is it so?"

Lionel Bloodwing turned his head and glanced at Mo Tan, slowly retracted his right arm that had just penetrated Kreb Kevos's chest, and casually squeezed the heart that was still beating in his palm. He stuck out his tongue and licked the blood that splashed around the corner of his mouth...

"Then you can say it now."

Chapter 884: End

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