Quadruple split

Chapter 932 Lost

Under everyone's dumbfounded gaze, Lucie was defined as a 'good old guy' on the first day they met. She has been regarded as the conscience of the Wangwang team from a long time ago, has extremely high moral standards and is independent. 'Mo', who was in a bad taste, actually pulled out a long sword during the chat, rushed in front of Christina, who was holding her head and squatting in defense, and slashed her head and face.

The long sword and the dragon wings collided continuously, and a large number of sparks burst out amidst the sounds of metal clashing.

The dragon, whose defenses were not broken and was not harmed at all, was trembling and murmuring in a tearful tone: "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry!"

Unable to control himself at all, Mo Tan, who was forcibly driven by some kind of force, blushed, held his neck and shouted loudly: "Everyone is welcome! Come and stop me!"

The only one present who could suppress Mo Tan steadily and ensure that he would not be hurt, Femiguel sighed for an unknown number of times. He raised his paws and was about to catch the former when he saw a wave that could not be said to be fast but looked quite powerful. The figure roared and rushed towards Brother Mo.

That's one...

【Bastard? No, it’s the Dragonborn! 】

Fimiguel stared blankly at the tortoise who was charging head-first. He could see at a glance that the dragon bloodline in the latter's body must be at least 50% pure. The whole dragon was stunned.

At least 50% dragon bloodline means that at least one of his father or mother is a pure-blooded dragon, and based on the analysis of the strength of that bloodline, it must be at least a high-level dragon with a certain level of strength.

And that superior dragon apparently had something happen with a certain chordate, reptile, turtle, and turtle...


Fimiguer continued to imagine and muttered a curse word that Cordoba often said.

At this moment, Wang Badan rushed to Mo Tan and said in a loud voice: "Brother, calm down! If this bitch really kicks you, she will trample you to death!"

"I know! But I can't control my body now!"

Mo Tan, who was struggling with his own body, trembled and struck out with his sword again, and then tried his best to turn his eyes to glance at Wang Badan with his peripheral vision. In the end, it was okay not to glance at him. After taking a glance, he was shocked: "You are so stupid What are you doing!?”

"What did I do?"

Wang Badan answered Mo Tan in a vague manner, while retracting the claws that had hit Christina's wings half a second ago, lowering his body and launching two crystal clusters from the shell, triggering two attacks on Christina. The scale of the explosion was not large, but the light and shadow effects were quite gorgeous. Then I shocked myself: "Why the hell do I still have this function?!"

Here, we can draw two conclusions.

First of all, the crystal clusters on Wang Ba's bile shell are not decorations. Those things can be launched and will explode.

Secondly, like Mo Tan before and Fimiguer even before that, Wang Badan, who also has dragon blood, was also forcibly ridiculed by Christina.

However, unlike Fimiguel who lost his mind when being ridiculed, Wang Badan did not lose his mind. Instead, like the player Mo Tan, he involuntarily attacked Christina while fully awake.

So the question is, why did Mo Tan and Wang Ba Dan not suddenly act violently and hurt anyone for so long before, but why were they forced to be ridiculed at this moment?

The reason lies in the description of the talent [Dragon Shame].

In order not to occupy space repeatedly, we will only extract the key points this time and will not include the skill panel again.

[Any dragonborn near Christina has a certain chance of having an irresistible impulse to attack]

[The specific probability of being forced to be taunted depends on the blood purity of the potential taunted person]

[This effect will be greatly suppressed when Christina is in human form]

After summarizing these key points, things become much easier to explain.

The reason why Femiguel was forced to be ridiculed is because he is a dragon with extremely pure blood. He can get a certificate outside the game if he changes his race. Therefore, even if Christina was in human form at the time, Fei Miguel who was passing by could still get a certificate. Mi was still affected, and then she had that 'uncontrollable impulse to attack'.

The reason why Mo Tan and Wang Ba Dan did not fight against Christina in these days was because the latter had always been in human form some time ago, and because their bloodlines were not very pure, so they had always been in peace with each other.

As a result, now that Christina has recovered her true form, Mo Tan and Wang Ba Dan are more likely to be ridiculed.

"What does this mean?"

Although Femiguel did not have a God's perspective, he still vaguely guessed something because of his well-informed experience. He only saw his eyes condensed slightly, and two groups of soft elemental fluctuations like water waves enveloped Mo Tan and Wang Ba. With all his courage, he directly pulled the two people who were still there with their teeth and claws to his side and forcibly controlled them.

"Okay, Nana."

Lucie stood on tiptoes and patted Christina's wingtips, and said calmly: "If the [Reverse Scale Transformation]'s cooling is improved, quickly transform back into a human. Mr. Evil Dragon seems to have calmed down as well." ”

Fimiguel curled his lips, as if he wanted to refute something, but since his previous behavior was no different from that of an 'evil dragon', he said nothing in the end.


Christina, who had just asked Fimiguel to swear, nodded without hesitation, and then gradually became transparent in a burst of distorted light. When the huge dragon shadow disappeared to the point where it was almost difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, Mo Mo Tan felt his body suddenly lighten up. The forced taunt sign in the status bar had disappeared, and Wang Badan, who was bound to his side, also stopped struggling.

At the same time, the girl who had replaced the giant dragon and was familiar to everyone except Fimi also reappeared in front of everyone.

With her soft short hair, pure face, petite figure, introverted temperament, thick armor, and huge shield, there is no doubt that she is Christina Uk in human form.

"Wow, so scary..."

Then the girl hid behind Kasena as soon as she returned to her human form. She grabbed the latter's shoulders and looked at Fimiguel with tears in her eyes. For no other reason than the beating just now was simply amazing. This was the most severe beating Christina had received since entering the Innocence Realm.

"I'm really sorry."

Femiguel, who had just apologized many times, gave a wry smile, then looked down at Mo Tan and Wang Badan, who were floating in front of him and no longer struggling: "Are you okay?"

"No problem."

"Put dad down!"

Mo Tan and Wang Ba Dan both said that they were in good condition and no longer needed to be held down.

"Okay, this thing is also evil."

Feimiguer's eyes raised, and then he released the restraints on Mo Tan and Wang Ba Dan. In order to reduce Christina's psychological pressure, he transformed into a human form in a burst of light, which he often used in Tianzhu Mountain. The handsome blue-haired half-dragon man walked up to the girl who had just been spanked by him and asked: "What about that, are you okay?"

Christina shivered subconsciously at first, and then seeing that the other party did not seem to be hostile anymore (Fimiguel's expression in the dragon state was not very obvious), she tremblingly knelt down and rubbed her slender ankles. He said: "No...it's okay, it's just that I seemed to have sprained my ankle just now, and then my shoulder was a little sore."

"Well, it's not a big problem. Please allow me to apologize to you again for what happened just now."

Seeing that the girl seemed to be fine, Fimiguel breathed a sigh of relief, then suppressed the inconspicuous regret in his heart, and smiled a smile that was not very good-looking: "My name is Fimiguel. You, Azure Dragon, are a friend of Mo and the others."

Christina nodded timidly and said hesitantly: "I...my name is Christina Youke, and my race is Pachysaurus. Isn't it very...ah, nice to meet you!"

Fimiguel: "..."

"I'm sorry for this girl."

Kasena pulled Christina behind her who looked like she was about to cry, and said to Fimiguel sarcastically: "My sister has a strange physique, she just... deserves a beating. We know what happened just now I don’t blame you, Brother Long, don’t feel any psychological pressure.”

Obviously, although Kasena is a pure sister with a fiery personality, her intelligence obviously does not have any big problems, and she will naturally not be provoked by the real dragon in front of her.

Of course, in the final analysis, she still knows her sisters' talents, and she also knows that the main responsibility for this matter actually lies with Christina. Otherwise, if Fimiguel bullies people for no reason, even if he can't beat her, he will still ask for an explanation regardless.

"I can tell."

Femiguel smiled and turned to glance at Mo Tan and Wang Ba Dan, who were walking this way: "Let's not talk about that strange dragon born. Mo is not the kind of person who takes action without explanation, so this What's going on with Miss Christina, is there anything I can do to help?"

"Don't think about it, you really can't help with this matter."

Ji Xiaoge flew over with fluttering wings, patted Fimiguer's shoulder hard, and smiled: "Long time no see, Fimi."

When Fimiguel saw the girl's beautiful smile, his heart was beating wildly, and he jumped up subconsciously: "I'm not hungry!"

Ji Xiaoge's face sank immediately: "..."


Feimiguer was a little scared...I mean he coughed slightly in embarrassment, and then changed the subject very abruptly: "So, since we all know each other, why don't we sort out the situation first? I was a little too excited just now. Now My mind is still hazy, and I always feel like I’ve forgotten something, but I can’t remember it no matter how hard I think about it.”

As a result, everyone started a simple and brief exchange.

After a while, the beautiful girl mercenary group finished explaining the situation on Christina's side. Mo Tan and others also briefly mentioned to Fimiguel about their group's joint exploration with the Archaeologists Association. In the process, they also helped Fimiguer. Geer introduced Dabus and Wang Badan, but due to the latter's will, Mo Tan simply said that Wang Badan was a descendant of the dragon, and did not mention that he was the descendant of the last dragon king, Bosh Galon. .

[My damn old man is lecherous, good-for-nothing, and hateful. Let’s not reveal that I am his son. Otherwise, it will be very big if this blue dragon uncle wants to give my damn dad all the fun he wants. . 】

The above are Wang Ba Dan's original words. Although Mo Tan did not believe it, he still respected the wishes of the person involved and did not explain his life experience.

Finally, Fimiguer began to speak...

"I was entrusted by Master Lu Wei to bring Cordoba out to rescue that little brother Aliang."

The blue-haired handsome guy shrugged, spread his hands and said, "But I didn't ask in detail, and Lu Wei and Cordoba didn't go into detail either. If you hadn't just mentioned the curse of the kobold settlement, I wouldn't have known about it, little brother Aliang." Why does it need to be rescued? Oh, by the way, there is another purpose, which is to test Cordoba's new rune body. I know the details of this. Simply put, it is to test the endurance outside Tianzhu Mountain."

Ji Xiaoge nodded vigorously and lightly beat his little hand: "Oh! So that's what happened, so where is Cordoba?"


Fimiguel smacked his lips, held his cheeks and laughed, then his eyes widened suddenly, he stood up suddenly and shouted loudly: "That's right! Where is Cordoba!?!?"

Everyone: "..."

"Have you seen Cordoba?!"

Fimiguer was shocked.

"Didn't see it."

Ji Xiaoge shook his head vigorously and asked curiously: "So how did you lose him?"

Fimiguer frowned and pondered for a while, then said uncertainly: "I remember that he was on my back all the time, and then we flew over the Golden City... and then..."

"Attracted by Nana's incomparable charm."

Lucie spoke concisely and to the point.

Feimiguer twitched his lips and began to pace anxiously: "I have no memory after that, ah...wait a minute, he seemed to have shouted something at the end."

Christina, who finally regained her energy, tilted her head: "What did you shout?"

"It seems like... a trap?"


The scene was very embarrassing for a time.

Five seconds later, Mo Tan, who still looked relatively calm, broke the embarrassment and said solemnly: "As for Cordoba, he contacted me immediately after being dumped by you."


Only then did Fimiguel let out a long sigh of relief, and put behind him the delusion of being persecuted when he returned to Tianzhu Mountain and was cut into pieces by Lu Wei and transformed into a mechanical tyrannosaurus beast, and he hurriedly asked: "Then what? What did he say when he contacted you?"

"First he said some unpleasant things about you, and a few minutes later he told me that he might be lost."

Mo Tan's forehead had fine beads of sweat, and his voice was dry: "Then let me tell him where the kobold settlement is."

As soon as these words came out, Fimiguel and the four girls from the Beautiful Girl Mercenary Group had no reaction, but the Wangwang team were all stunned.

"I want you to tell him where the settlement is?!"

Ji Xiaoge's beautiful eyes widened with shock on her face.

Jadeka and the others didn't speak, but their expressions were similar.

"Yes, he asked me to keep it a secret at that time, saying that it was embarrassing, well...but just now he told me that I don't need to keep it a secret, because..."

"Because he has completely lost his way under your guidance, right!?"


Chapter 925: End

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