Quadruple split

Chapter 935 New Deal

Game time AM03:19

The City of Freedom, outside the Baidu District, in front of a certain house

"This is it, sir."

Cole bowed respectfully to Mo Tan. He had changed into black leather armor and hung two lightless daggers on his waist. He seemed to blend into the night. His slender figure looked a little blurry under the eaves, as if he had already entered. On high alert.

Although the target's counter-reconnaissance awareness this time was so weak that it was almost ridiculous, Cole Shuren, who had completely consolidated his realm at the high level some time ago, was not careless at all. This was different from the person beside him who seemed to be able to face any situation calmly. Mr. Adversity has nothing to do with it. In fact, under the latter's deliberate training, the 'orthodox thieves education' Cole received was entirely based on the routine of 'how to hide that he is a senior psychopath in society'. Apart from anything else, This young man has at least maxed out his vigilance skill points.

[To the general idea] is equivalent to [death]. Mo Tan has nailed this concept into Cole's mind. Now this kid has to sleep with two daggers in his arms to feel at ease.

From an objective point of view, this may be an over-corrected morbid mentality, but it was this morbid mentality that saved Cole countless lives before he truly became the King of the Night in the Free City.

Of course, that's all for later.

Now let's not talk about the future, just talk about the present.


Mo Tan yawned lazily and gave Cole a look that said, "Go ahead and step on the thunder."

The latter understood it immediately and walked slowly to the door without making any sound. He took out a strange-looking blade from his cuff and carefully inserted it into the ordinary-looking keyhole. He was slightly stunned. force.


With an imperceptible crisp sound, the door was opened without any drama.

The next second, Cole Schulun, who had always insisted on using Mo Tan's inhuman training method to hone himself, and was promoted to a high-level strength in just six months with talent slightly higher than that of ordinary people, floated into the room. , completed the detection with extremely high efficiency like a ghost, turned around and made a very professional gesture to Mo Tan, which simply said [the house is safe, there is a secret passage inside].


"What do you mean?"

Mo Tan, who was standing at the door, smacked his lips and shouted to Ma Zai in the room.

Cole: "..."

"Don't mind, just liven up the atmosphere."

Mo Tan smiled at Cole, who trembled subconsciously like a fried hair, and then strolled into this exceptionally simple-looking room, tilted his head and asked the latter: "Where is it?" Woolen cloth?"

Cole turned sideways and gave way to the wooden shelf behind him that contained a small number of utensils. He raised his hand and pressed the second cup from the left on the middle layer, and then the wall behind him quietly 'sunken' It went down, revealing a dark passage.

"Shall we go down and take a look?"

Mo Tan laughed with interest and asked Cole for his opinion.

But the latter obviously did not dare to have any opinions, so when Mo Tan proposed this idea, he turned the dagger in his left hand and pressed somewhere on the side of the blade with ease, turning the handle of the murderous weapon into Something like a glow stick.

[Warm support for Xiaolan] is one of the additional functions that Mo Tan added to Cole's dagger by virtue of his engineering attainments. It not only has a stable light source, but also has the characteristics of convenient charging, energy saving and environmental protection. A thirty-minute call can be completed in any extreme environment.

It can even be used for lighting.

All in all, Cole walked into this secret passage under the guidance of [Warmly Supporting Xiao Lan], while Mo Tan hummed 'Little Conch Horn, Xia Ji Ba Blows, Seagulls Listen to Xia Ji Ba Fei~' The minor tune followed the former, looking like a primary school student on an outing.

The length of this secret passage is average. Based on its structure, it can be roughly judged that the destination should be right below the house. If nothing else, it should lead to something similar to an illegal basement.

The interior of the passage is relatively clean, and the air is quite fresh and dry under the influence of several wind elemental formations above. Although it seems a bit eerie due to the lack of light source, there is no scary atmosphere.

The two of them walked down the cold and dry steps, and soon came to a spacious space that seemed to be similar in area to the one upstairs, but with much richer content.

There is a magic crystal lamp every half meter on the surrounding walls. Most of them are relatively cheap models, while the few that look quite luxurious all exude red light and have the emblem of the Bloodwing family printed on them. .

Under the soft and inconsistent light source, Mo Tan and Cole could easily see everything in this space, such as those heavy and wide tables, such as those piles of manuscript papers stacked together, such as There are various black liquids on the experimental table, such as those strange-shaped glassware on the ground, such as a large number of heavy books, such as the tall figure who is reading one of the books.

Yes, there are people in this place.

"Hey guy."

While Cole subconsciously tensed up his body, ready to deal with the possible attack at any time, Mo Tan walked briskly to the tall figure standing in the middle of a pile of books and said hello with a smile: " Good evening~"

He was a man who was only a little shorter than Anthony Dabbs. His body looked very strong. He hid himself in a wide black cloak. His hands holding the book were very wide and he wore thick gloves full of mechanical texture. , the face under the hood is also wearing a full-covering mask, leaving only a few holes that seem to be used for seeing and breathing. The movements are slightly clumsy, but there is an inexplicable calmness.


The deep voice was incompatible with his appearance. The huge figure of the house owner slowly turned to Mo Tan, and he slowly lowered his head to look at his face. It was not until a few seconds later that the man's voice with a thick nasal voice came out. A voice sounded from under the mask: "Welcome, uninvited guest blessed by the dark night. I am willing to give you enough time to turn around the sand of dark light twice to explain your purpose. There is no need to thank you or be grateful. Everything is inevitable and all is cause and effect."

Cole was stunned at that time, staring at the huge man in front of him who was full of mystery.

"Your generosity is enough to light up the entire night sky."

Mo Tan saluted exaggeratedly, then sat unceremoniously on the experimental table filled with countless bottles of black liquid next to him, and said with a smile: "Since we don't know how long it will take to turn the Sand of Dark Light once, Time, let me get straight to the point, my name is Severin Ink, and I would like to extend my most sincere greetings and invitation to you on behalf of Countess Lesa Kevos."

The tall figure was silent for a long time, and slowly put down the book "Magical Aquatic Plants and Their Characteristics in the Golden River" in his hand: "Lesa Kevos? The stars whispered in my ears, they were singing, claiming this name It will bring an unknown feeling to me, a hatred that is unclear and hard to distinguish. Maybe Severin Ink can tell me whether this is just a little joke among the stars."

"Of course it's a joke. The singing of the stars is never worthy of our trust."

Mo Tan kept up with the opponent's rhythm perfectly and smiled: "If you are worried about whether the Kaivos family will hold a grudge because of the outstanding contributions you have made to the Bloodwing family in the past few months, then I can guarantee that , that beautiful countess had no intention of delving into this matter from the beginning, after all, we all know that the relationship between you and the Bloodwing family is just a simple employment relationship."

The other party fell into silence again. After a while, he crossed his legs and slowly sat on the ground. His tone seemed a little confused: "I feel the warmth of sincerity, but I am not sure whether it is trustworthy, just like the stars can also lie. That dark fire in the depths of your eyes makes me uneasy.”

"I understand your concerns very well, but it is only the two of us who appear here today instead of an elite member of the Kaivos family who is familiar with you. This is a sign of sincerity."

Mo Tan lowered his eyes and chuckled while playing with his nails: "It's not deterrence or intimidation, only respect and sincerity. As far as I know, you are an outstanding researcher, and most outstanding researchers The common problem is that it is difficult for them to reason clearly with those mediocre people, and it is also difficult for them to defeat those who are unreasonable, isn't it?"

The other party just looked at him silently and did not speak.

"In other words, although I respect the knowledge in your mind very much, I doubt that you, with such a strong body, can survive three moves under the hands of the Ma boy next to me. Oh, please don't get me wrong, this is not a threat. .”

Mo Tan shrugged, raised his eyebrows and said: "Let's skip those boring and tedious trials. At least those things are meaningless to me personally. Let's get straight to the point, since you can do it with Mr. Raphael Bloodwing We reached a cooperative relationship with them at their invitation, I mean a pure cooperative relationship, so there is no reason to refuse the olive branch of the Keyvos family now that the Bloodwing family has been annexed, right?"

"A new contract?"

The other party asked in a thoughtful tone.

"A new deal."

Mo Tan stood up, opened his arms and smiled: "The beautiful Countess Kaivos is willing to meet everything Raphael Bloodwing promised you, and she can even offer more favorable conditions."

"I need a more comfortable space, at least more comfortable than here."

The other party nodded slightly after being silent for a moment, and while playing with the book "Magical Aquatic Plants and Their Characteristics in the Jinhui River" in his hand, he said at a slightly faster speed than before: "There are also some devices that can accommodate more truths. , Of course, there should be those regrettable mundane payments in this contract, but I won’t ask for too much in this regard.”

Mo Tan nodded slightly: "Then, tell me what you are good at, sir."

"The floating spirits are willing to share their limited knowledge with me. It is my lifelong wish to concoct potions that lead to bliss. But please also note that I, who can hear sounds, cannot be confused with those vulgar alchemists. I have no intention of Delving into some pale and empty formula.”

The man who once helped the Bloodwing family find out how to control Ilili's source blood laughed softly and clapped his hands gently: "But I have the third eye given by God. It is an invisible substance and can get rid of countless rigid stereotypes. You must carefully consider your vision before deciding whether to sign a contract with me. You must concentrate on thinking about whether I can be a satisfactory contractor."

Mo Tan grinned and said casually: "It doesn't matter, I know a girl with a similar nature to you. She can always bring countless surprises."

The other party was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly and said: "Perhaps she is my kind, a transcendent person who can hear the whispers of floating spirits and stars, and is blessed by talent."

"Okay, now please tell me your name."

Mo Tan glanced at the system time and changed the topic listlessly.

"Cholera Tazdingo."

After a moment of hesitation, the other party finally reported his name, which was the same information that Mo Tan asked from Raphael.


Mo Tan snapped his fingers.

"Yes, sir."

The young high-level thief immediately took a step forward.

"Take Mr. Cholera to Keyworth Manor, tell Xiao Ai and our countess what happened here, and then ask them to send some people to clean up, and transport everything in this house to the manor before leaving."

Mo Tan issued the order briskly, and then added with a slightly raised corner of his mouth: "If you find any sign of Mr. Cholera being uncooperative on the road, even if it is just an illusion because you drank too much today, don't hesitate, first Time kills him."

"Yes, sir."

Cole nodded in agreement without hesitation, then walked up to the mysterious alchemist who called himself Cholera Tazdingo, and politely invited him: "Let's go, Lord Cholera."


After a second and a half of silence, which was the total time it took Cole to turn the dagger in his hand and turn the blade to the front, Cholera nodded cooperatively and left with Cole.

five minutes later

Mo Tan stretched his body lazily and wandered around the "basement" like a leisurely stroll alone, slowly inspecting every item that could be seen in the description.

Books, scrolls, magic patterns, utensils...

Mo Tan, who was extremely patient, spent nearly half an hour reading these things one by one. At the end, he picked up one of the bottles of black liquid on the experimental table and put it to his mouth and took a sip.

Then he spat it out with a look of disgust on his face.

"What a terrible taste..."

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes and carefully examined the bottle of [suspicious semi-finished reagent] in front of him, and said to himself in a very soft voice: "But this smell seems a little bit familiar."

at the same time

Southwest Continent, Griffin Dynasty, Royal Capital Brorid, Blood Oath Courtyard

"It's time for you to go, Eliza."

"I understand, brother."

"How sure are you?"

"It's just because you don't know that it's more interesting."

"Oh, that's right..."

Chapter 928: End

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