Quadruple split

Chapter 94 Holy Light! He's cheating!

To be honest, even with Mo Tan's current psychological quality, he would feel a little embarrassed...

You must know that although Mo Tan's figure is quite acceptable, it is far from being called 'super long legs', so... as soon as he sat on his self-destructing sheep, he was immediately shocked!

This sheep, which didn't look like a mini sheep, was actually not that big. On the surface, its proportions were relatively harmonious just because its hair was too fluffy. As a result, after Mo Tan turned over on the sheep, he felt his body sinking. My feet hit the ground...

In other words, as long as he exerts a little strength, he can stand up directly!

"Holy light!" Great Light Knight Kevin also exclaimed: "What did this sheep do wrong?"

Mo Tan didn't speak, he just bent his legs slightly to try not to look too strange, and then immediately activated the knight's skill that could only be used while riding - Tiger Spear!

[Knight Skill-Tiger Spear]

Knight active skills

Mastery Requirements: Obtain the professional Thorn Knight

Consumption/limitation: 60 stamina, riding status

Use: Add the tiger gun effect to the weapon, which increases the range of your next normal attack by 0.5 meters, increases the damage by 10%, and ignores 20% of the opponent's defense for five seconds. The cooldown time is 1 minute.

[Note: Even if you are not using a lance, this move will give you the attack range that you can only have when holding a gun. If you are using a lance, then you will make a lot of money! You must know that an inch longer means an inch stronger, the stronger, the longer, the stronger! An inch shorter is an inch dangerous, the shorter the weapon, the more dangerous it is! Stab those trash who are playing with short weapons to death two meters away, big-breasted brother! PS: This skill has nothing to do with tigers, but turtle Qigong cannot launch turtles or pies from your hands! Don't talk about logic or reason with me, the program team will not accept refutation! 】

Although the remarks are a bit deceptive, this knight skill is undoubtedly a very powerful skill. You must know that increasing the attack range by 0.5 is no joke. Suppose you are having a fierce fight with your opponent with a fruit knife, and in his hand That thing suddenly grew to the length of a big sword...

Just asking you if you are afraid!

Kevin (because the words "Great Bright Knight" will take up a lot of space, so in order to avoid you making unfounded guesses like I'm just counting the words, let's call him Kevin from now on) obviously didn't expect Mo Tan to rush at him. The stabbing sword actually extended a cold light out of thin air, and he was caught off guard and a gap was made under his ribs by the former. His tattered locks detracted from the name of the Great Knight of Light (sorry, I said it anyway). Zijia didn't seem to have any effect at all. I don't know if it was because it had no defense in the first place or because of the 20% defense-breaking effect.

"Holy light! I'm bleeding all over the ground!" Kevin shouted as he used the big sword in his hand to draw a half-moon in the air, and smashed it down on Mo Tan's head with a golden light!

As for why it was hit on the head... the main reason was mainly due to the self-exploding sheep. You must know that Mo Tan, who was about the same height as Kevin, was already half a length shorter than him after sitting on it!

Mo Tan, who was on a sheep and had difficulty dodging, held the long sword in front of him with both hands, but was directly hit by Kevin and spit out blood. Obviously the latter was in an advantageous position in terms of strength and weapons. Although this brother's He definitely doesn't have as much gaming experience as Mo Tan, but his absolute gaming time is several times longer than Mo Tan's, and Kevin uses a two-handed sword, while Mo Tan uses one hand.

This exchange caused Mo Tan to lose about 20% of his health, and although Kevin had a slight advantage in statistics, he had an additional bleeding effect, making them barely evenly matched.

"Holy Light! Why does he have a horse?" Kevin gritted his teeth and howled loudly. Then he spun around half a circle, and the two-handed sword in his hand drew a line in the air as if it were nothing. The wavy line slashed toward Mo Tan's chest!

【wrong! Judging from the movement of his wrist from just now... it's his neck! 】

Mo Tan judged the real landing point of the opponent's attack in the blink of an eye, and fell on the sheep's back without hesitation a second later... Well, he just threw himself into the big group in front of him. In wool.

And the giant sword that suddenly turned upward at an angle rubbed Mo Tan's back and passed over him!

A perfect judgment!

If Kevin's attack just now was just a straight half-moon slash, then Mo Tan would have been chopped off the sheep's back by him at this moment, or if Mo Tan had fallen earlier, Kevin would have had one or two. If he could change direction in seconds, he would probably be doomed...

But unfortunately, there is no if!

Mo Tan straightened up the moment the giant sword passed over his back. Ce Yang stepped forward and slashed Kevin's shoulder with the sword. The latter's body was still rotating with the inertia at this time, so he ended up He received a solid blow from him, but this time the normal attack did not have any effect, but the gain was not obvious. It just made the opponent groan.

"Holy Light! This sheep knight is a bit powerful!" Kevin, who had stabilized his body, quickly took two steps back with Mo Tan's sword just now, and then continued to say something to Holy Light, and then raised his hand to hit Mo Tan. Tan made a wave!

Yes, it’s the sound of ‘biu~’ that makes a wave!

A golden light wave slowly flew out from his palm and pointed directly at Mo Tan's face.

It’s really slow...

It was so slow that Mo Tan could easily control the self-destructing sheep sitting next to it and go around this wave!

"Damn it!" Kevin cursed with a red face, and then swung his sword at the self-destructing sheep under Mo Tan: "Evil beast! Eat my shoe-breaking move!"

That's right, it's not that the author made a typo. Kevin's move is truly a 'shoe-breaking' move.

【Broken shoe chop】

Weapon active skills

Mastery requirements: Strength 15, Two-Handed Weapon Specialization level 4

Consumption/restrictions: 40 stamina, holding a melee weapon, shouting the skill name loudly

Effect: Attack the target's feet, causing 110% weapon damage and slowing it down by 40%, lasting three seconds. There is a very low chance of directly damaging the target's foot armor. The cooling time is five minutes.

[Remarks: Although we initially considered a name with no technical content such as 'Shattered Ankle', in the end everyone unanimously approved this concise, clear and highly recognizable skill name in a literal sense. Now let's go and kill it. Take off that old shoe! 】

"It's called Evil Slash, but it doesn't glow." Mo Tan, who had no idea about this skill, muttered, and then saw the right moment and gave the "leap" command to the self-destructing sheep sitting next to him.

The latter tried hard, but in the end he did not jump up, but actually received such a shoe-breaking move, and his speed, which was not very fast in the first place, suddenly slowed down.

【Oops! 】

Mo Tan didn't expect that he was overweight, and Kevin didn't let go of this perfect opportunity to attack. He jumped high into the air while shouting "Holy Light Above, Hot Chicken Below", holding the giant sword in his hand. He stabbed the non-mainstream sheep knight below!

Mo Tan, who was already at an absolute disadvantage in terms of speed, was too late whether he drove his mount to evade or jumped off immediately to run away, but he did not panic...

[Knight Skill-Turtle]

Knight active skills

Mastery requirements: Possess professional Thorn Knight

Consumption/limitation: 80 physical energy, riding status

Effect: Appear under the mount in the shortest theoretical time, and the mount will bear the next attack on your behalf. Within two seconds after the skill is activated, the user and the mount will obtain the 'turtle' and 'crouch' states for 2 seconds respectively. Bell, the defense is increased by 80%, but no movement is allowed. After the effect ends, the user will return to riding status at the theoretical fastest speed.

[Remarks: YO~YO~ you are my shell~ bear the fatal attack for me! YO~YO~You are my shell~Take me through the crowded strange tide! YO~YO~Check is so cool, he has the ability to pull off a big trick! 】

After Mo Tan activated this skill, he was lying directly under the self-destructing sheep almost instantly. The deftness of his hands and feet is simply difficult to describe in words. Of course, this process was completed automatically by his body.

So just like that, Mo Tan, as a knight, lay down under his mount in an OTZ posture, while his self-destructing sheep curled up on the spot and withstood Kevin's palm falling from the sky... the sword Law!

With a 'ding' sound, after the giant sword came into contact with the self-destructing sheep, it only drew a string of sparks on the latter. The rune creation was unscathed even though its defense power was nearly doubled, and when Kevin When he landed on the ground in confusion and retracted his move, Mo Tan was already desperate and returned to the sheep's back at the speed of a Thunder Platinum member, and stabbed the former with another knightly skill - the Tiger Spear.

This time, Kevin was hit hard and hard. He was thrown upside down by the sword and fell more than ten meters away. His health immediately dropped below 50%.

"Holy Light! It's unfair for a man with a horse to beat a man without a horse like me!" Kevin rolled on the ground a few times and then stood up, muttering as he continued to chat with his Holy Light. At the same time, he sent another wave to Mo Tan.

It was still the slow, unhurried light wave just now.

Mo Tan clamped his legs together and rushed forward...

As a result, the wave accelerated at the same moment, roaring toward the sheep knight!

Kevin showed a proud smile. Obviously, the slow effect before was deliberately done by him, just to catch Mo Tan off guard at this moment.

"I've guessed it a long time ago!" The sheep knight was busy, and activated the knight's skill - Falcon Strike. The self-destructing sheep under the seat suddenly felt wind at his feet, evading Kevin's wave by a hair's breadth, and carried Mo Tan quickly. It's running!

The distance of more than ten meters passed in an instant. Mo Tan, who knew that he would not die in the arena, showed no mercy. The long sword with a 20% attack bonus and penetration effect was pointed directly at Kevin's heart.

In the game Innocence, attacks such as being beheaded or stabbed through the heart are undoubtedly 'lethal'. As long as you theoretically deserve to die, the system will definitely give priority to the fatal decision. Only if the injury is not serious The damage calculation will only be done when death is caused. This has been confirmed by Motan from Cordoba!

You must know that the character 'Tan Mo' did not have the ability to kill Cordoba instantly in Pato City, but the latter still surrendered immediately after being stabbed through the heart... I mean he was reborn. It can be seen from this This game is still very user-friendly~

At least there won't be anyone who gets an ax chop in the neck and still acts like a normal person and continues to curse and kill everyone...

In short, as long as this falcon strike is accurate, Mo Tan is at least 80% sure to win directly!


Kevin didn't intend to be stabbed to the core. He saw that he was like an iron bridge without saying a word. Although Mo Tan was still able to change his move in time, a blood mark was scratched on his chest, but he was not fatally injured!

"Holy Light! Give me power!" Kevin had a rare serious exchange with the Holy Light, and then his whole person was suddenly enveloped in a golden halo, and the two-handed sword in his hand actually extended out more than a dozen times. The centimeter-centimeter light blade slashed menacingly at Mo Tan, who was still moving forward under the influence of inertia!

This is undoubtedly a very powerful skill, both in terms of speed and strength. With a much higher physical fitness, strength and dexterity advantage than the opponent, it stands to reason that Kevin's sword will definitely make it impossible for him to defeat the opponent in time. The evasive Mo Tan rushed to the street. Even if he couldn't escape, he still had to give up half his life!

As a result, Mo Tan suddenly accelerated to meet Kevin's sword blade, and hit him before its strength had reached its peak!

This principle is not complicated. It is the difference between hitting the target with a half swing and hitting the target with a round swing.

Mo Tan's decision was undoubtedly a wise one. His sudden acceleration prevented Kevin's sword from exerting its maximum lethality. Although he still lost nearly 40% of his health, it also made the opponent spit out half a mouthful. Blood.

That's right...

【Thorn Charge】

Weapon active skills

Mastery requirements: Possess professional Thorn Knight

Consumption/limit: 10% of current physical energy

Effect: Allows you (including riding status) to launch a charge towards a designated target within 20 meters. During the process, all damage caused by the target to you will be reflected back to itself at a rate of 50%, with a 10-minute cooling time.

[Remarks: Honey~ Remember that roses have thorns! Thief Sun~ Remember that thorns prick your hands! 】

The thorn charge launched by Mo Tan at that moment not only saved him from suffering a lot of damage, but also weakened Kevin's health a lot again!

Although there is still an objective attribute gap between the two, Kevin's HP is now within a range that can be killed by Mo Tan within a few moves!

[And that move just now should have been his strongest skill! 】

Mo Tan guessed in his heart while preparing to take advantage of the situation to attack fiercely.

He guessed part of it right!

The move just now was indeed Kevin's strongest skill, but...

"'Holy Light Blessing' is a continuous buff state!" Kevin resisted Mo Tan's sword, and then he pressed tightly against the side of the self-destructing sheep and shouted: "Can you resist my sword again? !”

【Can't bear it...】

Mo Tan completed the calculation in his mind in an instant, and both the displacement skills and the 'Knight Skill - Turtle' were in a cooling state at this time, and the speed of the self-destructing sheep was not enough for him to avoid this attack...

The big sword with a light blade extending in Kevin's hand has already slashed over!

The situation seems a bit bad...

【Wait a moment! 】

Mo Tan suddenly had an idea and did something beyond everyone's imagination...

He grabbed the mount under him, straightened his legs, and kicked hard on the ground!

Just...avoided like this...

That's right, it was perfect, and together with the self-destructing sheep, it was just a hair's breadth away... while wiping the big sword and dodging it!

This avoidance method accomplished by the knight kicking on the ground and carrying his mount almost shocked everyone's jaws...

It also made Kevin instantly lose his will to fight.

"Holy Light...he is cheating!!"

Chapter 91: End

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