Quadruple split

Chapter 943 Secret

"I think I understand what you mean."

Two minutes later, Blake was the first to break the silence and nodded with a wry smile.

"That would be perfect."

Mo Tan smiled, and the solemn look in his eyes immediately disappeared without a trace, and he laughed briskly: "Personally, I don't really want to talk about things that will make me feel worse now, because For some unspeakable reason, I haven’t been in a good mood lately.”

Perhaps it was because he had a very bad impression of this brat who dared to ask Yuchen out for dinner at the beginning. Although Mo Tan himself was just a young pastor of the Shuguang Sect, he had no interest in the boy in front of him who had a respected status, a gorgeous resume, and a noble status. A little bit of respect, even if the latter's previous words of 'sister Wangyu, brother Heifan' were very useful to him, it only offset a lot of negative emotions, and respect cannot be gained.

But it’s no wonder, after all, carefully counting the characters that Mo Tan has seen that are of the same size as Black...

Xia Lian, the saint of the Dawn Sect, is an older leftover woman who is very prone to hysteria, behaves like a violent warrior, even makes wishes for breast enlargement when praying to the goddess, and speaks with extremely sharp teeth.

Fairy, the saint of the Wealth Sect, is an out-and-out bastard businessman. Although she is a favored person by the gods, she is full of the atmosphere of the market. When the topic of money is not involved, her personality is extremely out of line, and her style of painting is always different. He really deserves a beating, a freak who likes to stuff checks into his chest.

Chen Wangyu, the saint of the Dawn Sect... Well, since if it is interpreted from the perspective of Mo Tan at this moment, it is very likely that a whole chapter will be included, so I will skip it here.

All in all, due to the above reasons and the transcendent status of the player, it is really difficult for Mo Tan to have any sense of awe towards these revered saints and saints.

However, the little Penyu named Zhou Black didn't seem to want anyone to fear him. After hearing Mo Tan's words, he immediately showed the same relaxed smile: "Please don't worry, Pastor Hei Fan, I will start from the beginning." I didn’t intend to talk about things that would make you feel bad in the first place.”


Mo Tan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked softly: "What about the matter about a certain officiant just now?"

"It's a one-sided misunderstanding."

Blake shrugged, tapped the small hand on the outer edge of the fountain twice, and said with a smile: "In fact, I just used the name of the Holy Son of the Sun Sect to represent those 'minorities' and specific people with overly radical ideas. Florence Callieni, who directed that tragedy, is merely apologizing, not asking for understanding or forgiveness."

Mo Tan's eyes became slightly surprised: "Oh?"

"The reason why I apologize is precisely because I think what they did was wrong. Maybe we all believe in the same god, but this does not mean that I am willing to cover up those colleagues who made big mistakes. They tried to use innocent people to From the moment we sacrifice ourselves to gain glory and prove our piety, we are no longer on the same page.”

Although both his appearance and voice are a little immature, this thirteen-year-old boy is full of a certain majesty at this moment, a strong sense of presence that makes it impossible for anyone to despise his existence or ignore his every word. As eye-catching as the only color in a black and white world.

But Mo Tan just nodded calmly and asked with interest: "So what exactly did I misunderstand?"

Blake, who was hurriedly trying to hold back his breath, couldn't help but be a little stunned. Apparently, he didn't expect that the Black Van priest in front of him could be so calm in front of the aura he inadvertently revealed.

This is not because he thinks highly of himself. In fact, if someone with the same strength as Mo Tan stood here, he would probably have knelt in front of Blake who unconsciously showed his aura. This is why the Holy Son of Shota was so anxious just now. The core reason why he panicked and wanted to hold back his breath.

But I don't know how many storms I have seen, and there are dozens or hundreds of temperaments that I can easily disguise. A long time ago, I even coexisted with some kind of terrifying 'being' for several years. Some time ago, I In the game, even in front of the "Black Brahma" who transformed into "Sin" in a short period of time, Blake's extremely oppressive aura just now was in vain, as if he didn't exist.

"Your misunderstanding is that I had no intention of interceding for the Golden Crown's officiant, Lawrence Callieni, from the beginning."

Carefully burying his surprise deep in his heart, Blake secretly made an 'interesting' comment on Mo Tan, while suppressing a smile and said solemnly: "Actually, I tried to ask sister Wangyu to chat alone a few times before. I want to explain this clearly."

Mo Tan also looked serious: "What! How many times have you wanted to date Wangyu!?"

"Pastor Hei Fan, let's get down to business first..."

Shota, who seemed a bit immature, sighed and said with a wry smile: "The meaning I want to convey is very simple, that is, I hope you will not confuse our entire Sun Sect with the 'minority' lurking in the shadows. Although Strictly speaking, both the 'moderates' and the 'minority' are part of the sect and believe in the great sun god, but we are not the same kind of people."

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly: "In other words, as a representative of the 'moderates', you do not want to plead for Warrens Kalleni, but simply want to draw a clear line with him."

"To be precise, it is the 'moderates' who want to draw a clear line with the 'minority'. No, in fact we have already drawn a clear line, but in the eyes of most people, the Sun Sect is the Sun Sect."

Blake sighed helplessly, shook his head and said: "But as I just said, that's not the case. It's just that it's impossible to say these things openly. It will only cause unnecessary turmoil, and It will also put our Sun Sect into a very embarrassing situation."

This sentence is completely understandable to Mo Tan. After all, based on his understanding of the 'minority' force, it is completely expected that no matter who knows that there is such a group of unscrupulous and mentally ill people within the Sun Sect, they will fall into panic. And then propose without thinking...

"If that's the case, why don't you, the 'moderates' who know everything about it, just get rid of those 'minorities'?"

Because of what happened in Sumir before, Mo Tan, who had no good impression of the minority, did not hesitate at all and asked directly: "Since you... or the moderates have clearly drawn a clear line with them, even... People who even hold the title of Golden Crown Priest can be sacrificed without hesitation, so even if we directly clean up those guys who have no value to this world, there shouldn't be any psychological burden, right?"

His deep black eyes calmly stared at the Holy Son in front of him. At this moment, Mo Tan was no longer the ordinary young man A who was worried about gains and losses, took things easy, and his mind was filled with all the bad things about relationships. He now looked more like the man with his hands behind his back. The chess players who stood in front of the sand table and looked down coldly made a decision immediately after simply assessing the situation.

"I'd love to do that if I could."

Blake shrugged, spread his hands and said, "Unfortunately, as I said just now, the minority is always 'lurking in the shadows'. In other words, even those of us within the Sun Sect don't know who is 'Minority', in fact, just before the officiant of the Golden Crown of Florence Callieni took action this time, none of us thought that this person who seemed a bit old-fashioned but gentle to others would be a member of the minority. and……"

"And what?"

Seeing that Blake suddenly became hesitant, Mo Tan subconsciously asked.

"Furthermore, we are limited by certain rules. It is not easy for us to directly purge the minority. In fact, if Priest Warren succeeds in causing all of you, Black Van Priest, to die in Sumir, not only will we not be able to do so without any evidence of death, To punish him, and even to protect him.”

Blake clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Even if he has been clearly defined as a minority, even if he will be deliberately suppressed in the future, he will still be protected."

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows: "It seems you plan to explain the secrets of the Sun Sect to me?"

"Yes, although this is not something that should be publicized, as a victim of the minority's actions, as the partner of Sister Wangyu, and someone who is favored by His Highness Xia Lian and even the current Pope Dawn, I think you can Know something.”

Blake's childish little face looked a little tired, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a heart-wrenching smile: "And there are some things that speaking out may make me, an insider who has high hopes but is too young, much easier."

"All ears."

Mo Tan's words are concise and concise.

"In the history of our Sun Sect, except for some extremely turbulent years, in most cases it has been dominated by 'moderates' or factions close to 'moderates' in nature, and among the many minorities, The most active one was the one to which Warrens Kalleni belonged. As time passed, until a certain generation long ago, there were only two factions left in the Sun Sect, two factions with the most deep-rooted conflicts."

Blake sat by the fountain, tapping his index finger unconsciously on the marble beneath him. A layer of faint flame flowed behind him, blocking out the water splashes that tried to wet the young man's robe: "And in the past thousands of years, The 'moderates' who dominated most of the time had at least one hundred and sixty-nine opportunities to eradicate the 'minority' that continues to this day, but no one ever did so."

Mo Tan did not ask stupidly, ‘Why is that? ’ and just continued to listen quietly.

"The reason is actually very simple. Many people...at least those who initially separated from the factions feel that only through competition can we remain strong, maintain prosperity, and prosper forever. Compared with unstable external pressure, internal pressure has a greater promoting effect. Much bigger.”

There was no wave in Black's voice, and he just spoke like an endorsement: "And this idea has become a certain rule. That is to say, as long as the minority does not change their mentality and join the moderates, then the Sun Sect will never be able to do so. Probably monolithic.”

Mo Tan frowned and joked without a smile: "It sounds quite reasonable."

"This is also true. For countless years, whether before or after the establishment of the Holy Union, every sect has experienced a period of downturn. Only our Sun Sect has always maintained relative prosperity, and has never fallen out of proportion in the union. The top three, a large part of them are inseparable from the 'minority'."

Shota's expression was a little complicated, and he paused for a while before continuing: "On the one hand, it is because of the pressure brought by the so-called 'competition', and on the other hand, those people are indeed doing things that are beneficial to the sect. Although That’s not something I would tolerate.”

"I see."

Mo Tan sat next to the young man, silently setting up a [Law Barrier] behind him, and asked calmly: "So what exactly do you want to express?"

"Sincerity is just my personal sincerity."

Blake stared down at the toes of his shoes, tapping the outer edge of the fountain with his right hand and slightly clenching it: "But I hope that one day in the future, I can change the increasingly distorted sect in my eyes and make those deviant noises disappear... "

Mo Tan laughed dumbly: "It's a great ambition, but what does this have to do with your sincerity to me?"

"Because I think if there ever comes a day, Pastor Heifan, you might be able to help me."

Blake rarely showed a smile befitting his age, and said with a smile: "In the words of Her Royal Highness Fiyali of the Wealth Sect, this should be regarded as an early investment."

"Sincerity is not valuable, so this is not an investment, and I am just an ordinary passerby who aims to eat and wait for death."

Mo Tan patted Blake's shoulder lightly and said with a smile: "But if there is such a day, I should be willing to help you."

Blake clapped his hands happily, then jumped to the ground and gave an impeccable salute to Mo Tan: "Thank you very much, Pastor Black Van."

The latter also stood up, shook his head and said: "I dare not take it seriously, His Highness Black."

"By the way, there's one more thing~"

Blake's expression suddenly changed, he scratched his cheek nonchalantly, and whispered: "After much thought, I feel it is still necessary to explain."

Mo Tan looked curiously at the young man in front of him who suddenly became nervous: "What?"

"I like Sister Wangyu very much."

Black first said something that made Mo Tan's blood pressure soar, and then continued: "But it's not 'that kind of like', if you want to say... uh... it's... the 'like' of wanting to have a partnership with the other person, I In fact, I like someone with a more mature temperament... Ah, I'm not saying that Sister Wangyu is immature, or that I have that idea about her, I mean the temperament..."

"Okay, I understand, I understand."

Mo Tan breathed a long sigh of relief and patted Blackard's shoulder cheerfully: "I already understand that you are not a sister-controller."


"You are actually controlled by Yujie, right?"


Chapter 936: End

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