Quadruple split

Chapter 947 More than friends

"Aha, hahaha..."

Mo Tan, who had been kicked inexplicably, touched the tip of his nose. He felt that if he thought about it for a moment, he could probably guess the reason, but after careful consideration, he wisely chose to give up thinking.


The red-faced Yu Chen glared at Mo Tan nonchalantly. It took him a few seconds to calm down, and then he coughed lightly: "Well, thank you for your hard work~"

Mo Tan blinked in confusion and didn't react for a moment: "Eh?"

"I said, thank you for your hard work!"

Yuchen stared at the confused and tired face in front of him. Although his appearance was good but not handsome at all, he repeated it softly and smiled softly: "I have heard that these few It has always been difficult for you, Yue. Something like that happened when you first arrived in Sumir, and you won the battle under great pressure not long ago."

Mo Tan, who had already guessed what Yu Chen wanted to say before she spoke, smiled coquettishly, shook his head and said, "It's not that exaggerated. In fact, I just helped out with some ideas, and my life was pretty good. If it weren't for this I won’t gain weight in the game, I’m afraid I can still gain two pounds.”

"Come here, Senior Tom immediately asked Mr. Green about the situation after he went to your place, and then told Sister Xia Lian everything."

Yu Chen wrinkled his nose and did not sell the female knight with whom he had been exchanging letters. (Although Huo Yanyang did not reveal any information to Yu Chen due to his promise to Mo Tan, he secretly provided a channel for Yi Zuo to send letters. ), but sacrificed the ascetic Tom and his sister Xia Lian, crossed her slender waist and hummed: "So, I know all the good things you did over there!"


Mo Tan, who knew very well that what he did in Sumir would be difficult to hide from the Holy Lady in front of him, did not insist on resisting anymore, but spread his hands with a relaxed look on his face and said: "Then I will admit that I am wise and wise in strategizing. His eyes, ears, ears, eyes and ears are full of intelligence and wisdom, and he understands these unspeakable facts."

Yuchen tilted his head cutely, not expecting that the guy in front of him would admit it so readily, and even brag exaggeratedly.

"You...what is your purpose!"

The girl pinched the corner of her clothes nervously and stared at the other person with distrust. She knew that Mo Tan was definitely not a show-off person, and that bragging just now must have been done to achieve a certain purpose.

Sure enough, this guy's next words were...

"So, I'm actually not working hard at all."

Mo Tan showed a particularly calm, confident, and calm expression, which was completely opposite to his previous behavior of lying all night long in front of the strategic map in the war hall of Sumir's main peak, sweating profusely, looking unfocused, and faltering. He said calmly: "It's just a cultist, a mere Northern Expeditionary Army that doesn't cooperate in fighting. I can think of dozens or twenty ways to win that battle just by tapping my head. It's not too easy."

Yuchen raised her clear and bright eyes and looked calmly at the guy in front of her talking nonsense.

"Uh, so, let alone pressure or anything, I didn't even feel any resistance, and those vulnerable scum were easily dealt with."

Mo Tan, who had no choice but to continue the conversation, forced a dry smile and looked away guiltily: "Haha, hahahahahaha..."

He made the other party's laughter get smaller and smaller with his calm gaze, and finally disappeared completely. Yuchen asked with a smile: "Hmm~ Do we also need to add that because we are players, we don't even have enough energy? Nothing like that exists?”

Mo Tan subconsciously wanted to nod, but he didn't dare to move under the girl's 'fooling, then fooling' gaze.

"A lot of pressure, right?"

Yu Chen looked tenderly at Mo Tan, whose defense was broken by his own look, and said softly: "Even if you didn't say it, I could probably guess it. After all, you are not the type with strong ability to withstand pressure. The expectations of so many people must be very tiring.”

Mo Tan was silent for a few seconds, then shook his head slightly: "Actually... it's not entirely like that, I'm telling the truth."

As if he was afraid that Yuchen wouldn't believe it, he even added a very solemn statement.


The girl leaned forward with interest, swaying her legs slightly and asked curiously: "How do you say it?"

"Although it is indeed a bit...well, although the pressure at the time was quite high, I didn't feel very tired. At least it was much different than when we faced the plague before."

Not wanting to lie to Yu Chen about something that could be told truthfully, Mo Tan recalled his mental state when he was in Sumir and said whatever he thought of: "There are many reasons. On the one hand, it's because In the beginning, we helped Wanyang win several battles, and it didn’t take much effort to convince the elders. On the other hand, our enemies this time are not mutants, but thoughtful cultists. In many cases, It will be easier to guess when the time comes, and... uh..."

At the end of the sentence, Mo Tan suddenly choked as if he was stuck on a disk.

Yuchen looked at him with an innocent look on his face. He waited for a long time before saying, "What's more? It's not a good habit to hide half of what you say!"

"And... my mood at that time was a bit... how should I put it? Excited?"

While Mo Tan carefully considered his words, he lowered his eyes and said softly: "In short, my mood at that time was very different from when I was in Misha County. Although I will try my best to do the details as well as possible, but But I am not as worried about gains and losses as before. Decisions that might have taken an hour to make are often confirmed and added to the plan in less than a minute. To describe it, I thought very little at the time."

"Is it because it's familiar again once it's old?"

The girl looked at him with a smile and said with a smile: "Your Excellency, Commander Hei Fan is becoming more and more mature?"

"Not really."

Mo Tan shook his head without thinking, shrugged and smiled bitterly: "Do you think I am the type who can quickly get into the state of the same situation after a little experience?"

Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then he tapped his lips very seriously, tilted his head and thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No."


"What's that for?"



Mo Tan did not give an answer, but just lowered his eyes and stared at the thin gravel road between the two of them.

Yuchen did not continue to ask, but sat up straight again with a blush on his lips.

The atmosphere that was not so refreshing and bright suddenly became depressing...

The reason is very simple, that is, if you at least think about it a little bit, whether it is the 'excitement' that Mo Tan just said, or the 'militancy', 'radical' or even 'anger' that he deliberately did not mention, you can find a completely consistent Explanation of conditions.

That was the previous ‘date’ between the two outside the game.

After that, although there was no obvious gap between the two because they rarely met in real life, and Mo Tan had already left for Sumir in the game, they were originally just trying their best to help Huo Yanyang get the money. The latter, who took some credit, changed his style. Not only did he forcefully intervene in the battle, he decisively took command of the Sumir side. He even used his own holy religion to unite with the Northern Expeditionary Army to quickly execute a round of multi-front operations, directly The Northeastern Diocese of the Whispering Sect was destroyed.

According to Mo Tan's normal character, although he could still make such a layout and the strategic policy might not be much different, the rhythm would definitely not be compressed so fast.

The only explanation is that his mood swings were particularly huge during that time, or he was stimulated by something.

Of course, it may also be due to some stimulation that causes violent mood swings.

Mo Tan didn't lie. Although he took on a huge workload during the battle of Sumir, he was no more stressed or exhausted than when he fought against the mutants in Misha County.

That breathtaking victory, if traced back to its essence, was nothing more than a vent.

As for the Northeastern Diocese of the Whispering Sect, although this time it is not a case of lying, and it has nothing to do with innocence, it is indeed quite unlucky to say that.

It was impossible for Mo Tan to say the above, so he couldn't say it and was unwilling to lie, so he could only remain silent.

Although Yuchen couldn't understand everything, she was still keenly aware of some truths, but she didn't want to ask.

In this way, from this second...or maybe even earlier, the two of them fell into a state of being at a loss due to various concerns, but neither of them wanted to show it.

Five depressing minutes passed. Mo Tan, who did not look at the system panel but accurately measured the time simply by relying on his pulse, took a deep breath and prepared to say anything to break the uncomfortable silence. Then quickly find a reason to leave here.

However, it was Yuchen who broke the silence this time...

"Sure enough, Mo Tan likes me, right?"

There was no blush, no timid whisper, no panic. The girl just raised the corners of her mouth slightly as usual, looked at the person sitting in front of her with a slightly gloomy face with a smile, and asked this question. The lethality is equivalent to a full blow from a legendary level thunder sage.

【? ? ? 】

【! ? ! ? 】

【@#¥%\u0026* # ? 】

At this moment, regardless of whether it was a positive or negative emotion, Mo Tan's mind was completely blanked by these words, and he completely lost the ability to think normally, and garbled words had even begun to appear in his mind.

"Even if it's just a little bit."

Yuchen stood up and 'floated' in front of Mo Tan with light steps. She held her knees and leaned forward slightly, staring at the latter with a pair of clear eyes: "Although I don't know the specific proportions, But Mo Tan, you really do like me a little bit."


"If you deny it too quickly, I will be hurt."

"I didn't mean to deny it."

Mo Tan muttered subconsciously, and then immediately pinched his thigh hard. While trying to keep himself clear-headed for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's just..."

“It’s that ‘just’.”

But Yu Chen interrupted Mo Tan gently but firmly, and said with a chuckle: "I understand, so you don't have to say it at all, hehe, but Mo Tan, you probably didn't intend to say it in the first place. You want to thank me for my help." You save time on making excuses and changing the subject."

Mo Tan choked, and really didn't know what else he could say.

Even though he had imagined a lot of scenarios and dialogues on the way back to the Capital of Light, and even tried to put himself into an objective perspective and thought of various countermeasures with a way of thinking other than absolute neutrality, he still had no idea at all. This unfolding will occur.

In addition, when he was under the "Absolute Neutral" personality, Mo Tan was not a mentally strong person, and his emotional and intellectual intelligence were often broken to pieces in front of Yu Chen, so he finally took advantage of the girl's words just now. Finally gave up thinking.

Rhythm, direction, etc., it doesn't matter...

No matter what, I can't bear it anymore.

Love as much as you like.

so tired.

Mo Tan's eyes gradually lost their brightness and fell into a strange state of emptiness.

"As for me, I probably like you a little bit, Mo Tan. I guess you can feel it a little bit~"

After all, two blushes flashed across the girl's delicate face. Her gaze, which was not too hot but was as warm as morning light, quietly moved away from Mo Tan's face and stuck out her tongue playfully: "Actually, I don't know what I just said about liking. Does it count as 'like'? Well, it should count, because we are very happy when we are together and chatting."

Irresistible joy surged from the bottom of his heart along with an equal amount of sadness. Mo Tan took a deep breath in silence, and then slowly exhaled it, trying to make the system give up the idea of ​​kicking him offline immediately.

Just now, after the words 'Maybe I like you a little bit, Mo Tan' rang in his ears, the next second the system reminded him that his current heart rate and mental state were close to the edge of abnormality.

If it had been a short time ago, Mo Tan would probably have let the system kick him out of the game, escaping this situation where there was only one dead end no matter how he thought about it. However, he vaguely sensed that someone did not want to ask a certain answer from him. Even when he had the exact opposite intention, Mo Tan hesitated.

Then he heard a sentence that turned him directly into a stone statue...

"Mo Tan, you are really super~ super~ super~ making you feel insecure."

The girl sat on the stone chair with her back to him, hugging her knees and occupying the position of two people. She said softly: "So, now I don't want to be your girlfriend outside of my personality at all."


Mo Tan nodded slightly, making a sound that he didn't even recognize.

"I think I will probably stop liking you in the future because of insecurity and other reasons~"

Yuchen hesitated for a moment, then leaned her head on Mo Tan's thin shoulder behind her, murmuring softly while looking at the blue sky that resembled her eyes.


"In that case, it's all your fault, you can't blame me...right?"


"However, there is another possibility."


"Perhaps, instead of slowly losing my liking for you, I became more and more fond of you, and then..."

"Then what?"

"Then I wasn't as sweet and considerate as I am now."


"Anyway...anyway, since I have decided that the responsibility lies with you, don't think about it so much now, okay?"


"is it okay?"


"Hey, hehe, let's go then."


"I just said a lot of very shy things, and I've reached my limit. Now I need to be quiet!"


"Are you leaving or not!"

"Let's go, let's go, I'm leaving now!"

"Hey, Mo Tan~"


"Are we considered lovers now?"

"Think too much, it's more than just friends~"

"you go!"

Chapter 940: End

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