Quadruple split

Chapter 954 The Wolf of Fano Street (II)

"how do you feel?"

Cholera stared at Mo Tan nervously. As an absolute cola drinker, he maintained a resistance to all drinks other than orthodox happy water, so even though he had tried the third batch of the box in Mo Tan's hand before, "Finished product", but I just tasted the carbonic acid taste in it, and I was completely unable to make an objective evaluation of this "heresy" in my eyes in terms of taste.

He himself knew this very well.

"Well, how should I say~"

Mo Tan licked the corner of his mouth with unfinished thoughts, threw the empty bottle to the ground, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, all drinks other than Dr. Pepper are heresy."


"I said, you actually have no serious plans to do it at all. If this thing is put outside the game, the wholesale price will definitely not exceed ten yuan a stack."

Mo Tan curled his lips in disgust, then took out the second bottle of light green soda, bit open the cork, took a sniff, and blinked, "Green apple flavor?"


Cholera nodded numbly and said dryly: "It tastes like green apple, although I don't know why there are apples in this world..."

Tons tons tons tons tons——

"Huha~ You can't do this either. It's said to be a green apple, but it feels like a rotten persimmon."

Although the Bound of Innocence does not allow the player's character to be strangled to death or exploded, Mo Tan, who drank two bottles of soda in a row, still felt a clear sense of fullness, so he burped again very loudly.

Cholera scratched the back of his neck dejectedly and said with a wry smile: "So it really doesn't work?"

"Haha, don't compare people like us who are accustomed to drinking various brands of drinks with those country bumpkin natives who have never seen the world."

But Mo Tan smiled and shook his head, then turned around and walked up to several indigenous country bumpkins who had been silent for a long time. He took out four bottles of drinks from the box and handed one to each of them, and encouraged them enthusiastically: "Try them all. Try it, try it all, this is a magical drink that is enough to make you forget all your worries, and every milliliter can be exchanged for gold coins of the same weight, the kind that will make you addicted after one sip!"

Leisha took a bottle of red soda from Mo Tan's hand with empty eyes and asked in a bad tone: "Is it for country bumpkins like us who have never seen the world?"

"A magical drink that smells like rotten persimmon?"

Liz also narrowed her eyes after taking a bottle of milky white soda, and said with a serious face: "Although I don't know what a persimmon is, Liz doesn't think she will be addicted to any rotten smell."

Cole and Xiao Ai were relatively well-behaved. They took out the soda and pulled out the cork, but there was obvious hesitation in the latter's eyes, probably for the same reason as Liz.

"Stop talking nonsense, just drink it as soon as you are told."

Mo Tan glared at the four people in front of him with bared teeth, then looked down at the half-empty box in his arms with a painful look on his face, and said sadly: "This is all money! That's what the damn fat guy did. If the fart is bigger, it won’t be enough to drink!”

The corner of Cholera's mouth twitched twice and he said dryly: "You asked me if I could get it done within three days, and I gave you fifteen on the spot. But... I'm so fat?"

"You were the one who just drank two bottles in one go, right?"

Lesa rolled her eyes at Mo Tan, but still pulled out the cork honestly, and carefully took a sip from the bottle of drink in her hand that she had never heard of before, but someone seemed to drink it often.


Her beautiful bloody eyes widened in shock!


Unable to help but let out a low moan, the countess covered her little mouth that was stimulated by soda for the first time, her face full of disbelief.

Her move made Liz and Xiao Ai, who were about to drink with their master, subconsciously put down the soda that had been brought to their mouths.


On the other side, Cole, who would not give any discount to any of his husband's orders, also covered his mouth, looking at the orange bottle of drink in his hand with shock on his face, and trembling.

"Your Majesty, Countess, are you okay?"

Liz tugged at the hem of Lesa's skirt, tilted her head and asked, "If you are not good, Liz will stop drinking."


Xiao Ai looked worriedly at his partner next to him, who had rarely lost his temper since he followed his husband, and asked with concern: "Are you... are you okay?"

two seconds later

"So...what a strange smell..."


Lesa and Cole made their speeches at the same time, then turned their heads and looked at each other——

"No, don't you think it's strange?"

The countess looked at Cole's face with a subtle expression, as if he had discovered a new world, and then looked at the latter's right hand that suddenly clenched the bottle of 'soda', and hesitated: "That's the smell... No, it should be said. Does it taste...it's really weird, just..."

"I know!"

Cole nodded vigorously, looked down at the bottle of soda in his hand, which had about seven-eighths remaining, and murmured: "But it tastes so good, this feeling!"

Lesa pursed her lips, then took another cautious sip. After a while, she shook her head and said, "I really still... can't get used to it. This drink seems a bit too exciting for me."

“But it tastes so good!”

Cole took a deep breath, and then took another sip with an attitude that was almost like a pilgrim. He was also silent for two seconds before nodding heavily: "It tastes good!"

The Blood Seeker maid looked left and right, muttered "Liz is a little curious" with a straight face, and then took a sip.

At the same time, seeing his partner's reaction being so exaggerated, Xiao Ai swallowed nervously and took a sip.


"Isn't it weird!"

"Isn't it delicious?"

Lesa and Cole asked at the same time.

"It's...a little strange..."

Xiao Ai shivered when Cole grabbed his arm, and expressed his thoughts with a slightly red face.

Tons tons tons tons tons——

Liz, on the other hand, drank the bottle of soda in her hand in exactly the same manner as Mo Tan just now, and nodded vigorously: "It tastes good! Liz wants more!"

Lesa/Cole: "..."

"What did you see?"

Mo Tan walked back to Cholera, patted the latter's shoulder, and nodded at the four NPCs who were experiencing carbonated drinks for the first time.

"Difficult to reach?"

Cholera gave a somewhat uncertain answer.

"It's a business opportunity, it's a business opportunity that makes your brain tremble, man~"

Mo Tan sniffed, turned sideways to avoid Liz's attack on the box of soda in his arms, and grinned: "Put down everything you are doing, and get me a few boxes of this stuff in the next two days. You will spend the rest of your life." You can just sit back and make money.”

Cholera laughed twice: "Don't make it so easy for people to misunderstand me, as if I am going to engage in some special industry soon."

"Don't you usually look in the mirror?"


"Otherwise, how could there be the misunderstanding that I can make money in some special industries?"


Time flies, time flies

Half an hour later, Mo Tan successfully collected relatively detailed feedback at the expense of two more bottles of soda.

First of all, there is Lesa. Although this countess cannot be said to be too repelled by the taste of carbonated drinks, she definitely cannot say that she likes it. In her words, at least at this stage, it can only be used when red wine, blood, black tea, and water are not available. Only when the time comes, will I consider drinking 'soda'.

Then there is Xiao Ai. Although this girl is not too fond of the bottle of Pulu fruit-flavored soda she was given at the beginning, she really likes the newly opened bottle of Little Sweet Orange flavored by Motan. She thinks that Little Sweet Orange soda is very suitable. Drinking it as a refreshing drink, it feels better than the coffee my husband likes.

As for Cole Shuren and Lidette Bloodwing...

It is no exaggeration to say that these two people have been completely captured by the magical creation of 'soda'. Although Cole, who has been trained by Mo Tan for a long time, quickly regained his composure and no longer kept mumbling, 'It tastes good. It tastes good,' but the eyes of this promising high-level thief in his twenties became extremely hot when he looked at Cholera. Mo Tan had no doubt that this kid would definitely find an opportunity to secretly follow that kid after he left. The purpose of building a good relationship with Fat Man is well known to everyone.

Cole knew that his husband would not care about such a thing, and Mo Tan knew that Cole knew.

As for Lidette Bloodwing, also known as the blood-seeker maid nicknamed Liz, her attitude was very extreme. She directly went to grab it.

If Mo Tan hadn't brought her an extra bottle later, the girl might have been able to pull out an ax and a gun.

All in all, this experiment was successful, very successful.

Randomly flavored sodas, four randomly selected people, one of the blood seeker ladies scored 50 points, the other blood seeker lady scored 95 points, and a human boy also scored 95 points, who had been with the boy since childhood. A human girl living in one place scored 70 points.

This is a very convincing data that can be used to discuss business.

"Let Liz check the situation first, and then hurry up and put it into production. The more flavors, the better, and the larger the quantity, the better."

Mo Tan confessed to Cholera, then turned around and left, blowing out of the main hall like a gust of wind.


Liz trotted over to Cholera as soon as Mo Tan left, and said seriously: "Don't worry about checking your health. Go and make something to drink for Liz."

Cholera's expression froze: "Huh?"

As a civilized and polite homebody, even though cholera had not directly harmed Liz, and he did not even know her name before it was done, Lionel Bloodwing made up his mind to turn Liz into After all, he discovered the principle of the puppet and compiled it into a report, so he felt that he should be responsible for this poor girl.

But looking at this girl's attitude, this responsible approach seems to be going astray soon!

Didn’t you say before that the physical load is very heavy? Didn’t you say that you felt uncomfortable all over? Why do you suddenly say, "Don't worry about checking your body now"! ?

What the hell should this...


The Countess, who appeared silently behind Liz, stretched out her index finger and lightly tapped the former's neck, directly using some method unique to high-ranking blood seekers to make her pass out, interrupting Cholera's thoughts.

"Let's take a look at her body first. Liz's current temperament is a bit childish. You can't listen to him on this kind of thing."

As someone who had filled 80% of Liz's empty soul, and from a certain perspective, she was almost half a mother of the Blood Seeker maid on earth, she shook her head, and then said meaningfully: "I'll let Xiao Ai watch. .”

"Uh, no problem, no problem."

Cholera, who heard what Lesa was saying, smiled coquettishly and shrugged: "But I still want to say one thing, under certain rules that cannot be violated, it is absolutely impossible for a 'player' like me to do anything out of the ordinary. This has nothing to do with character, because even if I have some bad ideas, I can’t put them into action in this world.”

Because Mo Tan had no hidden relationship at all just now, it was assumed that Leisha and others already knew about the existence of cholera among their 'players' and they were very outspoken.


Lesa narrowed her eyes slightly and asked softly: "What do you mean by 'extraordinary things'?"

"Like kissing."

Cholera shrugged, spread his hands and said: "Or even something more outrageous cannot be put into action."

"Tan Mo...he is a 'player' like you, right?"

Lesa frowned and asked with a somewhat wandering gaze.

Cholera nodded as expected: "Yes, he just added me as a friend."

The countess nodded, then clapped her hands gently: "Xiao Ai."

"I am here."

Classmate Xiao Ai trotted over immediately.

"Keep an eye on Mr. Cholera while he examines Liz."

Lesa said decisively.


Xiao Ai nodded.

Cholera was stunned for a while, then smiled bitterly and shook his head at Lesa: "I think you may not understand that it is impossible for us players..."

"Just in case."

Lesa tried her best to wave away the words "Yeah, it smells like strawberry" that had been echoing in her mind since just now. She interrupted Cholera's explanation lightly and smiled: "Also, if you don't mind, Mr. Cholera, , I hope you can chat with me about you 'players' in your spare time."

As a rather shy otaku who even used a junior high school notebook and a disguised robot to communicate with others in the Innocence of Innocence, Cholera, who was already a little confused, immediately nodded his head: "Easy to say, easy to say."

"so be it."

Lesa smiled gracefully, then turned and went upstairs.

Xiao Ai will go with Cholera to check Liz's body, and after that, arrange for someone to send Liz back to the Bloodwing family. Cole will be responsible for cleaning up the blood stains in the main hall.

The countess herself needs to go back to the bedroom to collect her thoughts.

Whether it's about the 'player' or about a certain kiss...

Game time PM16:18

Free City, No Night Zone Traveler Hostel

"So, this is what the situation is, and this is what it is."

Mo Tan patted the box on the counter with a smile, raised his eyebrows at the pensive and handsome half-elf and said, "You won't let me down, right, Boss Jun?"


"That's good~"


"This stall is too big for me to eat."

Chapter 947: End

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