Quadruple split

Chapter 956 Restart

In the eyes of many people, the Dreamland Theocracy is a non-mainstream theocratic country. For example, although it treats the Holy Scriptures as a code of law and regards the God of Dreams’ gentle teachings that favor lawfulness as its supreme creed, it has never shown that it is too There is a lot of sense of 'transcendence'. Not only that, this country is even in a state of friction with the Griffin Dynasty that borders it all year round. The reason is that the border is a common thing between large forces.

This may not seem like a big deal. After all, since it is the 'Theocracy', there are many things that only the 'State' can do. The Dreamland Theocracy can naturally do it, even if it is not so aloof from the world, even if it is not so It can also be said to be a matter of reason.

The obligations that the pope and the emperor need to fulfill are two different things, so in this situation where theocratic power is supreme and the pope himself is the supreme ruler of the country, it doesn't seem to be a big deal to be a little more secular.

It stands to reason that if the Dreamland Theocracy really tries to rule by inaction like the 'Union of Holy Religions' on the other side of the mainland, it will lead to a series of complex problems.

In the Southwest Continent, where the situation seems stable but has been undercurrent for thousands of years, when too many complex problems arise within a force, it becomes dangerous.

For example, the Griffin Dynasty, the country that can be called the strongest overlord in the northwest, has a lot of historical problems, and they are the kind of lesions that are hidden deep in the body and cannot be removed unless it is self-inflicted.

Therefore, the Griffin Dynasty is in danger, on the one hand because there is an invisible hand pushing the situation in the dark, and on the other hand because Eliza Logan, a member of the royal family, personally lit the fuse handed by that hand.

Yueying Muge slowly closed his eyes, allowing himself to better integrate with the darkness. Unlike the dark elves who sounded like the same species, the Pope, who was a night elf, had long dark purple hair under his crown. Her skin color was a kind of azure that seemed to exude hazy silver light, her expression was soft and indifferent, and her temperament was also tranquil and peaceful.

Under some strange power, except for the small flaw of not believing in the God of Dreams, Yueying Duskong is a qualified and decent Dream Pope in every aspect, especially his seemingly [ The aura of powerful calming aura is extremely reassuring.

If possible, he who has been 'cheating' himself all year round will most likely convert himself to the God of Dreams. After all, when a person has played a certain role perfectly for too many years, there will be no difference between him and the role itself. Even You will forget your original existence.

This is especially true in areas involving religion and theology.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the God of Dreams sent down an oracle at this moment and asked Yueying Muge to immediately cut off his other beliefs and dedicate everything to himself wholeheartedly, he would have been the Pope of Dreams for hundreds of years. Yueying will definitely comply on the spot.

Because that's what a pope should do, what the role he plays at this moment should do.

However, having said that, no one would really worry about this kind of thing.

Regardless of whether it is Yueying Muge, or regardless of his identity as the Dream Pope, the real master he serves will not worry about this for even half a second.

The reason is very simple, very, very, very simple.

The god of dreams is dead.

He's long dead, obviously.

And the murderer is the one Yueying Muge truly believes in...the evil god!

A mere evil god not only killed a god who, although not powerful, was a serious god, he even quietly occupied his throne without anyone noticing.

This has never happened since the first year of the Holy Calendar, when history began.

The reason why evil gods are evil gods is that, in addition to their mysterious, cruel, dark and bloody ways, there is also another most important reason, that is, they are defenseless in the face of real 'gods'.

"Is that kind of thing worthy of being called a god?"

This was the evaluation made by Shadow Langya, the first generation of the God-Destroying Society, with a sneer after hearing a report.

In the face of the news about the evil god, the God-Destroying Guild, which was once very active in history and whose only purpose was to kill gods, had no desire to take action at all, and the strongest member of the God-Destroying Guild, [Yang], had no interest in drawing his sword. It can be seen that those evil gods throughout the ages have not been doing well.

They may indeed have the ability to cause harm, but they are not gods after all. The gap between evil gods and true gods is not half narrower than the gap between mortals and true gods.

Logically speaking, this should be the case.

So, what if there really is an 'evil god' in the eyes of the world who defeats or even kills a real god, or even usurps the latter's throne?

Because this kind of thing has never happened in history, Yueying Duskong has no way to refer to the wisdom of the predecessors.

But at least for him personally, if an evil god could indeed cross that gap and kill a true god, then it would no longer be it, but him.

Correspondingly, the ‘evil’ in the word ‘evil god’ can be removed.

"You're late, General Staff Lamorlock."

The Pope of the Dreamland Theocracy, the most loyal believer of the Whispering God, and the general director of the Southwest Diocese of the Whispering Sect, Yueying Muge slowly opened his eyes and stared at the man in a silver windbreaker not far away who was leaning against someone with his arms folded. The young man next to the pillar said calmly: "This is not a good habit."

Lamorlock, who had a delicate and feminine appearance and a pair of slender phoenix eyes, smiled apologetically and gently tapped the monocle in front of his right eye: "I'm sorry, Your Excellency the Archbishop."

"No problem."

Although it was clear that the other party would never feel the least bit sorry, Moon Shadow Dusk Song, who had personally baptized Lamorlock, was not in a hurry or annoyed, and just changed the subject casually: "I just received news that Archbishop Eden of the Northeast Diocese Still alive.”

Lamorlock was stunned for a moment, and then laughed a little unexpectedly: "Surprisingly, I have read the battle report sent back from Sumir. It is really a miracle that Archbishop Eden can survive a defeat of that scale. "

"If I remember correctly, about two weeks ago, you used the power of believers to have a brief communication with Archbishop Eden in the underground church..."

Archbishop Yueying looked at Lamorlock calmly and said calmly: "Shortly after that, our compatriots on Sumir's side suffered a tragic defeat."

Lamorlock smiled: "So, you are suspecting that I gave Archbishop Eden some bad advice, which contributed to his failure?"

Yueying was silent for nearly a minute before slowly adding: "There is also the destruction of the Northeastern Diocese."

"This is obviously nonsense, Your Excellency."

Lamorlock shrugged and spread his hands and said: "If Mr. Carter reported to you in detail the conversation I had with Archbishop Eden, and you actually read the report sent back from the north, you will find that although I did Archbishop Eden was given some trivial advice, but instead of acting on my advice, he arbitrarily tried to carry out his foolish plan to the end, which led to that miserable failure."

Archbishop Yueying nodded slightly, and then suddenly laughed: "So you want to say that his failure has nothing to do with you, right?"

"No, no, no, what I want to say is that it was not the bad advice I gave that contributed to Archbishop Eden's failure~"

Lamorlock also laughed and said with a grin: "It was the correct advice I provided that he did not adopt at all."

The air suddenly became quiet...

"It seems you know exactly what I want, young man."

After a long time, Archbishop Yueying broke the silence again and asked gently: "Should I express my gratitude to you?"

"You can take that as my apology."

Lamorlock touched the tip of his nose shyly and smiled shyly: "After all, what I did at the Griffin border was indeed a bit too much."

"So you helped me dismantle the entire Northeastern Diocese..."

Archbishop Yueying raised his eyebrows and said softly: "Just to express your apology to me?"

"You can't say that."

Lamorlock shook his head and said briskly: "Although there is indeed such a reason, after reading the specific battle report of that battle, I found that unless I personally went to the front line, the outcome would never change at all. , after all, in terms of commanders, the gap between the two sides is really too big."

Archbishop Yueying pondered for a few seconds and asked curiously: "So you mean, the weight of this 'apology' is actually not that great?"

"That's one aspect."

Lamorlock nodded happily, then smiled and said: "On the other hand, I hope you know that there are actually many excellent chess players in this world, and there happens to be one in the United Holy Church. If we are about to compete with you in the future, If those heretics start a war, the Southwest Diocese doesn’t have many good cards to fight against that person.”

Archbishop Yueying laughed playfully and said slowly: "Why don't you be more direct and tell me that if you want to check and balance potential enemies, your Counselor Lamorlock is the only card that my southwestern diocese can play?"

"Because I insist that humility is a virtue."

Lamorlock answered 'humbly'.

"But you still missed something after all."

Archbishop Yueying stood up slowly, and his dark green eyes suddenly turned cold: "Eden is still alive. He was rescued by a young man named Tom Lestrange. Also rescued was the The young man’s father was Lucius Lestrange, who held a high position in the northeastern diocese.”

"A high-level combat power that no one knows about..."

Lamorlock narrowed his eyes and murmured: "So that's it, that is to say, it was the little Tom who tried to behead the little Black Van brother in the end, but he accidentally missed it, and he missed it in a very embarrassing way."

"The leader of the Northeastern Diocese is still there, a high-ranking priest from the Northeastern Diocese is still there, and there is even a young man with unfathomable strength."

Archbishop Yueying clutched his papal staff gloomily and said coldly: "Although most of the believers in the Northeast Diocese have been dispersed, as long as they are willing, they can rebuild the diocese within a few years. This is not What good news."

"Then it's not something I can control, Your Excellency."

Lamorlock bowed to Yueying exaggeratedly and said with a smile: "But since you already know the news about them, and even the names Tom and Lucius, you should have already prepared corresponding countermeasures, right? "

Archbishop Moon Shadow walked slowly to Lamorlock and said expressionlessly: "Soon, those three people will arrive in the Theocracy. Eden and Lucius Lestrange are both seriously injured. They need someone." They need a safe environment to cultivate, and I will give them two choices."

"Surrender or martyrdom?"

Lamorlock tilted his head.

"Yes, but this matter has nothing to do with you anymore."

Archbishop Moon Shadow took a deep breath, then patted Lamorlock's shoulder gently: "Get ready, Academy City will hold a grand meeting soon. I want you to attend on behalf of the Theocracy, and Carter will follow you."

"I knew you would bring this up sooner or later."

Lamorlock laughed happily and said with a smile: "It seems that both the Chauvin Empire and the Griffin Dynasty attach great importance to that meeting."

Moon Shadow nodded.

"Well, I'm more than happy to oblige."

Lamorlock leaned forward slightly and asked with a chuckle: "So, how do you want me to talk to the boss of this three-acre area of ​​our Southwest Continent?"

Yueying withdrew the hand on Lamorlock's shoulder and looked carefully at the smiling young man in front of him. After a while, he asked with a slight hesitation: "I can trust you, right?"

"no doubt."

Lamorlock answered without hesitation, smiled and said seriously: "As a person favored by my Lord, of course you can trust me."

"Then, it's up to you to decide who you want to talk to, how you want to talk, and what you want to talk about."

Archbishop Yueying nodded slowly and said in a deep voice: "Make the choice that makes you feel that it can bring the greatest benefit to my Southwest Diocese. With your sense of smell as a chess player, go to that city to serve as the kingdom of God on earth for my Lord." Draw a blueprint. When you return, I will hand over the 6th, 7th, and 8th Guardian Knights to you to control. In addition, you will also receive the Whispering Divine Voice Ritual Group, the Decaying Ones The command authority of Shadow, Nightmare Execution Team and the Three Great Legions of Theocracy."

Lamorlock nodded without surprise: "I'm flattered."


Yueying shook her head, turned around and walked back to her large chair, muttering without looking back: "I didn't notice it."

"Just a polite word."

Lamorlock smiled freely, raised the corner of his mouth and said: "You are not the willful Archbishop Eden, so in most cases you will make the right decision after weighing the pros and cons, but things are about to change in the northwest continent. At this moment, reactivating me, a barely controllable executioner, is the only right choice."

Yueying's footsteps paused slightly...

"Can I trust you, Lamorlock?"

"At this stage, of course you can trust me~"

Chapter 949: End

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