Quadruple split

Chapter 978 Battle for quotas

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[Welcome back, lawful and kind Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Game time PM18:23

The Boundary of Innocence, Red Cloud Terrace in the Northwest Continent, outside Craftsman Town


After regaining consciousness, Mo Tan yawned and sat up from Wang Ba Dan's solid back, which was still broad but a bit awkward. Just when he was about to say something to the friends next to him, he saw the other side not far away. The sunset exploded.

The sunset exploded...

The sunset exploded! ?

No, is it true that the sunset blew it up? !

Mo Tan, who was still a little tired at first, became energetic at that time, and then suddenly turned over and jumped off Wang Ba Dan's shell. He crossed his arms to the person next to him who was also watching the "exploding" sunset. Ji Xiaoge, who looked very interested, asked, "Hey! What's going on!?"

Boom - boom boom boom! ! !

At the same time, a series of deafening explosions exploded from a distance, directly covering up Mo Tan's voice.

"Ah! Mo, are you coming up?"

Ji Xiaoge turned to look at Mo Tan with a feeling, and asked in a loud voice against the background of the roaring explosions in the distance: "What did you just say?"

"I said--"

Mo Tan raised his hand to block a few gravels that came from nowhere, raised his voice and repeated: "What is going on?"

"I don't know."

Ji Xiaoge, who had been intercepting gravel with his wings before, saw that Mo Tan was blocking him, so he simply shrank behind the latter, grabbed Mo Tan's shoulders and said, "Not long after we arrived, there was an explosion in the town. It hasn’t stopped since a quarter of an hour ago! A few of us originally planned to wait and see first, but it turns out that the explosions have been going on over there until now, with no intention of stopping at all."

Mo Tan's eyes widened, and he suddenly turned his head to look in the direction where the roar was still erupting: "The town?"

"Yes, there is Craftsman Town ahead, but the smoke and dust there are relatively thick now, so it is not easy to see."

Jadeka walked out from behind Wang Badan in disgrace. He originally wanted to put up a magic shield to block the sand for everyone, but one of them failed to do it properly and blew himself up. If it weren't for Yaya who is particularly sensitive to sounds. Hiding behind Wang Ba Dan and holding his head, the old mage's appearance may be even worse.


Mo Tan frowned, raised his shield and brushed away the fine flying sand that kept coming, and said in a deep voice: "If it was just an ordinary blasting experiment or accident, it would not have started a quarter of an hour ago and continued until now. , something must have happened over there, let’s go take a look.”

Because everyone has stayed in Craftsman Town for a period of time, they are not surprised that "big explosions occasionally occur in the town". This is why Ji Xiaoge and others did not immediately notice before Mo Tan went online. The main reason for rushing into town to check out the situation.

After all, there are countless great craftsmen living here. Except for civil servants or ordinary businessmen from neutral organizations such as the Mining Association, Adventurer's Guild, and Tavern Keepers, the vast majority of the residents are engineers in the objective sense, or can also be said to be craftsmen. , and among these people, the proportion of bosses with the title of 'Great Craftsman' is as high as 40%. If converted into regular professions under the worldview of the Innocence Realm, they are epic-level powerhouses!

Of course, despite saying this, the great craftsmen, great alchemists, and great pharmacists whose professional titles are equal to the epic level may not necessarily be very powerful in terms of personal combat effectiveness. After all, they are not people who specialize in the field of combat.

Just like breaking the Guinness record, one is a senior technical geek who can build a Gundam in five seconds, and the other is a senior Russian who can hammer a bear to death in five seconds, even though they both have obtained They both have the same honor, but if they were to fight together... well, it would be a proper criminal case.

Of course, as the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome. Although it is not a combat profession in the conventional sense, a fortressed great engineer or great alchemist should never be underestimated. Take the Luwei from Tianzhu Mountain. As far as Fizilban is concerned, he is a standard technical talent, but he can still throw a detonator that is enough to create a small-scale space collapse, and develop a weapon of mass destruction that can directly complete "Reign of the Sun" with one shot. .

Another example is Ji Xiaoge, who is obviously a cook, but... well, he knows everything, so I won't go into details here.

All in all, in the town not far away that is filled with unstable, flammable and explosive creatures like the Great Craftsman, explosions that emit terrifying light and shadow effects and terrifying sounds are actually not uncommon, at least among Mo Tan and others. During the time when I stayed in Craftsman Town, I could witness similar situations once or twice every day. I was quite nervous at first, but as time went by, I became accustomed to them.

After all, the people who can make big noises are basically the bosses, and the bosses...especially the bosses who are engaged in scientific research mostly hate trouble, so in order not to get entangled in trivial matters such as blowing up other people's houses, everyone still relatively compares Restrained and overly dangerous scientific research projects are generally carried out in experimental sites (large open spaces) specially designated in the town. They will disturb the people, but since the people being disturbed are basically the same people, it doesn't matter.



At this moment, the situation in front of Mo Tan and others is like the main battlefield of World War II. It is definitely not a common phenomenon!

Even counting from the moment Mo Tan just went online, the number of explosions in Craftsman Town in just a few minutes has exceeded the usual amount in a month.

To sum up, although Mo Tan immediately made the judgment that there must be something fishy in this matter, he was ready to go and find out.

"Just approach slowly. I took a look and the explosion mainly occurred not far outside the town. As long as we don't plunge into the core area, there shouldn't be much danger."

Mo Tan comforted Yaya who jogged to his side in silent mode, took a deep breath, raised his shield and led cautiously towards the Artisan Town, which was more than ten miles away.

Jadeka rushed to the front side by side with Mo Tan in leapfrog mode, followed by Wang BaCou, who was scolding and accusing Mo Tan of being nosy, while Ji Xiaoge and Ya Ya followed at the back. After all, these two girls have the same body. Too weak, one has a good hearing, so he consciously hid himself behind the bunker.

ten minutes later

The few people who acted cautiously finally approached the outer edge of the land that had been undergoing heavy bombardment, and saw a familiar face there.

"Bah...bah, bah, bah, bah! Damn, these lunatics!"

The president of the Miners Association of Artisan Town, an old acquaintance of Ji Xiaoge, and the old dwarf Kag Tiebeard who had often taken care of the Paw Patrol team before, sat on the ground with a disgraced face, spitting sand in his mouth while rushing towards the explosion not far away. The core area was yelling curses, looking embarrassed and angry.

"Daddy Karg!"

Mo Tan, who was running at the front, was startled. In his impression, this generous and kind-hearted alcoholic old man had no strength. To put it simply, he couldn't even hold up Ji Xiaoge's broken tea egg. The weakling quickly made a heroic leap and threw himself in front of the old dwarf. He carefully raised his shield and pulled him up: "Why are you here? What happened?"

Kag blinked and reacted for a while before saying in shock: "Oh, boy Mo, why are you back?"

"What you asked has been completed. We will send you the receipt issued over there."

Mo Tan took out some kind of note from his bag, which was probably equivalent to a receipt, and handed it to Kage, who looked very angry, but didn't seem to be very panicked, and asked again: "So what on earth is going on?" Yes? We were far away and saw that this side of the town... uh... was very lively."

"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. You can just ask the Adventurer's Guild over there to bring this back to me. There's no need to go there yourself."

Kag first smiled, put the note Mo Tan handed him into his pocket, and then huddled behind his shield and sighed: "As for this side of the town... you can understand it because of its ancestors. The lunatic finally went completely crazy!"

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

Jadeka next to him also wondered: "What do you mean?"

"It's a long story."

Mr. Kag patted his knees and said sadly: "Although I had known that this situation would happen today, I never expected that these grandsons could play so big..."

Mo Tan looked at the endless, lethal 'wonderful scene' not far away that still had great sound and light effects, and fell into a deep confusion.

The author supports Father Kag. Is this chaos that is enough to blow up the entire Craftsman Town premeditated? Planned?

The old mage next to him also reacted and asked immediately: "Why are you playing so big?"

"Oh, what else could it be? It's just that."

Kag smacked his lips and said helplessly: "Isn't there an exchange meeting in Academy City to be held this year..."


Ji Xiaoge, who had just caught up with Wang Ba Dan and Ya Ya, jumped up to Father Kage with a whoosh. The pair of wings behind him that had been baked by the dust were raised high, and his pretty face was filled with excitement. Excited: "What happened to the exchange meeting?"

Mo Tan frowned secretly, suddenly having an ominous premonition.

"Yes, it's an exchange meeting in Academy City. Our Craftsman Town is always invited. Of course, it has nothing to do with our Miners Association. The group it's aimed at is mainly those lunatics who work on machinery and explosives."

Father Kager shrugged as he took out his ears that were filled with buzzing sound: "Then, although I definitely want to go, because of some issues about quotas, those crazy people didn't wait until They haven't reached an agreement yet, but as the time is approaching, they start to get anxious, and after getting anxious, they start doing things like previous years because of this trivial matter."


Ji Xiaoge flattened his mouth and muttered in a low voice: "It is indeed a big problem."

Mo Tan and Jadeka exchanged a confused look. You must know that the old mage just said some time ago that as long as you are invited, it doesn't matter even if more people come.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, these big guys in Kung Fu Craftsman Town started working because of the quota!

Optimistically, I estimate that two layers of the land here have been removed!

"Yes, it's a big problem. It's not that I can't understand it, so I didn't stop them...well, actually it's because I couldn't stop them even if I wanted to."

Father Kag smacked his lips and said angrily: "But even if at least three people have to go to be considered decent, even if these crazy people don't want to move away because of the trouble, they won't have such a big group fight, right? No, this can no longer be called a fight, this scale is simply a war!"

Mo Tan: "..."

Ji Xiaoge: "..."

Jadeka: "..."

Yaya: “???”

Wang Badan: "Oh, it's over."

"What's wrong? What's your reaction?"

Kage glanced at Mo Tan and the others with a strange look on his face, then spread his hands and said: "That's right. According to the frequency of spending by those crazy people, if you don't want to starve to death, you can only find export channels for your products. Every few years The exchange meeting held once in Academy City is one of the best platforms. There are many important people, many rich people, and more people who are discerning and knowledgeable. Moreover, the cycle of once every few years is also very suitable, just enough for those crazy people to toss. Come up with something new.”

Mo Tan nodded stiffly.

Ji Xiaoge, whose eyes were getting brighter and brighter, grabbed Kager's hand and urged: "Then, then!"

"Then? Then according to the tradition here, everyone will take out the finished products that they think are good, and then find a few unlucky guys to represent all the great craftsmen in the craftsman town to participate in the exchange meeting and deal with those who may pay high prices. Let’s talk about the price.”

Seeing that the little pigeon was so interested, Kag didn't give in and explained carefully: "You also know that this is a gathering place for lunatics. There are many capable people. Those guys must have made more stuff. If you go there, It will definitely be too busy for two people, and it will take at least three people to finish it, so... let’s start a fight?”

"So there was a fight?"

Jadeka frowned and asked curiously: "You really don't want to go?"

“I really don’t want to go!”

Kag nodded vigorously, took off the wine bag from his waist and took a sip, and sneered: "Those bastards are more troublesome than the last. They want money and want to sell things, but they don't want to move. They can't say they have research. Leave, the one who said there is still thirty kilograms left to work out, anyway, they all want to be the shopkeepers and let others run errands, but... you know that these people are not good-tempered, so they ended up fighting."

Mo Tan twitched the corner of his mouth and said dryly: "So, everyone is not competing for the quota to go to Academy City, but..."

"It's about fighting over who doesn't go."

Kag burped, wiping the corners of his mouth and said: "To sum up, it's a big melee. The first three unlucky guys who are eliminated will go, and the others don't have to go. Do you understand?"


Ji Xiaoge nodded vigorously, then flapped his wings suddenly, and jumped out like an arrow from a string——

“I totally get it!!!”

Chapter 971: End

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