Quadruple split

Chapter 991 Starting in a mess

The two filthy bastards looked at each other and smiled, and the distance between them suddenly shortened by at least twenty kilometers.

After laughing, Wang Ba boldly retracted his head and limbs into his shell, snored with "puff puff" sniggering interspersed, and tilted his body intentionally or unintentionally, not only blocking the distance. The sight of Chu Ji Xiaoge and others made it easier for Mo Tan to reach 'himself' lying on the bastard's shell.

And Mo Tan didn't waste any time. He just dodged and came to the blind spot that Wang Badan provided for him. He raised his foot and quietly jumped onto the turtle shell. With a "bo" sound, he unscrewed his hand. holding the oil-based pen, grinning at the sharp-edged, good-looking face in front of him, and slowly raised the oil-based pen in his hand, which was not very lethal but highly insulting, and prepared to use it on The half-dragon in front of him has a mini King Badan painted on his face.

Even though the half-dragon knight in front of him is himself, from any angle, it is Mo Tan himself, but at this moment, Mo Tan's personality is in the "chaotic neutral" position, which is better than those who are "crazy and even beat themselves up". 'The guy is much taller, so not only does he not have any psychological burden now, but he is also happy and immersed in this devilish joy.

"It's okay, it's okay. As a kind person like me, of course I will choose to forgive myself~"

Mo Tan smacked his lips, sighed in a joking tone, then suddenly raised his right hand, clenched the black oil-based pen and swung it towards his face——

[Premonition triggered, there are still 58 seconds before forced offline]

At the same time, the system prompt suddenly sounded in Mo Tan's ears, forcing him to stop the car.

"Oh? What kind of situation is this?"

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly, a strange color flashed across his eyes, but the smile at the corner of his mouth became more intense, and he murmured in a low voice: "Is it a pure accident, or is this sinful paintbrush in my hand triggering something interesting?" What about the mechanism..."

No one answered his question, or in other words, it was strange that someone would answer his question, so Mo Tan just raised his hand after a brief hesitation and added two strokes on his sleeping face. Hu, then turned around and ran away.

It was impossible to run away. Ji Xiaoge had already cleared out the nearest shops and started to turn around. Not only that, Mo Tan's remaining online time of more than 50 seconds seemed to be longer than the four when he was a 'Black Fan'. More than ten seconds is more leisurely, but since [Premonition] has not yet advanced, it can be said that he has no backup plan at all. [Premonition] will give him as many seconds as he wants.

If it is the character of 'Hei Fan', even if the situation is more critical, he can forcefully activate [Wise Man's Foresight] to get through it at a huge cost. After all, fifteen minutes is not enough, but it is enough for him to find someone. Justifiable reason to play disappears, but only if it's less than a minute...

"It's a little tight."

Mo Tan patted Wang Ba Dan's turtle shell to say good-bye, and then 'blown' him across the long street like a breeze. At the same time, he looked around at the fastest speed, covering the entire street. The distribution of personnel was engraved in my mind in general, and after a brief analysis, I came to a conclusion——

In this case, it is almost impossible to quietly avoid the NPC disappearing offline. Let alone a minute. In the crowded outer ring area, it is difficult to give him even five minutes. Smoothly use the 'player' way to escape.

Academy City is already a place with an exploding population, and in these days when the exchange meeting is about to begin, the four gates in the outer ring area, southeast, northwest, and south can be said to be overcrowded 24 hours a day, with a large number of curious students and teachers wanting to watch. Big figures gathered in their own territory in an endless stream, and the total number of members of various delegations should not be underestimated. The streets and alleys that can barely be considered offline safe zones on weekdays were also crowded with many people. It was said that even It's no exaggeration to say that there's a place to stay, but it's really hard to find a place where Mo Tan can get off the line safely.

Not only that, Mo Tan, who is collecting information about the surrounding environment at high speed at this moment, knows very well that whether it is the south gate where he is currently, or near the other three gates in the outer ring area, there should be various kinds of information based on his current situation at this moment. Investigation methods that are completely undetectable continue to pass by. They may come from Academy City's security brigade, or they may come from invitees who are interested in each other, or they may come from any random person who wants to know something about a certain big shot. A student with a few nose hairs, all in all, this is definitely not good news for a player who has to log off in more than fifty seconds.

If you add in the breath locks that are used subconsciously by those powerful people who are basically invisible at ordinary times, but not too many at this time and place when observing the situation, then the probability of Mo Tan successfully going offline through the method of 'disappearing' that is……

"Less than one percent, infinitely close to zero."

Mo Tan shrugged, but there was no trace of frustration on his face. Instead, he ran quickly along the street towards Academy City. In the process, he took out his bag and re-disguised himself as 'Frank Hughes'. Using his excellent judgment, he quickly moved away from the crowd under the premise that he was completely lost.

[There are still 41 seconds until forced offline]

Mo Tan passed by a bakery and dodged into a small road.

[There are still 35 seconds until forced offline]

Mo Tan ran past a young couple hugging each other and turned away with a blush on his face.

[There are still 27 seconds until forced offline]

Mo Tan appeared on another street with fewer people and ran straight to the intersection not far away.

[There are still 19 seconds until forced offline]

Mo Tan turned right at the intersection and went around a green path with excellent environment and few people.

[There are still 5 seconds until forced offline]

Mo Tan appeared at the end of the path.

[There are still 3 seconds until forced offline]

Mo Tan activates the skill [Escape] to increase his stealth level to the maximum.

[There is still 1 second until forced offline]

Mo Tan jumped up and plunged into the bushes nearby, knocking over a male student who was holding a textbook and memorizing history.

"Surprise, Mother Fxxker~"

Mo Tan, who was forced out of hiding due to the collision just now, grinned at the boy, then tilted his head and fainted under the other's horrified gaze.

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"Right, right, left, left, right, right, right, reconnect."

[Reconnection begins...]

"Right, right, left, right, left, right, right."

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and kind Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

"Right, right, left, right, left, right, right."

three minutes later

Game time PM15:31

Academy City Outer Ring District, South Gate

"Right, right, left, right, left, right, right, right!"

Mo Tan opened his eyes suddenly, jumped off Wang Badan's back, then immediately raised his hands to cover his beard that had been drawn with an oil-based pen, and walked away.

"Oh, brother, you're awake!"

Feeling something, Wang Ba boldly stuck his head out and shouted at Mo Tan's back: "Brother, let me tell you, there seemed to be something suspicious when I was sleeping just now..."

"Shut up! I'll settle the score with you when I get back. You can try to fool Yege and the others first."

Mo Tan growled without looking back, then muttered 'right, right, left, left, right, left, right, right' while running quickly into the distance.

Wang Badan: "..."

A moment later, according to the turning sequence he had memorized by rote, Mo Tan finally appeared on the green path he had just left. He walked quickly to the end of the gravel road and found a man who looked a little flustered. student, and 'myself' who was lying next to the boy in a big letter shape, completely unconscious.

"Excuse me."

Mo Tan sighed, then quickly stepped forward and picked up the unresponsive 'himself', and smiled at the frightened boy: "I know this man, his mental state has not been normal, he was not frightened. Is it up to you?"

"Ah! Huh?"

The latter nodded first, then shook his head vigorously, and said dryly: "No...it's okay. I have classes to attend later, so I'll leave first!"

"Well, I'm really sorry."

Mo Tan rushed to the male student in front of him and cupped his hands, watching the other person's back disappear into the distance. Then he propped up his body and helped 'Tan Mo', who was wearing a 'Frank Hughes' vest, to the long roadside. Sitting next to him on the chair, he sighed haggardly.

"Obviously no accident will happen, so we have to make something happen."

Mo Tan glared viciously at the peacefully sleeping face of 'Frank Hughes', clenched his fists angrily, took several deep breaths on the spot before he could barely control his emotions, stood up with a troubled face, and put his back on his back. He held his hands and started pacing back and forth.

Obviously, although the current situation should be called 'self-inflicted' from any angle, this very memorable meeting has never appeared in Mo Tan's plan before, whether it is this hanging pair of Neither Mo Tan, who was pacing back and forth with his mustache, nor Mo Tan, who was sitting unconscious on the chair, had imagined this scene.

In the final analysis, this turmoil was just an accident caused by Mo Tan's sudden whim with his "chaotic neutral" personality.

However, although it was an accident, the development of the matter was still relatively within Mo Tan's plan.

Since there was already a fragmentation today, Mo Tan had already concluded that even if he suddenly fell ill, he would not lose consciousness suddenly when he made up his mind to go to Wang Ba Dan. At least there would be a [premonition] buffer. With this conclusion, the only objects of personality transformation are 'Black Brahma' and 'Mo' in the realm of innocence, and at that time he had just transformed from the 'Absolute Neutral' personality, so If nothing else happens, even if he is disconnected, he will only fall to the character 'Mo'.

As far as the position at that time was concerned, 'Mo' was the closest to the role of 'Tan Mo'. Even if something unexpected happened, he would probably be able to respond as soon as possible after changing roles. After all, it was very important for Mo to protect himself. Tan Lai is really familiar with it.

As a result, two routes have emerged——

First, Mo Tan, who has a "chaotic neutral" personality, got off the line safely by his own ability, and everyone was happy.

Secondly, the character 'Tan Mo' failed to disappear into the realm of innocence. In this case, the 'self' who is closest and has the ability to act is left to deal with the aftermath.

As for whether there would be an accident like switching personality to Black Brahma or being directly fragmented, Mo Tan never thought about it at that time. It can also be said that although he thought about it, he felt that this risk was not enough for painting a bastard on his face. The fun is completely negligible.

The result is now like this...

Although Mo Tan under the chaotic neutral personality had tried his best, the student who was sitting behind the bushes and reading was still able to break the invisibility state. When he appeared helplessly, he was disconnected on the spot, and the turning sequence he had memorized by rote was Let 'himself' successfully find 'himself' in the first place, 'Tan Mo' who wears various masks and puts on Frank Hughes' vest.

The reason why he wears the Hyakusei is to avoid the worst-case scenario, such as being directly bombarded to death by Futaba, who is probably about to arrive in Academy City.

All in all, although the situation has become strange, it is not completely out of control yet.

The only problem now is how to deal with Tan Mo who is in a coma.

It is unrealistic to go offline and change accounts. It will be delayed for a long time due to different time ratios. It is not appropriate to let the character of 'Mo' evaporate out of thin air, and it is also difficult to explain.

It’s even worse to bring back the character ‘Tan Mo’. It’s too late to hide the connection between the three characters. It’s really stupid to go out of your way to give clues to others.

It's not impossible to take 'Tan Mo''s body to find a hotel to settle down temporarily, but if someone is interested and wants to investigate, there is still a high probability of following the clues to find the character 'Mo', and there is also a major... The problem is that although he has been living in Academy City for a while as 'Tan Mo', with Mo Tan's sense of direction, he wants to find a hotel in a short time and successfully return to Ji Xiaoge and others after settling in. People around you are simply talking nonsense.

In summary……

"No matter, just leave it here."

Mo Tan gave up thinking, glanced at himself leaning on the bench as if asleep, and turned around and left without hesitation.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the best solution is not to do anything. After all, Academy City is different from the Free City. It is relatively peaceful both superficially and essentially. Even if Tan Mo is allowed to sleep here, it will theoretically be fine. There won't be any accidents, even if there is an accident...

"That's what I deserve."

Mo Tan muttered angrily, and finally looked back at Frank Hughes, who was sleeping soundly on the bench, and left without looking back.

As he walked, he muttered "left, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, right, left, left, left, left, left, left, right, left, left, left, left, right, left, left, left, left, left, right, left, left, left, left, right, left, left, right, left, left, left, left, right, left, left, left, right, left, left, left, right, left, left, left, right, left, left, left, right, left, left, right, left, left, left, right, left, right, left, left, right, left, left, right, left, left, right, left, left, right, left, left, left, right, left, left, right, left, left, left, right, left, left, right"

It's like chanting sutras...

Chapter 984: End

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