Then Nazni looked at Li Mo.

"I don't know these things, is your Excellency Li Mo satisfied?"

"Ask me what to do, it's not me negotiating with you."

Li Mo secretly slandered.

But Gu Liguang has already talked about it.

Naturally, Li Mo also needs to make a statement.

"Myth copy, how many do you need?"


"So many!" Li Mo frowned.

"No wonder you want to beg our human race."

"For those top clans, it takes a long time to plan to develop a myth-level dungeon."

"Even if they ask other big clans for help, those big clans will not be able to produce so many mythical dungeons in a short period of time.

"Furthermore, those big clans all have their own territorial gates of vassal races, and they don't care about their territorial gates."

After thinking for a while, Li Mo opened his mouth to speak.

"I initially plan to develop 10 mythical dungeons in your group."

"Six of them are used by you to consume and close the gate of the territory."

"Of course, to show the sincerity of our human beings, if those Chaos Demons attack the gate of your territory, the gate of the territory will be opened."

"I can continue to develop mythical dungeons and help you secure the gates of the territory."

"The after-sales work is guaranteed to be done for your ethnic group."

When Li Mo said this, Nazni's brows eased.

6 400-level mythical copies.

It is enough to close the gate of the territory, but it is not enough to strengthen the defensive state of the gate of the territory.

Now that Li Mo said so, their territory is completely safe.

"The superfluous mythical dungeons I developed, we humans will build a dungeon certificate framework there.

"If you want to make a dungeon, you have to buy an entry certificate with money.

"Of course the price is reasonable and favorable, it doesn't cost you much!"

Enclosed in their territory, and then sold copy tickets, Li Mo directly took them under control.

And they will not be able to resist in the future.

after all!

The level 800 Mythic dungeon has already been pre-ordered by Li Mo.

Dare to resist?

First ask if your ethnic group’s world frame agrees with it!

The 800-level mythical dungeon just put shackles around their necks.

And the other end of the shackles is in Li Mo's hands.

"Everyone! Now that the discussion has been completed, let's rest in our Shenghui City-State for a few days."

"Afterwards, we will go to the night soul clan together with the human race enhancement, and let Li Mo open up a mythical level dungeon."

"I don't know what you guys think?"

What other opinions can there be? 183 Many night soul clan powerhouses have no temper at all now.

If they want something from others, they don't have the confidence to speak at all.

Wait until the strong night soul clan leaves.

In the hall, Long Yin laughed.

"Brother Gu, you have managed to control them to death.

"In the future, all of them will work for us."

Gu Liguang shook his head.

"How can I have such great ability.

"It's all thanks to Li Mo."

"But the Night Soul Clan will work for us in the future, that's not bad at all.

But... we humans are still weak now after all. "

"It's all supported by Li Mo alone."

Speaking of which.

Gu Liguang's eyes fell on Li Mo.

"Li Mo, for more than half a year, you have tossed and turned in the human territory, developing a mythical dungeon."

"Your own level has also been delayed a lot."

"Wait until the mythical dungeon of the Night Soul Clan is completed."

"Then it's time for your own ascension."

Li Mo shook his hand and said with a smile.

"Don't delay, during this time, I have improved a lot."

Even for Li Mo's own cultivation, he still needs to brush up dungeons, increase his health, and improve his skill level.

And in the past six months, Li Mo has made more dungeons, and his frankness has improved, making amazing progress.

The skill level has also made sufficient progress.

It is especially worth mentioning.

After Li Mo seeks life restoration materials in the first city-state.

Wherever they go later, those owners will prepare a lot of recovery materials for Li Mo.

This also saves Li Mo from having to collect materials slowly.

The attribute occupation framework, under Li Mo's continuous fighting, is also steadily improving.

Although the level has not changed, Li Mo's current foundation has become more and more solid.

And this is also the reason why Li Mo is not afraid of those 1900-level night soul clan powerhouses.

Li Mo said so though.

But from Gu Liguang's point of view, he obviously doesn't see it that way.

"This time, all the roots of the world sent by the Night Soul Clan will be handed over to you.

"These top-level resources will also be used by you first."

"Many other materials, treasures, etc., if you need it, just do it.

"The origin of the world?"

Li Mo's heart skipped a beat.

Senior Gu Liguang, isn't the root of this world usually used by thousand-level powerhouses to break through the level?"

"As a thousand-level powerhouse, you should use it first. How can you let Russia use it?"

"Li don't understand this!"

Long Yin at the side explained first.

"The root of the world can certainly increase the level limit of a thousand-level powerhouse."

"But another major function of the world root is to increase the upper limit of attributes."

"Increase the upper limit of attributes?"

Li Mo frowned, Li Mo really doesn't know the characteristics of these treasures above a thousand levels.

"Do you know how many basic attack attributes that Nazni just now had?"

"how many?"

"What I feel, should have exceeded 5 million."

"5 million? That's a lot!" Li Mo exclaimed.

"He is a 10-star class, the basic attack of level 1900 should be 1.5 million, and the mythical equipment of level 1900 should be about 1.3 million attack.

"Adding attributes to other equipment, it should be just over 3 million attacks.

"That's up to less than 5 million attacks.

"The excess is naturally due to the improvement of the origin of the world." Long Yin said firmly.

"Can the root of the world improve so much?"

"That depends on how much world root you consume."

Long Yin continued.

"Professionals use props and materials to increase attacks, all subject to professional characteristics, and will not break through the professional upper limit."

"The root of the world can break through this upper limit."

"For ordinary thousand-level experts, for example, our human thousand-level professionals.

"The root of the world must first be used to break through the level cap."

"It won't be so extravagant to use the world root to add attributes.

"After all, this thing is rare and expensive."

"And for those big families, level breakthrough is not a problem, what they need is to accumulate a lot of experience."

"Naturally, it can be used to strengthen professional attributes, strengthen advantages, and make up for shortcomings."

"Nazni, as a soul shepherd, has many attack methods. He not only adds attack, but also critical strike rate and critical strike damage.

"5 million attacks, combined with the additional damage of mythical equipment. It is at least 4 times the base damage."

"That's 20 million attacks."

"Skill damage, 1000% damage ratio is no problem."

"Cooperate with five or six times the skill explosion damage."

"One skill, hundreds of millions, or even more than a billion damage is not a big problem."

Hundreds of millions! More than a billion damage.

The damage is indeed exaggerated.

If Li Mo has no invincible defense, there is no invincible single-cell health bar.

As for the current health bar of more than 1.3 trillion, it is obviously unbearable.

"Now you understand the powerful characteristics of the root of the world!"

Long Yin said to Li Mo.

Li Mo nodded.

"This damage is indeed a bit outrageous. Generally, a thousand-level powerhouse will be instantly killed without any countermeasures.

"For you, your shortcomings are obvious, that is, short legs and short hands."

"So, with world roots, you want to strengthen your agility, as well as your attack distance in your stat frame.

"The increase in agility, combined with the mount you will get in the future, will increase your speed."

"Secondly, the increase in attack distance will not change your own basic attack form, but it can change the distance of your skill attack form, that is, the casting distance."

For example, your sarcasm needs to be increased most.

"Otherwise, those enemies with super-source distance attacks, they can completely play with you."

"You haven't met it now, it doesn't mean you won't meet it in the future."

"When you meet, you will know how painful it is."

"Senior Longyin, I heard you say that, have you encountered it before?"

Li Mo's words seemed to expose Long Yin's old background.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"Outside, the guy with short hands, which one has never met before."

(cfah) Gu Liguang couldn't help laughing at the bickering between the two, and smiled softly.

"Li Mo, there are many strong people out there."

"Such as false gods, descendants of the gods, bloodlines, angel sequences, outsiders, etc., they are all powerful."

"One-on-one, there are not a few people who have a record of killing gods."

"Your professional characteristics are strong, there is no doubt about it.

"But the shortcomings are indeed obvious."

"Movement speed and attack distance really need to be solved with the root of the world.

"In addition, your attack methods also need to be enhanced."

"Ordinary meat shield knights are mainly able to resist bosses, and they are in the front row.

"But you, obviously, can't just stand in the front row as a front row."

"Being able to resist, fight, and output is what you need to do."

"You rely too much on rebounding to deal damage now, and the damage method is too single.


Li Mo nodded.

Li Mo naturally understands his own shortcomings.

"Does the knight profession have powerful output methods?"

Li Mo asked.

Li Mo's words can be regarded as being questioned by two thousand-level powerhouses.

After thinking for a while, the well-informed Gu Liguang spoke.

"There are two solutions."

"First, use the Chaos Knight as the foundation and transfer to a higher sequence of Angel Knights."

"The angel knight sequence is born with long-range attack capabilities."

"Enhancing the attack distance with the root of the world will make you not weak in the melee and long-range attack form.

"This is very difficult, you are now a twelve-star profession."

"It is even more difficult to find a higher sequence of angel knights."

"Furthermore, for the reincarnation form of a 1,000-level advanced form, it also needs to turn to the Angel Sequence camp.

"Our God of War camp doesn't deal with the Angel Sequence camp on the other side of the kingdom of heaven."

"Secondly, it is the treasure of the gods! Make a false god!"

"And it's a false god with the characteristic of long-range attack ability!"

"In this way, using the framework of the gods, your remote means

, don't worry. "

"Gods are born omnipotent systems!"

"Senior Gu Liguang, the second point you mentioned is probably more difficult than the first point!"

Li Mo said helplessly.

"That's natural, if simple."

"In this world, isn't it full of professionals who can fight and resist, can output from a distance, and can fight hard steel in melee!"

After thinking for a while, Li Mo spoke slowly.

"Two seniors!"

"Actually, it doesn't have to be that troublesome!


Both of them looked over at the same time, slightly puzzled.

"for me."

"Extreme ability to resist and fight, this is the core.

“It is not necessarily necessary to pursue all-round perfection.

Neither of them knew the properties of Li Mo.

Li Mo is well aware of the strength of his own characteristics.

"If you encounter it, it is of course good."

"But if you can't meet it, don't force it too much."

"Strengthen a certain skill attack distance, taunt attack distance is enough,"

"As long as the taunt is good enough, he can't run if he holds the enemy back."

The two Wei Wei thought for a moment, and didn't have too many rebuttals.

Li Mo really wants to take the ultimate taunt, add rebound damage, and increase energy and resistance.

Also really have that possibility.

Although they haven't heard of any strong man who is famous for his resistance to fighting.

But Li Mo may not follow such a path.

After all, the current Li Mo is only level 499.

It has already created incredible miracles in the human world.

It is possible to create even higher heights in the future.

An invincible super tank capable of withstanding trillion-scale hordes of monsters.

That is also a scene that has amazed countless strong people.

Gu Liguang nodded.

"What you said is indeed reasonable, without this path, you may not be able to walk out.

"In that case."

"Next, we will prepare for the 500-level world tree land reclamation."

*500-level world tree copy, other races can't change the fact that we opened up wasteland. "

"So, our goal now is—whether it is possible to bring the world tree to a higher framework.

A copy of the world tree for a group.

Li Mo doesn't know much.

Gu Liguang is the oldest thousand-level powerhouse among human beings, so he naturally has deep research on this aspect.

"A copy of the World Tree, very strange!"

Gu Liguang slowly explained.

"Every world is a world tree!"

"The copy of the world tree is the original channel of the depth of the world."

"In the sequence framework rules, there are generally 200-level, 500-level, and 800-level nodes.

"Those worlds with 300-level, 600-level, and 900-level special nodes, let's talk about it."

"Opened up a copy of the world tree."

"Our ethnic group can officially collect the roots of the world."

*200 world tree copies, the number of world roots is 4.

*500 world tree, the world root is 25. "

"800 world tree, the world root is 64."

"The three are superimposed. If you open up 500 levels, you will open up 800 levels."

"It will have 89 world root units."


"Mythical dungeon, as an important branch of the world tree, also affects the output of the world root."

"Take the 80 mythological copies of our ethnic group as an example."

"Can increase output by an additional 80%."

"The 500-level world tree and the 800-level world tree are two-level development.

"That's 160 units a year. 27

"About one every two days, this speed is already amazing."

Li Mo nodded.

In many worlds, there are basically no mythical dungeons, and at most they use special treasures to help them open up World Tree dungeons.

And most of them are 200-level and 500-level world tree dungeons.

It is very rare to be able to develop a copy of the 800-level world tree.

Only the top rich families can do this.

Therefore, the output of the world tree root.

Very little in itself.

25 units, up to 30 units.

It is already the root output of most of the world's pioneering world tree copies.

It is precisely because the number of world roots is scarce, which leads to the small number of thousand-level powerhouses.

"But... that's not what I'm talking about."

Gu Liguang's tone became a little more dignified.

"The world tree copy also has depth.

"World tree copy? Depth?"

Li Mo's heart suddenly moved, and his thoughts were instantly opened!.

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