The hand that was about to send the message stopped.

Then Li Mo turned around.

look aside.

What catches the eye is a "Fallen Angel" professional with black wings, wearing a mythical suit, and no weapons in his hands. He is about three meters tall.

"Oh! By the way, I forgot to introduce myself."

"I, the main person in charge of your human territory and hundreds of surrounding territories, Priest [Wade].

Li Mo looked at this priest [Wade] from the sequence of three gods, without fear.

Li Mo knows that this priest [Wade] is a god whose level exceeds 2200.

17-star fallen angel sequence.

He is under the command of the God of War, truly powerful and powerful.

And human beings report to the big shots.

This is Wade.

Even, human beings are only in contact with Wade's subordinates, but cannot really get in touch with Wade.

The envoy [Turia] was accepted as an envoy by the God of War just because of its fast surrender.

There are many envoys, but most of them only have status and no real power.

The ones who really have the right to speak are high-level gods and priests like 【Wade】.

"During this time, the person wandering around here is you, right!"

Li Mo looked at Wade and said.

"That Lingyi told you, right?"

"If I don't show up, you can't find me."

Wade, with long black hair and a handsome face, smiled lightly, which was particularly contagious.

If you put him with long golden hair and white wings.

Then this guy is not a fallen angel, but an angel of light.

"At the moment, it's just that a fool died, and this trivial matter can be settled.

Wade looked in the direction of the disappearing envoy.

I looked at the hunting situation outside.

Only then did he successfully regain his gaze.

"But if you hit the safe zone built by the gods, you are really disobeying the majesty of the gods who fought against "June 43". This is the bottom line of the gods.

"If you really do that, I will even have to pay a huge price to help you humans settle down."

"But at the moment, it's just a dead idiot, and that doesn't even cost anything."

"So... now, do you invite me to sit in your city-state, or... another battle to slaughter the gods?"

Wade's pair of deep black eyes examined Li Mo, and there was always a faint smile on his face.

Looking at this powerful priest from the sequence camp.

After a while, a smile appeared on Ji Mo's face.

"Master Wade, the great priest, it is really a blessing for our human race that you have come to our human territory."

"Our human race is a loyal member who will always be loyal to the great God of War."

"If you don't mind, I will take you to visit my latest achievement, the Resurrected God's Pool.

"I think you should be very interested."

As for Wade, he was slightly taken aback.

He didn't expect that this mighty professional who was only rank seven.

To actually invite him directly to visit the greatest secret of mankind.

"What a tricky and scary guy!"

What appeared in his heart was obviously different from what appeared on his face.

Wade nodded in satisfaction.

"Very happy."

The fighting outside continued.

Priest Wade followed Li Mo to conduct a detailed tour of the small Resurrection God.

Even, Li Mo also acted as an interpreter himself.

The more he visited, the more Wei De became more afraid of this Ji Mo.

After more than two hours.

The war outside is over.

And Li Mo also took the priest Wade to visit the small kingdom of God.

Li Mo also gave the most detailed answers to his doubts.

As Li Mo ordered.

In the Baishen Guild, a strong welcome ceremony was soon carried out.

Many thousand-level powerhouses who have just returned are still immersed in the joy of victory.

He was dragged into the ceremony of welcoming the priest.

Night fell.

A safe and comfortable basement living room.

Just Li Mo and Wade sitting here.

Both of them were silently thinking.

Today, a seemingly simple invitation to visit, a drinking ceremony.

All of these contain things that even Wade is afraid of.

And this is where human beings have value.

After a long time.

Wade opened his mouth slowly.

"The four clans of Dark Blue Blood Thunder, they will all leave the human territory."

"Their safe zone will also be taken over by you humans."

"Humanity will officially have its own dominion over the realms."

"At the same time, you humans can also develop other neutral territories around you."

"If you humans can take it down, it belongs to you humans."

"Of course, the resources of the World Sacred Tree need to be handed over, and there is no room for discussion on this point.

"However... everything is still in accordance with the rules set by the gods."

"The extra income of the myth copy is not counted."

"Of course, if the depth is opened up, it will still be half of the depth according to the same ratio.

"Secondly, if you confront other sequence camps in the process of expanding your territory."

"You need to maintain the front of the ruling territory yourself."

"I will not mobilize strength to support your human territory.

"The achievements of pioneering need to be maintained by yourself."

"Or don't develop."

"Remember, this is already the best result I can give you.

Compared to that idiot God Envoy Turia.


This [priest] who rules the surrounding territory, this is the real negotiation.

If the gods are all fools like Turia.

The camp of the three gods has long since collapsed.

Wade, such a guy, is the real backbone of the serial camp.


Li Mo looked at Wade and asked concisely.

"Because your resurrection power is very strong and your traits are also extraordinary, but it is a small-scale resurrection after all.

"Maybe it can support one or two large-scale wars."

"You heard me right, 200,000 resurrections a day are small-scale resurrections."

"In the real battle of serial camps, the number of dead is measured in units of billions.

"Moreover...your resurrection only affects pure professionals."

"As for the battles in the vast god sequence camp, the summons alone are all in units of billions, and the daily consumption is the same."

"You have not been deeply involved in the war of the sequence camp, let alone the war of the chaotic city-state."

"I haven't even been exposed to foreign wars on the front line of God's Domain."

"Even you human beings who are a thousand-level strong have not participated in depth."

"Do you know how much our logistics master's potion consumes every day?"

"Do you know how many similar Divine Kingdom skill pools we have?"

"Do you know how many powerful magic skills in the magic source pool are storing god-level magic skills at this 50-layer cooling rate?"

"Do you know how many magic airships can be produced every day in the steam arsenal beside the Kingdom of God?"

"Do you know how many thousand-level bugs you can produce every day for the delivery of those top brood units built by the gods?"

"Let me tell you, these quantities, even if only take one percent of a day's production."

"You can plow every inch of land in your human territory,"

"Our God of War alone has more than 3,000 formal territories."

"More than 5,000 potential territories to rule."

"Not to mention, ethnic group electricity may not be a place where the gods focus on development at all.

"The chaotic city-state, where is the focus of development."

"That's where the gods really have the potential for terrifying war."

What Wade said made Zimmer's scalp tingle.

"The time for you humans to enter the national occupation is too short."

"There is no technology tree built with a multi-attribute framework at all."

"I know that you humans have entered the industrial age before."

"But in the era of universal occupation, you humans are just rookies."

"And those who want to go further in the era of universal occupation, you will be greeted by the industrial era of the depth of the universal occupation."

"You are very good."

"Know how to build a small kingdom of God, produce resurrection skills, and help humans resurrect."

"But you should also be inspired by the resurrection of the Kingdom of God outside, right!"

"But it's not that you haven't seen more potential, but it hasn't been developed yet.

"In the era of the whole people, it is not only the strength of a single person that is relied on."

"It relies more on the strength of the whole people."

"Everyone is a screw in the era of the whole people."

"When the whole works in an orderly manner, it will be like a huge serial factory.

"A powerful product, such as an automatic magic cannon."

"Hundreds of thousand-level magic can be cast in one second."

"On the walls of the chaotic city-state, there are hundreds of such magic robes."

"Steam magic airship can quickly enter the battlefield, and put the gate of the hive in the middle of the battle.

"The portal of the realm can transport powerful professionals to the position that needs to be low at the first time.

"This is the truly terrifying existence of high-level sequence professionals."

"At that time, even a god like me would drown in the vast sea of ​​magic Fa Hai and die."

"Even the corpses don't exist, the kind of instant disaster." 17

"Now you understand why I am qualified to sit here and bargain with you!"

"Even set rules for you and your humans!"

Wade examines Li Mo.

Wade's words really shocked Li Mo enough.

It is indeed too short for human beings to enter the era of universal occupation.

And those powerful races that have long entered the occupation of the national sequence.

There is still a big gap in the real utilization of the national occupational sequence system.

At least, human beings still rely on the strength of a single person for now.

It is necessary to rely on the strength of the professionals themselves.

And the outside world.

It is already using the various powers of the sequence era.

Such as the source pool, such as the steam airship, such as the transmission

Each power is deeply developed, applied and precipitated.

But Li Mo also knows.

There is no doubt that the potential of human beings is higher than that of many powerful ethnic groups.

Just this resurrection ability.

It will allow human beings to carry out in-depth development of all copies of the entire human territory in terms of equipment occupations, materials, etc.

At that time, human beings will truly enter the era of national mythology.

It is not Li Mo's mythical age alone.

It is the age of myth for everyone.

More importantly, the potential value of Li Mo's resurrection.

But haven't dug deep yet.

Not to mention Li Mo himself.

When those large-scale wars that Wade said.

Li Mo naturally thought of his invincible phantom.

An invincible phantom that can appear far away from Li Mo.

It may be difficult to form an existence across borders.

However, phantoms can exist within a range of hundreds of kilometers around.

And this is already within the scope of a large battlefield.

At least, Li Mo now has the ability to reverse a large-scale battlefield by himself.

However, Li Mo will naturally not say this.

Before, Li Mo shot, although the phantom was released, but Li Mo did not let the phantom expand.

If the phantom really expands, it will reveal another big secret of Li Mo.

Li Mo has enough confidence and capital.

Obviously, those conditions before Wade are not met.

After all, Li Mo deliberately concealed a lot of information when he visited the Resurrection God's Pool.

The real and the false are mixed together.

Wade can't know the horror of Li Mo's true resurrection ability.

"I need to be in the Dark Blue Blood Thunder family, have a safe zone, and even... a copy of their territory, and... the right to develop the World Tree of their territory!"

Li Mo said so.

This made Wade frown slightly.

"These four clans are all big clans, and they have made a lot of contributions in the chaotic city-state.

"They also have solid foundations in some other territories."

"Also, I don't really want to have ethnic groups war with each other within the territory I rule...."

"after all.……………"

When Wade said that.

Li Mo clasped his arms and lay back, looking at Wade indifferently.

"10,000 resurrections per day!"

Wade didn't engage in those nonsense anymore, and directly fired his price tag!

Li Mo laughed.

"This resurrection is still very attractive to Wade!"

"Otherwise, this 2200-level priest wouldn't have discussed the issue in such detail with my rank seven brat.

"10,000 resurrections per day, automatically refreshed every day, no accumulation."

"After all, if you accumulate it, I don't have so many places to store it. Of course, if you are willing to invest 10,000 skill reserve magic stones here every day, I don't mind storing extra resurrections for you."

"10,000 skill reserve magic stones every day, your appetite is really not small." Wade chuckled.

"Your appetite is not small, you directly ate 5% of my resurrection quantity." Li Mo responded lightly. 1.0 "10,000 chances of resurrection every day, in exchange, I will help you apply for your human's safe zone stronghold in the four major groups. w

"But each group is limited to three."

"As for what you can develop into, it's up to you."

"Three is enough!" Li Mo nodded.

In the Divine Sequence camp.

Nominally, the territory of each ethnic group is the territory ruled by the gods.

Professionals of this god sequence can enter safely.

In theory it is.

But if you don't have your own territory.

First of all, you have to travel hundreds of kilometers, or even thousands of kilometers, to pass through the barrier and enter the opponent's territory.

Then fight against the enemy without any backup.

Isn't this a proper way to send a thousand miles to death?

They may even be caught by the enemy, their attributes will be locked, and then they will be sealed and taken hostage.

And once there is a safe zone within the territory of the ethnic group, it is simple.

Teleport to the past, establish city-state strongholds, establish guilds, and open up copies.

Establish a teleportation array across boundaries.

Massive resources were sent in a steady stream.

A large number of main members of the guild moved in.

You can directly develop copies and seize resources.


You said this copy belongs to your ethnic group?

Shout it out and it should?

Soon, conflicts arose.

The gods allow the major ethnic groups to fight each other.

If you can't win, you retreat to the safe zone.

It is only natural that the weak make way for the strong.


This is how several major alien races did it in the human territory.


Li Mo is going to do what they do on human heads.

Do it on their heads in turn.

Not too much!

Therefore, within each of the four major ethnic groups, one stronghold is enough.

Not to mention that within their ethnic group, each has three strongholds. .

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