
said, Let there be light.

So there was light.

God says that the opposite of light is darkness.

So there was darkness.

God says that blasphemers will be punished.

Therefore, the heavenly punishment was lowered.

True prophecy is never about perceiving the future.

It's about being sure about the future.

It is a future created in a word.

This is the closest to God's power, the most extreme in the mortal world.

This rhapsodic, extreme ability to get close to God was apparently accidentally acquired by the little poet who walked shit luck.

However, the cost of achieving it is too great.

God can use unlimited spiritual power to activate this skill.

And a mortal.

Obviously, it is difficult to use this powerful and unparalleled power to mobilize heaven and earth.

Fortunately, things that are simple and have nothing to do with the world line can easily be created by [prophecy].

Li Xiuyuan's mind moved.

Activate the skill [Prophecy]

"I predict the corner of the next second, a golden spoon falls on the ground, and there happens to be a miracle engraved on the back."

He read as he walked around the corner.

After ten steps, he turned and stood around the corner.

A small and exquisite gold spoon, lying quietly on the ground.

He bent down to pick it up, and there were tiny marks carved into the handle of the spoon.

"Li Xiuyuan."

It's his name.

Li Xiuyuan laughed.

Drop the spoon into the virtual warehouse.

This god-level skill had accomplished many things for him before he went back in time.

For example, plant a seed and speak in his place.

For example, when planting seeds, countless bad tastes are added, resulting in a bumpy childhood for seeds.

Of course, this is all in the past.

At that time, Li Xiuyuan was simply unable to move a wide range of world lines.

For example, even if the skill takes effect, he cannot create a new world.

Even if the skill takes effect, he can't make the true god disappear.

Those huge, mighty prophecies consumed enough mental power to make him lose everything.

And now.

After 30 years of hard work, he not only gained huge spiritual power.

There are also properties that are not exhaustible.

He now has the power to change all that.

Thinking of this, Li Xiuyuan let out a long sigh.

Two whole eras, finally coming.

If you launch the skill [Space Magic]

as a decisive battle, it is indeed a spacious and beautiful place.

It's an island.

Choose a good place long before you go back in time.

He paced slowly around the island.

Feel the gentle breeze and warm sunshine.

In the middle of the island, a formation of magic crystals was built.

He held his breath and quenched a small piece of crystal from his body and threw it into the formation.

In an instant, the crystals were lit up, and a light and lively tune sounded.

Countless streamers flew out and flew towards the end of the world.

[Skill chant takes effect, launches random magic effects, increases damage by 80%, triggers lucky effects

, increases to 900%] [Skill Patience Song takes effect, defense power increases by 2000, mana recovery is accelerated by 20%, and physical strength recovery is accelerated by 400%

] [Skill Active March takes effect, casting speed is increased by 99%, kilometer speed is increased by 99%]

[Skill Inspire Pride takes effect....] [

The Skill Earth Gift

takes effect....] [The guardianship of the skill wind elf

takes effect...] [The recovery of all things in

skill takes effect...] [Skill attribute absorption

takes effect...] [Skill Anthem takes effect, skill magic trick takes effect, skill identification technique takes effect, skill magic immunity is turned on, skill automatic counterattack is turned on...]

With the construction of crystallization, Li Xiuyuan's skills are opened one by one.

He wandered around the island while sensing nearby islands.

The area is slightly smaller than the Orting Mountains.

The surrounding vegetation is dense, and some small monsters inhabit it.

Nice and fit.

He clapped his hands and transformed the phantom sound into a prototype.

A flute.

Activate the skill [Prophecy]

"I prophesy, I am about to meet the goddess of the moon, Avel."

As the words fell, the sky suddenly darkened.

A purple mist filled the surroundings.

A graceful voice in the mist tapped his toes, like a thin-feathered elf.

Gently descend on the surface.

His hair is moon-like golden.

Or ears of wheat, or shimmering.

The body shape is just right, one more point makes people can't help but profane, and one less point does not have the intention of harvesting now.

A black gauze wrapped in pearl-colored long legs.

The shadows can be glimpsed with a hint of holiness.

The fragrance of rice and wheat, the smell of earth, and the natural breath of nature.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of large and small pearls falling on the plate sounded.

"Long time no see, Piper - Li Xiuyuan."

Li Xiuyuan did not speak, but just squinted at the goddess in front of him.

It's hard to glimpse its real data, but predictably, it's really strong.

But now I have the power of a war.

In a virtual illusion, bind me.

Since I couldn't break free, I ended it myself.


I predict that in the next second, Avel will raise his right leg and accidentally trigger a 25 million-ton fission bomb..."

Li Xiuyuan tilted his head and looked at Avel with a smile.

"I think he must have had a way to stop this, but he accidentally lost his foreign object."

Li Xiuyuan had just finished saying two words, and with a swoosh, the black gauze wrapped in Avel's body turned into a black panther.

Agile and light to fall to the ground.

The panther opened its mouth, turned into a ball of light and a fission bomb together with a white light, and disappeared in front of the two.

Li Xiuyuan whistled at Avel while getting down from the magic spar.

"Good figure."

There was no shyness or panic on Avel's face, and with a wave of her hand, she cut her clothes and draped them over her body again.

Li Xiuyuan did not have the slightest fear and calmly watched her movements.

Avel drew circles in the air with both hands, and a pink lute appeared in her hand.

Li Xiuyuan recognized that it was the [Saint. Goddess. After being

eaten by the phantom sound, Lute returned to the goddess.

Activate the skill [Prophecy]

"I prophesy that my lute will receive the true prefix and return to me."

As if he hadn't heard it, he just gently plucked the strings.

"You use prophecy very well, but there is not only pre-prediction in the world..."

Before the words fell, several gusts of wind hit her hand, forcing her to release her fingers and take a few steps back.

Is it Li Xiuyuan's [Wind Blade]

Who said that if you activate a skill, you must read it out loud?

Avel's level Li Xiu had already calculated clearly, and he was completely comfortable under her.

However, to really catch her, or change something according to Li Xiuyuan's thoughts, you need to use some brains.

However, this is nothing, and if you go back in time, the whole world will not be able to withstand such a force.

When the world of Emira collapses, this so-called goddess of the moon will not be of much use.

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