It is said that many animals become extremely violent because of the spawning season, which may be the reason why they invaded the Kuqi Mountains?

Li Xiuyuan patted it gently, and the eggshell instantly cracked, and transparent slime flowed out of it.


No, if it is because of the spawning season, you should report to Kuqi Mountain once a year.

Launch skill [anecdote knowledge]

query Regional anomaly

verification The source of the anomaly in this area is the Warcraft Ball of Warcraft.

Ball of Voice: This creature belongs to the strong level, it has a full field of vision, dark vision, and murderous eyes.

All the creatures within the sight of this monster will be randomly released by it once [Eye Wave] Li

Xiuyuan hurriedly removed his butt from the big, round and white egg.

The Book of Anecdotes turns into a little starlight as the skill ends.

It was getting dark.

Activate the skill [Demon Eye]

big brother, I call you big brother, but if you just take a serious look, you should be able to understand that this is not some animal egg, this is an eyeball!!

People are very high-end Warcraft, the ball of whispering, not a small shrimp OK?

Ball of Whispers (Otherworldly Creatures)

Race: No

Level: Converted to LV: 900

Attack: 23500~65000

Health: 200 million/200 million

Mana: None.

Defense: Unprotected:

Untalented: Alien Inhabitants, Evil Wizards, Blood Feast.

Skills: Devouring, Soul Washing, Mind Embrace, Evil Eye. Eye waves.

The inhabitants of distant lands love to wander between time and space, devouring other creatures and reading their memories.

No one will underestimate it because of its low attack power, it is an absolute spiritual powerhouse! It can easily drive the Great Sage crazy!

Most of the time, Ball of Whispering likes to talk to itself, chattering about incomprehensible language.

These phrases often contain hints or warnings, but most of them are useless, meaningless sentences.

Because they are too knowledgeable.

Those who are unfortunate enough to hear it will fall into a state of extreme madness.

Note: They like to talk to people, but they are usually very stubborn, acting exactly according to their own logic, and devouring if they don't agree.

Note 2: Although the Ball of Whispering often travels alone, strange events and some special creatures can predict their arrival.

Note 3: I think I am much better at serious than a certain book, and I recommend using this skill more to improve my proficiency.

Weakness: It is a strong person in another world, and you are also a strong person, don't you have a feeling of sympathy between you?

If you really want to kill it, it's worth up to 1 knife.

After Li Xiuyuan swept the introduction of the monster, he saw the black ground in front of him squirming.

He quickly got to the point.

A Warcraft that can only prophesy?

Although he has no interest in predicting the future, he doesn't mind raising an otherworldly monster.

Everyone is an outsider.

Maybe there is a common language that is not.

I don't know if the other party wants it or not.

It seems that I have to ask well.

Launch skill [

Mind Blast] Li Xiuyuan selected the ball of whispering and launched the Mind Blast.

【Ding! The psychic blast fails, and the target has no spirit points and cannot activate the skill. Whoops


The first time I encountered this, it was indeed an alien species, fresh!

He did not activate the skill again, but stood in place and observed.

Will this so-called foreign resident know about the crossing?

Phantom Yin hugged Li Xiuyuan's neck tightly.

The unusual aura of Warcraft on the opposite side made it become slightly more cautious.

The black earth continued to wriggle, higher and higher.

The white egg on it, as if suddenly connected to some nerve, spun rapidly from side to side.

It looks like a person's face distorted due to the crazy rotation of his eyes.

Soon, a huge, eyeball-covered mass of flesh was suspended in the air.

The black dirt on its body gradually fell off, revealing pink flesh.

Li Xiuyuan had never engaged in cross-space diplomacy, holding his hands and waiting for the other party to ask questions first.

Since it is in its own territory, of course, you have to be more reserved.

[The Ball of Whispers triggers the magic immunity effect on you using the skill (Evil Eye) skill, and the skill fails]

[The Ball of Whisper triggers the magic immunity effect

when you use the skill (Mind Embrace) skill on you, and the skill fails. 【

The Ball of Whispering uses the skill (soul cleansing)....】The

Ball of Whisper:?

Li Xiuyuan continued to observe.

Although it is really difficult for him to see with the naked eye, it is difficult to imagine that a strange, eye-filled ball of meat can have intelligence?

He even wondered if this thing was a creature, okay!

Not to mention having the power to prophesy.

The world is too big to be interesting.


As soon as the words fell, Li Xiuyuan regretted it.

He heard the hardest tone ever.

It was as if all the filthy words appeared together.

At that moment, Li Xiuyuan even wanted to directly pull out the knife and result in the monster in front of him.

Fortunately, the creature on the opposite side finally spoke by constantly changing the intonation, Emira lingua franca.

[I come from the void. The

opposite side said.

Li Xiuyuan was far from being outdone.

"This man is from Earth."

The ball of whispering thought for a while, and all the eyeballs turned wildly in unison.

The last glimmer of light in the sky disappeared into the horizon.

It was dark.

The sound of thunderstorms is endless.

Li Xiuyuan: ......

Who looks at this and doesn't drop the SAN value?

"You are stronger than me.

Li Xiuyuan bowed: "Pass the award." "

Helen came back, she gave me punishment, oh, God lifted my coffin, we tore each other, hee-hee.] The exposed bones, the sucked flesh and blood, we hate and love each other, we have light in our eyes.

"So? You mean, you're out of love? The other party domestic violence you? No, no, and Helen. "

You cheated? with Helen, and then found out by his wife? Li

Xiuyuan struggled to do reading comprehension.

Boy! It turned out to be a cosmic ethics drama!

What the hell is it talking nonsense!!

Phantom Yin whispered a rainbow fart: "It's worthy of being the master's father, this can be understood." The

ball of whispering in front of him was silent after listening to Li Xiuyuan's interpretation.

Li Xiuyuan was a little bored, and when he met a visitor from heaven for the first time, he thought that he could have something extraordinary.

"Okay." He single-handedly intends to end the topic.

"This is my private territory, you can't live here for free."

The ball of whisper twisted for a while, and then replied with the sound of the blade scraping.

[Selfless King, I can offer you a precious future.

"Yes, the rent is paid once a month."

[Greedy King!

Li Xiuyuan glanced at it without any sense of threat.

Countless eyeballs twitched in the air.

Then he closed his eyes.

[Our vows are as eternal as blood is red]

Li Xiuyuan pinched his eyebrows.

How come one or two of the two on the stall recently are all this tune, can it be cured in the middle two disease!

A simple good word, do you need such a complex answer?!

While Li Xiuyuan was complaining, the ball of whispering activated the skill.

[Evil Sorcerer]

Li Xiuyuan felt that all the fire elements in the air began to stir.

Immediately afterwards, the thunder element also rushed here.

The two forces fused and turned into a treacherous picture behind the Ball of Whisper.

Then, a flash of light from the sky shot at one of the eyeballs of the whispering ball.

That eyeball quickly burst and sticky blood flowed out.

He somewhat regretted fusing the title, and the night vision effect on the title made this strange scene appear.

Nightmare material is available.

But who wants to see such an inexplicable picture, fall.

The ball of whispers in front of him continued to whisper.

[Great King, for this world...]

"Stop!" Li Xiuyuan interrupted it: "Don't tell me so far and inexplicable things, tell me what will happen today next month." "

Too long a spoiler he didn't want to think about.

The ball of whispering listened to this, and all eyes looked at him in disbelief.

It just used its ability to see the future at the cost of consuming an eyeball, and this person asked him to do it all over again!

Who doesn't know that one of its eyeballs requires huge flame energy to gather!

And once magic, it takes countless thunder energy to achieve!

What the devil is this!

The ball of whispering regretted a little and ran away from home on impulse.

It glanced desperately at the sky and continued to unleash its magic.

Finally, it has insight into the future!

[Lonely King, you will still be single. Phantom

couldn't help but laugh.

Li Xiuyuan: ...

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