Quanmin: God Of Support, My Teammates Are All Perverts

Chapter 34 Special Rewards From The Abyss Secret Realm! (First Update! Please Give Me Flowers, Pleas

Lin Ziye learned about Su Chen's support abilities from Zhang Ting's mouth.

Finally understood Su Chen and Gu Xiaoxuan's upgrade abilities when teamed up with Xu Feifei...

Before today.

She was still worried that Gu Xiaoxuan and Xu Feifei might not reach level 40 in seven days before the Abyssal Secret Realm opens.

In order to improve their competitiveness in the Abyssal Secret Realm.

She immediately decided to send someone to level them up...

But now it seems.

They are teaming up with Su Chen.

Who else needs to be leveled up?

At this rate of leveling up.

It is estimated that it will only take a few days to reach level 40, or even higher...

In order to remind them not to level up too fast,

to the point where they cannot enter the Abyssal Secret Realm,

Lin Ziye immediately sent a message in the guild group.

[ Lin Ziye: @ Su Chen, @ Gu Xiaoxuan, @ Xu Feifei, you three, don't do the third advancement task after reaching level 40. ]

[ Gu Xiaoxuan: Why? (puzzled expression) ]

[ Xu Feifei: . ]

[ Lin Ziye: The Abyssal Secret Realm will open in seven days. This time, only second advancement professionals below level 41 can enter. If you don't want to miss it, remember not to do the third advancement first! ]

[ Gu Xiaoxuan: Abyssal Secret Realm? (surprised expression) Is it the secret realm that opens once every two years? ]

[ Lin Ziye: Yes, I don't need to explain the benefits of the Abyssal Secret Realm, right? ]

[ Gu Xiaoxuan: Understood! (OK expression) ]

[ Xu Feifei: Understood. ]

[ Lin Ziye: What about Su Chen? This Su Chen, why doesn't he ever speak in the guild group? ]

[ Gu Xiaoxuan: Guild leader, rest assured, I will convey it to Su Chen! ]




The next morning.

When Su Chen woke up, the knocking sound he heard was not from Gu Xiaoxuan.

Su Chen felt somewhat uncomfortable with Su Chen treating Gu Xiaoxuan as a human alarm clock.

He opened his phone and realized that Gu Xiaoxuan had already sent him a message.

[Gu Xiaoxuan: The guild leader said we have to participate in the Abyssal Secret Realm in seven days, so don't level up too quickly... Today, I'll make an exception and let you sleep a little longer... Hehe (tongue-out emoji)]

"The Abyssal Secret Realm?"

Su Chen finally opened his phone and checked the guild chat messages.

After seeing the message sent by Lin Ziye, he couldn't help but feel a hint of surprise.

"This time, the Abyssal Secret Realm actually has level restrictions for entry?"

Su Chen naturally understood the 'Abyssal Secret Realm' that only opens once every two years.

Unlike ordinary secret realms that limit the number of participants.

The Abyssal Secret Realm does not limit the number of people, and anyone in the Xia Kingdom can enter.


Not everyone who enters the Abyssal Secret Realm will receive rewards.

On the contrary, the rewards are fixed.

The more people enter, the more intense the competition will be compared to other secret realms!


The Abyssal Secret Realm is open to all professional players in the country.

For the unique rewards of the Abyssal Secret Realm.

All major Apex Level guilds.

Will emerge at this time.

They will go to great lengths to compete for the rewards...


As for the special rewards of the Abyssal Secret Realm.

There are three in total.


The top five teams' guilds will receive a buff that lasts until the next Abyssal Secret Realm opens, and the buff will rotate again.

This buff effect is extremely terrifying. Guilds that receive the buff can easily break through to a higher level with this buff.


Based on their ranking, they will receive rewards such as experience, equipment, skill books, etc.

These rewards will be more abundant than other secret realms or dungeons.

Of course, only the teams ranked in the top few will receive it.


Every Abyssal Secret Realm will produce a unique "Abyssal Weapon"!

As for the effect of the "Abyssal Weapon," it varies each time.

Weapons for any profession are possible.

What can be certain is that the effect of the "Abyssal Weapon" is extremely powerful!

The effect is even more powerful than many Legendary Level weapons.

It is precisely because of the power and rarity of the "Abyssal Weapon" that the competition for it in each Abyssal Secret Realm is a major event.


In the past Abyssal Secret Realms, it was basically a game for those at the fifth or even sixth transformation level.

Low-level professionals simply had no way to participate.


This Abyssal Secret Realm actually restricts entry based on level.

This immediately piqued Su Chen's interest.

Not to mention the abundant rewards of the Abyssal Secret Realm.

He was particularly curious about the unique "Abyssal Weapon."

Although all the talented professionals in the country will participate at that time.

The competition will undoubtedly be fierce.

Hidden professionals who are not usually seen.

It is estimated that they will emerge one after another like bamboo shoots after rain.

However, Su Chen is still confident.

With his legendary profession, Divine Awakening Healer, as well as Gu Xiaoxuan and Xu Feifei, two hidden professions.

Not to mention anything else.

At least achieving a top five position is still without any pressure.


Su Chen replied with two words in the guild chat: "Received."

Then he turned off his phone and started eating breakfast, while looking forward to the Abyss Secret Realm seven days later.

But Su Chen hadn't put down his phone for two minutes when he heard the sound of a notification.

He opened his phone and saw a friend request message -

[ Lin Ziye has requested to be your friend (accept/reject) ]

"Lin Ziye? The guild leader? Why did she add me as a friend?" Su Chen wondered.

He then clicked on accept.

[ Lin Ziye has become your friend. ]

[ Lin Ziye: It's hard to have a conversation with you. ]

[ Su Chen: Hehe, didn't see the phone... ]

[ Lin Ziye: I heard that you and Gu Xiaoxuan and Xu Feifei have been teaming up these past two days and have refreshed a lot of dungeon clearance records? ]

[ Su Chen: Mhm. ]

[ Lin Ziye: ... ]

[ Lin Ziye: You're quite frank. I looked at the clearance records of those dungeons, even if Gu Xiaoxuan and Xu Feifei are hidden classes, this speed is too exaggerated, isn't it? ]

[ Su Chen: Really? It's not bad, right? ]


Su Chen and Lin Ziye chatted for a while.

It was clear that Lin Ziye was constantly testing him.

And, in just a few words.

Su Chen felt that Lin Ziye should have already learned about the abilities he had shown from Zhang Ting.

Although it wasn't explicitly stated.

It was clearly shown that Lin Ziye had a 'knowing' attitude towards Su Chen.

It seems that Lin Ziye was probably the person who was curious about him.


(Feeling better now, but still weak and experiencing vomiting and diarrhea, feeling really uncomfortable...)

(I slept and woke up to see that the data hasn't changed much, feeling even more uncomfortable...)

(Asking for flowers and votes to encourage the author...)

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