Quanmin: God Of Support, My Teammates Are All Perverts

Chapter 45 Holy Gold Warrior: When Did I Become So Awesome? (Second Update! Please Give Me Flowers!

Su Chen activated [Eye of Heavenly Enlightenment],

Only to find that there was an additional line of data in his field of vision—

[Divine Golden Warrior]

Level: LV80

Strength: 68000


Skills: [Golden Dash] [Golden Cleave]


As an NPC, Su Chen was able to see the data panel of the Divine Golden Warrior.

This was reasonable, theoretically.

However, what surprised Su Chen was that,

He found an extra line of small text beneath the two skills of the Divine Golden Warrior.

It vividly described the effects of these two skills being enhanced by [Divine Blessing]!

Su Chen scratched his head.

He was a bit confused.

But since he could see the effects of the skills of the Divine Golden Warrior being enhanced,

He suddenly had a bold idea!


First, Su Chen cast a "Holy Blessing" on the Divine Golden Warrior.

After waiting for a moment, there was no response.

The panel of the Divine Golden Warrior remained unchanged.

Su Chen was not surprised.

After all, according to the settings, normal NPCs cannot receive buffs from professionals.

Then, Su Chen used "Mind Imprint" on the Divine Golden Warrior.


The status bar of the Divine Golden Warrior gained a "Mind Imprint" buff!

While increasing strength, it also increased damage by 80%!

Su Chen widened his eyes!

It worked!

Since "Mind Imprint" was effective,

It meant that his profession-bound skill was effective on the Divine Golden Warrior!

Su Chen didn't know if it was because of the legendary profession or if there was a bug.

But in this way, his [Divine Blessing] was also effective!

Su Chen remembered what Wei Xuan had said.

The Divine Golden Warrior could deal about 10% damage to the boss, "God of Ruin."

So, if he added a buff to the Divine Golden Warrior,

Could he defeat the boss in one move?

Su Chen glanced at the God of Ruin on the throne.

He thought to himself, sorry about that.

Don't blame me for cheating!

Then, Su Chen moved his finger.

Inconspicuously, he added a buff to the Divine Golden Warrior.

Looking at its panel again,

The two ordinary skills had undergone a slight change!

[Divine Golden Assault]...

[Divine Golden Soul Sever]...

The damage and effects increased by more than ten times!


However, the Divine Golden Warrior, as an NPC, was not aware of its own changes.

Instead, it proceeded with the conversation with the God of Ruin in an orderly manner.

Divine Golden Warrior: "Ancient God of Ruin! You are the source of evil. Only when your soul rests can this continent achieve lasting peace..."

God of Ruin: "Hehehehe..."


After completing the process,

The Divine Golden Warrior raised its long sword.

And launched an attack on the God of Ruin.

At this moment, Wei Xuan sighed and said, "After the Divine Golden Warrior launches an attack, the hatred of the God of Ruin will be triggered. What should we do, fight or not?"

As he spoke, Wei Xuan and the others all looked at Su Chen.

Unconsciously, Su Chen had become the backbone of the group.

Waiting for Su Chen to make a decision.

However, Su Chen did not answer.

Instead, he focused his attention on the Holy Golden Warrior.

Only to see him swiftly attack with his long sword, charging towards the "God of Ruin".

Then he swung his sword.

In theory,

This attack was only meant to provoke the "God of Ruin" and ignite its hatred.

The damage caused would be extremely limited.


As the sword swung, a huge sword aura appeared in the hall!

As if splitting the entire hall in half!

The strike landed on the "God of Ruin".

Directly taking away more than half of its health!


The "God of Ruin" on the throne let out a contemptuous sigh.

"Warrior... your sword needs sharpening..."

While the "Holy Golden Warrior" looked surprised.

"Why can't I even penetrate its defense? Has my martial arts declined?"


At this moment, when they saw the astonishing damage number above the boss's head,

Wei Xuan and the others were stunned in place.

What's going on?

One strike took away more than half of its health?

Is the "Holy Golden Warrior" that powerful?


At this point, after the boss lost more than half of its health from a single strike,

The ordinary conversation between the "Holy Golden Warrior" and the "God of Ruin" seemed comical.

God of Ruin: "Hehehe... Warrior... are you tickling me?"

Wei Xuan and others really wanted to complain.

You've lost almost half of your blood with just one sword strike, and you're still saying that I'm scratching an itch for you?

Why didn't we realize before that the boss is so stubborn?


Next, according to the procedure.

"The Holy Golden Warrior" doubts that his power cannot penetrate the defense of the "God of Ruin".

Unyielding, he exchanges blows with the "God of Ruin" for more than ten moves.

Then he realizes that he is no match.

So he seeks the help of professionals.


The current situation is that the skills of the "Holy Golden Warrior" have been amplified.

I saw it continuously slashing the "God of Ruin" with more than ten swords.

Flashes of sword aura pass through the hall!

By the time of the second sword, the "God of Ruin" was already severely injured, triggering its frenzy.

But before the "God of Ruin" could cast its frenzy skill.

The third sword that followed instantly killed it!

The process was swift and decisive!


["Team Instance: Ruined Temple" successfully conquered, rewards are being distributed...]

It wasn't until Su Chen and others were already settling the rewards.

That the "Holy Golden Warrior" turned around and asked them for help...

"Professionals who have come from afar! The God of Ruin is too powerful! Please lend me a hand!"


Wei Xuan and others looked at each other.

They all showed a bitter smile.

"Doesn't it know how awesome it is? Even the boss was killed by it, and it's still asking us for help?"


(Readers, please give me some flowers and evaluation votes! The author is really working hard to update! But now the data doesn't look very promising...)

(I only ask readers who have flowers and votes to spare to give them to me. If you don't have any, please show your face in the comment section so that the author knows that someone is reading, and there will be motivation to update...)

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