Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 106: God-Level Luck Rules Scroll, Rich Rewards! (Please Subscribe!)

I Cao!

The job-changers from the Yan Kingdom, who were passionate and fearful of death, were embarrassed!

Elder Lu in the sky was also embarrassed.

Listen to the content of the voice of rules.

Yan country!

It's really Yan Country!

Didn't we agree, let's all resist the natural disaster of the undead together?

Why did someone steal the house?


Could this count as a house theft?

There was a glint of excitement in Lu Lao's eyes.

They know that only the party responsible for the main attack can be recognized by the rules of heaven and earth.

Therefore, there is no possibility of stealing the house.

If it is said that the undead from the undead plane caused more than 50% of the damage to the Sakura Kingdom, then even if someone secretly killed the guardian statue at the last moment, the rules of heaven and earth would not take it into consideration.


"Someone went to the depths of the Cherry Blossom Country and caused more than 50% of the "740" damage to the Cherry Blossom Country!"

Old Lu was trembling with excitement.

As a Rank Nine powerhouse, he clearly knew how powerless he was in the face of that terrible undead natural disaster. At that time, he only saw a scaly claw from a distance, and his scalp felt numb, so he had to turn around and return.

It can be seen how terrifying this natural disaster of the undead is.

Being able to be recognized by the rules of heaven and earth in such a devastating natural disaster.

How powerful is this Yan Guo senior?

"Could it be that someone from the older generation came back from the mountain?"

Elder Lu was so excited that he wished he could scream up to the sky.

"It must be the seniors of our Yan Kingdom who made the move!"

"Great! With seniors of this level, our country of Yan can be saved!"

"Haha! The national fortune has been promoted! After so many years, we finally see the promotion of the international!"

"I don't know which senior it is?"

In the public secret realm, many giants who were frantically rushing back were ecstatic.

"Everyone, don't go back now. I just got the news from Lu Lao. At present, everything is safe in the Yan Kingdom area. We have already opened up wasteland to this point. If we go back now, I am afraid that other countries will be the first to take it!"

"Well, indeed, land reclamation is more important right now!" said a tycoon from Yan Kingdom.

He is an SS-level hidden professional observer, who can observe the most important context from various clues, so as to see the final result.

However, the higher the target level of observation, the greater the importance and the greater the difficulty.

Since opening up wasteland, he has used his professional characteristics to observe clues almost all the time, getting closer and closer to the final result.

At this moment, I finally couldn't help but speak out.

"Big Lin Hao, what did you see?"

"A relic floating in the sky!" Observer Lin Hao said after pondering for a moment.

Little by little, he described the results of his judgment.

Suddenly, the oldest Huang Fengyang exclaimed: "How is that possible!"

"What's the matter, President Huang?"

Many giants asked one after another.

Huang Fengyang said excitedly: "What Big Lin Hao said, if I guess correctly, it should be the Sky Arena!"


"It's actually the Sky Arena!"

"This--this is incredible! What are you waiting for, everyone, go back to open up wasteland quickly, and you must get the Sky Arena!"

"This is a battle of abnormal national destiny! Even if we sacrifice our old bones, we must get it!"

All giants are excited.

Just because the Sky Arena involves the sanctuary qualification after rank nine, for any country, this thing is definitely the existence of a country's heritage.

Can't help but they are not crazy!

In contrast, with the public area where the mysterious senior boss controls the situation, it is no longer an important issue.


"Yan country still has such a strong man?" Ross Tess, the giant team of Yingjiang country, was surprised.

Looking at an old man beside him, there was a trace of exploration in his eyes.

"It stands to reason that it should be gone! However, there is no need to worry, existences above rank nine cannot enter here, and it will not affect our victory over the Sky Arena!"

"There is a little trouble! I just discovered those giants of the Yan Kingdom through the eyes of the sky, and it seems that I know the secret of this secret realm!"

"It's okay, even if we let them come over, there will be no waves!" Ross Tess said confidently, as if he had been prepared for a long time.

But at this moment, the giants of the Sakura Kingdom, who were waiting for the good show in the Dan Kingdom, were speechless.

"Ba Ga! Why does Yan Country still have such a strong man?"

"No! It must not be true! It's just that things have some accidents, and those undead natural disasters will still rush towards the Yan Kingdom area!"

Obviously, these are just incompetent roars, these giants don't even have the courage to leave the secret realm..0

At this moment, Lu Nan is completely unaware of the turmoil in the outside world.

He was riding his beloved undead bone horse, throwing a few knights out of the funeral from time to time, and then, the huge undead magic circle began to cover the surrounding land.

Hundreds of thousands of skeleton knights quietly emerged, and under the command of Lu Nan, they joined the huge sea of ​​undead.

Seeing the ever-increasing national tributes, Lu Nan just had fun.

"Your national tribute level has increased, and the current level is seven stars!"

The national tribute level has reached seven stars, and the speed of obtaining national tribute has dropped a lot.

Lu Nan took a closer look, the original minimum profit was 10 points, but now, it has become 1 point!

"It seems that the seven stars of the national tribute are a watershed. At this level, there are not many national tributes left to kill ordinary job changers!"

Lu Nan felt a little pity.

After a rough calculation in my mind, I am afraid it will take a long time to reach the eight-star level.

From the seven-star national tribute level to the eight-star national tribute level, there is a difference of two million national tributes. It is simply not human!

We can only kill more high-level job-changers!"

But, how can high transfer job changers be easily found?

"I don't know how the bosses of the trade union were upgraded to eight stars!"

Lu Nan was about to ask in the group, when suddenly, a piece of news came.

"You killed the guardian statue of Condor City!" 2.3

"You get 1 million points of national tribute!"

"You get the luck of the country for the country of Yan, and the scroll of luck rules (God) x1!"

"You get the mysterious scroll fragment x5!"

I Cao!

This reward is a bit awesome!

Lu Nan couldn't sit still for a while, and looked directly at the space backpack.

When he saw those two items, his breathing suddenly became heavy.

"This thing is too scary!"

"Also, is it possible to get such a great reward for killing any guardian statue?"

Lu Nan hastily looked through the previous battle records.

Huangtian paid off, and after a few minutes, he finally found the reason among the dense records.

The rewards for these things are impressively the rewards for killing the guardian statue of the main city. .

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