Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 110, The Horror Bonus Of Eight-Star Heroic Spirits, Legendary Race! (Please Subscribe!)

"Dream Spirit (Weapon)"

"Grade: God level"




Dexterity +50

Constitution +50

Stamina +50


Dreamland sprint, escape into the dreamland for a short time, increase the agility by 300%, and the duration is ten minutes! The cooling time is 1 hour.

Phantom Spirit (God): Binding (Kadilla, Dream God)

Life +750W, mana +50W

Strength +250, Constitution +250, Agility +200, Endurance +225

Devour (God): You can upgrade the level by devouring equipment, and change the increase of all attributes!

Grade: one turn

※: This is a weapon that should not be exposed to the world, it should be in the hands of the dream gods.

"Basic attribute bonus changes!"

Originally, Lu Nan just saw the above basic attributes, and couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart.

It is a good thing that there are more basic attribute bars, but the total number of four-dimensional attributes has not changed much, which makes him a little worried.

This is the artifact?

Too disappointed!

However, after seeing the last god-level skill devouring, he was completely comfortable.

Although looking at the attributes of Youmeng Spirit comprehensively, there is no change from before, but it only breaks the equipment level limit, so this god-level promotion scroll is not bad at all

"Try it and see the effect!"

There is a large amount of equipment in Lu Nan's space backpack. He originally thought that he would go to the trading bank to dispose of it after returning this time, but he didn't expect to use it at this moment.

"Do you want to devour this equipment?"


According to Lu Nan's confirmation, a piece of Rank 2 Baijin equipment in his hand turned into a beam of light and submerged into the Ghost of Youmeng.

Then, something similar to an experience bar popped up on the equipment interface.


"Zizi, this appetite is really big!"

Lu Nan secretly thought.

However, he lacks everything, except that he does not lack equipment. If he really can't do it, he will buy another wave after he returns.

Seeing that the phagocytosis had worked, Lu Nan immediately threw in pieces of equipment in the space backpack all at once.



As the number of feedings increases, the experience bar is also constantly increasing.

"This devouring is good, but it's too time-consuming, you need to feed one by one!"

Lu Nan frowned and stopped,

The effective time of god-level BUFF is limited, and it is indeed violent to use it for this kind of thing.

Return the things for the time being, and feed them later when there is time, and then ride the beloved undead bone horse, while walking back, and tap skills on the skill bar of the heroic spirit.

As the skill level increases, the number of failures becomes more and more frequent, but for now, it is still within Lu Nan's tolerance.

"Today's goal is to spend all these millions of tribute!"

After more than an hour, he returned to the resident of the Yanhuang trade union and plunged into the residence.

In his eyes, all he could see were the system prompts that kept popping up.

In a blink of an eye, 10 hours passed.

Lu Nan's eyes were red, his hands were trembling, and he stopped.

Although I think I can work harder, but now there is really nothing I can do.

After 10 hours of continuous learning, the heroic spirit's skill level has risen to a very scary level, but also because of this, the failure rate has increased to a very scary level

At least one god-level luck buff cannot be blocked.

"Forget it, let's go here!"

If you go any further, you will be cross-eyed.

Lu Nan walked out of the residence, looked at the eternal sun in the secret realm, and then opened the Heroic Spirit interface, with an unconcealable shock on his face.

"Wouldn't that be a little too outrageous?"

"Ordinary Heroic Spirit!"

"Gender: Female"

"Rating: Eight Stars"

Lives: 440 million

Mana: 24 million

Constitution: 40000


Agility: 40000


"Bonus effect (for the protagonist himself): life +8%, mana +8%, four-dimensional attributes +8%"

Skill bonus effect (for the hero itself):


Mana Bonus: 600%

Physical bonus: 600%

Strength bonus: 600%

Agility bonus: 600%

Stamina Bonus: 600%

All attribute bonus: 600%

Skill Cooldown Decay Bonus: 500%

Lu Nan himself is numb!

The blood volume and mana are all good. After all, I have seen the existence of the guardian statue with 50 billion blood volume, but is the four-dimensional attribute really serious?

"If this heroic spirit can be released, I really don't know how much it will explode!"

Lu Nan shook his head and sighed.

It is only by hanging on the wall like myself that I can cultivate such a terrifying baby.

Unfortunately, this heroic spirit can only grant attribute bonuses.

Lu Nan then looked at his attribute panel, finally showing a comforting smile on his face.

"In front of Heroic Spirits, I'm a Der! But in reality, I'm probably a Der!"

Name: Lu Nan

Title: Necromancer

Level: LV200 (three turns)

HP: 44.7 million


Physique: 6915


Agility: 6000

Stamina: 5750

Free attribute points: 0 points

Divinity: 6 points

Combat score: 10888 stars

Equipment: Ghost of Youmeng, Armor of Youmeng, Feather of Youmeng,...

Skill: Skeleton Summoning (Level 180,000): Consume 1 mana to summon 180,000 units of Skeleton Warriors (Epic cooldown time 0.2 seconds!

Knight Funeral (Level 120,000): Consume 1 point of mana, summon 120,000 units of skeleton knights (epic), cooldown time 0.2 seconds!

Undead Swamp (Level 50000): Consume 1 mana to summon a Undead Swamp, endowing enemies with slow, poisoned and other negative states for 50000 seconds

Cooldown time 0.2 seconds!

Guardian of the Undead (Level 40000): Consume a certain amount of mana to form a chain of undead, binding the body to 40000 undead creatures. When injured, 100% of the damage will be transferred! Duration, 40000 minutes! Cooldown, 0.2 Second!"

The overall attributes are directly doubled, and the combat power has officially broken through the ten thousand star mark.

"I don't know what kind of combat power the president and the others are!"

Lu Nan was a little curious.

It suddenly occurred to him that since he separated from Huang Fengyang, he hadn't seen them again.

I don't know what to do.

"The me now should be better than a rank nine professional, but I shouldn't be too careless. You must know that the world is not exhausted at rank nine!"

Lu Nan remembered something, and took out the summoning mission items from his backpack.

When seeing the progress shown above, the exhilaration brought about by the soaring strength has also decreased a lot.

"It was still 36% last time, and now it has increased by one percentage point!"

"It seems that even if I get this quest item, I can't stop the recovery of the Sakura God!"

Lu Nan felt a sense of urgency, and he didn't care to indulge in this refreshing feeling of soaring strength.

0 looking for flowers......

"God-level BUFF still has a lot of time, let's see how we can use it!"

Lu Nan wanted to farm some magic diamonds, but he had just joined the union, and in less than a week, he couldn't get the brand to enter the magic diamond dungeon.

The magic diamond is a material used to strengthen the equipment. It has the same probability of success as learning the skill book of the heroic spirit. Unfortunately, there is only one god-level BUFF scroll.

Looking at the job transfer task, the king-level bosses have all been completed, leaving the remaining three epic-level, legendary-level and sanctuary.

What made Lu Nan a little depressed was that the guardian statue of Sakura was not counted on the Legendary Boss.

"Difficult to do! How about asking Giant Xu?"

Last time Xu Wei had something to leave in a hurry, and now I don't know if I have time.

Lu Nan tried to send a message to Xu Wei, but the wording was tactful.

After all, he is still a rookie.

"Sister Xu, may I ask, where can I find a boss above the epic level?"

Bosses above epic level?

Outside Yanhuang Ancient City, Xu Weizheng, Lu Lao, and a group of giants left by other trade unions are waiting in full force.

Before the situation is clear, they cannot relax in the slightest.

At this time, Xu Wei frowned, looking at the message that popped up on the data panel.


"Why are you looking for those things?" Xu Wei was speechless.

As the first rank, she definitely has talent and strength. Even if Lu Nan asked about a king-level boss, she wouldn't think too much about it.




This is equivalent to the existence of a top rank eight job changer.

"Isn't this Sequence One too ambitious?" Xu Wei sighed.

"What's the matter?" Lu Zhen heard her words, turned around and asked.

Xu Wei didn't hide anything and told the news from Lu Nan.

Lu Zhen frowned slightly, but he relaxed after a while, and said with a smile: "Maybe he has the confidence to deal with the eight-rank boss quickly?"

Thinking of the feeling when he saw Lu Nan before, Lu Zhen was also a little surprised.

Lu Nan gave him a very strange feeling, a feeling of seeing through and not seeing through.

He didn't know that what he saw through was only Lu Nan's personal attributes, but he couldn't see Lu Nan's hidden strength, so he had such a strange feeling.

But he, who came from a Rank Nine powerhouse, still had some confidence in his own judgment.

Xu Wei nodded helplessly. Of course she didn't dare to refute Lu Lao's words, so she just muttered for a while before sending a message to Lu Nan.

"Bosses above the epic level can generally only be found in the secret realm. The specific area is recorded in the bookstore in our union resident! You can look for it! However, as far as I know, there are epic level bosses and even Bosses above the legendary level are basically on cooldown!"

"Cooling?" Lu Nan was a little surprised when he saw the news.

"Hmm! It takes a long time to refresh high-level secret realms! This is just an epic-level boss. If it is a legendary-level boss, then the refreshing time does not know how long!"

And this way?

Lu Nan suddenly remembered the nightmare dungeons that had been wiped out by him in the country. It seemed that they disappeared after the corpse of the evil god was taken care of by him!

"Does it mean that monsters that reach a certain level are actually unique?"

Lu Nan turned on the map navigation and quickly found the union's reference room.

Not long after, I found the BOSS information that Xu Wei said.

"Huh? Legendary races, do they all belong to the BOSS template?"

When Lu Nan saw the information above, there was a trace of weirdness in Lu Nan's eyes.

He remembered that when he had completed the job transfer task of the third rank before, he had obtained a devil's token.

According to the information, the devil clan belongs to the legendary race eight!.

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