Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 119: Integrating The Heart Of Time, The Indiscriminate Disaster Of The Two Legendary Races!

The clue to the fall of the evil god, which has not been moved for a long time, has been updated.

"Cthulhu Clue: Control of the Sky Arena!"

"Hint: This is a road leading to the land of the fallen gods, full of invisible crises!"

"Limited time: one month! If it cannot be completed within the limited time, the clue will be interrupted, and the clue reward will be settled!"

"The current task completion rate is 5%!"

It's the Sky Arena again. It seems that I have to go there after the job change is completed.

Lu Nan made a decision in his heart.

Not everyone can take on the task of the Fall of the Cthulhu. Not to mention too much, entering the Sky Arena within a month, and having to control the authority of the arena, the difficulty can be said to be full.

If it wasn't for Lu Nan's good luck, when he killed the guardian statue of the Sakura Kingdom, he won the ticket to the Sky Arena, and he would definitely not be so calm.

After taking a look at the secret realm of the magic diamond, after obtaining the authority of the secret realm, Lu Nan already knew the core usage of the secret realm.

Normally, this secret realm will produce magic diamond resources by itself, and when it is time to settle, you only need to come over to harvest them.

Of course, he also has to face all kinds of enemies scurrying in the void.

For example, the Devil Clan and the Nuggets Clan.

As long as someone opens the entrance to the secret realm, you will get a reminder on your side, and then through the summon of the secret realm, enter the secret realm and deal with the enemy.

"Isn't this the boss of a secret realm?"

Lu Nan was a little dumbfounded.

This coping method is very passive, and Lu Nan doesn't want to make it so troublesome.

Otherwise, if I was fighting a boss outside, ready to harvest, and suddenly someone came to conquer the magic diamond secret realm, wouldn't I be in a dilemma?

So, he chose another approach.

That is the 030 secret projection.

You can project your own shadow in the secret realm, not only that, you can even set secret realm monsters.

His projection, as long as it is like a machine, sits in the castle every day.

The only disadvantage is that the projection in this mode only has 80% of its own strength, and once selected, it cannot be changed back. If someone conquers the projection of the secret realm, they can obtain part of the authority of the secret realm.

"Projection must be projected, but it is not necessary at this stage, wait until you go back and improve a wave!"

Lu Nan felt that he was still a little too weak now, even a Sanctuary of the Nuggets could almost threaten him.

Projection is only 80% strength, isn't that weaker?

So, he immediately left the Magic Diamond Secret Realm and returned to the guild's residence.

"The devil clan and the gold digger clan have lost a lot, and they definitely won't let it go. I have to get ready quickly!"

After all, for this legendary race, it is hard to say whether there will be a half god.

Facing such a terrifying existence, he was also very uncertain.

"Especially the Nuggets, they control the power of the space, maybe a second wave of counterattack is already brewing!"

Lu Nan said with a lot of thoughts, as soon as he returned to the trade union's residence, he immediately rushed towards the job transfer temple.

But he didn't know that at this moment, the Nuggets had no time to pay attention to him.

Nuggets clan land.

"I don't know, what are you elders thinking about?"

In a large hall, Luo Li was nervously looking at the elders of the Nuggets in front of him.

There is no way, the gap in strength is too great. As a legendary race, the Nuggets have a very long lifespan. Those who can become elders are all at the sanctuary level. As a mere rank eight giant, he really can't raise his temper at all.

If it wasn't for the last action to make up for his mistakes, he wouldn't want to face this kind of strongman.

Thinking of the failure of the operation a day ago, Luo Li felt a little headache.

There is no problem with the arrangement of the altar, and the surrounding environment has been investigated. How can the space crack be brought to the Sakura Country area?


He is not bad, after all, he is the priest of the Dark Temple, and the Sakura Kingdom does not dare to completely turn against them.

Besides, he also raised objections at that time, and it was Sakura who insisted on going her own way, so, responsibility, it passed so-so.

On the contrary, that poor Liu Feng is probably still frantically looking for the reason.

"You people are really useless, you can even handle a declining Yan country!"

If it weren't for the imminent recovery of the gods of various countries, the elders of the gold diggers didn't plan to meet this so-called giant.

How dare a small 8th rank be called a giant?

If it is transmitted to other planes, it will definitely be laughed to death.

"Let's talk about this matter later!" The gold digger clan elder yawned, got up and was about to walk away, when suddenly, a bell made him feel ill.

I wipe!

Why are you here again?

Could it be that there is a war ahead with the Devil Clan?

His face was no longer as calm as before.

Don't look at their appearance of eating people before, in fact, it was just for the people below to see, and they didn't even send the information from the secret realm.

It's not that they have any conspiracy, it's just because both of them feel that they need to verify it, because they have misunderstood the devils.

They are actually very satisfied with the compensation of the Devil Clan, and they don't want to cause any additional disasters. Elder Gu Ya brought people there, and he also wanted to solve this matter privately. After they took over the secret realm, they would go to the Devil Clan to inquire about their crimes.

According to his thinking, Elder Gu Ya, a sanctuary-level elder, with a group of rank nine and eight rank clansmen, even if he can't win the Magic Diamond Secret Realm, nothing major will happen.

Unexpectedly, when he rushed to the depths of the underground space temple, he was completely numb when he saw the shrunken embryo.

"Ancient... Asia!"

Several dim embryo lights.

One of them was Gu Ya who was an elder.

Even the elders have been tricked, this is no longer an ordinary conspiracy!

To be able to take down a team led by a sanctuary, at least several sanctuaries, or demigods can do it.

The elder immediately understood the seriousness of the matter.

Fortunately, the situation of this group of people is relatively good. Except for Elder Gu Ya (cafb), the other embryos are growing slowly despite the dim starlight. It will take less than ten days and a half months to recover to their original state.

The embryo, which symbolizes the life of the tribe, will also be completely resurrected.

But Elder Gu Ya was not so lucky.

The elder looked angrily at the extremely shrunken embryo of Elder Gu Ya, with terrible negative states on it, so similar to the previous few clansmen!

"War! This is war!" he suddenly cried out.

The sanctuary-level roar shook the entire underground space, and some young gold diggers raised their heads one after another, watching this scene in shock.

The elders haven't been this angry for a long time, have they?

At the same time, the Nuggets Clan outside the Devil Clan also got news.

"Damn the devil, he should be pressed on the coffin board!"

"A bunch of garbage who don't pay attention to the spirit of the contract!"


Originally, because the negotiations were going smoothly, the tense atmosphere gradually dissipated, but suddenly it seemed like a powder keg was dropped, and it exploded with a bang.

Under the leadership of the elders of the gold diggers, one by one gold diggers angrily rushed towards the lair of the devils.

Some dazed demon clansmen were beaten to death before they could react.

Death spread rapidly among the devil race. These self-interested legendary races were cornered and had no choice but to rise up and resist.

The two sides fought in a utter darkness, and even some clansmen who sensed that something was wrong could only bite the bullet at this moment.

Lu Nan didn't know anything about the fact that he unintentionally caused the two legendary races to start a war. At this moment, he was standing in the temple where the trade union was stationed to hand in the job transfer task.

"It is detected that you have completed the job transfer task, do you want to submit it?"


"Congratulations, you have advanced to the fourth rank!"

"You get 400 free attribute points!"

"You get the Heart of Time (fragment)!"

"You get the forbidden curse undead natural disaster!"

"Your level cap has increased by 50!"

"Your level has increased, the current level is 201!"

"Your level has increased, the current level is 202!"

"Your level has increased, the current level is 203!"

"It has been detected that your level has reached the limit of four transfers, do you want to receive the job transfer task?"

I Cao!

Lu Nan's eyes widened, looking at the prompt reward, he felt passionate in his heart.

"It actually gave me the heart of time!"

This is a god-level component!

He thought that this thing might not be found for a long time, but he didn't expect that the reward for the job transfer task was directly arranged for him.


Lu Nan fished out the two broken Hearts of Time from the space backpack.

As soon as I got it together, I heard the prompt.

"You have two broken Hearts of Time, are you merging them?"

"Nonsense, fusion of course!"

Lu Nan said quickly.

Two broken Hearts of Time slowly approached, and a ball of dazzling white light burst out.

For a moment, Lu Nan seemed to hear a loud noise colliding from the long river of time, which made him feel a slight pause in the surrounding time.

"Ding! You have fused two Hearts of Time, and the current fusion rate is 30%!"

Looking at the Heart of Time left in his hand, it doesn't seem to have changed in appearance, but if you look closely, you can find that it seems to have become more refined as a whole, and there is a trace of delicate streamer on the surface.

Looking at the attributes, there has also been a slight change.

"The Heart of Time (Remnant)"

"Quality: God"

"Use: After use, you can fiddle with the timeline to let time go back or forward!"

It just so happened that there was some power of time in the bottle, so Lu Nan exchanged the national tribute for a few hero skill books and tried it out.

Soon, the result came out.

"In addition to the longer time, the consumption has also been reduced accordingly!"

If we say that before, a bottle full of time power can be used dozens of times with the Heroic Spirit skill book, but now, it has almost doubled.

"Now, the improvement and strengthening of the skill book of the heroic spirit is somewhat settled!"

Lu Nan laughed.

Finally, he looked at a skill book with a pure gray atmosphere.

Forbidden curse, undead natural disaster!.

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