Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 131: 20,000 Star Power, Lu Nan Is About To Be Invincible! (Please Subscribe!)

As the number of layers increases, the difficulty of the task also increases. The higher the skill book, the more troublesome it is to collect.

However, these people are the most powerful group of people in each country, and of course it is impossible not to produce so many skill books.

After a few hours, Lu Nan's integration reached 70%.

"Change the seventh-floor test! Skill search task: turn in 50,000 copies of the seven-turn skill book Bone Dragon Comes!

On the seventh floor, the limited number of skill books dropped sharply, to only 50,000.

But at this moment, the giants of Danguo have stopped at the ninth floor.

Facing the monsters on the ninth floor, they also felt great difficulty.

"As expected of a giant in every country, my fusion speed almost couldn't keep up!"

Lu Nan lamented in his heart.

Moreover, with the passage of time, giants in various countries have begun to prepare undead skill books at various stages in advance.

"These missions are basically based on undead skill books. We simply took advantage of this time to collect all the undead skill books we could collect. "The speed of completing the mission must be greatly increased!"

Giants from various countries communicated one after another.

However, at the level of rank six and rank seven, skill books are not so easy to collect.

Especially in those small countries, the strongest is only rank eight, and it is undoubtedly much more difficult to collect skill books of rank seven undead skills.

Seeing that Yan Kingdom had climbed to the ninth floor, they immediately chose to give up.

It's useless not to give up, because at this moment, the progress of Yingjiang Country suddenly increased.

"It still takes some time to collect skill books, but the progress of Yan Kingdom has reached the ninth floor, and we can't complete the task step by step!" 107"

A tycoon from the Eagle Sauce Country is holding a prop in his hand.

"This prop is somewhat similar to the Treasure of False Reality!"

Lu Nan, who has been observing the performance of giants from various countries on the screen, also saw such a scene.

Then, he saw the tycoon of the Eagle Sauce Country, the props in his hand were shining with colorful light, and then, there were many skill books in his hand.

"I'll go! This prop is awesome!"

Lu Nan watched in shock.

If not, he would not be able to go to the location where the giants of various countries are located, and he would definitely think of robbing the other party.

"Colorful light is at least a semi-divine weapon, or even a divine weapon!"

Lu Nan was very vigilant.

In a country like the Eagle Sauce Country, there are actually artifacts.

"It seems that the next two floors cannot change the mission!"

Lu Nan said with emotion.

With this kind of artifact, the progress of the Eagle Sauce Kingdom will definitely increase at once. If the progress of the integration cannot catch up, then the task mode cannot be changed.

"That's all! This time my income has already exploded, so there's no need to worry about it. At worst, after I go back, I'll find a way to go to the Eagle Sauce Country!"

Sure enough, after getting the item, Ying Jiangguo instantly completed the seven-turn skill collection task.

But after seeing the situation on the eighth floor, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Isn't it a collection mission?"

Looking at the gatekeeper not far away who was ready to enter the battle state at any time, the giants of Yingjiang Kingdom were a little in disbelief for a while.

"It matches the data of the great prophecy. Could it be that something happened that caused the great prophecy to deviate?"

"It doesn't matter, just in time, our previous preparations have been used!"

Several giants of the Yingjiang country broke through the barrier and smiled.

Take advantage of the safe time of ten seconds to quickly switch equipment.

In less than half an hour, the gatekeepers on the eighth floor fell at their feet.

"Look, the progress of Yingjiang country's breakthrough has suddenly increased!

"Really! As expected of the Eagle Sauce Country, once you recover, you'll be able to catch up soon!"

Outside, people from all the countries were amazed when they saw that the Yingjiang country broke through the eighth floor in half an hour.

Some countries that were still preparing to break through the barriers also gave up one after another.

So far, the only countries on the screen that are still breaking through are the Yan Kingdom and the Yingjiang Country.

"They have stayed at the ninth level for more than an hour, haven't they passed it yet?"

"Could it be that the gatekeeper of the ninth level is so powerful?"

Huang Fengyang and the remaining giants were all nervous.

Another half hour passed—


Suddenly, loud laughter came from the Eagle Doctor Country.

"Hiss~ Eagle Sauce Kingdom has broken through the ninth floor!"

"Next is the tenth floor! The Yan Kingdom is dead!"

"A godless country also wants to compete with the Yingjiang country? It's too good to think!"

"I see if they dare to be crazy!"

The giants of each country looked at the gray-faced Yan country giant, with a hint of sarcasm in their expressions.

So what if the team eats first?

Haven't you been caught up from behind?

"The prophecy information of the great prophecy has been matched! Therefore, this last level is the Guan Dao Wu Sheng!"

Ross stood in front of the entrance of the tenth floor, a trace of confidence flashed across his face.

Guan Dao Martial Sage is very strong, especially for rank nine like them, he has crushing strength.

The test mode will only seal the strength, but it will not say that if the strength is not enough at a certain level, it will be promoted.

Therefore, at the beginning, the Eagle Sauce Country didn't worry at all that other countries could compete with them, that's all.

If they hadn't made preparations in advance, they wouldn't have dared to face the terrifying Sanctuary of Shangguan Dao Wu Sheng with their nine-turn body.

"Now, it's time to end this farce!"

With his head held high and his chest held high, he stepped into the entrance to the tenth floor.

On the high platform.

Since Yan Country and Yingjiang Country were the only countries left to break through, Lu Nan turned his eyes away and cast his eyes on the skill book in the space backpack.

"It's really too much!"

Skeleton summoning has harvested a full 10 million copies. I learned 2 million copies before, and now there are 800 copies left.

Then there are the second-rank skill books, Undead Swamp, roughly five million copies.

Three-turn skill book, guardian of the dead, three million copies!

Four-turn skill book, flashing in the void, two million copies!

Five-turn skill book, magic bow revival, one million copies!

Six-turn skill book, skeleton construction, 400,000 da!

Seven-turn skill book, bone dragon descends, 50,000 copies!

Unprecedented harvest!

"Seventh-rank Bone Dragon Descending skill book, counting the accumulation during this period, there are more than 70,000 copies! It must be more than enough to upgrade to ninth rank, but I still have a long way to go from seventh-rank giant level! "

Lu Nan felt a little pity.

The bone dragon is a seven-turn creature. In terms of innate basic attributes, it is definitely far superior to summoned creatures such as skeleton warriors and skeleton knights.

Once formed, it will become extremely terrifying.

It was as if, after the skeleton warrior advanced to rank nine, his blood volume was only close to 100 million.

As for the bone dragon, it is afraid that it will be several times, even ten times, that of the skeleton warrior!

This is the fundamental difference.

"When I go back this time, I will be at the sixth rank! With the speed at which I level up, it shouldn't take too long to reach the seventh rank giant level!"

"Learn these skills first!"

After turning on the superposition of one thousand books at a time, the learning speed is much faster.

3 million levels!

4 million levels!

5 million levels!

Rao Lu Nan had already prepared in his heart, but at this moment, his scalp felt numb.

And five million levels still haven't touched the limit of promotion.

6 million levels!

7 million levels!

10 million levels!

"Skill progress meets the conditions, successfully advanced!""

Lu Nan felt his hands were shaking.

That's too much of a thing.

Nine, to go to Sanctuary, need to consume so many skills?

Fortunately, when it reached the tens of millions level, it finally advanced.


Lu Nan waved his hand suddenly, and the next moment, a huge summoning circle appeared under the high platform.

A huge skeleton walked out of the strong breath of undead.

He is more than ten meters tall, and the chains on his body have been entangled by it at some point, and he looks like a terrible undead king who has broken free from the seal.

Wisps of white jade-like luster emerged from the bones of the whole body, and the two groups of undead flames kept jumping, a little more agile than when they turned nine.


Its soul fire moved towards Lu Nan's position, and then knelt down on one knee amidst the sound of chains colliding.

"Willing to fight for the master!"

There is no sound.

But Lu Nan could hear the other party's voice from the heart.

At this moment, Lu Nan felt that he could control the other party's life and death.

"This is a skeleton warrior with a certain amount of wisdom!"

"And I have countless fighters like this!"

Standing on the high platform, Lu Nan shook his head and saw that under the tumbling breath of undead, a tall, oppressive and terrifying giant skeleton warrior "kneeled silently on one knee.

"Willing to fight for the master!"

0.2 seconds, tens of millions sanctuary!

Lu Nan gasped..0

Surprised by his strength.

He waved away the spell, and immediately, all the skeleton warriors and the breath of death that filled the sky disappeared little by little.

"I can't think of any Sanctuary that can stop me!"

I have never seen a demigod, so Lu Nan dare not say that he can crush a demigod.


Looking at the remaining skill books, he thought, Demigod, that's probably all there is to it!


Lu Nan picked up other skills and slapped them up and down.

200,000 levels!

300,000 levels!

500,000 levels!

1 million levels!

A series of skill books, constantly shining on the skill bar.

The level is also increasing to an unimaginable degree.

Finally, in less than an hour, except for the sixth-rank skills and seven-rank skills, all other skills were consumed.

At this time, Lu Nan looked at his own data panel, his brows twitched.

This attribute——

"Just ask, who else?"

Name: Lu Nan

Title: Necromancer

Level: LV300 (five turns)

Blood volume: 150 million

Mana: 10 million

Physique: 15600



Stamina: 12300

Free attribute points: 0 points

Divinity: 6 points

Combat rating: 20000 stars

Equipment: Ghost of Youmeng, Armor of Youmeng, Feather of Youmeng,……….

Skill: Skeleton Summoning (Ten Million Level): Consume 1 point of mana to summon tens of millions of Skeleton Warriors (Sanctuary), with a cooling time of 0.2 seconds!

Knight Funeral (Level 120,000): Consume 1 point of mana, summon 120,000 units of skeleton knights (epic), cooldown time 0.2 seconds!

Undead Swamp (Level 5 Million): Consume 1 mana to summon a Undead Swamp, endowing enemies with slowness, poisoning, etc.

Negative state, duration 5 million seconds, cooldown time 0.2 seconds!

Guardian of the Undead (Level 3 million): Consume a certain amount of mana to form a chain of undead, binding the body to three million undead creatures.

00 damage transfer! Duration, million minutes! Cooldown time, 0.2 seconds!"

Void flicker (level 2 million): Consume weak mana to perform void jump, the jump distance is limited to the range of the job changer, and, when jumping, cannot be attacked by anyone

Negative status below the rule level is interrupted!

Demon Bow Recovery (Million Level): Consume 1 mana to summon a million units of Demon Archer (Sanctuary Level), cooling time, 0.2 seconds!

All attributes have been doubled.

This is due to the replacement of the holy 2.8 weapon set, especially the skills of Youmeng Spirit and Youmeng Heart, and the increase in dreams.

After being transformed into a divine weapon, the Ghost of Dream was fed by him to a level close to the fifth rank, and each stat was greatly improved.

Of course, these are still a bit worse than the increase in dreams.

Dream Amplification: Increase all attributes by 100%!

It is this skill that directly increases all his attributes by a large amount.

And the combat power of up to 20,000 is mostly due to the improvement of skills!

"At this level, it's really getting harder and harder to increase your combat power!"

Lu Nan sighed.

You know, when his skeleton summoning level was still level 180,000, his combat power reached about 11,000 stars.

Today, the skeleton summoning is as high as tens of millions, and other skills have basically reached the level of one million or more, and the combat power has only increased by a few thousand stars.

"It's hard!"

If someone knew what he was thinking, he would be absolutely speechless.

It is difficult for others to improve their combat power in a lifetime, but for him, it is as simple as drinking water.

How long has passed, and this combat power has gradually improved.

Just when Lu Nan was feeling emotional, suddenly————

"Reminder: Please note that the last level you guarded ushered in a challenger, do you want to go there in person?"

"Choose No, the Sky Arena will perform a retrospective projection based on the strength of your last customs clearance!"

Lu Nan frowned.

"Must go in person!"


Just kidding, now he is trying to test his own strength, how can he let the projection guard the level?

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, and in an instant, they appeared in another environment. .

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