Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 170: The Disaster In The Eagle Sauce Country, The Heart Of The Artifact Machine! (Please Sub

Lu Nan stepped into the portal and saw a huge Void Controller at a glance.

"Void Master"

"Level: Level 1550 (Demigod)"


"Skills: super defense, guardian body, void roar, destruction ray, power limit..."

"It's a pity, these guys didn't lose their divinity!"

In Lu Nan's conjecture, demigods possess divinity, but there are not many of them.

But the Void Monsters are a completely different species, seemingly devoid of divinity.

However, don't underestimate each other.

"These guardians exist to block the union god stone secret realm and void monster lair!"

It is with responsibility.

This is the result of many observations by Lu Nan.

In some ways, it's almost like a human being.

However, after the lair collapsed, the gate guards of the smaller trade unions could not stop them.

This is the reason why those small guilds were affected.

And like those eighth-level and ninth-level trade unions, the guardians of the void monsters at the entrance will be very strong.

Can deter fleeing void monsters.

What rules are involved in it, Lu Nan is not clear.

But it's ok!

After all, he is still there!

"In the state of guarding the statue, the summoned stone sculpture is more lethal to the monsters in the void!"

The demonic archers flocked frantically towards the Voidmaster.

Immediately, dense damage jumped out.

Compared with the guardian stone sculpture, the damage is three days worse.

Lu Nan can't help it, the summoning of the guardian stone sculpture needs to be in the fusion state of the guardian statue.

Once he undoes the form of the stone sculpture, a large number of summoned objects will also disappear.

This is a small disadvantage of changing form.

However, if it appears in the form of a stone sculpture, there is no way to display Void Flicker.

At that time, it will take half a day just to hurry.

Not worth the candle!

Therefore, Lu Nan started the plan directly in the state of a necromancer.

low damage?

It's okay, the big deal is to spend a little more time and summon a little more demon archers.

"Undead Swamp!"

A large withered area appeared at the feet of the Void Master.

Amid the strong breath of death, one by one claws radiating death flames continued to protrude, grabbing the void master's ankles.

Negative states appear one by one.

Naturally, it also includes debuffs like Armor Sundering.

The Void Master seemed to have been drained of energy, and his various movements became extremely slow.

Half an hour later, the last star of the Void Master was emptied.

The body like a mountain fell down.

"You get 100,000 union contribution points!"

Lu Nan shook his head.

For trade union contributions, he also feels a little numb now.

The demon archer who lost his hindrance retreated back under Lu Nan's control.

At the same time, the countless demonic archers around began to shrink wildly, driving countless fleeing void monsters to this side.


The huge wings vibrated suddenly, and flew towards the sky with Lu Nan's body.

Looking down, I saw countless monsters rushing towards the area where the entrance of the Eagle Sauce Country's National Trade Union was located like a flood.

Lu Nan clasped his hands, his eyebrows and eyes were cold.

In the field of vision, a torrent of countless void monsters continuously converged at the entrances of various trade union portals.

Then, as if he had found a pouring hole, he crazily drilled and threw it into it.

"Tsk tsk, this scene is really spectacular!"

Lu Nan exclaimed.

The figure landed on a rocky mountain in the distance that was billowing with black mist.

"Bone dragon! If there is a bone dragon, why would it be so troublesome!"

The expectation for the bone dragon is getting deeper and deeper.

Fortunately, when this matter is over, the bone dragon should be able to pull it out to see the world.

Summoned creatures such as skeleton warriors, skeleton knights, and demon archers are easy to use, but they are still too much affected by the terrain.

As for the bone dragon, it has the ability to fly and can completely ignore most of the terrain.

"There are also riding pets!"

The mysterious riding pet egg obtained last time, because of the lack of identification scroll, is still eating ashes in the space backpack, it is simply a violent thing.

"It's decided, after going out, immediately go to the Sky Arena!"

Just when Lu Nan was thinking about his future plans, Yingjiang Junior High School began to stir up an invisible wave.

"Hehe, the countries around the Yan Kingdom are really useless. They can't even stop the void monsters. No wonder they have been suppressed by the Yan Kingdom for so many years!"

"Fack squid! Those yellow mud guys are all inferior people, what can they do?"

"Our top guilds have already restricted Yan Kingdom's high combat power, and they can still be wiped out? It's simply too surprising and unexpected! How did such a low-level combat power survive until now?"

When they saw the news on the World Channel, the proud job-changers from the Eagle Sauce Country all expressed their difficulty in accepting it.

All kinds of cynicism followed immediately.

"What the hell are they doing?"

At the top of the Temple of Light, high-level representatives from many big forces in the Yingjiang Kingdom expressed their puzzlement.

This was originally a war of encirclement and suppression against the Yan Kingdom, but now it seems that it is very bad.

"Are those people idiots? Don't they just focus on watching the excitement, and don't even care about their own union god stone?"

"Outrageous! It's simply too stupid. Yan Kingdom can develop, and these idiots have contributed a lot!"

Of course, the high-level leaders of these eagle sauce countries are not so kind, and they are very angry for those countries.

If it is normal, it will be gone if it is gone, but they are so happy.

But at the same time you are gone, you also add a stronger BUFF to Yan Kingdom, that's unbearable.

Under the watchful eyes of the angel sculptures in the temple, a bunch of insults erupted one after another.

"Can't those guys learn from the thinking of our Yingjiang country? Our Yingjiang country has always been the country with the least destruction in the invasion of the void monsters! Those damned


The representative of the Ross family was spitting.

After all, this incident was led by their Ross family.

It was a big failure when something like this happened.

Kind of like a slap in the face to their Ross family.

The other high-level representatives of the labor union also agreed with such words very much, and nodded one after another.

But at this moment, suddenly, a piece of world news popped up.

"Unreasonable! Another guild has been wiped out, idiot, idiot—

Suddenly, the representative of the Ross family froze.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing his performance, the people next to him asked suspiciously.

"Look, is the mechanic union in the world news from our country?"

After the union was destroyed, those who were able to be on the World Channel were at least eighth-level unions.

0 for flowers...

And just a moment ago, on the World Channel, a message called the Mechanics Union will be destroyed popped up.

"Did you read it wrong, the name of the trade union cannot appear the same!"

A high-level representative was suspicious and authentic.


"Oh~ Maikar! This is not true! What are those guys from the Mechanical Union thinking? Have all their people gone to the defense?"

"Fack! Shame!"

The members of the Mechanical Union were not here, otherwise, they would definitely be scolded bloody.

But they didn't last long, and then some messages kept popping up.

Let them be completely silent.

The pig faces were extremely red from holding back.

"No no no! It shouldn't be like this! This must be a bug!"

Suddenly, a representative turned pale and let out a heart-piercing cry.

Because, just a moment ago, a message appeared on the World Channel.

"Reminder: Please note that the sacred stone of the Lions Guild, the ninth-level guild of the Eagle Sauce Country, has been eroded by the void monster, and the guild has dropped by one level!"

Only a few seconds later——


"More than 50% of the members of the Lions Union were killed or injured, and the guild completely collapsed!"

"The national luck of the Eagle Sauce Kingdom has been reduced by 5%, the output of resources within the borders has decreased, and the chances of birthing top talents have decreased!"

A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

If some of the previous eighth-level guilds were destroyed, it might be due to bad luck, but even the ninth-level guilds disappeared.

This time, people from other countries were dumbfounded.

And this is not the end.

After the destruction of a ninth-level guild, more eagle sauce countries began to follow in their footsteps.

Job transferees from other countries may not see it so intuitively. After all, everyone is not in the eagle sauce country and cannot see the news of the regional channel.

According to the news in the world, it is basically only the destruction of trade unions above the eighth level.

Only the job changers in the Eagle Sauce Country can feel what it means to be rained on plantains, violent winds and torrential rains.

Every second, a union is being wiped out.

The entire Eagle Sauce Country was filled with mourning!

Ross Family Guild God Stone Secret Realm.

The president and patriarch of the union are two positions, so Ross Tess can leave the union through union warfare.

While many top trade union representatives on the top floor of the Temple of Light were cursing, the head of the Ross family trade union, Ross Bree, was leisurely drinking champagne in the secret realm of the God Stone.

Not the slightest bit nervous.

In fact, there is really no need for them to be nervous. In front of each void passage, there are some huge mechanical warriors who are constantly attacking the void monsters coming out of the passage.

Those mechanical warriors have a body of four or five meters high, carrying huge thermal weapons on their shoulders to launch projectiles.

With the sound of the rumbling explosion, it will inevitably bring huge damage to the void monster.

This is why the Ross family has no worries about the void monster invasion.

"As expected of an artifact, the Heart of Mechanics! It's really too strong in terms of offense!"

A member exclaims to Ross Bree.

"That's natural! The Void Monster is a big release of resources for the top guild in the Eagle Sauce Country! After this time, we will probably be able to upgrade to the tenth level guild!" Ross Bree drank with confidence. A sip of champagne. .

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