Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 175: The Soaring Bone Dragon, The Doom Of The Nuggets And Devils! (Please Subscribe!)

"It's not like I said that although Sequence One's talent is good, but we concentrate resources on training, I'm afraid it's just a rank eight or nine giant?"

"That's right, putting these resources on anyone present here can turn the eight-rank giant into a powerful nine-rank!"


Huang Fengyang didn't mind either.

This is distrust of Lu Nan's talent!

Only Lu Lao looked at him thoughtfully.

There was a faint smile in his eyes.

Obviously, this sharp-eyed Rank Nine giant guessed something.

How boring!

Originally, I wanted to shock Old Lu!

Huang Fengyang was thinking in his heart, but the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

His gaze swept over the group of giants in front of him. If they knew about Lu Nan's contribution to this void monster invasion, what kind of expression would they have?

Thinking of this, he was looking forward to it.

"I do have this plan!"

Huang Fengyang said calmly.

Many giants know that since Huang Fengyang has said it, he will basically do it.

Of course, as giants, they have the right to object, but they don't want to make too much trouble in the trade union.

"After all, this matter is of great importance. Although our Yanhuang's resources have been supplemented this time, the

There was a trace of expectation in the eyes of a giant, "We can definitely prepare for the backbone-level trade union!"

This time, seeing the colorful crystals, the giants in the Yanhuang trade union had only one thought in their minds.

That's union promotion!

After all, trade unions are closely related to their combat strength, and once the trade unions are promoted, they can also obtain epic enhancements.

This is also one of the reasons why they blocked the president.

No, at this moment, Huang Fengyang finally couldn't hold back anymore, and waved his hand to cast a photo-taking magic.

"It seems that everyone has no confidence. If so, let everyone take a look at this thing!"

A huge magic mirror is slowly revealed.

"What's this?"

"I guess it's the promotional video that the old president recorded for that Sequence One!"

"Hmph, it's an old routine! Haven't you played it a few times before?"

An old giant snorted softly.

"I will never believe any promotional images this time, there is no reference value for that thing at all—

"I go!"

The chattering old giant swears suddenly, staring at the content on the mirror.

Inside is a huge sacred stone.

Looking at that appearance, isn't it what their Yanhuang's guild god stone is?

The two characters of Yan and Huang are very clear!

"My Cao! Isn't this the statistical record of this void monster invasion?"

"How could there be such a big gap?"

"Old president, are you cheating?"

"It's too exaggerated! How is it possible? Looking at this data, I think, I'm just a piece of trash!"

"Live in vain!"

I saw that in the statistical records above, the one who ranked first was Lu Nan who they had just discussed endlessly.

"Void Monster Invasion Contribution Ranking:

1. Lu Nan: 20 million points

2. Huang Fengyang: 150,000 points

3. Lu Zhen: 50,000 points


What is the gap?

That's the difference!

The gap between the first place Lu Nan and the second place president Huang Fengyang is so large that it is unimaginable.

It's no wonder that some giants questioned Huang Fengyang's tricks.

It's outrageous!

"Unprecedented! Unprecedented!"

The old giant who had been beeping non-stop just now said with a shocked expression.

With his knowledge, he couldn't imagine how this level of contribution was made.

"This is real!"

And at this moment, speak.

Some giants who are still hesitant have completely settled down.

"Unbelievable! How did Sequence One do it? I have fought so many void monster invasions, and I have never seen such an outrageous one!"

"Ahem, what about the god-making plan I proposed just now?"

"That must be done! If this kind of talent is not cultivated well, what if they are poached by the Eagle Sauce Country?"

"I think that child is good and worthy of training!"

"Yes! Me too!"

In an instant, the giants below were united.

"Alright then, our next step is to make a god-making plan!"

"First of all, it is to upgrade quickly, let him be promoted to the seventh-rank giant as quickly as possible! This matter will be handled by me and Mr. Lu personally. Of course, in order to upgrade Lu Nan as quickly as possible, we need a few people who are good at it. The senior eight-rank giant who spawns monsters, form an elite giant team with us!"

"In the next time, we will lead the training all night! Then, other giants will have other arrangements! For example, collecting materials and finding a suitable training area!"

The reason why the god-making project needs to gather so many giants is because many things need everyone to get it.

"Okay! No problem! This kind of monster should be dealt with seriously!"

"Huh? Processing?"

"Um, if you use it correctly, it will work!"

While the giants of the Yanhuang trade union were discussing the god-making plan in full swing, Lu Nan stayed at home, chatting cordially with the girls from time to time.

Facing the warm invitation of the ladies and sisters, after hesitating for half a minute, they still declined.

"The gods are about to recover, so you should do less of staying up late!"

After transferring a few million to his sister-in-law, Lu Nan lay down on the bed and squinted for a while.

The next day, after he got up, he took out the Heart of Time and saw that the power of time in the bottle was already full.

"Use the Heart of Time!"

Four weeks stood still at this moment.

Lu Nan flicked one of the timelines.

Start looking for a winning moment.

After more than ten minutes, his eyes lit up, he let go of the heart of time, took out a skill book of a heroic spirit, and photographed it.

"Successful skill learning! The current level is 30 floors!"

After the national tribute level reaches nine stars, the skill limit level is also raised to 30th floor.

However, for a bug-level character like Lu Nan, the so-called extreme level has no meaning.

Keep using Heart of Time.

After more than an hour, the power of time was exhausted.

Lu Nan just made it five times!

The skill level has reached 35 levels!

"It's too slow, if it can be used with the luck rules scroll, it will be great!"

God-level Luck BUFF will increase one's own Luck, dozens of layers of Heroic Spirit's skills, without blinking, just shoot it directly.

"Unfortunately, this luck reward [none of the luck rules BUFF!"

It can be seen how low the explosion rate of this thing is.

If you don't have the heart of time and luck BUFF, it's really difficult to raise one level.

Putting the Heart of Time away, Lu Nan then took out a skill book.

"The Bone Dragon Comes!"

"Finally able to learn seven-turn skills!"

He had been thinking about the coming of the bone dragon for a long time.

"Do you want to learn the Bone Dragon Descend skill?"


A streak of light entered the empty skill bar.

The next moment, an icon with a bone dragon badge appeared in front of Lu Nan.

"Go and see how it works!"

Lu Nan left the trade union resident with great expectation [re-received to the nearest leveling area.

Seeing that there was no one around, he directly cast Bone Dragon Descending.

0 looking for flowers......

"I'll go! This battle is not too much!"

A huge magic circle suddenly appeared in front of it, and a bone dragon with a body length of hundreds of meters got out of the magic circle.


One of its huge bone claws directly imprinted on some monsters in the leveling area who had no time to escape.



The billowing breath of undead lingers around the bone dragon, making it look mysterious and frightening.

"It's really rare for a seven-turn bone dragon to have such a strong attack power!"

You should know that many of the attacked targets are monsters at the rank six level.

Although the seventh-rank level has a huge level suppression on the sixth-rank level, and the damage is full, but compared with the skeleton warrior and skeleton knight of the seventh-rank period, the damage of the bone dragon is almost twice as high.

"Is this the difference between a strong foundation?"

Lu Nan felt a little excited.

The attributes on the panel are also much higher than those of the skeleton warriors.

He jumped directly on the back of the bone dragon, and then, the bone dragon seemed to feel his will, and suddenly jumped into the sky.

"Flying summoned creatures are cool!"

Lu Nan experienced the freshness of high-altitude flight, and then looked at the data panel.

A level 1 bone dragon has this kind of momentum, what if it is promoted to a sanctuary, or a demigod?

Thinking of this, Lu Nan continued to take out the Bone Dragon Descend skill book, and continued to shoot.

"You have learned the Bone Dragon Descend skill, and the level has increased! The current level is level 2!"

"You have learned the Bone Dragon Descending skill book, and your level has increased! The current level is 1000!"

"Skill progress meets the advanced conditions, successfully advanced!"

Lu Nan was overjoyed.

"Although the explosion rate of the high-transfer skill book is low, the consumption of upgrading the summoned item to the same level is also much less!"

One thousand skeleton summoning skill books can only raise the skeleton summoning to bronze.

And 1,000 Bone Dragon Descending Skill Books can upgrade the seventh-rank bone dragon to a king-level bone dragon to an eighth-rank epic bone dragon!

Moreover, the foundation of the bone dragon is far stronger than that of the skeleton warrior

And Lu Nan now has close to 100,000 bone dragon descending skill books.

"I don't know what level I can raise to!"

Next, Lu Nan began to enter the exciting state of shooting skills.

A series of skill books continuously turned into streamers and disappeared into the data panel.

The level of the Bone Dragon's Descending Skill is also rising rapidly.

Upgrade the level to 3000 times, advance to the ninth turn!

Upgrade the level to 7000 times and advance to Sanctuary!

"The current skill level has reached the limit, and the conditions for further promotion have not been met!"

"If you want to advance to the demigod level, you also need the divine group mink!"

In this regard, Lu Nan is completely experienced.

"However————If you want to obtain divinity, you must—"

"Killing God?"

"Huh~ Calm down, I still don't know enough about the gods, so let's hold on for now!"

Lu Nan immediately suppressed the thriving thoughts in his heart.

He actually wanted to use his rank seven body to kill the gods!

"It's crazy! It's not my style!"

He kept shaking his head.


"You can find out first!"

Lu Nan thought to himself.

As for divinity—

He silently took out two secret realm scrolls from the space backpack.

It was the secret realm scroll of the legendary race Devil Clan and Nugget Clan.

"The legendary race, there must be more than one demigod's divinity, right?"

Nuggets:???Listen to me, thank you, only you... one.

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