Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 177: Lie Down And Collect Money, Soaring Competitive Points! (Please Subscribe!)

Because of the existence of the Sky Arena, Linshan City is much more lively than before.

Lu Nan was walking on the street.

"When the number of people entering the Sky Arena exceeds 1,000, the income will be settled!"

"You get 1,000,000 union currency income!"

"You got 10,000 competitive points!"

"Arena controllers are comfortable, you can collect money while sitting, and there are commissions for competitive points!"

That is to say, Lu Nan will get a part of the commission for every competitive point obtained by entering it.

It can be said that he went directly from a migrant worker to a capitalist all at once.

Of course, having competitive points is not enough, the most important thing is to increase the competitive level and open the corresponding competitive store.

Lu Nan went back to the old house.

The sister-in-law is still not there.

"It seems that with money, my sister-in-law has become busy!"

Lu Nan turned around and walked towards the location of the Sky Arena.

"Huh? Isn't that Lu Nan?"

In the City Lord's Mansion, Mo Tao suddenly saw Lu Nan's figure, and was startled.

Hastily chased after the past.

Unfortunately, failed to catch up.

This made him feel very sorry.

At the same time, there are some complexities in my heart.

Since the appearance of the Sky Arena, his seat as the city lord of Linshan City has been taken down.

Now, it has been replaced by a giant.

"If only we could have recruited 20 Lu Nan to the union!"

Whenever he thinks of this matter, Mo Tao can't wait to give himself a few slaps.

It's fine if you just miss Lu Nan. After all, from a professional point of view, Lu Nan, a necromancer, has very average potential.

It can't reach the threshold of the top trade union at all, and it is understandable to give up.

Who knew that such a simple and unpretentious profession would actually shine brilliantly in the hands of Lu Nan.

"It's off the charts!"

Mo Tao hurriedly followed, anyway, building a good relationship with Lu Nan would help his future status in Longteng.

Around the Sky Arena, it doesn't look like a leveling area at all, there are job changers walking around from time to time.

"Sure enough, resources determine the center!"

Wherever there are resources, there is the center of the region. It won't be long before this will become the core of Linshan City.

"I heard that Linshan City will be expanded?"

"Where did you hear the news?"

"Hey, of course it's the Grand Council!"

"Huh? That person seems a little familiar!"

The two people who were talking suddenly looked at Lu Nan's back, with a hint of doubt in their eyes.

"It seems to be the genius Lu Nan of Linshan City!"

The two quickly followed.

Lu Nan is very famous in Linshan City.

Since climbing the ladder, he has shown his face in the entire Yan Kingdom, and some good people even went to Linshan City to learn more about Lu Nan's background and life.

It can be said that with just this face and this name, Lu Nan doesn't have to worry about not being able to survive.

"You need to pay 1,000 Union Coins to enter the Sky Arena! Do you want to pay?"

A faint voice came over.

When it comes to prices, Lu Nan follows the model of making small profits but quick turnover.

Furthermore, thinking about it at a deeper level, since the Yan Kingdom's job changers have become stronger, wouldn't it be better to fight monsters and get skill books?

Therefore, setting the minimum price is equivalent to an upfront investment.

Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.


"It's a bit outrageous that even me, the controller, takes money!"

Reluctantly chose yes.

Then, when he appeared inside the Sky Arena, the emotionless voice of the Sky Arena came from it.

"You get 1,000,000 union currency income!"

"You got 10,000 competitive points!"

"Out of the left pocket, in in the right pocket, isn't it troublesome?"

Lu Nan thought to himself.

The intelligence of the sky arena is really not intelligent at all.

As the controller of Sky Arena, he naturally understands the rules.

He looked at the huge screen in front of him.

Some names and competitive points ranking information constantly flashed on it.

Now, temporarily ranked first is a man named Feilong.

The stage is 1200 points of competitive points.

"In less than a day, you can get such a high level of competitive points, the strength must be good!"

Just when Lu Nan was about to start the game, a fragrant wind blew over.

"Is the little big brother here for the first time?"

A pretty woman rolled up her hair and looked at Lu Nan's face without blinking.

My saliva is about to flow out.

Obviously, this is a woman trying to strike up a conversation.

Without waiting for Lu Nan to answer, she took the initiative to explain: "Then you must not be familiar with the rules here! Let me tell you, this rule...

The woman said eagerly.

The men next to him felt envious and jealous.

"As for it? Just a handsome guy!"

"If you look at him like that, you don't have much ability, he just lives on his face!"

The two were very sour.

Lu Nan's face is too good to fight, although they don't like Lu Nan very much, but they have to admit that his face is simply invincible.

"You are not allowed to speak ill of him!"

Soon, the woman came over with regret on her face, and she was displeased when she heard what the two said.

The two men suddenly felt a tingling pain in their hearts.

They have been pursuing women for two or three years, and their relationship for so many years was actually defeated by a stranger they just met!

A deep sense of frustration rose.

Seeing the reluctant look of the goddess they pursued, the two of them had a heartbreak.

"What's so great, this kind of person can only please people with his face, which is far worse than flying dragons!"

Although Lu Nan is very well-known now, not everyone recognizes him.

"that is!"

"Feilong is not comparable to this kind of face-seeking person!"

But at this moment, the flying dragon they were talking about was in ten arenas.

"Dragon God Sky Smashing Strike!"


A huge golden dragon head suddenly emerged from midair, fell directly to the ground, and crushed an opponent directly.

The powerful flow of elements forms a huge cyclone.

Immediately, a terrifying wave of elements erupted, mighty and mighty.

If it weren't for the space of the sky arena all around, and the stability increased by N levels, the destructive power would definitely be extremely difficult to break.

"With my current strength, I can already rank five, which is comparable to an ordinary seven-rank giant. If I meet that guy again, I will definitely defeat him!"

The Son of the Dragon God showed a faint smile.

In the Phoenix Nine Heavens Union, he has someone to upgrade him almost every day, so the upgrade speed is also very fast.

Now, he has almost reached the rank five level, which is very scary at his age.

Thinking of this, a hint of arrogance appeared on his face.

"According to the analysis of the teachers, under 1500 competitive points, unless it is those giants, otherwise it will definitely not cause trouble to me!"

The Son of the Dragon God thought confidently.

Lu Nan didn't know that no man in the sky arena missed him.

Even if you know it, you don't have time to pay attention to it.

At this moment, he has been teleported into a huge arena.

"Ho ho ho!"

There was a dead silence all around, but it is conceivable that there may be many people watching the confrontation here at a certain period of time.

On the opposite side, a wolf-like monster slowly came out of a huge iron cage.

"Hint: Competitive confrontation! You can get 797 competitive points for killing enemies!"

"Your points will affect your competitive rating!"

"Current skill level: level 0!"

Soon, a big countdown appeared before Lu Nan's eyes.


The monster kept roaring up to the sky, looking at Lu Nan's elephantine eyes.

so irritable?

That being the case——

A violent undead breath spread across the entire arena in an instant.

A skull dragon climbed out of the huge magic circle.


Suddenly, a bone dragon accidentally slapped a paw on the wolf-shaped monster because of the pushing of the bone dragon next to it.

Instantly killed it!

"You eliminated the 10,000th ranked opponent, it took two seconds! Evaluation - crush!"

"You have obtained 5 competitive points and are currently ranked 10,000!"

"Ten thousand? So many people came in!"

Lu Nan was speechless to himself.

The existence of the Sky Arena is more popular than he imagined.

Thinking of this, I was immediately elated.

The more people, the higher his income.

These job changers are purely working for him.

"Keep going!"

As time went by, Lu Nan's competitive points also increased at an extremely crazy speed.

On the huge screen outside, a ranking jumping up and down one after another within a certain period of time quickly attracted the attention of interested people.

PS: I don’t know if it’s because I stayed up too late. My physical condition has been getting worse and worse recently. I really can’t bear it today. My mind has been buzzing all the time. I bit the bullet and typed out this chapter. It’s really a bit of a burden I can't hold it anymore, I'm going to rest first, I'll ask for a vacation tomorrow to make up for everyone, the guarantee is more than 12,000! I'm really sorry.

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