Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 179, This Melon-Eating Sixth Child, This Undead Is Too Arrogant! (Please Subscribe!)

Bone Dragon?

Hu Xiaodie couldn't imagine how terrifying it would be for a team that could control the customs clearance time within five minutes.

"Would you believe me if I said that it took five minutes for a team to pass a seven-rank giant dungeon?"

She posted the news on the Observation Department channel.

"??? Fluttershy, are you okay?"

"You're talking nonsense again! Let me tell you this, among the materials we archived, the shortest time-consuming is a legendary figure, which took a full fifteen minutes!"

An old man from the Observation Department showed up.

"Later, many giants judged this kind of time, and regarded fifteen minutes as an impossible span of time! For example, if it takes ten minutes for a person to travel, no matter how hard he tries, it is impossible for him to spend less than ten minutes"


Colleagues obviously looked in disbelief.

To be honest, Hu Xiaodie didn't believe it either, but

That is really true!

She secretly thought frantically.

"No, I need to read a few more copies. If there are any more, then I will definitely not be able to escape. If not—maybe, this will be a special case!"

Perhaps, this record of God Stone is really wrong.

"I heard that an abyss copy record near Yunlu City has lost the god stone, which proves that this thing is not necessarily eternal!"

Hu Xiaodie plans to go to the next dungeon to have a look.

Originally, she had no such plan.

Lu Nan didn't know that the records he left behind in order to complete the job transfer task were finally discovered.

At this moment, he is immersing himself in conquering the levels of the Sky Arena.

This time the opponent is a human.

It's just that the face is covered by the sky arena, and it looks hazy.

In the battlefield, the two sides cannot have any communication.

Even if it is Lu Nan's shout, it is impossible to reach the other party's ears.

But the sound 377 from the skill can be heard.

These are the rules that belong exclusively to Sky Arena.

Countdown is over!

Lu Nan raised his hand.

The sudden tumbling aura of undead enveloped the entire battlefield in it.

A huge bone claw slapped it on the head.

Fiercely imprinted on the opponent's body.


There were no accidents, and no passionate battles.

From the beginning to the end, once the bone dragon came out, it defeated all the enemies with one claw.

After hours, none survived the second claw.

"After all, it is a sanctuary-level bone dragon!"

And the opponent is just a rank five or six professional, the gap is really huge.

The huge difference in attributes makes the other party's actions and reactions look like a tortoise.

Bone Dragon's random paw hit the target no matter how the opponent tried to hide.

"You have obtained 60 competitive points, and the current points are 2250 points!"

"This opponent has a lot of points! It seems that he is an opponent with a relatively high winning streak!"

Lu Nan was taken aback for a moment, but then he didn't pay much attention to it.

More than two thousand points, which is the second floor.

Looking at the two floors of the competitive shop, the pitifully low-level items, he suddenly became a little excited.

He took out a bag of melon seeds and ate it on his own.

Then, the next picture is a little weird.

Many opponents have noticed a majestic figure eating melon seeds.

"It's crazy! This man called Undead is crazy beyond bounds!"

A job changer who had just been sent out cursed loudly, attracting many people's attention.

"You also met the undead?"

"Did you meet brother too?"

"Yeah! That guy really doesn't give any face, he's still eating sunflower seeds in front of me!"

"Me too! It's really too much to deceive people, if he let me know his true identity, I will definitely—"

"Ahem, brother, even if you know, you can't beat him!"

Well, that guy does have crazy capital! It’s crazy! I didn’t even have the reaction to react, so I lost it!”


Of course, there are more job changers who don't think so much, and are directly cursed.

"Crazy what crazy, how strong is it? You don't hit people in the face, you know?"

"That's right! This guy is big enough to abuse food, but if he meets a strong person, he will probably give up food!"

"I hope he will meet people like Feilong and Lanying in the next game, so he can't afford to be crazy——"

On the huge screen, although Undead's ranking rose rapidly, he was still in third place, with two more ahead of him.

During these few hours, Lu Nan was not the only one who improved.

However, before he finished speaking, he saw a person with an ugly face being sent out.

Look at that dress, isn't it who Lan Ying is?

"Fuck! You are too deceitful!"

The blue shadow who just came out scolded directly.

"Lan Ying, you also met that old mold?"

"The sixth child who knocks melons?" Lan Ying was a little puzzled by this title.

"It's eating melon seeds while participating in the competition!"

The job changers around explained one after another.

When this was mentioned, Lan Ying was also a little annoyed.

"That's it! You say that you are strong if you are strong, why do you want to provoke people? Damn it!"

Lan Ying's angry voice immediately resonated with the surrounding people.

One by one was full of dissatisfaction with the undead.

"Don't be afraid, there is Feilong here, he is no ordinary professional, it is said that he is the ninth-rank giant seed of Phoenix Nine Heavens!"

"Hiss~ That's great, I hope Feilong can numb his arrogance!"

Everyone was completely blown away by the undead's indifferent attitude.

But at this moment, a white light suddenly appeared.

The somewhat bewildered eyes of the Son of the Dragon God were revealed.

He looked around, then at the screen.

"Flying dragon?" Lan Ying looked over in surprise, confident that he had some friendship with the son of the Dragon God.

"Huh?" The Dragon God's Son looked over.

"Why did you come out? With your strength, you shouldn't come out at this stage!"

More than two thousand competitive points, which is equivalent to the second stage.

The opponents are basically not very strong.

I met a (cadd) disgusting guy!" When the Son of the Dragon God said this, his complexion became even worse.

"You don't mean you met the sixth son who knocks melons?"

"Lao Liu? It's really good enough for Lao Liu! However, I was careless this time and didn't flash!"

The son of the Dragon God felt a little embarrassed.

Recalling the situation just now, he was indeed holding his posture a little bit. Seeing that the other party was actually eating melon seeds on the spot, he also wanted to respond with the same action.

I didn't expect the other party to be so ignorant of martial arts.

The response of the son of the dragon god raised the hopes of many job changers.

After all, there are quite a few people who have encountered the sixth child of the undead, but even though they are cursing, they are actually convinced by the other party's methods.

An unyielding character like the Son of the Dragon God obviously has confidence!

"Flying dragon, come on, let him look good!"


Amidst the roars, the Son of the Dragon God paid a new entrance fee, and was then teleported in.

"As expected of the son of the Dragon God, as soon as I entered, the competitive points have been rising!"

Everyone looked at the points ranking.

The points of Dragon God's Son are still ranked first, after all his total points are indeed high.

And the match against Lu Nan only deducted 60 points.

He only needs to win two games at most to make up for this point.

"The opponents don't seem to be all real people!"

After several hours of continuous matching, Lu Nan encountered no less than a hundred opponents, from all professions.

Elemental Mage, Demo Archer, Steel Titan, Dragon Vein Wizard and many more.

There were even some, which made Lu Nan's eyes shine.

For example, the faceless man wearing the ancient battle armor of the Yan Kingdom in front of him actually has more than a dozen long swords of different standards on his back.

At the end of the countdown, Lu Nan deliberately didn't summon the bone dragon immediately, but waited for the opponent to make the first move.


Suddenly, the other party stepped on the ground suddenly, and shot over like a cannonball amidst the violent roar.

In the middle of the journey, a long sword behind his back unexpectedly rolled out and went straight to Lu Nan's front.

Flying sword?


A wound jumped out of Lu Nan.

Immediately afterwards, the long swords behind the other party flew out one after another, slashing across Lu Nan's body continuously, taking away pieces of astonishing damage.

Of course, this astonishment is for job changers at this stage, and for those giants, it is far behind.

"This profession is a bit like the flying sword of Yan Kingdom in ancient times!"

Lu Nan watched for a long time before summoning the bone dragon.

It was still a paw, completely ending the battle.

"You have obtained 50 competitive points, and the current points are 1850 points!"

"It should be rare to see a job changer in this kind of dress in Yan Country now, so it is absolutely impossible for him to be a job changer from Yan Country!"

"At least, not in this era!"

Lu Nan's expression froze slightly.

Suddenly recalled the Guan Dao Wu Sheng I met before.

Monsters of this style are hard to come across in the outside world.

I thought it was just an exception, but I didn't expect there to be so many in the arena.

"However, when the game comes to reality, isn't it only a hundred or so?"

Lu Nan's heart was full of doubts, and he didn't even feel good eating melon seeds.

"Yan Kingdom has been pursuing becoming a god, but for so many years, it has never found the whereabouts of Kong Arena, and this year, it actually appeared directly!"

"Is it caused by changes in the overall environment?"

Lu Nan thought of the 'new era' mentioned in the previous rules of heaven and earth!

There is also some sense of urgency in my heart.

"It seems that we have to improve our strength as soon as possible! At the very least, we must be able to summon gods!"

"Speed ​​up!"

Lu Nan ate a melon seed, and the next moment, he was teleported to the next battle.

"Meet you again! You old six! This time, I will definitely not be careless!"

When the Son of the Dragon God saw Lu Nan, a ray of determination burst out in his eyes.

Unfortunately, neither side can hear each other's voices.

The Son of the Dragon God felt a little pity.

Countdown is over!

He raised his staff.



As soon as the dragon word was uttered, the eyes suddenly went dark, and then appeared outside.

All around, the sun is dead silent!

A few people in the corner were still shouting for Son of the Dragon God to come on, but at this moment, everything came to an abrupt end!.

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