Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 18, Epic Appraisal, Knight Funeral!

The devil's favorite tactic is to use good things to lure simple lambs into traps.

Restricted by the rules, real things must be put in for the first time, and the better the things, the more things you can do.

Therefore, Devil Zet took out one of the few good things in his body.

That was his favorite toy!

Thinking about cheating people over and then getting the things back?

However, at this moment, what originally belonged to him has become a sharp weapon of the enemy!

Lu Nan peeked at the distraught Devil Zit secretly through the gap between the skeleton warriors.

"No! You can't do this! I just invite you to come over as a guest!"

"Stop! Stop! I have something good!"


Hundreds of bone swords pierced Zit's body.

Injuries hard to discern with the naked eye kept jumping up.

Although the damage of each skeleton warrior is not high, the number is really too much.

Every second, hundreds of damage jumps.

Seeing that there was no sign of Lu Nan in the ocean of skeletons, Zit the devil was completely desperate, and his voice became very spiteful.

"Damn yellow-skinned monkey, you will pay the price for your cunning behavior, I swear to Devil Satan!"



Before he died, the figure of Devil Zit suddenly swelled up and turned into a devil bomb, and a terrible roar sounded.

The skeleton warriors hundreds of meters away from Fang Yuan were violently thrown away.

Tens of thousands of blood were emptied in an instant!

"Fortunately ran far!"

Lu Nan, who was among the skeletons, looked at his scalp numb.

The Devil Bomb is the ultimate move of Devil Zeit, and at least thousands of skeleton warriors were taken away in one wave.

"Sure enough, it's still a little dangerous to challenge something by leapfrogging!"

"You killed the devil Zit (clone), and gained experience +1 million!"

"Your level has increased!"



Lu Nan was taken aback. He didn't dare to stay. He put away the light spots that fell on the ground and walked towards the vortex that just appeared.

For a while, everything was going away.

In a blink of an eye, he returned to the job-changing temple.

At this time, he was in the mood to check the harvest this time.

After one turn, the experience required for leveling up has increased a lot, and one million experience is just for him to be promoted by three levels, which happens to be level 55.

In addition, Devil Zet dropped several light clusters.

When I took it out, I was overjoyed.

One of them is Gina's rag doll (epic) that he misses so much!

This kind of item that can give him an extra life can be said to be of extraordinary value, Lu Nan quickly put it away.

There is still one--

"Appraisal Scroll (Epic): Use it on Epic and equipment below Epic to discover its hidden attributes!"

Also a good thing!

How can it be bad to bear the title of epic?

"This thing, the more precious it is, the higher its value! It's the most cost-effective when used on epic equipment!"

Lu Nan was about to put it away and use it later, but suddenly thought of something, and took out a piece of equipment from the space backpack.

"Scythe of the Dead (Weapon)"

"Grade: Baijin"

All attribute increase +5%

Skill: Greed of the Dead (Passive: Life that dies under the King's Scythe will be absorbed by it, a total of 10 layers.)

1. Increase life: 0/50,000!

2,? ? ?


Equipment requirements: one turn

※: The dead yearn for life, it is always waiting for the opportunity!

This is one of the few non-staff equipment he can afford.

"The attributes of the sickle of the dead are really good!"

Lu Nan also saw a legendary weapon just now, and the bonus attributes are very powerful, but if he had to choose, he would definitely choose the Scythe of the Dead.

"Moreover, this weapon actually has a second attribute that hasn't been unsealed!"

"However, Baijin-grade weapons seem a bit low!"

At this time, Lu Nan also hesitated.

"Forget it! Isn't it just an epic appraisal scroll?"

In the future, when the strength is strong, it may not be impossible to get it!

Lu Nan took out the scroll and slapped the Scythe of the Dead.

"Using the Appraisal Scroll on the Scythe of the Dead (weapon), do you want to continue?"


A mass of colored light burst out suddenly.

After a while, the light disappeared, and the Scythe of the Dead didn't seem to change at all. Lu Nan thought that the identification had failed, but who knew that when he picked it up, his eyes widened.

worth it!

It's all worth it!

The attributes of Deadman's Scythe have changed dramatically.

"Scythe of the Dead (Weapon)"

"Grade: Diamond"

All attribute increase +10%

Skill: Greed of the Dead (Passive: The life that dies under the King's Scythe will be absorbed by it for life and mana.)

1. Increase life: 0/50,000!

2. Increase mana: 0/5000!


Equipment requirements: one turn

※: The dead yearn for life, it is always waiting for the opportunity!

After the appraisal, the grade of the Deadman's Scythe was actually raised by one level, reaching the diamond level!

The most important thing is that the second attribute is Mana Drain!

For him, the value of this piece of equipment is completely a small artifact.

"It won't be long before my life and mana will have a qualitative improvement!"

When he reached level 55, his mana didn't exceed 2,000, so he could fight the devil at the fifth turn, and if he increased his mana by 5,000, he really didn't know how strong he was.

"Moreover, as the level of the summoning spell increases, the strength will increase exponentially!"

"This time, it's really a natural disaster for walking!"

Whether it's the protagonist or himself, Lu Nan also has an indescribable feeling.

too fast!

In just one day, he has reached a level that others cannot achieve in a lifetime!

Sighs are sighs, what should be improved still needs to be improved.

Lu Nan directly replaced the weapon and equipped it with the Scythe of the Dead.

Immediately, the combat power increased by another section.

not much!

The main reason is to increase the mana increase with the greatest strength, which is still in the state of 0/5000!

"Learn the skills first!"

After one turn, a skill grid was opened.

Lu Nan hesitated between the undead swamp and the knight's funeral, and then decisively chose the knight's funeral.

As a first-turn skill, the undead creatures summoned by the knight's funeral are much stronger than the skeleton warriors!

"You learned the skill Knight Funeral!"

"Knight's Funeral: Consume a certain amount of mana to summon a skeleton knight! Note: One-turn advanced skill!"


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