Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 211. The Dark Temple Is Gone? A Deal With The Devil! (Please Subscribe!)

All members of the Yanhuang Union suddenly discovered that their attributes had increased a lot.

The higher the sequence, the greater the rise.

For example, a seventh-turn giant can achieve 2,000 points with a single attribute of 1,000+, almost doubling its combat power.

“It’s so cool!”

"The level 10 union actually brought such a big bonus!"

Each member laughed wildly.

The strength of the union station is closely related to each guild member. As the union level increases, members can also be promoted.

As the union level decreases, the strength of its members will also decrease.

This is why trade unions are so important in the hearts of members.

There will be a huge gap in strength between those who have unions and those who do not have unions.

"The Union Divine Stone has become stronger!"

"If there is another invasion of void monsters of the same magnitude as last time, they will probably be able to fight for a whole day without being able to defeat them!"

"There are a lot more buildings, go check them out!"

Soon, the giants appeared in front of a new functional temple.

"This - is actually a secret realm of halo skills!"

"It's rare for a secret realm to occupy a functional temple!"

For example, the mission area, skill area, resource secret area, etc. are all a functional temple containing many functional secret areas.

"Another point that can increase combat power!"

After the giants checked the information about the Halo Secret Realm, they were immediately pleasantly surprised.

The Halo Secret Realm is a monster secret realm. After killing the monster, you can obtain the dropped "Zero Four Seven" Halo Skill.

After learning, it is equivalent to having an eternal halo BUFF on your body.

"I'll go! No! This secret realm of light is not ours!"

"what do you mean?"

"Look, there's a prompt at the bottom!"

Everyone looked over and frowned immediately.

It turns out there is another note below: the Halo Secret Realm can only be opened if you obtain the Halo Halo Secret Realm token!

"The Aura Secret Realm Token still needs to be conquered by one of the knights in the Four Knights copy to obtain it?"

"What a trouble! I thought it was a secret realm token that was automatically issued before a certain time!"

Most of the secret realms in the union. It's all like this.

But obviously, this secret aura environment did not follow normal conditions.

"It's okay! We are the only union now at level 10, and no one can compete with us!"

"Also, as the first union to be promoted to level 10, we also received a BUFF!"

Mr. Lu smiled.

In the temple next to it, there is a floating sacred stone that can provide buffs.

A giant walked over and put his hand on it. Suddenly, a BUFF jumped out.

"Secret Realm Prophet Halo: You can get the detailed coordinates of the Four Knights of God Killing!"

"Secret Realm Violence Aura: All things in the camp (including skill effects, summons, job changers themselves, riding pets, props, etc.) will be violent, and they will be fully strengthened twice as much!"

"Secret Realm God-killing Aura: Causes an additional 50% damage to divine creatures, and cannot be reduced by any defense method."

Seeing the three halo BUFFs, all the giants expressed an impatient expression.

"If the halo skill can be this strong, then for us, the improvement will really be too big!"

"I can't wait! Go in and give it a try!"

Everyone in this dungeon has ten opportunities to be resurrected every week, so they are not afraid of starting a new life for the first time.

However, just as many giants were preparing to enter the dungeon with smiles on their faces, suddenly, another voice of rules sounded.

"Tip: The Elders' Council of Yingjiang Country has officially entered the 10th level union, and the luck of Yingjiang Country has increased by 30 points! The resources within the borders of Yingjiang Country have increased by 2%, and the probability of birthing high-level talents has increased! Resource output has increased!"

"Tip: The Elders' Council of Yingjiang Country has officially entered the 10th level union, and the luck of Yingjiang Country has increased by 30 points! The resources within the borders of Yingjiang Country have increased by 2%, and the probability of birthing high-level talents has increased! Resource output has increased!"

"Yingjiang Country has also been promoted to level 10! But, what kind of union is this Presbyterian Church?"

Many giants looked at the prompts on the data panel in surprise.

At the same time, in a huge manor in Yingjiang Country.

A group of giants looked at the skyrocketing union divine stone in front of them with ugly expressions.

"Fake! Why can the Yanhuang Union be promoted to level 10 in front of us?"

"What do you do for a living? You have been asked to weaken the Yanhuang Union of Yan Country for so many years. Is this how you have weakened it?"

France shouted angrily.

The Presbyterian Council is a coalition hidden behind many of the top unions in the Hard Eagle Country.

More than 80% of the members are selected from various top guilds. They are considered an elite aggregation and are inextricably linked to each top guild.

As the president of the Presbyterian Church, France has always been committed to gathering the strength of the entire Eagle Country to elevate national law to another level.

He has also been in charge of the plan to advance to the 10th level union.

Unexpectedly, even though he had shortened the promotion time as much as possible, he was still ranked first by the Yanhuang Union.

What annoyed him the most was that he was not prepared at all for this.

"Damn it, you told me that Yanhuang's Yanhuang has completely declined, and there is no possibility of promotion to the 10th level union in at least two years!"

"Is this your answer to me?"

France was so angry that he had to pull out the giant who reported to him at that time.

"Don't be angry, France! It's just a little bit of national luck. Besides, the most important place for the level 10 union is the aura secret realm. As long as we can occupy the aura secret realm, it will be useless even if the Yanhuang union has been promoted to level 10. of!"

"Well said, don't forget Emperor Yama! If he enters the secret realm of light, who among us can stop him!"

"Ahem~ Don't forget those legendary races!" At this time, the Pope said.

"What? Have you found a way to contact the legendary race?"

Many Presbyterian giants looked at the Pope and Elder Lane.

"Yes! We consulted many classics and materials and discovered that the Dark Temple has always been connected with the legendary race Nuggets. We will not be able to find traces of the Nuggets for a while, but the Dark Temple is not difficult to find!"

"Those stinky rats?"

"Hey~ As long as it's useful to us!"

Although the Dark Temple's style of conduct is unpopular in all countries in the world, they are very wise and only make waves in a few countries. Therefore, the senior officials of "Takajiang Kang" do not mind cooperating with each other.

"I have sent people to look for it. By this time, we should have found it!"

Elder Lane said calmly.

"Elder Ryan's efficiency is so high! In such a short time, he found the clue!"

"Yes! Elder Lane is still very powerful. Look at those people in the top unions, they only deserve to eat daddy!"


However, at this moment, Elder Lane received the news from the people below, and suddenly stood up from his chair with a sudden shock.

"How is that possible! Are you sure you read it correctly?"

His face was full of shock and a trace of fear.

At this moment, in the legendary plane, where the Dark Temple is located, two seventh-level job transferees from the Presbyterian Church looked at the ruins in front of them, their faces filled with fear.

If it weren't for the poor professional ethics that kept them going, they would have turned around and run away.

"You can't be wrong! We are both here. The Dark Temple has been turned into ruins. Even the temple and the statues inside have collapsed!"

"All gone!"

"There is still a strong smell of the undead in the air, it's him! That's right, it's the Son of Heaven!"

Wherever the Emperor Yama passes, there is the aura of the undead.

Therefore, the two giants of the Eagle Kingdom did not hesitate and directly said that they were the emperor of Yama.

"Elder Ryan, I think Emperor Yama might still be here, so we need to evacuate as soon as possible!"

"Wait a minute——Since you have entered the legendary plane, why not go find the Nuggets——"

"Fake! Waste!"

Before he finished speaking, he discovered that the other party had cut off contact, which made Elder Lane furious. He no longer regained his previous calmness and started spouting shit.

"Calm down, Elder Lane!"

The Pope couldn't help but said.

Isn’t it shameful enough to be despised?

Didn’t you see that the other elders’ eyes changed?

The Presbyterian Church is an alliance, so naturally it is impossible to do everything with the same heart. One moment you are praising it, the next moment you may be scorning it.

That is to say, this matter cannot be blamed on Ryan, otherwise, he will be attacked by others.

"What's going on over there?"

Elder Lane stopped cursing and told the situation.

"The Emperor of Yama is very vindictive. It seems that the Dark Temple has caused trouble to the Yan Kingdom many times before, so it led him to go to the legendary plane and destroy the Dark Temple!"

"However, there is no need to panic. We are within the national border now. Emperor Yama is not from our Yingjiang Kingdom, so he cannot enter the national border!"

Suddenly, everyone felt at ease.

"This damn Emperor Yama, when our two crown princes come back, we will definitely make him look good!"

"But what do we do now?"

"No way, I'll go there myself! Ask those two idiots to give me the coordinates!" President France said.

His profession has the ability to teleport through space. As long as he has the exact coordinates, he can teleport to a very distant area.

Soon, France sensed the coordinates of the legendary plane, and then a ball of light flashed, disappeared directly, and appeared in the legendary plane.

"Ah! Elder France!"

"Elder France!"

France nodded towards the two giants and began to search.

"found it!"

It didn't take long for him to find traces of the existence of the Nuggets. This was a space exploration method he had obtained after meeting many Nuggets in the past.

As long as they are on the same plane, traces of those Nugget clan members can be found.

"I wonder what happened to those Nuggets? If we can get some space props back this time, it will definitely be a big help!"

Thinking about it, he used his skills and disappeared again.

But when he appeared again, looking at the ruins in front of him, he was completely stunned.

"It should be right here! Why not?"

"Could it be that these are the ruins?"

"Impossible! The Nuggets are a legendary race. In the legendary plane, they are also an extremely powerful race. 1.9 Even if Emperor Yama returns, it is impossible to destroy the Nuggets!"

France shook his head.

However, no matter how he looked for it, he couldn't find it.

"Perhaps, in order to avoid Emperor Yama, they chose to close the mountain!"

The most difficult thing about Yama is not only his numerous summons, but also his elusive whereabouts.

Before, he had a conflict with the Nuggets and was chased by the demigod elder of the Nuggets. He relied on his elusive ability to repeatedly evade and cause huge casualties to the Nuggets under the Holy Land. of.

In desperation, the Nuggets closed the mountain.

France knew all about this.

I think it will probably be the same this time!

Just when he was at his wits' end, suddenly, a black shadow fell not far away.

"That's the devil?"

"Human? What are you doing here!"

Seeing that the other party was about to take action, France quickly said: "Dear Lord Devil, I'm here to make a deal with the Nuggets!"

The devil's eyes suddenly lit up.

France knew that the devil was best at contracts, fraud, etc., so he was particularly interested in the words transaction and contract.

Sure enough, the devil immediately put away his attacking posture and said with a smile: "What kind of deal? Can you tell me about it?"

"Of course!" Seeing that the other party took the bait, Franz suddenly laughed.


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