Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 239, Shocked Gods, God-Killing Secret! (Please Subscribe!)

The vague aura of the gods spread mightily into the depths of the Ancient Land of the Undead. Countless overlord-level undead were either frightened and fled immediately, or they abandoned the territory they had occupied for countless years and hid until even the undead were unwilling to stay. Area.

None of them wanted to walk under the power of the gods.

Of course, there are also some undead who want to join the gods.

"The only ones who can kill gods are gods. Becoming a believer in gods may provide me with an opportunity to become a god!"

These undead thought.

The plane of the undead, which had been generally peaceful, fell into turmoil.

But at this moment, suddenly, the divine aura that filled most of the Ancient Land of the Undead suddenly dissipated.

For a time, all the unusual movements were silent.

"What's going on? Why did the aura of the gods disappear all of a sudden?"

"have no idea!"

"Could it be that——the God-killing Knights succeeded in killing the gods?"

Some undead souls who seemed to know the whole story had soul fire in their eyes beating violently, and complex emotions were constantly arising.

Because Lu Nan's Skeleton God is somewhat different from the normal undead god, it will not have the same momentum as the undead god Max in the undead plane.

The plane of God.

In a mysterious space, the aura of the undead continues to spread among the ruins.

A tall undead kept piling materials on the ground.

The terrifying demigod-level lich drives each skeleton giant.

The necromancer, shrouded in a cloak and whose face could not be seen clearly, continued to use his skills to summon waves of skeleton warriors and devoted himself to the construction.

And there are countless scenes like this in this space enveloped by the strong aura of the undead.

It can be said that this is a completely different plane of the undead.

Deep in the space, 553 can see some collapsed temples from time to time, some floating in the air, and some falling into the collapsed earth.

Viewed from a high altitude, the land was in a mess, as if a horrific battle had taken place here.

Suddenly, a hoarse voice sounded.

With a hint of doubt and anger.

"Max is dead!"

"Huh? It's impossible, right? Max is one of the first gods to be resurrected. Who can kill him?"

"Could it be those demigods?"

"Demigod? How did the idea of ​​killing gods spread across multiple planes? You don't know? That's the conspiracy of the Light God System! They want to use this lie to hook those who want to become gods!"

"Those pretty boys look so glorious on their faces, but their hearts are darker than those of us who play with skeletons!"

There is such a secret in the theory of killing gods.

Some gods who didn't know the situation were extremely shocked.

Here is a gathering place for the undead gods of the plane of God. Here, at least half of the gods of the undead gods are sleeping.

"What killing gods? As long as the gods don't stand there stupidly and let those demigods kill them, who can kill the gods?"

Some demigods who possess god-level props or artifacts can certainly pose some threats to the gods, but they are only threats.

In fact, the success rate of killing gods is infinitesimally small. In the entire multidimensional plane, the number of successful killings of gods is only a handful.

Moreover, there are shadows of other gods behind these few cases, or they may be some relatively special circumstances.

For example, new gods, some gods who suffered great trauma due to the war between gods, were known by demigods, thus ushering in destruction.

You must know that there are more or less demigods in each plane, especially in some high-level planes.

The number of times that God has been successfully killed can be counted on two hands, which shows how difficult it is.

"Since it was the conspiracy of those guys, why didn't any gods expose them?"

A new god said doubtfully.

"Gods who are good at deceiving are also good at playing with people's hearts! The spread of the theory of killing gods is not only beneficial to the gods of light, but also to us!"

"There are countless multidimensional spaces. No one knows when or where a new artifact will be born! As a divine weapon, it still poses a certain threat to our gods!"

"Before those demigods become gods, it is indeed necessary to take back the artifacts!"

"Moreover, demigods, as the most common strong men in multiple planes, have considerable wealth. If we want to continue to be strong, we naturally need to collect more wealth!"

The hoarse voice said, with deep vigilance in his tone.

This kind of vigilance is naturally directed at the Temple of Light who came up with this plan.

"Those insidious and cunning gods of light really deserve to die!"

A burst of curses came from the mouths of other gods.

"Max is the only one in our undead god system. Among the first batch of resurrected gods, I thought I could get a share of the new era. Unexpectedly, two-

"Max is not a stupid god, there is no way he would let those demigods have a chance!"

"Maybe, it's other gods!"

Suddenly, the curse of the gods appeared again.

"Wait! Wait for the next batch of resurrections, and then check carefully! No other pantheon can step on the head of our Temple of the Undead!" said the hoarse voice.

Another mysterious space, compared to the messy undead god's residence, this place seems very peaceful.

The vast space was filled with masses of holy light, as powerful as the sun.

There are also some ruins on the ground, but they have all been cleared away.

"Hmm? The aura of the gods in the plane of the undead is gone?"

"Could it be that those skeletons want to hide that lower god?"

"Haha, Thanatos doesn't have the guts!"

"This is not necessarily true! In the new era, the ruins of the ancient country of Yan Kingdom will bring endless opportunities to the gods, and they can even become the main god from a lower god in a short period of time!"

"Those terrible guys left endless resources! These things are enough to make those humble low-level Kanna (bgeg) ignore our warnings!"

"Let Albes check, he should have recovered too!"

The stone sculpture sitting on the high throne makes a majestic sound.

Suddenly, countless angels and believers in the vast land showed excited expressions.

That is the voice of the great Lord God.


The huge Nugget Mountains made violent waves.

The powerful divine light spread towards the surroundings.

"Finally recovered!"

Circles of divine light vibrated.

Bruce, the Nugget God who transformed into the Nugget Mountains, opened his eyes, and wisps of space law light flashed continuously.

"Emperor Yama, I don't think you can keep it secret this time!"

There was a hint of killing intent in his eyes.

The two clones that came to him were destroyed by Emperor Yama, causing him to lose a lot of divinity. Now he can be said to be at his weakest.


"No matter how weak it is, it cannot be compared to any demigod!"

Only gods know how powerful gods are. The so-called killing of gods is just a huge joke most of the time.

"This time, I want you to understand that gods are inviolable!"

The huge Nugget Mountains are disappearing, and the god Bruce directly connects with the sculptures of the clan.

For them, those sculptures are the best positioning coordinates. If there are no coordinates, then it is impossible for gods to cross the plane distance at will and reach another plane.

However, just when he started to focus on the sculptures of the clan, he was stunned for a moment.

"Why is it missing?"

There is a statue of the ancestor who became a god standing in the land of the Nuggets all year round, but the statue that belongs to him is gone!

"Could it have been destroyed by Emperor Yama? No, the tribe has entered the inner layer of space. With the characteristics of the tribe, unless it is a god, it is absolutely impossible to find the location of the tribe in such a short time!"

The last time he projected his clone, he saw that the clan had entered the inner layer of space, so Bruce was not worried about anything happening to the clan.

However, at this moment, a trace of uneasiness spread in my heart.


In the distance, the clone of the dark god was revealed.

The fluctuation caused by the god's resurgence was not small. With his clone without any divinity, he could not resist the aftermath at all, so he directly avoided it and waited until the aftermath was almost gone before he flew over.


The dark god had already planned to retreat.

Before the Nuggets God recovers, he can still use some capital to cooperate with the Nuggets God.

But now, he has not fully recovered, and the Nuggets God has successfully recovered, and the chips between the two sides are no longer equal.

According to his idea, the first thing the Nugget God did after resurrecting was to destroy his own clone, and then quickly disappear.

Unexpectedly, he waited for Bruce's call.

"I need the coordinates of a legendary plane or a real plane!" There was a trace of indifference in Bruce's eyes.

At this time, he finally realized that something big must have happened in the legendary plane. Otherwise, with his status as a god, his tribe would not be able or dare to let his statue be damaged.

Damn the Emperor Yama!

The dark god reacted immediately, but did not say anything.

The two previous projection clones of the Nugget God are gone, which proves that the Son of Heaven is definitely the top demigod in reality and even in the legendary plane. It is not without means that he can remove Bruce from the Nugget clan. This is possible.

"I will provide it to you right away! However, the previous agreement——"

"It still counts!"

Bruce did not agree to this agreement out of anger, but after careful consideration.

What the situation will be like in the new era is not completely clear yet, but it is still beneficial to have a divine helper.

"We need a rules contract!"

Soon, both gods signed a contract.

One is a god of the Nuggets who often uses contracts to strengthen himself, and the other is a dark god who walks in the darkness. Naturally, he is not worried that the other party can hide the contract from his eyes.

Seeing that the rules contract was established, the dark god Chris began to connect the statues inside the dark temple underneath.

However, after a moment, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

"The coordinates I left below are gone!"

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