Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 244, Three Skeleton Gods, The Advantage Lies In Sakura? (Please Subscribe!)

Thinking of this, the three-tailed sky fox was determined.

The Nuggets God had been arguing with Lu Nan for so long just now. He is also a lower-level god, so it will definitely not be a problem to hold on for more than ten minutes.

The realms of the gods behind them are also falling.

It will all fall off in less than five minutes.

Therefore, there is no need to worry too much.

"Everyone, this class changer from the Yan Kingdom is so powerful that he can even kill the Nugget God. We are all lower-level gods. Any one of us who fights against him will be seeking death! Let's join forces to kill him, and then carve up the Yan Kingdom. The destruction of destiny!"

The voice of the three-tailed sky fox spread into the realms of several other gods.

In the sky, there are still five projections of the divine realm falling.

This means that there are still five gods.

Including the three-tailed sky fox himself, there are six!

Originally, the landing location of each divine domain projection was different, but at this moment, after hearing the words of the three-tailed sky fox, they immediately adjusted the landing location of the divine domain projection [changed to Donggu City


Lu Nan instantly noticed the thoughts of these gods, and immediately felt happy.

To be honest, the range of his skill release is still a bit insufficient. If the group of gods in the sky run away desperately, he can only leave three at most.

"It was too violent just now! It would be great if we pretend it a little more and wait until all the gods have arrived at a certain distance before we can use more force!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the feeling of pity showed in his heart, those gods seemed to have received some signal from 600. Not only did they give up their escape one by one, but they also accelerated towards this direction.

"That's great! Now, no one can escape!"

Lu Nan felt happy.

Although the god's recovery has now entered the first stage, the god is still difficult to find.

He planned to run back to the plane of the undead and hunt demigods as soon as this matter was over.

It’s really a big deal that a god can come to your door!

"This distance is almost there!"

There is no way to regret it!

So, Lu Nan began to show his fangs.

Raise your hand, it’s a skill!

"God's Skeleton Summons!"

"The gods are back again! It looks like they have reached an agreement to join forces!"

"I'll go! Is the skeleton god from the Yan Kingdom so scary? Does it require so many gods to join forces?"

"Don't you see? That god seems to be really dead!"

"Hiss~ It's so scary! I didn't expect that there are still gods in the Yan Kingdom! But at present, these gods are not in a normal state. It should be due to some special reasons that they can survive!"

Of course, the onlookers who changed jobs did not dare to get close to the battlefield where the gods were fighting. (bgfj) The brutal elemental power and chaotic laws were simply not something ordinary job changers could bear.

If any god suddenly casts a large-scale forbidden spell, it will definitely kill them instantly.

As for the survivors in Yanhuang Ancient City, protected by Lu Nan's undead creatures, they would not die.

The six gods joined forces to make countless career changers who wanted to see the fall of Yan Kingdom excited again.


"Have you ever felt hopeless?"

Lu Nan smiled.

In the huge magic circle, a skull god emerged again.

And attacked directly towards the three-tailed sky fox.

"How is it possible! Two gods!"

The three-tailed sky fox was so frightened that his eyes turned white.

"Hold on! I'll be there soon!"

A god's voice came from the sky.

The three-tailed sky fox burst into tears.

For the first time, I felt the warmth from gods of other races.

"It's okay. In my state, it's no problem to hold on for five minutes!"

Faced with a god who might be coming to save his life, the three-tailed sky fox showed rare reasonableness.

In his mind, he estimated the time he could bear through the previous divine battles.

However, a minute passed.

Another huge magic circle emerged.


The new Skeleton God appears!

Three huge gods, wrapped in a large number of chains, directly entangled the three-tailed sky fox.

Millions of bone dragons and hundreds of millions of demon archers swarmed up, constantly attacking the immobile three-tailed sky fox.

"Three minutes! I can only last three minutes at most!"

The face of the three-tailed celestial fox turned pale, and a huge figure of three celestial fox beasts appeared on his body.

The three-tailed sky fox is not in the form of a real fox, but a race from the Sakura Kingdom. It is said that it has the blood of the nine-tailed beast of the Sakura Kingdom in its body, so it is known as the sky fox.

As for why there is bloodline, that is worth pondering.

"I'll go! Why did three gods appear?"

"Three Sky Foxes, you damned me!"

"I am your uncle! This god of the Yan Kingdom is so insidious, he is waiting for us to fall into the urn!"

A burst of curses came from the mouths of the five gods who had not yet fully descended from the sky.

Especially the last three gods were filled with rage.

If they hadn't been fooled by the three-tailed sky fox, they might have escaped!

"You have no choice! Don't forget, he can capture our divine projection! If I die, can you five run away?"

"Only if we all join forces can we have a chance to escape!"

This time, the gods who were concerned about saving their lives had no regard for face and shouted directly.

The onlookers who had transferred jobs from various countries were dumbfounded.

"That Yan Kingdom god, is that fishy?"


The six gods on whom they had placed high hopes were actually not thinking about killing each other now, but - saving their lives!

The job changers in Sakura Country are completely gone.

An unpleasant feeling has quietly crept into my heart.

Even their own gods only want to save their lives. Is there any hope for the Yan Kingdom?


At this moment, countless people vomited three liters of blood.

If it weren't for the blood-enhancing potion on his body, many people would have died.

In contrast, the job transferees from Yan Kingdom were completely excited and jumping wildly.

"Gods! Those are the gods of our Yan Kingdom! Let's see who dares to say that our Yan Kingdom has no gods in the future!"

"We in the Yan Kingdom also have gods! Wuwuwu——"

"Don't be careless, our gods still have enemies!"

Despite the excitement, there are also some who are relatively calm and sober, trying to comfort others.

Although it is known from the exchanges between Sakura Kingdom’s god Three-Tailed Sky Fox and other gods that the situation is favorable to Yan Kingdom, who can guarantee whether this is the conspiracy of those gods?

"Yes, yes! We can't be careless!"

"We must win!"

And job transferees from other countries began to come to their senses.

"This must be the strategy of the gods! That's right! Those gods of the Flame Kingdom look like skeletons. They are probably a spirit summoning skill similar to our Sakura Kingdom, which summons some ancient corpses to fight. This method cannot be completely completed. Give full play to the strength that the bones had when they were alive!"

"Moreover, we have six gods, and they only have three. What an advantage!"

"Yes! The advantage is mine!"

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