Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 272. The Cruel Plane Of The Undead, Shocking The Gods! (Please Subscribe!)

Many giants in the Yan Kingdom lived a very prosperous life under Lu Nan's protection.

The previous wave caused so much pain to the ethnic coalition forces that they would not dare to approach for a while.

They are waiting for backup.

"What's going on? Hasn't the army from the undead plane arrived yet?"

Temple of Light.

The Pope of Light has changed the Pope again.

Although the last pope was very careful, he still died in the last wave of war.

This time, the one who came to power was none other than the Son of Light and Darkness who had coveted the position of Pope for a long time.

Many elders of the Church of Light are more qualified than him to sit in this position, but there is no way. Whoever has better talent is directly appointed by the Lord of Light.

Therefore, the elders did not dare to have any objections.

What a good death!

The Son of Light and Darkness sat in the Pope's seat, feeling very excited and happy.

Of course, it can't be shown on the surface.

Now that he has taken over the position of pope, the Son of Light and Darkness will definitely take care of the Lord God.

He knew that the gods on the plane of the undead had reached an agreement with his own main god, so he had been waiting for the other party to arrive. 16 When the time comes, I and others will just sit back and enjoy their achievements.

Unexpectedly, the wait would last for five days.

The flowers are almost gone!

"what happened?"

A man with a faint shimmer shook his head.

This person has an extraordinary identity and is a two-winged angel.

The snow-white wings are folded behind the back, looking like a decoration.

"I got the news that preparations are being made over there, but I don't know why it hasn't arrived yet after so long!"

The two-winged angel also felt very depressed.

He had to use special means to contact people from the light plane.

Soon, the news spread.



Could it be that those adults don’t know the news?

The two-winged angel felt extremely strange, but he did not dare to question those adults.

Although those adults are not all angels, they have the strength of gods, which is much more important than him, a World War II angel with demigod strength.

The plane of light.

Albes, who was specifically responsible for this matter, sent a message to the gods of the undead plane with a gloomy look on his face.

"What's going on? Have your people not entered the real plane yet?"

Thanatos was extremely angry.

He is a top-level high-level god. If he is placed in other places, the main god will give him some face, but Albeqi, a low-level god, directly asks him.

But thinking of the terrifying Lord of Light, he still held back his anger.

"We have been sleeping for so long, so there will definitely be people in the lower realm who are not diligent in doing things!"

"Huh? Didn't you send gods to the lower world?"


If it weren't for the Lord of Light behind you, I'd see if I could kill you!

Keep on enduring!

"Where in the lower realm can things be so easy? However, in this world now, it should be faster!"

Thanatos said.

Just as he replied, suddenly, a deep light came from the distance.

A huge plane teleportation array slowly squeezed out the space in the plane of God.

The stronger the plane, the more stable the space will naturally be.

If in the lower realm, a lower god wants to open up a long-distance plane teleportation array, it can be completed in just one or two hours.

But in the plane of God, it takes several days.

Of course, if there is more preparation, the time can be greatly shortened.

For example, some space-type main artifacts owned by the main gods can do this.

Unfortunately, the undead gods do not have such a rare main artifact.

"Finally opened!"

The plane teleportation array exudes bursts of deep light.

A trace of Thanatos' divine will appeared next to him.

"Barit, remember my instructions!"

"Don't worry, Lord Thanatos! It's just the lower world, I can control everything!" Before entering the plane teleportation array, Balit looked back at Thanatos, with a trace of ease and ease in his eyes.

He didn't think this was a difficult task. The only difficulty was dealing with the plane of light.

"Go for it!"

Bartlet's figure fell into the plane transmission channel.

But suddenly, Thanatos's eyelids jumped suddenly, and then he saw the bone claws of the ten ministers grabbing directly in the slowly disconnected plane space channel.

"Damn it!"

Thanatos shouted, trying to stop Bartlett.

But at this moment, he is just a spiritual thought, how can he do it.


A violent storm came from the passage.

Then, most of the space channels were closed and disappeared directly.

"what happened?"

"Who dares to take action in my undead plane?"

One after another spiritual thoughts came from all directions.

After seeing Thanatos' spiritual incarnation, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's you! Why are you here?"

"Huh? I remember that this seems to be the place where the plane transmission channel is opened. Did Balit go to the lower realm?"

The gods of the undead plane spoke one by one.

The atmosphere was very harmonious.

However, they soon discovered that something was wrong with Thanatos' mood.

"Barit, we were intercepted just now!"


"Don't worry! It shouldn't be a big problem. The plane of the undead is our home field. As long as no god above the median god takes action, nothing will happen to Lite for a while!"

"Indeed! Thanatos, you are too worried! Gods will not die easily! What happened last time was just a coincidence!"

Many gods from the undead pantheon comforted him.

They didn't think much of it.

The plane of the undead has a suppressive effect on foreign gods. Even if the god of the Yan Kingdom enters the plane of the undead, it is impossible to kill Balit.

Thanatos thought about it and felt the same way.

But just when they returned to their respective temples, suddenly, a throb spread throughout most of the Undead God's Domain.


A strong wave came.

Countless undead suddenly noticed something and raised their heads to look in a certain direction427.

I saw a temple floating there, with traces of cracks appearing, and then, it broke into pieces!

The god——has fallen!

Shadows of gods appeared around the temple, looking at the shrine that was shattered bit by bit, their eyes full of rage.

"Barit! Damn Yanguo people! Damn it!"

Angry roars resounded throughout the entire Undead Realm, causing countless undead souls under the gods to tremble.

Time goes back a few minutes.

Lu Nan, who was spreading natural disasters in the plane of the undead, suddenly felt a strong wave of undead law coming from above.

A group of original undead creatures who were surrounded by a large number of undead summons were suddenly overjoyed.

The soul fire in his eyes was full of excitement.

"God! It's the undead god who has arrived! How wonderful!"

"God has come to save us! Everyone, support us!"

The undead have never looked forward to the arrival of gods like this.

In the past, they wished that all the undead gods in the undead plane would die, so that no one would stand on their heads and shit.

Unexpectedly, a ruthless person who came from nowhere would make most of the undead plane panic.

Some powerful undead with special means will leave the plane of the undead and wander to other planes at great cost.

Although those planes are not of much benefit to them in improving their strength, they can save their lives if they can't bear it. .

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