Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 275. Occupy The Plane Of The Undead And Collapse The Undead Pantheon! (Please Subscribe!)

The realm of the undead god Balit is rapidly collapsing, and only part of it remains.

"The divine domain is interfered with by the rules of the divine system...

Looking at the prompts on the data panel, Lu Nan seemed to understand a lot.

"It seems that creating a divine system is not useless. The divine system can provide protection for the gods under its command!"

Look at the divine realm floating in front of you.

"The Broken Divine Realm"

"Quality: Lower God"

"Purpose: Unknown!"

Seeing this use, Lu Nan was speechless for a while.

The God's Domain is very special and cannot be completely regarded as an item, so some identification methods are needed.

But Lu Nan didn't want to waste a god-level appraisal scroll on a broken divine realm.

"The realm of the undead god that we obtained before is also broken!"

Lu Nan recalled that the divine realm she had obtained before was much better than this one, but it was not complete.

"So, this is also related to the power of the divine system itself?"

"I don't know if I can create a god system after I become a god!"

Lu Nan thought to himself.

At this time, many native undead creatures were full of anticipation when they saw that the undead gods were coming.

But at this moment, above the void, a huge divine body crashed down from the space crack that had not been completely closed, making countless undead creatures who were still supporting it instantly despair.

Even the gods can't stop the invaders. How can they, who are at most semi-god-level, stop them? D

A bunch of undead struggled to escape.

It's a pity that everything in the sky and on the earth is Lu Nan's army of the undead. There is really no way to go to heaven and no way to the earth, so they all died under Lu Nan's army of the undead.

"What exactly does this Eye of Will want to do?"

Half a day later, Lu Nan raised his head and glanced at the Eye of Plane Will.

This guy has never left since he appeared. No matter where he goes, he will continue to stare.

Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to dislike him.

Lu Nan is still very cautious about an opponent she has never encountered before.

He tried to use the Eye of Rules to observe, but unfortunately, even the Eye of God could not observe any information.

"Either the level of the Plane Eye of Will is too high, surpassing that of a higher god, or the opponent does not belong to the category of items and props!"

The Eye of Rules can currently only detect targets below the median god. It cannot detect information beyond the median god.

Lu Nan no longer cared about this and continued to kill.


"You have caused extremely horrific killings in the plane of the undead. The killings have reached 50% of the number in the current plane. You have activated the occupation mission, and the time is counting down - 30 days!"

"Occupy mission (plane of the undead): within 30 days, destroy more than 95% of the creatures on the plane!"

"Difficulty: 10 stars"

I go!

A hint of surprise appeared on Lu Nan's face.

Unexpectedly, my previous guess came true.

He thought, since the Nuggets in the legendary plane can activate occupation missions, is it possible for a top plane like this to do the same thing?

"However, as expected of a top plane, my undead army has been killing for so long, but it only managed to kill five percent of the kings!"

Lu Nan was amazed.

He has been in the plane of the undead for more than half a month, and he doesn't know how many undead creatures he has summoned.

However, according to his calculations, he can summon billions of undead creatures in an average of one second.

Although many times in the middle, I did not focus on summoning, but did other things, such as improving skills.

But, no matter what, there are trillions in the west.

The most important thing is that under this terrifying quantity, there is also terrifying quality.

At the lowest level, they are all giant-level undead creatures, capable of crushing any existence below the god level.

He originally thought that he could kill seven or eight people, but he didn't expect that it was only over 50%.

“We have to keep up our efforts!”

Lu Nan continued to work hard.

Wave after wave of dead creatures appear on this land.

After seeing the task, Lu Nan seemed to have a goal and was very motivated.

Although the benefits of this occupation mission are not known yet, even if it is just like the Nuggets, getting a base, that would be good.

You must know that the undead plane can breed undead creatures independently.

Even if Lu Nan kills all the undead creatures now, it won't be long before new undead creatures will be born on the earth.

However, these undead are all very low-level and need to devour each other bit by bit to increase the soul fire level.

This is the mode for the undead to improve their strength.

"If you master this plane, it is equivalent to mastering a super large copy!"

Plane harvest!


Lu Nan harvested happily, but in reality, the son of light and darkness in Yingjiang Kingdom waited until everyone was about to die.

"It's been several days and there's still no news?"

The Son of Light and Darkness asked the two-winged angel.

You said a few days ago that you had received news from His Majesty the God, and asked us to wait.

Now, after waiting for a few more days, where are the cannon fodder from the undead plane?

The two-winged angel was also confused.

Originally, he did not dare to always urge the gods to crown him.

Even though he has wings and is a pure angel, he is definitely incomparable to gods.

Gods control the divine realm and are powerful. How can they be compared to characters like them who can constantly create them?

But he also knew that the destruction of the Yan Kingdom was personally explained by the Lord God Crown. If something really went wrong, it would definitely not work.


He could only bite the bullet and send a message to the god Albes.

"Hmm? People from the plane of the undead haven't passed through yet?"

After Albes received the news, his face suddenly turned cold.

"Let me tell you, those guys who stink all over will not be so honest!" A god of light sneered.

The plane of the undead and the plane of light are originally mortal enemies, and they dislike each other. The plane of light is overwhelming the plane of the undead. How can those guys just be cannon fodder?

"It seems that we need to let them learn some lessons!" Albes's eyes were cold and he planned to hit the gods of the undead system.


Violent light exploded in the dark space, and countless low-level undead were burned to ashes by the holy light.


Angry shouts came from the depths of the Undead Realm.

A clone of Thanatos appeared in the void.

There were other clones of the God of the Undead coming from all directions, glaring at Albes who looked calm in the void.

"Fuck! I hate these hypocritical holy lights!"

"After all, we are also a top-level god system!"

The angry roars of the undead gods sounded.

Although only a bunch of low-level undead died, it was also a slap in the face of their divine system.

They wanted to tear Albes apart.

However, he was stopped by Thanatos.

Because, Albes in front of him said lightly: "This is the response that the Lord of Light asked me to bring you!"


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