Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 309. The Second Divine Resurgence, Will Lu Nan Be Doomed? (Please Subscribe!)

Bonuses can be obtained with the help of statues of gods.

As we all know, their country, Yan, has only one statue of a god, and that is Lu Nan.

"Fortunately, the higher the level of this god statue, the less bonus it can provide. Otherwise, there is really no way to play!"

"Haha, I said, Lao Lu, why are you so pessimistic? It's as if we had a good start in the previous stage!"

In the previous stage, they also thought there was no way to play.

After all, there are so many other gods, and there are hundreds of gods in one pantheon.

Who can match this kind of strength in providing supplies?

Unexpectedly, Lu Shen was so powerful that he directly buried a top divine system.

Let them have enough powerful props and equipment to gain points.

But one

Thinking of this, other giants also ordered to buy.

Although I still feel a little awkward, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

"Moreover, this second rule, the resurrection of the true god, is also very beneficial to us!"

"Rule 2: The true god revives and kills void monsters to start the void progress. When the progress is complete, the god's true form can be summoned to come. The duration is one minute!

"That's right! You know, this is the true form of the god that was invited here, and as we all know 143, now, only the lower gods have recovered! With the current strength of Lu God, even the upper gods have been overthrown. This strength has already stood At its current peak!”

"The advantage seems to still be with our Yan country!"

Many giants expressed joy.

Next, it’s time to wait for the second phase to arrive.

Countless Yanguo senior officials began to study the rules, and more people went to the public plane to clear copies.

There is a gap of about half a month before the arrival of the second phase.

After the first stage of the luck battle, all the luck monsters have disappeared, so they no longer need to deliberately kill the monsters.

Everything returns to the original path of brushing up and upgrading.

Soon, the time came to the day before the second phase started.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound sounded in the heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, bright Guanguang pillars appeared on the ground in the public area.

"Those light pillars are sculptures of gods! What happened?"

"When I went there, it seemed that they were really sculptures of gods. I saw that they seemed to be moving!"

"Why don't I have one here?"

"Me too!"

Soon, someone discovered that there was nothing strange about their own god sculptures.

Only some of the god sculptures will burst out with intense beams of light!

The realm of the undead gods.

Suddenly, a series of excited and majestic voices sounded.

"I'm revived!"

"Me too! Damn the god of Yan Kingdom!"

"The middle god has recovered. Let's see how he responds this time!"

In the mysterious space, Thanatos and several other high-ranking gods from the undead pantheon were communicating with each other in consciousness.

Looking back on that day, Thanatos was still very angry.

He had previously thought that the God of Light was stabbing them in the back, causing them to suffer such huge losses.

Later, the god of light, Leili, came with a group of gods and started a fight with them.

Several of Thanatos' clones were destroyed.

However, he was not heartbroken at the time.

A clone only has a thousand or so points of divinity, and he has hundreds of thousands of points of divinity. What should he worry about?

And he couldn't do anything to Rayleigh, who was wearing a high-level god's artifact suit, so he only attacked other low-level gods.

Anyway, now that the divine system is gone, he is already a person who is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes.

Kill enough first and then talk!

If the Lord God hadn't recovered yet, he would never have dared to do this, but it was different now.

After killing several low-level gods in a row, the anger of both sides has reached the edge of explosion.

As a result, more gods began to participate in the fighting.

Seeing that the killing was in full swing, the will of the Lord God of Light appeared and cast a great prophecy to rectify the name of the plane of light.

As a result (bgef), Thanatos and other undead gods almost vomited blood.

Judging from the situation that day, they became a huge fool.

"Obviously—Obviously, if you just hold on for a while longer! If you hold on for more than ten minutes, you won't have to take out so many things!"

Thanatos almost had his godhead shattered.

In the words of Yan Guo, that means the heart of Tao is broken!

Now, when he thinks of Lu Nan every day, his soul fire rushes thousands of meters into the void.

"Destroy my divine system, deceive my feelings, and take advantage of me——Lu Nan, I want you to die!"

"This time when you go down, ignore the void monsters and kill them directly towards Yan Kingdom! Kill them hard!"

"Don't worry! We won't let him have any chance this time! If we hadn't all been sleeping, how could we have allowed him to be so unscrupulous!" A middle god said coldly.

Lu Nan killed many of their gods, but most of them were lower gods.

They later exchanged information with the Light Plane and compiled a strategy against Lu Nan.

"His only one move does more damage. It is estimated that only high-level gods can withstand it! Of course, each of our gods has the passive ability to lock blood, so there is no fear of being killed by one of his moves! As long as you can resist that move Move, the rest will be much easier to do! That kind of skill, once released, will take at least a few minutes to cool down! We have so many gods, a few minutes is enough to kill him several times!"

"Huh? But don't forget his most terrifying summoning skill!"

Immediately a god raised a question.

Light God Rayleigh sneered: "This is not a big problem! In fact, we don't even have to face his skills! This time, the Lord God Crown gave me a prop

‘Scroll of dusty rules’!”

"This scroll can release the power of dust 3 times. Even if it is a high-level god or a main god, it will be temporarily deprived of all the sealed skills!"

"What quality is this scroll?"

"Master God level!"

"Hiss~" A series of gasping sounds sounded.

It can be said that any main-god-level item is the top item in the multi-dimensional world. Whichever god obtains it, he must hide it well and only choose to use it when he encounters a real life-or-death crisis.

And now, in order to kill Lu Nan, the god of Yan Kingdom, Quan Shen even took out things of this level.

What a big deal!

A group of gods from the undead pantheon looked extremely excited with their eyes filled with soul fire.

"The good days of the Yan Kingdom gods are over!"

"Wait! When the progress of the second stage is full, come directly, and then wait for everyone to gather before rushing to Yan Country! This time, we can't give him any chance!"





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