Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 317, Founder Of The Divine System, Creation Light Stone! (Please Subscribe!)

After the promotion, the skeleton structure has a layer of ink-colored flowing texture on the surface, and the defense value directly exceeds 20 trillion.

In other words, wearing this layer of skeleton structure is equivalent to wearing a protective shield at all times.

Moreover, the skeleton structure is not only defensive, but also increases resistance to various elements. It is definitely a super defensive skill.

The combat power has improved a lot.

After looking at the data panel, he found that the progress of killing void monsters was still far behind, which was enough for him to receive the job transfer mission of becoming a god.

"God, it's a big level!"

Lu Nan thought to himself.

Entering the job transfer temple, Lu Nan appears in the job transfer space.

"It is detected that your level has reached the limit. Do you want to accept the job transfer task?"


"Professional Transfer Mission 1: Creator of the God System"

"Difficulty: 10 stars!"

"Content: Material collection!"

"Material collection 1——'Creation Light Stone' x1!"

"Creation Light Stone (Special): An extremely rare material that can only be produced in a unique place!"

"The Creation Light Stone?"

Lu Nan took a look and found that this thing didn't even have a rules temple, and even the prayer chest couldn't be opened.

"I have no clue at all! It seems that even the Luck BUFF can't affect the content of this level of mission!"

The luck buff attached to the god-level luck scroll is, after all, only at the lower god level. However, because of its special nature, it can have a considerable impact on previous job transfer tasks.

But this time, he was already at the stage of promotion to the god level, and his luck buff was clearly beyond his capabilities.

"Look with your unbounded eyes!"

Lu Nan took out the Unbounded Eye and directly entered the name of the Creation Light Stone.

next moment--

One word appeared.

"The Battlefield of the Gods!"

"In other words, is this thing in the Battlefield of the Gods? However, Tang Ran's Unbounded Eye can't even show the specific location of where this Battlefield of the Gods is!

The Unbounded Eye can locate the coordinates of the median god and various items below.

The Creation Light Stone is very special, and its quality is only at the level of a lower god.

But the Unbounded Eye failed to locate it!

This is interesting!

"Forget it, let's go back and ask around!"

Lu Nan will be transferred to the Temple (Deputy) and put away.

Waiting for the call from Blue Star to come.

However, soon, the second round of progress was full, and the summons still did not appear.

"Could it be that those gods didn't react at all?"

Lu Nan felt strange.

Apart from anything else, it is absolutely impossible for the undead god system and the light god system to let him go. Finally, if he has a chance, the true form of the god can come to Blue Star, but there is no movement from the other party. Can you believe this?

"Forget it, it's okay not to have one! This way, I can develop more!"

The previous super plane passage has been destroyed.

However, Lu Nan was not panicked at all.

He left multiple marks on the plane of God.

"Harvest the divinity!"

Lu Nan currently lacks too much divinity, and there are not many others on the plane of gods. This god definitely has the most.

"However, before that, there is one more thing to do!"

Lu Nan directly used his demigod body.

After being promoted to demigod, he gained the body of a demigod with ten semi-active skills!

After casting, the demigod's body can be fully activated and the true body can be revealed.

After becoming a sanctuary, the body will expand rapidly, which is also the reason for the huge increase in various data.

Due to the explosion of four-dimensional attributes, Lu Nan's body was much larger than expected when she used her demigod body.

Hundreds of meters…………thousands of meters…………thousands of meters…………

Finally, it was settled at a height of tens of millions of meters!

"Terrible! If you are playing poker with other goddesses in this state, that's not——

Lu Nan felt a chill as she imagined that scene.

So at the same time, a huge crack appeared in the sky, and then, the Eye of Plane Will slowly emerged.

Because Lu Nan had gained authority over the plane of the undead, when she saw the Eye of Will in the plane, she felt a completely different mentality than before.

It seems that the face-like eye has a touch of kindness.

"Before I obtained the multi-level mage profession, I was an outsider. As soon as I came here, I would be targeted!"

"After obtaining the multi-level mage profession, I am considered an outsider with a pass. Although I don't have to worry about being targeted by the master of the undead plane, the other party will not regard me as one of their own!"

"And now————"

"I am the shareholder of the plane!"

Lu Nan flew high into the sky and soon escaped into a mysterious chaotic space.

"You have entered the origin layer of the plane!"

"All your attributes decrease by 100%!"

"All your skills are sealed!"

"All your equipment and items are sealed!"

"Your vision is sealed!"

"It is indeed the place where the will of the plane resides!"

"It's no wonder that the will of the plane cannot be directly affected!"

There is no way, the suppression is too great!

Moreover, these states are all absolute states that cannot be reduced by any means.

In other words, even if someone is at the Lord God level, he will be suppressed like a dog when he gets here!

Even if a single attribute is worth 100 million and 99.9% is suppressed, how much will be left?

Probably not as good as a sanctuary.


As a shareholder, Lu Nan is immune to some suppression.


He directly began to touch the source of the will of the plane and refine it.


"You have refined the origin and gained 1% of the will power of the undead plane!"

"You refine the origin and gain 1% of the willpower of the plane of death!"


"The will power of the plane of the undead is improved, and power 2 is unlocked: the rules of death"

"Rules of Death: As the controller of authority in the plane of the undead, you control the ability to cause death!"

"I go!"

Lu Nan blurted it out directly, feeling extremely happy.


"This 533 is actually a lethal ability!"

In other words, from now on, any job changers or monsters whose lives have been emptied by him, any blood locking or resurrection methods will be useless!

Including the multi-stage evolution of some BOSS, etc.

"A great weapon to kill gods!"

Lu Nan was pleasantly surprised.

The progress of gaining authority stopped after reaching 5%.

The will of the plane has begun to stare at him.

"5% is the limit of my current fusion!"

Lu Nan exited the original space of the plane, and then, through a multi-dimensional teleportation, appeared directly on the plane of the undead.

"These guys are actually still here?"

After the divine system is destroyed, you can directly see the exposed gods and divine realms.

Most of the undead gods have not moved their divine domain into the misty starry sky.

"Could it be that these guys want to recreate the divine system?"

Lu Nan's guess was correct. After all, the undead pantheon was a pantheon with a strong foundation. Therefore, Yuna decided to create a new pantheon.

At this moment, he and several other high-ranking gods were collecting materials.

"I still have some materials here to build the divine system!"

"Okay, this should be enough!"

Not long after, Thanatos and a group of god clones began to walk to a huge altar.

During the last destruction of the divine system, many materials were not picked up, so they were able to pick them up later.

After the divine system is destroyed, materials will also explode.

But Lu Nan was not there, so there was no way to pick it up. .

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