Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 51, 70,000-Level Skills, Breaking A Thousand-Star Combat Power!

After sending Lu Nan away, the old man opened the data panel anxiously and sent the message.

Soon, Duobao executives got the news.

"Acquiring low-level skill books? Old Zheng, are you kidding me? Our goal of Duobao is to impact the status of the four major trading houses and become the fifth trading house, instead of lowering our status and buying these low-level skill books!"

"That's right! It's still an undead skill, how big is the market?"

"Ahem, please listen to me first, this distinguished guest needs as many undead skill books as possible!"

"Don't be misled! I guess he should have received some hidden collection tasks. If he suddenly stopped accepting them, wouldn't we have taken a big risk?"

"There is no need to talk about this again!"

In the end, the big boss of Duobao Trading Company made a decision.

The old man sighed.

He is just the manager of a trading house, and Duobao Trading House has hundreds of trading houses in the entire Yan Kingdom, and there are hundreds of managers. He has no influence on the opinions of the core people.

Thinking of this, I can only give up this idea.


Lu Nan didn't know that such a thing happened after he left.

At this moment, he was rushing back, taking out the skill book and upgrading his skills.

"Ding! You have learned the skill Skeleton Summoning, and your skills have been improved!"

"Ding! You have learned the skill Skeleton Summoning, and your skills have been improved!"


"Skill progress meets the conditions, successfully advanced!"

When upgrading to level 30,000, he successfully advanced the skeleton summon once.

There are 40,000 skill books on hand.

Lu Nan didn't stop, and continued to shoot up.

30100, 30200, 30300······

Every time it is a hundred copies and a hundred local promotions.

In a blink of an eye, it reached level 40,000.

Failed to advance.

Obviously, with the advancement, more skill books need to be consumed.

Lu Nan didn't blink his eyes, and took a hundred copies and a hundred copies.

40100, 40200·······45100·······

50000 levels!

"Skill progress meets the conditions, successfully advanced!"


"Ding! You have learned the skill Skeleton Summoning, and your skills have been improved!"

"Ding! You have learned the skill Skeleton Summoning, and your skills have been improved!"


"Current skill level 70,000!"

"Skill progress meets the conditions, successfully advanced!"

In addition, there are tens of thousands of undead swamp skill books.

Lu Nan also photographed them all.

After a while, all the skill books were consumed.

Lu Nan looked at the panel, full of confidence!

Name: Lu Nan

Title: Necromancer

Level: LV150

HP: 80,000

Mana: 10500

Constitution: 312

Strength: 266

Agility: 253

Stamina: 239

Free attribute points: 0 points

Combat rating: 1289 stars

Equipment: Deadman's Scythe, Dark Robe, Dark Gauntlet...

Skill: Skeleton Summoning (Level 70,000): Consume 1 point of mana to summon 70,000 units of Skeleton Warrior (Master), with a cooling time of 1 second!

Knight Funeral (Level 3100): Consume 1 mana, summon 3100 units of skeleton knights (gold), cooldown time 1 second!

Undead Swamp (Level 11000): Undead Swamp: Consume 1 point of mana to summon a piece of Undead Swamp, endowing the enemy with slow, poisoning and other negative states. The duration is 11000 seconds, and the cooling time is 1 second!


Although other attributes have not changed, but the combat power has directly soared by more than 400, officially breaking through 1000, not only that, but also reached a level of 1200+.

"The previous 500 stars could be worshiped by a group of people in the chat area, but now the combat power of more than 1,000 stars, if it is said, no one will believe it, right?"

Lu Nan was shocked by himself.

You know, the current him is only three ranks, no, it should be said that he is quasi-three ranks, and he has reached this point.

Although he didn't know the meaning of this four-digit combat power, he could get a glimpse of it.

Think about it, just a single summoning of a skeleton will directly go to the sky.

Summons 70,000 master units every second.

And the master-level unit corresponds to the sixth-rank level.

The most important thing is that the number he can summon now will be calculated in billions!

"This skill looks comfortable!"

Lu Nan was completely satisfied.

If this is no match for the corpse of the evil god, then there is no other way.

In addition to improving the largest skeleton summoning, the improvement of the Undead Swamp is not small, but there is no effect now, and you will know when you enter the dungeon and try it again.

"It's a pity that I didn't learn the Guardian of the Dead, otherwise, the safety will be greatly increased!"

However, Lu Nan didn't think much of it. Even if he could learn it, the Guardian of the Undead would only be in the thousands, so the improvement is not too big.

After seeing the tens of thousands of skill levels of skeleton summoning, Lu Nan has no idea about skills with thousands of levels.

Just as he was thinking, he had already reached the front of the dungeon.

"so many people!"

In just over half an hour after leaving, there were several times more people here.

However, Lu Nan didn't care, he glanced casually, and directly sent a team invitation to a person.

"Ding! The job-changing natural disaster wants to team up with you, do you agree?"

Liang Ying, who was annoyed that she didn't leave contact information with Lu Nan, suddenly received a reminder, and jumped up in surprise the next moment.

woo woo~

The boss did not forget me!

"I'm going to play a dungeon here, do you want to join me? Let me tell you first, this dungeon might be a bit dangerous—"

"Down, down, down! I want to go down!"

No less is a fool!

This one in front of him must be a giant, without a doubt, with a giant, I wish for it!

Hearing her excited look, Lu Nan thought she was ready for the next trip, so he nodded immediately.

It seems that she is also a person who is willing to take risks in order to become stronger, and she will have to give her a piece of equipment later!

Before, he brought people around at will, but now he asks for others. Lu Nan is still not stingy with a mere piece of equipment.

"Please choose the difficulty!"


"Do you want to enter the nightmare instance (nightmare)?"



"Ahh! Sisters, I saw the boss again, and the boss is going to take me to brush the dungeon now, just wait!"

Liang Ying excitedly posted a message in the trade union group.

Unfortunately, the reaction is still——

"Damn it! A good Yingzi has become like this!"

"I know there is a medicine that can treat mental trauma, but it is a bit expensive. When I make money, I must buy a tube for sister Yingzi!"

"Damn wild wolf!"

"Yingzi, don't be afraid! We will be there soon! Wait for us!"


Liang Ying: "!!!"

"Do you want to enter the nightmare instance (nightmare)?"



At the same time, on the other side, two rays of light flashed slightly, appearing in the open space in front of the dungeon.

Looking at the faces, it was Wang Hao and another teammate who came out after finishing the book.

"Huh~ I didn't expect it to be completed within an hour! Wang Hao, your potential is much greater than we imagined!" The job changer next to him turned his head to look at a proud Wang Hao and exclaimed .

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