The black air surged towards Linxi Village at an extremely fast speed.

Amidst the black air all over the sky, a pair of green pupils with brown pupils suddenly appeared.

"Linxi Village, I gave you a chance, but you all want to die! Then no wonder I'm so ruthless!"

Amidst the black air, a shrill and piercing voice came, full of anger and killing intent.

The voice fell.

Two bloody human heads were thrown out from the black air, rolled on the ground for several feet, blood flowed all over the ground.

The moment he saw those two heads.

Qingxuzi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he recognized it immediately.

These two are also outsiders who came to Myriad Monsters ~ Secret Realm from other worlds.

Because of the appearance of Qing Xuzi, a disciple of Longhu Mountain, the two of them did not receive the task from the village chief.

after all.

It is a well-known thing for Taoist priests to slay demons and demons, not to mention that there is a golden signboard of Dragon and Tiger Mountain behind him.


After they had no hope of accepting the task, they chose to kill the snake demon directly and get half of the reward directly.

Because he did this, once Qing Xuzi completed the task, they would not get any rewards.

However, the result is obvious.

They are not the opponents of the Snake Demon.

[Snake demon. 】

[Race: Yaozu. 】

[Level: Level 40. 】

[Battle power rating: 39 ranks. 】

[Skills: Poisonous Breath, Snake Scale Armor. 】

[Talent: Speed ​​Sublimation. 】

[Characteristics: bloodthirsty, brutal. 】

[Explosive items: advanced treasure chest, "Snake Scale Armor" skill book. 】


"You can actually see the information of the snake demon?"

"But isn't the opponent's combat power higher than your own?"

Seeing the snake demon's message, Ye Han was surprised at the same time.

Immediately check your personal attributes.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, just looking at it directly shocked it.


His combat power has been raised two ranks in a row, and he has reached the 40th rank!

"As expected of Longhushan's housekeeping skills, the Golden Light Curse and Yang Wulei have directly increased the combat power by two levels!"

"Especially this Golden Light Curse that integrates offense and defense, that is a great skill!"

"It seems that this Qing Xuzi should have the strength to fight against the snake monster!"

As Ye Han said.

The moment Qingxuzi saw the snake demon.

There was no fear on his face.

He holds a mahogany sword.

Pointing directly at the snake demon in the black air.

He shouted angrily: "Monster, I am Qingxu Zi of Longhu Mountain!"

"It's against the law of heaven that you harm the common people, and today I, Qing Xuzi, will definitely eradicate your evil.

"Stupid human beings, thinking that after learning some Taoism, they will be able to obtain this seat, they are simply beyond their limits!"

The snake demon's ear-piercing voice did not stop.

The black air suddenly hit Qingxuzi.

"Golden Curse!"

Qingxuzi spit out three words.

The whole body was full of golden light, instantly illuminating the surrounding area.

The moment the black air touched the golden light, it immediately spread back as if being burned by a raging flame.

"It seems that if the snake demon doesn't show up, it won't be able to deal with Qing Xuzi for a while."

"Take a task first."

I wondered in my heart.

With a flash of his figure, Ye Han came directly to the house where the village chief was hiding.

in the house.

The village head poked out half of his head, tremblingly looking at the movement at the entrance of the village through the window.

"Village Chief, you should be very clear about how powerful this snake demon is."

"I'm afraid Daoist Qingxu is not its opponent, so, this snake demon, I will get rid of it for you Linxi Village!"

heard the words.

The village chief glanced at Ye Han.

Tremblingly, he said, "You... what unique skills do you have..."

Ye Han: "???"

Glancing at the village chief who was dripping with cold sweat, Ye Han stretched out his right hand.


The next moment.

A group of raging flames immediately rose from his hands.

"This is Samadhi True Fire!"


"This is the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder!"


"This is the Nine Heavens Hanging River!"


"This is the Golden Light Curse!"

"Is it enough? Not enough!"

"Enough! Enough! Enough!" Looking at Ye Han's various magical powers.

Just now I have met Ye Han, the village head who has a super S-level talent of "Fast and Lightning".

That head is like a chicken chopping rice.

"Please help the immortal family to save Linxi Village!"

[Congratulations, you have successfully received the side mission - eradicate the snake demon! 】


I secretly said in my heart.

With a flash of his figure, Ye Han immediately returned to the entrance of the village.

"Daozhang, you haven't broken through its defense after fighting for a long time, why don't you just let me go?"

heard the words.

Qing Xuzi said firmly: "Poverty Dao has his own way to bring it down, fellow Daoists really want to intervene!

The voice fell.

Qing Xuzi slapped it out with a palm.

The palm thunder that was as thick as a bucket shot out immediately, and blasted towards the hemp ball of black air in the air.

A thunderous explosion resounded through the sky.

Under this lightning strike, the green pupils in the black air couldn't help froze suddenly.

Obviously, Qingxuzi's pure yang thunder technique caused some damage to it.

"There are some tricks!"

"It seems that I have underestimated you!"

"Next, taste the meaning of my poisonous breath!"

"Then come on! Poor Dao wants to see and see, you little snake monster, what kind of capabilities are you!"

"I don't know what to say, look at the trick, the poisonous message!"

"Golden Curse!"

"Snake Scale Armor!"

"Palm Thunder!"

"Toxic breath!"

"Golden Curse!"

"Snake Scale Armor!"

"Palm Thunder!"

Ye Han:

Qing Xuzi and Snake Demon looked like chickens pecking at each other, and no one could do anything to them.

Ye Han instantly felt the urge to rest his forehead with one hand.

Even the gang of Linxi villagers in the room behind them, who were originally extremely nervous, were completely wiped out by the passionless battle between the two at this moment.

"My boy, the angle of this palm thunder has actually changed. It's not bad! You've raised my interest!"

"Oh? Really? You're not bad, the poisonous breath just now almost hurt me!"

"Look at the move! Palm Thunder!"

"Snake Scale Armor!"

"Golden Curse!"

"Toxic breath!"

"My fairy, please don't read any more, please act quickly!"

"Xianjia, if they continue to fight like this, I'm afraid it will never end!"

"That's right, Xianjia, let's do it!"

"We will build temples for you, offer incense to you every day, and continue to burn incense from generation to generation! Please!"

in the house.

The stunned villagers sent requests to Ye Han one after another.

this battle.

They really don't want to watch it anymore.

What a torment!

"Game time is over!"

Say it with Ye Han.

The figure flickered and came directly to the battlefield.

"Golden Curse!"

Ye Han spit out three words.

Kick the right foot on the ground.

The next moment.

A golden light rose from the sky, covering a radius of hundreds of feet.

Breaking through a thousand junctures.

Ten times crit!

Under the golden light.

The black air quickly dissipated.

Heart-piercing wailing resounded throughout Linxi Village.

Just one move.

The snake demon has disappeared under the golden light along with the black air.

[Congratulations on successfully killing the snake monster and gaining 300,000 experience points (403870/1200000). 】

"One... one kick kicked out a hundred feet of golden light... this... just who the hell are you?"

"For... why did I cast the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Golden Light Curse?"

Looking at Ye Han in front of him.

Qingxuzi is completely stupid!

To know.

A hundred feet of golden light.

Throughout Longhu Mountain.

Except for the contemporary old heavenly masters.

Only Qingxuzi's masters could have such means.

heard the words.

Ye Han smiled lightly, and said leisurely: "I, I know your old master of Longhu Mountain!"

Upon hearing this.

Qingxuzi's heart trembled suddenly.

Know the old master?

As a disciple of Longhu Mountain, I have never met the old heavenly master.

The man in front of him, who is younger than himself, actually knows the old celestial master who can't see the end of the dragon?

"You... no, do you really know me, Master Longhushan?"


Ordinary man Zhang Zhiwei, who doesn't know him?

I secretly said this in my heart.

Ye Han put the advanced treasure chest and the "Snake Scale Armor" skill book into the storage space one after another.

"The snake demon... is dead... is dead!"

"Village Chief, the snake demon is really dead!"

"Yes, Linxi Village is saved!"

"Thank you Xianjia for eradicating the snake demon for us!"

"Thank you Xianjia for saving Linxi Village. From now on, Linxi Village won't have to worry anymore!"

"Children, come out quickly, and thank the Xian family for saving their lives!"

"That's great! That's great!" The village chief, in tears, led the villagers to the entrance of the village, leaning on a cane.

"The immortal family is so kind and virtuous that this old man can't repay you, so I invite the immortal family to be respected by the old man!"

"You don't need to do such a great gift!" While speaking, Ye Han grabbed the village chief and waved his hands towards the villagers of Linxi Village.

"The Ten Thousand Snakes Valley is too demonic, and there are many poisonous snakes in it."

"In order to avoid future troubles forever, I want to completely destroy the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes."

"Thank you Xianjia! Thank you Xianjia!"

"Xianjia, the last batch of children were captured in Ten Thousand Snakes Valley yesterday, if..."

Speaking of which.

The voice of the village head had already choked up.


he understands.

Those children, I'm afraid it's already more or less ominous now.

"I'll come as I go!"

Say it with Ye Han.

The whole person turned into a white light, and headed towards Ten Thousand Snakes Valley at high speed.


Qing Xuzi immediately tried his best to catch up with Ye Han.

"Senior, I'm not going to hunt monsters, don't get me wrong, I have something to tell you."

heard the words.

Ye Han didn't stop.

Galloped all the way.

That's two minutes of work.

Ye Han came to Ten Thousand Snake Valley, more than 100 kilometers away.


The dense white bones piled up all over the ground.

…… Ask for flowers………

Venomous snakes covered in jet black wriggled on top of the white bones.

Makes people feel goosebumps all over.

[Bloodthirsty snake. 】

[Race: Yaozu. 】

[Level: Level 20. 】

[Battle power rating: Tier 15. 】

[Characteristics: bloodthirsty, brutal. 】

Hiss~! Hiss~! Hiss~!

The moment I saw Ye Han.

In the valley, thousands of poisonous snakes with a length of Zhang Xu and black air rising all over their bodies spit out their cores one after another, and quickly attacked Ye Han.

Ye Han's eyes are full of coldness, Zhou

The body suddenly glowed with golden light.

Under the golden light of hundreds of feet, thousands of bloodthirsty poisonous snakes were all wiped out.

[Congratulations, you successfully killed the bloodthirsty snake and gained 1000 experience points (404870/1200000). 】


[Congratulations, the level has been raised to level 12 (396870/1500000), all attributes have been increased by 5 points, and 10 free attributes have been obtained. 】

The reason why I didn't use the Scarlet Lotus Karma, which has a frighteningly high range without launching a ten-fold critical strike.

Naturally because Ye Han wasn't sure.

Are there any survivors of those children who were arrested in Linxi Village?

And the Golden Light Curse.

When the user does not target the human race, it will not harm innocent people.

not only.

As long as there are enough blue crystals, the golden light of body protection will always exist.

The Golden Light Curse just now has directly killed all the poisonous snakes around the Snake Valley.

This also allowed Ye Han to take a closer look at each location without distraction.

And insight talent can see through the surface of things and see their essence.

If there is a dungeon or a secret room in the Valley of the Thousand Monsters.

He will know it at a glance.

After inspecting the outside of the Valley of the Thousand Demons, Ye Han came to the snake demon's cave.

Under the golden light.

The pitch-black cave instantly seemed like daytime, and all the remaining evil spirits in it disappeared under the golden light.

" save us...."

Just walked into the cave.

An extremely weak cry for help reached Ye Han's ears.

That voice was very immature, with a crying voice.

Ye Han's figure flickered.

Immediately came to the deepest part of the cave.

"it's here!"

Looking at the secret room hidden behind the rock, Ye Han also became a little excited.


Although the breath of the three children who fell on the ground was a little weak, they were still alive!

"Children, don't be afraid, I am the village head and grandpa who came to save you!"

Said such a sentence.

Ye Han looked around, but couldn't find the mechanism to open the secret room.

"Try it with earth element manipulation!"

"If it doesn't work, then it can only be broken directly."

He murmured in his heart.

Ye Han stretched out his right hand, and immediately began to try to use the earth element to control the talent to change the shape of the rock.


There was a sound of rock breaking.

The mechanism that stuck the Shimen broke apart under the powerful force generated by Ye Han's manipulation of the Shimen.

"Don't be afraid! The snake demon has been killed by me, you are safe!"

During the conversation.

Ye Han has one in his left hand and two in his right hand, and is about to leave with three children in his arms.

An iron box in the corner came into his sight.

Didn't think much about it.

Ye Han put the tin box into the storage space, and took the three children to the outside of Ten Thousand Snakes Valley.

Looking at the three children with black faces.

Ye Han immediately took out a bottle of antidote potion and a bottle of stamina recovery potion from the storage space.

And fed the three children.

After finishing all this, he turned to face the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes.

Cold eyes flickered in his eyes.

"Red Lotus Fire!"

The voice fell.

The blood lotus blooms.

The entire Ten Thousand Snakes Valley instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Immediately afterwards.

Dense lightning strikes continuously struck down, directly blasting Ten Thousand Snakes Valley into ruins.

【Congratulations, you have completed the side mission————Eradicate the Snake Demon! 】

[Get three heavenly gold coins, three high-level treasure boxes, and 800,000 experience points. 】

[Current experience value (1196870/1600000). 】

"Let's go back to Linxi Village and talk to the village chief first. It's a beginning and an end."

Say it.

Ye Han glanced at the three children whose expressions had gradually improved, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The Art of the Wooden Man!"

Four words spit out.

A three-foot-tall wooden man suddenly appeared in the open space ahead.

[Wooden man. 】

[Level: Level 1. 】

[Power: 60. 】

[Agility: 30. 】

[Spiritual power: 0. 】

[Endurance: 20. 】

[Physique: 40. 】

"I didn't expect that the wooden dummy attribute of this level is so powerful."

"Besides, it's quite big, so it's perfect for taking the kids back!"

Say it.

Ye Han thought about it.

The wooden figure immediately came to the side of the three children.


He picked up the three children in his big hands, and followed Ye Bingchao to Linxi Village to die. .

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