This year's winter came very early, and even Brenz, which rarely snows, ushered in a long-lost goose feather snow.

Outside the Yate Tower, a carriage engraved with the royal family logo slowly stopped, and Latimer got off the carriage, thinking of today's task, his brows were gloomy.

Watching Latimer standing outside the door, his face turned red from the cold wind, Brown reminded in a low voice,

"Her Majesty is still waiting in the White House, Her Royal Highness, hurry up."

Latimer has grown up, tall and straight, with blond hair and blue eyes just like Vicia, handsome and tough, and he had just withdrawn from the battlefield attacking the Sistine not long ago.

In recent years, the Sistine border has been turbulent, and the civil war has continued. The ruling party headed by Tilia has become more and more powerful, and it is **** for tat with the Holy See. While the Golan is gradually becoming stronger, it is constantly declining.

The Golan has always advocated a moderate foreign policy and strived for a stable development environment, but the Golan's military has never relaxed for a moment.

After exchanging letters with Queen Tilia one day, Vicia decisively ordered to officially declare war on the Sistine in the name of rescuing the Sistine royal family under the decaying Holy See.

Latimer expressed condolences to the front line on behalf of Vicia and won the first battle.

As for the wedding of Vicia and Wen Lin, Latimer was not in Brenz at the time. He took a few steps forward and suddenly turned his head to ask,

"Mr. Brown, do you think the teacher will really come back?"

Brown was silent for a long time before he answered, "Your Highness, I think you should know the real reason why the Queen started this war."

It is for Your Excellency Wen Lin and for revenge.

Instantly speechless, Latimer looked up at the heavy snow and looked a little sad. The moment he stepped into the Tater Tower, he said in a low voice,

"Teacher, like my aunt, I look forward to your return."

Passing through the cold, dark passage, Latimer stopped in a foul-smelling cell.

Inside is the former Star Court Justice Joberts, who was also a traitor who colluded with the Holy Court eight years ago. It was he who informed the Holy Court of Wen Lin's life experience.

At this time, Jobs was curled up like a mouse in the sewage in the corner of the wall, and the once high place was replaced by the rickety dirt.

Looking closely, you can see that his fingernails and toenails have been pulled out, the first knuckles of his limbs are missing, and his whole body is covered with layered black scars.

He has gone crazy, his limbs are twisted, his mouth is wide open and his head is constantly shaking, his saliva is falling, and he looks extremely disgusting.

Ever since he was caught in Yatta Tower, he has never stopped torturing him, but he has tasted all the non-lethal torture tools in Yatta Tower over and over again.

As for the rest of Job's family, they were all sent to the arena. The news that came back a few days ago was that they were all dead, and after they died, they were thrown into the herd as rations.

Now only Joberts is not dead. He is being taken care of meticulously. It is cold outside. Only his cell has a brazier.

Whenever he was tortured, the medical officer with the best medical skills would come to heal him, eat the best food, use the most expensive medicinal materials, and hang his life unscrupulously.

Latimer looked at it for a while, and said lightly, "Break the kneecap and throw it into the copper bull."

The bronze bull, also known as the Sicilian bull, is a huge bull made of copper, with a hollow inside and a door that can be opened in the abdomen. It will be slowly roasted to death in it.

The mournful wailing of the prisoner during the execution was like the roar of a cow.

Latimer waited in Atta Tower, and left when he saw Joberts being roasted.

When he arrived at the White House, Vicia was sitting at the table, holding the parchment in her hand, and the edges of the book cover had small cracks due to long strokes.

Vicia has been very careful, and the paper inside is still getting old and yellowing under the ravages of time.

While Vicia was reading, Latimer knew that she could not be disturbed, so she waited obediently.

Vicia once again read Wen Lin's plan for maritime trade. She described the mysterious eastern kingdom in detail in it, and wrote more than once that if there was a chance, the two of them would go on a sea adventure together by boat.

Gently stroked the words with her hand, Vicia closed it in a loss, and looked at Latimer beside her.

She took Latimer by her side, and continued to teach him with Wen Lin's methods, teaching him to cultivate his own power, let him handle government affairs independently, and watch him slowly grow into a qualified heir, Vichy Ya smiled, her eyes overflowing with relief.

Fortunately, Latimer did not live up to their expectations. As the heir to the kingdom, while he was well versed in the imperial powers, he did not lose his sympathy for the misfortune of his people. He combined indifference and kindness very well.

Vicia handed him another parchment copied in Golan, in a calm tone, "Latimer, this is something your teacher didn't have time to teach you."

After a while, Wen Lin continued, "Latimer, you are already a qualified heir, if one day I am gone, promise me that you will lead Golan to a higher glory as your lifelong commitment. duty of."

Latimer was shocked. He took the parchment and glanced at it. It was a summary of the plans for Golan's development in all aspects.

He raised his eyes to look at Vicia, and was surprised that his aunt looked extremely tired. Latimer hurriedly said,

"Auntie, the Golan people don't dislike your marriage with your teacher. They just need time to accept it. You are the wise monarch they really love."

It has been two months since Vicia announced the shocking edict.

Vicia did not restrict the public from discussing this matter. From the initial shock and confusion, to the silent acceptance now, without sharp disgust and opposition, they will really accept it sooner or later.

Hearing this, Vicia smiled. She looked down at the parchment book in her hand, her eyes were gentle and full of nostalgia. After a long time, she said,

"I don't care about the world's eyes now, I'm just too tired, my love, in the fire, sleeping in the deep sea, and I can't save myself."

Vicia slowly let out a sigh of relief, and her calm demeanor made it impossible to see anything unusual.

This was the first time Vicia confided her true emotions about Wen Lin in front of others. She raised her hand to block Latimer's next words to persuade, and instead asked about the battle situation.

"I only have one request, to bring the old people of the Holy Court back to the Golan alive."

Saying goodbye inside and out, Latimer knelt down with a thud, "Auntie."

Over the years by his aunt's side, Latimer can feel that she treats him well. She taught him, and even gave him the love of the teacher. He even realized that his aunt was treating anything related to the teacher for a long time. , that is the only one special.

Even when he heard the news that the teacher was canonized as queen, Latimer was not surprised at all, he just felt it was right.

No **** legal dogma can be a reason to stop two people who truly love each other.

Latimer slammed his head on the ground, crying in his voice.

The teacher is gone, is even the aunt going?

Vicia got up and pulled him up, reached out to wipe the dust on his forehead, she looked into Latimer's eyes and said stubbornly, "Latimer, promise me."

Unable to cry, Latimer finally nodded before leaving, "Aunt, I promise you."

Only then did Vicia smiled with satisfaction.

In the next month, the ruling party led by Tilia and Golan cooperated with each other and defeated the Holy Knights of the Holy See.

On the day the news of the victory came back, Vicia went to Glasgow in person to meet the victorious Golan army.

Latimer did not come back with him; he and Field were on their way to patrol the northern border.

There are quite a few people in the Holy Court, and they have all been captured.

Vicia imprisoned them on the boat, and the execution ground was set on the coast of that year.

Countless bonfires were lit along the coast at night, burning the long coastline translucent, just like the fire that year.

The whole night of torture was hell, so shocking that the soldiers of the Golan were terrified, and their queen watched quietly as the priests who were used to being enshrined were executed.

Smashing the bone and sucking the marrow, dismembering the belly, copper bull torture, stabbing, double-ended fork, cross, pointed stool, lead drop, iron maiden, coffin torture, thumb clip, tongue scissors, wheel torture, sawing...

That night, the stench of blood splattered and soaked the entire coast, and the shrill howl like a ghost continued until dawn.

And the ambassadors of the year were brought out, they were nailed to the cross, and they watched others being executed.

Excrement and urine leaked from their bodies. They went from being reluctantly calm at first to being extremely frightened and begging for mercy. Vicia only felt that they were noisy.

Vicia impatiently arranged for someone to cut off the tongue, and then let them use their thumbs to pinch their elbows and knees to smash them one by one.

They don't die the first time, constantly awakened by biting water and red-hot irons.

There were always people begging for mercy, Vicia looked at them coldly, and burst into tears suddenly.

She turned her back and hissed, "So you all know the pain, why doesn't my Wen Lin know the pain?"

This seems to be revenge, but in the face of today's Golan, they can only be treated like livestock.

On the fifth night, all the people were executed. In the end, Vicia pierced the chest of Pope Canterbury with the king sword.

Vicia seemed to have completed an important entrustment, her whole body was instantly pulled away, her hand slowly slipped, she threw down the king sword, and walked back to the city without saying a word.

Until late at night, Vicia went out of the city quietly. She came to the coast and opened her fingers to feel the wind on the sea. Tonight, the wind was as gentle as the moonlight.

Vicia showed a genuine smile, and she murmured, "Your Excellency, are you here to pick me up?"

Step by step, she walked firmly into the deep sea, Vicia thought in a trance, she was finally about to end this endless waiting, and she was finally able to see her.

Letting herself be knocked down by the waves, the salty sea water poured into her throat, Vicia's face was full of smiles, she seemed to see Wen Lin.

At this time on the shore, Latimer and Field were dismounting in a panic and swimming in the direction of Vicia.

"Auntie, I saw the teacher, in Sutherland, the living teacher, she's back, she's really back."

Latimer shouted in a heart-wrenching manner, submerging into the sea to search for Vicia's figure.

In the chaos, Vicia was dragged to the shore, and Latimer and Field repeated over and over again,

"Auntie, the teacher is back."

"Your Majesty, we saw the living Lord Wen Lin with our own eyes."


Vicia slumped violently on the sand, her whole body trembling violently, she clenched Latimer's wrist, surging and burning hot.

She could clearly hear the sound of her teeth bumping, and the moment her hand was strong, she drew deep finger marks on Latimer's wrist.

"Now, immediately, take me to see her."


The author has something to say:

Ahhhhh, the queen was thirty-five years old when they met again

The point is, not the ending, the ending is still early! Why do you see the feeling of the ending~ Hahaha

Ah, Jinjiang has saved the chapters I have published and got up in the middle of the night to look at the backstage~

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