Wen Xi's light from dark to bright, through the window, fell on Wen Lin's face.

She slept very deeply and comfortably this time. When Wen Lin woke up, there was still a hazy glow in her eyes.

Hearing the movement outside the window, Wen Lin looked up and saw that Vicia and Rima were busy outside the kitchen. It looked like they were going to make breakfast together.

The scene was unexpectedly harmonious and warm, Wen Lin's lips curved into a slight arc, and she turned and walked out.

Rema was attracted by the novel cooking method for a while, and was surrounding Vicia and asking something with interest.

Seeing Wen Lin come out, the two outside the house greeted first. The smile on Vicia's face was faint, maintaining an attitude that was detached and would not make people feel disgusted.

Wen Lin nodded in response and went to wash herself.

Rema seemed to have long been accustomed to Wen Lin's coldness, and continued to ask Vicia some details.

Withdrawing her gaze, Vicia continued her movements and whispered a few words to Rima from time to time, but the corner of her eye always involuntarily fell on Wen Lin who was beside her.

After washing up, Wen Lin stood under a cedar tree not far away, the sun was shrouded in it, and her whole body seemed to be glowing.

Breakfast is Sutherland's unique cloudberry porridge, which has an attractive fruity aroma as soon as it is cooked.

Wen Lin smelled the smell and turned her head. It happened that Vicia was looking at her, and their eyes met again.

She could clearly feel that Vicia froze for a while, she staggered her eyes slightly hastily, and still maintained a smile on her face, "Breakfast is ready, come and eat."

At a glance, she could see through the nervousness and discomfort under Vicia's feigned calmness. Wen Lin was puzzled and stood still with a thoughtful expression on her face.

After waiting for a while, Wen Lin still didn't move, Vicia looked at her frowning brows, and felt uneasy in her heart.

Wen Lin said last night that she didn't want to be close to her, so Visia restrained her and kept a distance from her. Could it be that Wen Lin is also unwilling to accept her care?

Thinking of this, Vicia's thoughts suddenly became confused. In the past, Wen Lin was accommodating her and taking care of her.

In these nine years full of boundless loneliness, Vicia studied desperately. The parchment book left by Wen Lin was turned over countless times by Vicia, learning to draw various intricate and complicated structural diagrams, and even learning to do Vegetables, learn to cut clothes.

Vicia is always thinking, if Wen Lin can come back one day, or one day she can see her by herself, she can tell her that I can take care of you too, just like you used to take care of me.

Now that she's really back, Vicia doesn't want to wrong Wen Lin anymore, she doesn't want to always see her sacrifice, she always gives in.

So even if Wen Lin showed a bit of disgust or distress now, Vicia didn't know what to do.

She just wanted to make Wen Lin comfortable, to make her happy.

When Vicia was completely at a loss, Wen Lin moved suddenly, she slowly approached, stopped in front of Vicia, and said thank you in a low voice.

The tone without any emotional ups and downs made Vicia stunned for a long time. She breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the kitchen to serve porridge for the other two naturally.

Vicia was too thoughtful, Wen Lin hesitated for a while, then walked over to help her serve the bowl.

The fingertips inadvertently touched along the edge of the bowl, and it was cold and hot, and suddenly Vicia's eyes trembled, and the left rib was gradually filled with sour joy and sourness.

Wen Lin didn't notice Vicia's emotional fluctuations, she took the bowl and walked back to the table, waiting for Vicia to come and sit down before she started drinking porridge.

The aroma is very strong, with a hint of sweetness, sticky and clear, and melts in your mouth.

It was Wen Lin's favorite light taste, and she drank a bowl full of porridge before she knew it.

Looking at the empty bowl in front of her, Wen Lin was rarely in a daze. It seemed that Vicia had figured out her own taste, whether it was the soup last night or the porridge this morning, whichever fit her appetite.

Thinking of what Vicia said, they used to be lovers, Wen Lin's thoughts couldn't help but wander.

Seeing Wen Lin finish drinking, Vicia smiled. She observed Wen Lin's complexion and offered to suggest, "Wen Lin, let me teach you how to speak Golan."

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of familiarity pulled Wen Lin's thoughts back, and she raised her eyes to look at Vicia.

A pair of calm blue eyes with a slight smile, quiet and bright, seemed to look into Wen Lin's heart.

A trace of surprise flashed in Wen Lin's eyes. Although it was only two days, Vicia always seemed to be able to think about her first.

This proposal is very tempting to Wen Lin in the current situation, and it is also an important reason why she is willing to accept Vicia.

She needs to learn the language here as soon as possible, understand the situation here, and figure out whether there is any chance to return to China.

And Vicia is the only one who can communicate with her without barriers.

Wen Lin agreed, and she and Vicia agreed to teach her Golan every day when Wen Lin was in good spirits.

The two didn't set a specific time. Wen Lin knew that her current body was in a bad state, and she would sleep almost all day long. These two days have been the best time in the past half month.

Not long after breakfast, Wen Lin felt the familiar strong tiredness all over her body, and she walked back to the bedroom to rest as usual.

Rima went to prepare other items that Vicia needed, and when they both left, Vicia stood alone in the snow, looked at Wen Lin in the window, and smiled silently.

After tidying up the kitchen, Vicia walked to the door of Wen Lin's small stone house and stood for a long time before gently opening the door.

The fireworks were burning vigorously in the fireplace, and Wen Lin was already asleep. She was facing the outside, making her already thin shoulders even thinner, as if she could be broken with a single touch.

The familiar but seemingly distant scene made Visia feel distressed. She endured the tremor and walked over, looking at it over and over again almost greedily, only Wen Lin was left in her eyes.

The person who collapsed seemed to be in a deep sleep, and Vicia hesitantly placed her fingertips between Wen Lin's eyebrows, stroking her chin, shoulders and neck, and finally stopped at the back of Wen Lin's neck.

The movements are gentle, the lingering reluctance to part,

The body temperature under the fingertips was on the cool side. It was obviously warm by the fireplace, but it still seemed unable to warm Wen Lin's body.

A deep worry melted into the corner of her eyes, and the light and shadow in Vicia's eyes dimmed. She bit her lip and released it after a long time, and said something inaudible,

"Your Excellency, I beg you, you must get well."

The person who collapsed still fell asleep unconsciously, Visia caressed her hand, gently intertwined her fingers.

Inadvertently, Vicia caught a glimpse of the small ball pattern on Wen Lin's left wrist.

Her eyes froze for a moment, and Vicia leaned over to take a closer look, confirming that it was the ball.

There seemed to be a sharp light blue streamer flowing along the shape of the pattern, and Vicia became extremely nervous, and she carefully reached out to touch it.

It was no different from other skin touches. When Vicia looked closely again, the blue streamer disappeared without a trace.

There was a brief blank in her mind, Vicia turned her head to look at Wen Lin.

Vihia knew how badly Wen Lin was injured back then. Now, there are no scars on Wen Lin's body at all, and even from the surface, Wen Lin seems to have come back intact.

The only reasonable explanation was that the little ball left by Mrs. Gunneville was that it saved Wen Lin.

Does that mean that Wen Lin may return to the Garden of Eden that she calls it, and will she be willing to choose to stay after losing her memory?

Vicia's heart sank all of a sudden, her lips moved, but she didn't make any sound, just quietly stared at Wen Lin who was still sleeping.

Her hand slowly rubbed the back of Wen Lin's hand, and Vicia found that Wen Lin's body seemed to be weaker than she thought, and she seemed to be able to let others play with her while she was asleep.

While worrying, Vicia was relieved, at least now she can touch her without any worries.

After thinking for a moment, Vicia took off her coat, lay down on the side of the slump, and hugged Wen Lin from behind with extreme care.

Pressing it gently, the warm temperature dissipated. It didn't take long for Wen Lin to feel warmer, and Visia couldn't help but hug her tighter.

After a while, Wen Lin seemed to be sleeping uncomfortable. She turned over and faced Vicia.

Vicia was so shocked that she didn't dare to move, and her breathing stopped. After waiting for a long time, she found that Wen Lin had no other movements, and then slowly exhaled.

Wen Lin's breathing was very light, and the breath she exhaled seemed to be cold. Vicia gradually approached, pressed her forehead, and adjusted the breathing frequency to be the same as Wen Lin's.

Vicia felt extremely satisfied. Since the war, Vicia has never been happier than now.

The Wen Lin she touched was so real, she was in her arms.

After a while, Vicia stood up quietly and backed away, she first tucked the corners, and then added some dry wood to the fireplace, and then left.

Back in her stone house, Vicia took out a pen and paper, recalled the part about herbs in the parchment book, and wrote it down silently without any mistakes.

No matter how good the medical skills of Wang Ting's medical officials are, they can't be better than Wen Lin herself.

Vicia is going to teach Wenlin Golan from the names and uses of these herbs, so that Wenlin's body can be properly nourished as soon as possible.

Rima didn't come back at noon or at night, it was the ingredients that another villager came to deliver.

The subtle atmosphere becomes even more apparent when there are only two people dining.

Even in the dim kitchen, Vicia's manner of dining is very elegant, while Wen Lin is more casual, but she has a lot of self-control in her bones.

The food was delicious as always, Wen Lin finished it first, and then quietly waited for Vicia to finish it.

The soft light fell on the faces of the two of them through the window. It was half-bright and half-dark. Wen Lin's eyes were blurred for a moment. When Vichy looked up at her, she quickly converged and then handed over the prepared paper. , the paper says better methods of tanning and preserving hides.

According to Ruima, a group of people who followed Visiah bought animal skins in the village. Wen Lin had seen how the villagers deal with animal skins, although she didn't know what purpose Visiah and the others would use the animal skins for. , but the traditional craftsmanship of Huaguo is obviously much better.

No matter what happened between her and Vicia, Wen Lin, who lost her memory, couldn't calmly enjoy her meticulous care.

However, her body is too weak now, and Wen Lin can't do much. She thought about waiting for the opportunity to repay her after her body recovered.

Vicia took a look and knew what Wen Lin was thinking. Those blue eyes as deep as the sea were intertwined with helplessness and exhaustion, and at the same time they were mixed with a little joy.

I am glad that Wen Lin's behavior is the same as before.

Vicia said, "Wen Lin, this is what I should do for you, and I never need you to make up for it."


The author has something to say:

The second update is late, don't wait! ! ! Probably after twelve o'clock.

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