On the neck, chest, waist and abdomen, and even the inner thighs are messy and beautiful hickeys.

Wen Lin glanced at random, preparing to put on her clothes and go to the bath.

Turning her head, she saw Vicia staring at the hickey on the side of her neck and smirking, her face suddenly hot again, Wen Lin glared at Vicia, and hurried out of the bedroom.

Vicia didn't dodge, she looked back at Wen Lin with a smile, her eyes were filled with inescapable joy and contentment.

Wen Lin's shyness, babble, and even every trembling arc made Vicia's heart uncontrollably hot.

After Wen Lin left, Vicia looked at her fingers with deep eyes, her fingernails were round, and when she fiddled with the gurgling water, they were surprisingly bright.

When Wen Lin came back from the bath, she saw Vicia still sitting on the big messy bed with a smirk on her face.

Her face was suddenly dry, and Wen Lin ignored her, walked to the desk, took the letter from Wang Ting, and took a closer look.

It emphasized the opening of new trade routes, and at the end there were still some words urging them to return to the royal court.

Such a letter will come from time to time, but it is obviously more frequent recently.

They stayed in Saks Castle for nearly half a year, during which time all government affairs were handled by Regent Francis with the assistance of Latimer, and some extraordinarily important ones were sent to Saks Castle.

If it is not free, it will take a lot of effort, and if she stays longer, Wen Lin estimates that the ministers in the Privy Council will not be able to sit still.

Originally, he deliberately concealed the news that Vicia was okay, and when Latimer returned to the royal court, he dealt with the few emerging people with thunderous power.

Since then, Wang Tingan has been born for half a year. Judging from the letters, Latimer has become more and more like a monarch.

He has the blood of the gorse royal family flowing in him, and in some respects, he is the same tenacious, stubborn, and tolerant of betrayal as Vicia.

When Wen Lin read the letter, Vicia came over just after bathing, her face was reddish from the hot water, Wen Lin thought of her tossing and turning, she looked away, and said immediately,

"When are you going back to Brenz?"

This issue has been deliberately ignored by the two, but the responsibility of a monarch of a country is not something that can be thrown away.

Vicia was stunned for a while, and the aura around her suddenly became gloomy, looking a little stuffy.

She approached Wen Lin and met her eyes, "Do you want to go back?"

Every day spent in Sutherland Castle is a day that the two of them dreamed of before. There is no cumbersome government affairs, no power calculations, only each other.

Wen Lin smiled. In fact, she should have gone back a long time ago. As long as Vicia is still the monarch of Golan for a day, the responsibilities that the monarch should take should be ranked before their love.

Wen Lin was very satisfied with the indulgence of the past six months. She touched Vicia's earlobe and said softly, "Go back, I want to go back to Yinhe Village to see."

Vicia looked at Wen Lin for a long time, and her heart suddenly became uncomfortable. She leaned over and kissed Wen Lin's forehead, "Your Excellency Wen Lin, you really haven't changed at all."

There was a light glint of water in her eyes, Vicia lowered her eyes, and did not let Wen Lin see it, she always remembered the words and the sea of ​​fire that Wen Lin left to herself on the battlefield, "Do what a monarch should do. "

I don't know how long the two have been cuddling with each other, Visia gradually relieved, she softly agreed, "Then go back."

In this way, the two cherish the remaining days at Sutherland Castle even more.

The long-planned plan in Vicia's heart was slowly conceived and matured during this period of time. She looked at Wen Lin who was playing with flowers in the garden with a doting smile.

"Whether it's here or back to the royal court, she can show her love in front of others."

They arrived in Brenz on a sunny morning.

The beautiful royal chariots were waiting outside the city gate, and Latimer stood at the forefront with a group of princes and nobles.

When Vicia took Wen Lin's hand and walked down, the picture seemed to be suspended for a moment, and the gazes of the ministers and nobles were constantly looking at Wen Lin, and it was difficult to restrain the astonishment and suspicion.

When Latimer announced that Wen Lin was still alive, the whole of Brenzi boiled over.

Crowds gathered on the street from all directions, watching the chariots slowly driving from the royal court to the city gate, all of them were eagerly excited.

The people who have already died in the impression are standing in front of them alive, even walking in front of them, greeting with smiles in countless curious and amazed eyes, "Good morning, everyone."

The ministers and nobles didn't know what to do for a while. Seeing Wen Lin, who was no different from before, they knelt down with a thud and saluted with the highest etiquette.

"Good day, Your Majesty, good day, Queen."

She frowned, Wen Lin looked around, no one seemed to think it was wrong to call her queen, and finally her eyes fell on Vicia's face and asked softly, "Queen?"

Vicia laughed without saying a word, but just held Wen Lin's hand and boarded the carriage.

The expensive crepe on all sides of the carriage was tied around the window panes inlaid with gold and jewels, and people on both sides of the road could see the carriage at a glance.

When the royal knights were slowly divided to the two sides, Wen Lin appeared in front of people, and the cheers poured out like mountains and seas.

"Wen Lin, Wen Lin..."

"You are our savior, you are the queen of Golan..."


It was mixed with a lot of praise comparing her to a savior. It seemed that in a sense, using gender to limit the glory Wen Lin brought to Golan was undoubtedly the most ridiculous and shameless blasphemy.

There were crowds of people in the streets and alleys. People gathered into the sea, shoving, crowding, and swarming in the direction of Wen Lin.

From a distance, it looks like a group of surrounded flames moving from darkness to light.

Flat streets, neat and orderly shops, cheering crowds...

Wen Lin looked at the unfamiliar but seemingly familiar scene in front of her, and was filled with emotion.

Vicia seemed to be aware of Wen Lin's nervousness, she gently comforted Wen Lin's clenched hands, and said with a light smile,

"They all remember your grace, your sacrifice, they love you from the bottom of their hearts, and praise you. They are not only my people, but yours."

Glancing at Vicia, Wen Lin calmed herself, smiled and nodded to the people on both sides.

Until she returned to the royal court, Wen Lin still had a huge sense of absurdity lingering in her heart.

A female monarch married a female queen and was recognized by the church and the people? Still in a dark age when feudalism prevailed.

As soon as Vicia arrived at the royal court, she was dragged to the council hall, while Wen Lin went back to the bedroom to rest. She stared at Fenglin not far away and muttered to herself, "This is ridiculous."

Unbelievable was simultaneously indescribable joy, followed by unquenchable worry.

Did the people of the Golan really accept her marriage to Vicia? What negative impact will this have on Vicia's rule?

Wen Lin was still uneasy, she walked into the inner hall, grabbed a familiar maid, and asked carefully about her being named queen.

The more you listen to the frown, the deeper the heartache for Vicia.

When Latimer rushed to find Wen Lin, all she saw was Wen Lin with a dignified look on her face, listening to the maid talking about her being named queen.

It was rare for Latimer to see Wen Lin showing such a serious look, and he immediately took his steps back.

When she heard Wen Lin say "it shouldn't be like this" after being silent for a long time, Latimer suddenly fell into a daze.

Shouldn't the teacher be happy? Or did she not have equal feelings for her aunt at all?

After struggling for a long time, Latimer stepped forward and shouted in a low voice, "Teacher,"

Wen Lin looked back at him, and seeing his embarrassed look, Wen Lin raised her eyebrows, "His Royal Highness Latimer, what do you want to say?"

Latimer didn't speak for a while, and Wen Lin didn't ask any further. She waved the maid to step back and waited patiently for Latimer.

Hesitant, vague.

Wen Lin patiently listened to Latimer for a long time before she suddenly realized that Latimer had misunderstood, but Wen Lin did not interrupt her, but continued to listen to him.

Latimer obviously knew more about Vicia than anyone else.

Seeing Wen Lin's unmoved expression, Latimer's emotions gradually became excited, and he suddenly said,

"Teacher, if I hadn't arrived in time, my aunt would have..."

Halfway through, it stopped abruptly.

Wen Lin frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

In front of outsiders, Latimer is a calm and solemn crown prince, but in front of Visia and Wen Lin, he seems to be the weak and helpless child back then.

Under the pressure of Wen Lin's burning eyes, he explained what he knew.

There was no major emotional fluctuation on Wen Lin's face, but she suddenly reached out and grabbed her chest. When Latimer cast an inquiring look, she suddenly turned her back and said lightly,

"Latimer, don't worry, I just feel sorry for her, that's all."

Without waiting for Latimer to answer, Wen Lin hurried up the steps, her pace getting faster and faster, and the maids along the way saw the Queen's face rushing back into the bedroom with an ugly face.

After hesitating for a while, a female officer walked outside the bedroom and asked worriedly.

Wen Lin leaned against the door and took a few deep breaths before she managed to hold back her tears and instructed outside the door, "Don't disturb me without my order."

Wen Lin didn't dare to think, dared not to think what kind of mood Weixia was in the night she was about to commit suicide, how much she had to suffer in the past nine years, to the point where she could give up everything so decisively.

Covering her mouth tightly, Wen Lin was shaking slightly.

How desperate should Visia be to have the idea of ​​suicide, she clearly wanted her to live well.

Seeing that there was no change in the layout of the bedroom, the deepening heartache seemed to crush Wen Lin's heart.

Suddenly, Wen Lin's eyes fell on the corner of the desk, which was a parchment book that had been stroked many times and had burrs on the edges.

After hesitating for a while, Wen Lin walked over to pick it up and slowly opened it.

From the first page, it was filled with annotations, and those annotations took up all the blank space on the page. Wen Lin turned the pages one by one, reading word by word.

Vicia writes about everything, including the roses in the manor, the struggle with the church and the nobles, the changes in the royal city, her views on the development of Golan, and her thoughts about the lonely and unattended moments in the middle of the night...

Wen Lin was so distressed that she breathed, her fingertips and every inch of her body began to throb.

Vicia survived alone for nine years, but no matter where she was, she left her own shadow.

In a masochistic way, she inscribes the shared memory of the two of them.

Turning to the last page, a striking sentence came into Wen Lin's eyes. There were only two sentences on it, one was left by Wen Lin, and the other was Vicia's answer.

"Your Excellency, I'm old, and I don't want to wait any longer. If you don't come, I'll go find you."

Seeing this, Wen Lin couldn't bear it any longer. She lay down on the desk and cried bitterly.


The author has something to say:

Ah ah ah ah, I was abused by myself, angina pectoris, there is no second update today, I am going to write and have fun!

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