Queen, Forced Marriage

Chapter 76: The queen is pregnant (28)

"Wife! It's okay, my arms are almost gone."

At this moment, this situation and situation.

In the evening, after everyone basically fell asleep, the Queen officially opened the curtain of punishment. She comfortably nestled on the bed covered with a warm quilt. There was a plate of melon seeds next to her, and she was reading a book while eating melon seeds. Don't talk to someone at all.

Lin Zikui was crying now, as if Fang Yiai owed her a million and didn't pay her back. Both hands were raised above her head, both holding a pot of flowers. This is not an ordinary flower. This is Fang Yi’s favorite colorful rose. As the name suggests, it is a rose of seven colors like a rainbow. It is a kind of rose produced by the flower company owned by Petervandewerken in the Netherlands. Plant pigments such as anthocyanins, carotene, chlorophyll, etc., are artificially developed and cultivated, so they are extremely precious and cannot appear in large numbers on the market. Raising this kind of flowers is as hard as raising children. Her Majesty also specially put them in the garden. A piece of land is vacant, and professional technicians are invited to plant and cultivate.

In fact, it is Lin Zikui who did her own death, thinking that she and Fang Yiai were just together back then, thinking about the first date or something to give flowers, roses are too vulgar, but she is a person with high emotional intelligence. , Is very romantic, the first time I send flowers, I will definitely give Her Majesty the unforgettable life, so after knowing the flowers, I began to ask friends to ask someone to get it through many times, but it’s not as good as the sky, Fang Yiai It's as if I'm fascinated by the flowers, so I can't put it down.

But speaking of it, Fang Yiai will let her lift other things even if she doesn’t let her lift this thing. It’s not bad if she doesn’t let her kneel on the washboard like everyone else. She should have a grateful heart, thank God. And Her Majesty's favor for her.

"Husband! Do you want to kneel?"

What does this mean, and where does she offend her own wife? With a horrified face, his head was swaying as if it was shaking, and he said pitifully, "I don't want to think about it."

"If you don't want to, stretch your arms straight. Look at the flowerpot and it's almost reaching your shoulders." Elegantly spit out the melon seed shell in his mouth, faintly emphasizing someone's irregular movements.

"My wife, if my arms are broken, your **** life will not be good in the future, maybe you have to stay alive!"

"Pop!" A pillow greeted Lin Zikui's front door, but his ability was too great. It may also be because the writer Lin didn't take good psychological precautions. He was staggered by the soft pillow, and his arm was sore and weak. Suddenly vulnerable, the whole person shook, watching the flower pots about to smash to the ground, Fang Yiai was so scared that Fang Yiai exclaimed: "If you dare to ruin the flower for me, you will Kneel on the washboard for me!"

"Smack" "Smack"

That’s right, this time it was the sound of two flower pots falling gorgeously. It’s okay if Fang Yiai didn’t warn. Lin Zikui, who was already nervous, was so frightened as soon as he warned. This flower pot did not fall. That's it!

Looking blankly at the flower pot that was thrown into a mess by the foot, the soil and the ceramic shards and the beautiful colorful roses, he raised his head in fear, and glanced weakly at the moment he was sitting on the bed with anger. Fang Yiai, who was trembling and suffocating, could see that Her Majesty the Queen was about to break through the outer packaging of the ladies and ladies, and she was about to run away. Writer Lin hurriedly leaned over and grabbed the beauty's hand and hugged it in her arms.

"Wife, you can hold on to it, it will be bad if you have a fetal breath. I, I, I will let them send two more pots right away, okay, you still have a lot." Talking shivering, speaking incoherently, he almost knocked his teeth. Teeth out.

But who would have thought that Queen Fang was still in anger for one second, and after a sigh of relief the next second, she raised her hand and smoothed the hair on the top of her head, and then changed into a brilliant and charming smiling face in an instant, but her eyes flickered The light is clearly to kill. Such an abnormality can only show that Fang Yiai is angry to a certain extent, and to put it bluntly is to the extreme.

Smart people will not only detect words and emotions, but also run away. No, as soon as Lin Zikui pulled his leg, Fang Yiai grabbed the man's ponytail, and the painful Lin Zikui screamed.

Tears are rolling in your eyes because of the pain. Does Her Majesty the Queen no longer love her? She was actually willing to hurt her like this, but Fang Yiai didn't really feel distressed this time, she felt that this person "owed"

He curled his mouth and showed a dark belly smile, red lips slightly opened, and the tone was unknown: "Husband, since we are all this far today, then let's calculate the old and new accounts together."

"New accounts and old accounts?" Writer Lin felt puzzled. When did she make Her Majesty unhappy again, she turned around slowly and looked at her wife's cunning expression, oh, that's it, the old accounts were because she was late After going home for a few minutes, she broke the flowerpot in Xinchen just now. Hey, Her Majesty is famous for being careful.

"Hehehehe...Oh, baby, stop making trouble, this is the middle of the night, it won't be good to wake everyone up for a while! Go to sleep!" After finishing speaking, he wanted to step forward and put his arms around the beauty. The purpose is to give comfort, in fact, I want to wipe some oil.

Unexpectedly, she was opening her arms and preparing to embrace the beauty, but she was pushed abruptly away by the hand of the beauty against her chest. Fang Yi's eyebrows are picked up, so I want to make her beautiful?

With a smile at the corners of his mouth, he took out two small transparent sealed bags from the drawer beside the bed. The writer Lin got confused. Because he didn't wear glasses, he had to follow the dim light in the room and move forward with imaginary eyes. Have a clear look.

"Is there a head...hair?"


Fang Yiai nodded in satisfaction with Lin Zikui's eyesight, and winked playfully at her husband: "Then guess whose hair this is?"

"How do I know, why are you putting your hair in a bag, making it so grand!"

"Since you can't remember anymore, I, as your wife who is married to Mingzhong, must have a good memory for you... Half a month ago, you ate with that director Liang Da, remember?"

Nodding to show the answer.

"There are other actors and actresses who ate with you, what first-line celebrities, innocent girls, mature elder sisters, I don’t know why you had these two hairs on you when you came back? So I saved them for you. !"

What you said is taken for granted, and what you said is understood. This tone also has a little bit of generosity. Do you think this is a show of Her Majesty's generosity? Wrong, this means to have a knife on Lin Zikui!

With a "thump" in my heart, my heart contracted sharply, and my limbs were beating continuously, and my limbs were cold. This was because the heart's blood supply was insufficient, so I quickly withdrew blood from my limbs to protect myself.

"Hahaha..." Forced laughter, "Yes, that's right, so many actors were there that night, you know how hard it was for the new drama to start filming, and it was hard to finalize the actors, women are pretty Lots! Hahaha!"

"I'm telling you who you eat with? I'm asking you where these two hairs come from." After speaking, he put his hand on Lin Zikui's waist, and he came out with a cruel heart. A perfect full spin of ten degrees. Does this person dare to fight her haha, do you really think everyone in the world is a fool?


"No barking! Whoever owns this hair, let's talk about the black straight hair on the left first!"

"My, my? Am I not with straight black hair?"

"Is yours this long?" Fang Yi'ai was so angry that Lin Zikui hadn't been telling the truth.

"Oh oh oh oh, come to think of it, what is that, oh, that star Wang Minruo's, she is. She is too enthusiastic, maybe I gave it away when I met her."

"How tight does it have to stick to leave you a hair?"


"What about the one on the right?"

Shaking the transparent plastic bag in his right hand, there is a curly hair inside.

"Isn't this yours, aren't you this kind of curly hair?"

"Writer Lin, when I fell in love with you back then, why didn't I realize that you were still color-blind?" I just threw the bag in my hand on Lin Zikui's face, "Your wife, I am black hair or not red hair!"

"This...Is this... red hair?!" Pretending to be frightened, his acting skills are still good, those incredible small eyes, suspicious frowns, look, how realistic, you deserve to be a master of actor selection!

"Oh! Come to think of it... By the way, Wang Minruo sitting on my left and Feng Xiaoxiao sitting on my right. She has red hair! Maybe... You also know that if you sit next to each other after eating, you might lose roots of hair. Yes, it happened to be caught by me!"

"Then you have to sit too close, because many people can't sit down, right?"

Isn't Feng Xiaoxiao the one in the film industry who is known for her **** and seductiveness? She has always had a good relationship with Lin Zikui. So the one that makes Her Majesty the most uncomfortable is her. Every time I see the Lin writer in her house, I will jump up. Although there is no attempt, it is just a warm hug between friends, but every time I wear a low-cut and deep v She rubbed Lin Zikui, she is very jealous of the Ming match, okay!


"Lin Zikui, if you don't tell me clearly, I'll...I'll...I won't eat or give you a baby."

Because of the anger bulging her cheeks, her face flushed slightly with anger, and the little freshness of the little sister next door came out. After a long time, "I just" finally came up with a final punishment.

But this can be said to be "poisonous" enough!

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