Chapter 294 Fixed-point clocking in

  It is always said that women’s tiredness can be vented out by crying or cursing. Men’s tiredness is often accumulated in their hearts and pinned on tobacco and alcohol.

  Nan Xi felt distressed for a few seconds, but when she thought of Zhang Yichen's various behaviors in order to routine her, she wanted to reach out and choke him to death.

   Considering that he is a patient, he gave up the brutality of ‘bullying others’.

   "He is only the first sign that appears, and it is not serious. You should stare at him more and don't let the condition worsen. You can drink and drink when necessary. It is best to control cigarettes and alcohol."

  Dr Lin Wang's sleeping men in front of him, no matter how similar their temperament and old friends are, they are like a mold carved out.

With a long sigh, thinking about the past, he chanted a few words earnestly: "When the old lady was alive, Xiao Yang and I often went to play chess with him. Because of the face of the old lady, Xiao Chen could listen to us anyway. The old lady passed away, we I can’t talk to Xiao Yang. You can’t always rely on your ancestors to threaten you with your own health. You can help manage them. He will care about your suggestions."

   "Okay, I see, you have worked so hard to follow you back and forth." Nan Xi happily responded.

  "I’m okay, but it’s you. I’m worried about the health of the master and my friends, and I should be more concerned about the people around me. Let’s go back to my seat and take a break. It’s just over an hour."

  Dr Lin Yu took off the reading glasses, rubbed the bridge of the nose that made the reading glasses stamp out, and leaned into the back of the seat. It can be seen that the busy days in the past days have also made him very tired.


  Nan Xi agreed and sat back quietly, ignoring Huang Yi’s several boring harassment.

   Pull down the sun visor, place the chair flat to an angle where you can lie down, put your arms on the latex pillow, and lean your head on it, thinking about the things you need to deal with in recent days.

  While thinking, tiredness swept over me, my thoughts slowly drifted away, and I fell asleep.

  Dream, the animation of Akira cuts into the scene after the end of the elementary school singing competition.

  A dozen small carrot heads stood side by side in two rows and gathered on the stage. The parents set up their cameras and prepared to take pictures.

  A parent picked up his head and shouted: "Is the persimmon sweet?"


  The children even cooperated with their parents to pose cute poses, shouting rhythms, and a happy scene.

   "Yichen is here, wait for the teacher to find you a place."

  All the laughter stopped with a hello, and as the boy with cold eyes appeared, everyone unconventionally put away the attitude of not being right.

  The comparison between parents is limited to those of the same level. If you encounter the top family, it will be too late to cheat, let alone compare with one's own strength.

  Several parents rushed to make a statement to greet their children.

   "Babe, you go to the site and give the middle position to classmate Zhang."

   "Oh, that can count as the middle position. Come on, Yichen stand next to my home Yingying."

   "If I can't count, what's the matter with Yingying's position that is almost close to the backstage!"

  Babe’s mother turned her head and stared at the person who wanted to cut her beard. When she turned her head back, she put on an amiable smile on her face, and beckoned to the housekeeper Zhang: "Bring him here."

  The adults are blushing, ten-year-old children still don’t understand the sophisticated ways between adults, and most of them are spoiled at home.

   Beibei moved out with an unhappy face, and muttered emotionally: "I am only a little closer to the microphone than Yingying. The place that really counts in the middle is Nan Xi Na."

  Complaining is purely for expressing small emotions, but it makes Yingying's mother who is not thinking about it listen.

  "Just say yes, or Beibei is sensible." Immediately, she said happily: "Isn't it like your mother? It's not a dish or you have to serve it."

  Housekeeper Zhang has been familiar with this kind of "competition" scenes and ignored them.

   Leaning down in front of Zhang Yichen, after asking his own young master’s opinion, he led Zhang Yichen to Nan Xi and Su Zhu.

  Looking at the beautiful little girl, he smiled and coaxed: "Miss Nan Xi, please lean in."

  "I'm sorry, Uncle Zhang, I can't move. Brother Yichen didn't participate. I took the first place. The teacher asked me to stand here."

  Nan Xi's attitude is soft and cute, but her bold gesture of refusal is obvious, which makes many adults who want to curry to sweat for her.

  He waited for a few seconds, but did not see the housekeeper getting angry.

  Having a kind smile on his face, he once again acted as he pleased and explained patiently: "It’s not letting it, just move to the side site a little bit, you stand on the main position together."

   "I dare not disobey the teacher's meaning." Nan Xi softly insisted, "Or you and the teacher apply, and if the teacher agrees, I will change."

  "Don't make it difficult for Xixi, I give him my position."

  Su Zhu is very embarrassed, not used to everyone's focus on them, and even less like others looking at Nan Xi with strange eyes. Silently retreated to the side and gave up his position.

  When everyone thought that the matter was over, they could re-enter the photo session, but saw Zhang Yichen standing motionless in the same place, looking at Nan Xi coldly.

  The sharp and piercing eyes made many adults shudder, but Nan Xi didn't take it seriously, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, calmly greeted her.

  The screen jumps to the next year’s competition. On the eve of the school anniversary, a temporary notification will be made to change the competition mode. The single solo competition in the class will be changed to a chorus competition in all classes of the school.

  Nan Xi and her class succeeded in winning the championship, but Nan Xi looked at Zhang Yichen standing next to her, not happy at all.

  At a young age, she always feels that she has been routine, and she has realized the sinister society in advance.

  The screen jumped again. Huang Yi and Nan Xi were sitting on outdoor ladder chairs eating snacks, and a volleyball flew in front of them and hit them in front of them.

   "I'm sorry, I missed it."

  Not far away, an apology sounded, Huang Yi leaned over and picked up the ball to help return it.

  When he looked up to see the opponent's face, his hands trembled in fright, and the ball rolled back to the ground.

  The people here are senior students who received Huang Yi’s protection fee before. They are practicing beach volleyball. Nan Xi’s class is free to do outdoor activities, just gathering in a beach playground.

   "What do you mean, deliberately make us ugly?"

  The smelly feet in sneakers kicked Huang Yi up in the face unceremoniously, and was held down by Nan Xi when he was about to kick.

  To the crowd who often sees her detour, at this moment, she has the courage to take the lead. Instead of retracting the foot, the person who took the lead did not retract her foot, but turned around and lifted it towards Nan Xi's face.

  Use actual actions to warn Nan Xi that if she is nosy, she will be greeted by the smelly feet.

  Nan Xi let go abruptly, pulled up the frightened Huang Yi, and stamped her foot across the opponent's foot and left.

  The other party did not expect that Nan Xi, who does not have a bodyguard in the school, is so fierce.

  He suffered twice in his life, and one of them couldn't stand firm and almost fell down the stairs.

   After letting her partner stabilize her, she caught up with Nan Xi in a few steps and stopped her with a cross arm.

  They did not dare to confront Nan Xi clearly, but dealing with Huang Yi was commonplace, so they raised their hands and pushed towards Huang Yi.

   "What are you going to do, let's go before you say it clearly."

  The bully's hand once again let Nan Xi pull away, making the evil person's eyes flashed and pushing forward.

  With full strength, everyone present can predict the result. Nan Xi is bound to be knocked to the ground, and it will be difficult to think of it again.

  They made up their minds, since Nan Xi likes to be more nosy, no wonder they. Besides, they just counterattacked out of self-protection.

  But the force that was just exerted was pinched by one person with his bare hands, and the force was doubled.

  'S strong recoil made him retreat a few steps, and then he grabbed two or three chair handles in an embarrassing manner before he could barely stand firm.

  Slightly adjusted her posture, twisted her neck a bit during the ‘Ka Ka’ activity, and cursed: “What kind of nosy again!”

  The friends around him lowered their heads and reminded them in a low voice: "Forget it, the boss, he is the young master of the Tianyu Zhang family, the representative of the German swordsmanship class."

  After hearing the name of Tianyu Zhang’s family, the stabbing head was already a little unsteady. Coupled with the latter sentence of Zhang Yichen's personal achievements, it will undoubtedly completely defeat the opponent's will.

   Immediately bluffing, Nan Xi and Zhang Yichen, who were a little shorter than them, took their companions and left.

  Later, Nan Xi found out the whole story at the know-it-all office in the class. It turned out that the stab-head class should have won the first place in the singing competition, but it turned out to be taken away. In addition, Nan Xi has repeatedly protected Huang Yi in public, making them faceless, and the accumulated grievances of new and old hatreds are hard to calm, and finally can't help but come up to find something.

  As a result, he kicked on the iron plate again, and suffered a sorrowful loss.

  In front of outsiders, Zhang Yichen can always show up in time to protect her. But in the emotional contact between the two, he loves to stand opposite her again and likes to see her angry for him.

  There were bursts of itching on her forehead, her eyelashes trembled, and Nan Xi opened her dim sleepy eyes. The well-knotted hand appeared in front of her eyes, gradually becoming clearer from blurry, helping her to lift the broken hair that was blocking her eyes.

"Woke up?"

  I don’t know when the arm on the pillow was replaced with a man’s arm. Nan Xi slumped her face into his shoulder and rubbed it.

   Smelling the faint fragrance, the sleepiness in the tranquil heart slowly returned, and murmured: "Well, I want to sleep again."


  The hand that helped her tidy up her hair came to her back and patted it rhythmically.

  The magazine Huang Yi used to cover up peeping almost slipped out of her hand, but fortunately she caught it on the line of life and death. Lift up a bit high, keeping two-thirds of his eyes covered.

  While thinking in my heart, KSWL, while heartache, what can I do with my CP? The whole person was jumping back and forth between the sugar knocking and the small heart pierced by glass slag.

  Dr Lin Xin was concerned about the patient and coughed hard, suggesting that Nan Xi's business matters.

  Nan Xi had to drive away the sleepiness, and raised her hand to rub her sore eyes to wake up.

   Just rubbed it, let Zhang Yichen hold it down, and asked in a low voice: "Don’t rub your hands, do your eyes hurt?"

   "No, it's kind of itchy."

  Nan Xi blinked a few eyes quickly, propped up and sat upright, and smiled brightly at Zhang Yichen: "Okay."

  "Cough, cough, cough!" The cough reminded in the back row comes again.

  The entrusted Nan Xi raised her face in response to the scene, and said solemnly: "Zhang Yichen, have you had a good rest for a few days?"

   Jian eyebrows dazzled, Ruifeng stared at Nan Xi: "Zhang Yichen?"

  ‘Aren’t you called Zhang Yichen? ’

  The blunt retort slipped to the mouth, letting a series of urging coughs stop.

  Nan Xi put away the irritability that barely showed on her face, maintained a bright smile, sweetly calling out: "Brother Yichen."

'Snapped! ’

After several rescues, the magazine in the hand of   Panni’s hand fell to the ground.

  Huang Yi picked up the magazine with her iron head, bowed her waist and said apologetically: "Sorry, sorry, I'll go back and sit with Brother Bodyguard."

  Unfastened the unsafe seat belt, fled and sat in the last row. After a few seconds, I chose a larger seat as a cover, and continued to peek through the gap.

White fingers gently pulled off Master CiroPanoe's tailor-made shirt, and said softly: "Brother Yichen, I will get off the plane when I arrive in Zhangjiajie, and you are going to fly back to Jiadi again. Come closer, I have I'll talk to you."

  The glittering nails slid across the diamond buttons, and the dazzling light spots reflected seemed to merge together.

  The man's mind was slightly shaken, and he leaned close to his pink lips.

   "Big Brother Yichen doesn't cherish his body, he always smokes and drinks his hands all day long, so he plans to become semi-paralyzed in the future. Do you want to play chess with He Lao, Xu Lao, Lin?"

  Dr Lin, who constantly monitors the interaction between the two, made his tongue choke, coughed a few times, and asked with a deep face, "Why can he play chess with us when he is half paralyzed?" Is it because the old people who dislike them are getting old?

   "Because you react slowly, if he is half-paralyzed, he will react slowly. They don't dislike each other." Nan Xi made sense.

  Dr Lin awkwardly helped the reading glasses. It turned out that they were slow. Although the smelly girl had a poisonous mouth, it was justified and well-founded.

  Huang Yi and Xiong Rui couldn’t help covering their mouths, and in the next second they heard Chu Chu’s poor grievance: “Zhang Yichen, you bad guy, don’t pinch my nose, I can’t breathe anymore.”

   "You can breathe with a talkative mouth."

   "Huh, hit you!"

  Zhangjiajie Airport, Nan Xi and Zhang Yichen wave goodbye.

  "Goodbye, Brother Yichen, remember to promise me, unless necessary, stop drinking and smoking, I will supervise you every day."


  Farewell to Zhang Yichen and Dr Lin's party, Huang Yi only felt that she was relieved with a load of hundreds of catties.

  I feel comfortable all over, and I naturally come back with the courage.

   took the special car that came to pick him up, approached Nan Xi and asked gossip: "Xi Xi, how are you going to supervise Mr. Zhang?"

  It's hard to win the CEO of Tangtang Tianyu by ordinary methods, isn't it seductive?

  Thinking about this, the thirst for knowledge rampaged on the stereotyped CP again, forcing her to climb the wall.

  Inject yourself with a strong heart needle, severely warn the vacillating belief, only care about this time, next time I will definitely show an emotional killer attitude, and vowed to protect the CP to the death.

   "Check in." Nan Xi took out his mobile phone and clocked in for the first time that day.

  Huang Yi'an couldn't help being curious, so she peeked at the text Xiang Nanxi was typing: Ding, good night card, no more smoking or drinking. I spot check people around you every day and ask about your situation. If you lie to me again, I will be very very very angry.

  A few seconds later, Zhang Yichen wrote back: Is it good?

  Don’t look at Nan Xi using only **** to press the word, but the press is extremely fast: Yes, if you can persist until your body recovers, I can also promise you a request.

  Zhang Yichen: Okay, ma'am.

  Huang Yi shook her body with bitter cold, her teeth almost lost her sweetness.

  After eating the candy, she found Nan Xi's more coquettish operation. She opened the memo and edited three new messages according to the template.

  Article 1: Good morning, brother Yichen. Remember to eat on time, smoking and drinking are not allowed.

  Second article: Just after lunch, the weather turned hot, brother Yichen drink more healthy water in the afternoon. Don’t smoke or drink, get angry. jpg.

  Third article: After a busy day, I just arrived at the hotel. I was a little worried when I remembered that Brother Yichen, remember to promise me.

  (End of this chapter)

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