Queen of the Days, She Was Only More Than a Billion

Chapter 310: Can beautiful women be wicked?

  Chapter 310 Can beautiful women be wicked?

  When Nan Xi was in school, Shi Jun heard some rumors about her, such as helping some girls of the same level and resisting unspoken businessmen's unspoken rules.

  At that time, he was listening to a joke, thinking that there was a gold master who wanted to favor Nan Xi, and deliberately established a good image. Seven years ago, no one had created this term.

  Later, I heard that Nanxi signed with Tianyu. The person who had been taken care of by Nanxi broke the news that she had paid for all the snacks of Nanxi during the two years of Beiying.

  The person who broke the news has no way to verify the authenticity, and the news is only spread in a small area and it is suppressed.

  The strange situation further verified Shi Jun’s thoughts, saying that regardless of Nan Xi's appearance or external personality, she is not like a person who can bravely stand up for others, let alone a woman who has the intent to make a deal.

  Shi Jun is younger than Wang Zhou and Chen Moucen, just in his early forties.

   Knowing that he lacks the frame of the old-fashioned elders who lack time carving, he puts on a vicious and unreasonable posture to scare Nan Xi.

   "Let me tell you, you'd better keep your mouth tight. Don't forget that I have known Mr. Chen longer than you."

Unexpectedly, Nan Xi was really scared. The half-cut apricot eyes were raining in layers, and the thick eyelashes flickered a few times.

  The pink lips were pursed, and his eyes were about to cry.

  Shi Jun was anxious, thinking that he was really going to cry. He looked distressed. The second thing was that Chen Moucen had to take him to inquire.

   Busily photographed Huang Yi next to Nan Xi, asking for help: "You can prove it to me, I didn't beat or scold her."

  Huang Yi glanced at the actress Xi who had returned to her profession, and replied weakly to Shi Jun: "I can't prove that I just saw you staring at her."

  Shijun yelled irritably, and said, ‘Oh, you little girls’ souls are so fragile, I was just kidding.’

Speaking of squeezing her eyebrows at Nan Xi, she made a grimacing look like an uncle, dancing and amused: "Don't be uncomfortable, I didn't do anything, besides, now you are holding my handle, and I am not holding you. Handle. If you do it like this, you will cry and cry, I can't teach you something."

  Nan Xi's shell teeth bit her lip, and nodded firmly: "Well, that's it, you have to be patient and teach me."

  Shijun took out the patience of coaxing her 10-year-old daughter, and gently promised: "Ok, next time you have any needs to tell," Dad, paused and changed the appropriate name: "Tell me, don't make the cry."

   "Hmm." Nan Xi burst into laughter, Tiantian agreed.

  In the next few days, Shi Jun deeply and tragically realized, what can a beautiful woman be wicked? But I want you to teach her.

   "Teacher Shi, do you think I should resist crying when I did the wrong scene in the morning. It is better to have red eyes, or is it better to choke silently?"

  Nan Xi took the script and sat beside Shi Jun humbly asking for advice.

Shi Jun changed the phone to the other hand and said to her: "Wait, I will be a little busy here, you can understand it yourself. Or ask Brother Wang or your master, don't stare at me. People waste time."

"But I think we are both villains in the play, and you are my immediate boss in the real sense, who arranged for me to do bad things. My master does not approve of the way I understand the performance, but everyone agrees that you acted as a bad person, so I It's better to ask you more."

  Nan Xi spoke softly, but her attitude was extremely firm.

Shi Jun rolled his eyes impatiently, turned his head and said to the phone: "My wife, I'm a little busy at work. Don't worry about the child's math grade falling off. You can't find a private tutor. Now some homework in elementary school is outrageous, it seems It’s purely arranged for performance."

   "Okay, thank you wife for being considerate, how do you love you when you hang up."

  Hang up the phone, took out a stinky face and faced Nan Xi, lowered his eyebrows and asked, "Let’s go ahead, what are you asking?"

  Nan Xi moved the script down Shi Jun’s eyes and threw out the place that had already been asked again: “Do you think we should hold back crying here. It’s better to have red eyes, or is it better to choke silently?”

Shi Jun glanced at the footage pointed by Nan Xi in ten lines, thought about it, and replied: "I think it's best not to cry, or even to show grievances, it's best to show confidence and not panic. The villain is 15 years old. The city of mixed society has cultivated the courage and face that far surpasses others. For her, beauty and courage have always been her weapon and trump card, not her weakness."

   "Well, thank you for your guidance, I want to follow."

  Nan Xi leaned back in the chair and perceived the characters Shi Jun analyzed.

  Since the script was temporarily ordered by Zhang Yichen, Tian Tian and the gold medal drama screenwriter Mo Xing came out in three months, so everyone did not have a detailed background introduction.

  The situation they face is a bit like a reasoning plot, and each person's role setting needs to find clues from other people's stories. The more specific details need to be supplemented by Chen Mou-cen and the old actors based on reasonableness during the filming process.

  According to Shi Jun’s character, Nan Xi has indeed been tender and tender.

  After experiencing the core elements, turn to the plot that needs to be performed at night, and politely turn your head to face the other party’s question.

"Excuse me, when she didn't get the complete evidence and temporarily withholds the evidence. I think it's time to twitch a few times through the end of her eyes, and then make a pensive expression to show her inner entanglement. Finally, her eyes vacate. Resolutely, make up your mind not to tell you about your role for the time being."

   After serious analysis, Nan Xi photographed the man who was sending messages to help his wife, and asked softly: "What do you think?"

  Shi Jun quickly pressed the last few words, put the phone in his pocket, raised his hand and wiped his chin with two fingers, groaning like a master monk.

   "Wonderful, wonderful, so good acting."

  Nan Xi observed Shi Jun suspiciously for a few seconds, and saw that although his attitude was somewhat perfunctory, he had read in detail the location of the script she was referring to.

   Accepted, the two scenes passed smoothly in the evening.

  Several old actors who are relatively familiar with Chen Moucen, their words all show appreciation for Nan Xi's cleverness, but Chen Moucen's face is still gloomy.

  At the end of the day’s shooting, Nan Xi came to the rooms of Chen Moucen and Sun Hongguang as usual. Supervise Chen Moucen to soak his feet on time and assist him with acupoint massage.

  Sun Hongguang sat next to him, found a wooden bucket early, and soaked with Chen Moucen.

   Carefully watched TV, glanced at the two people around him, and said pretendingly: "Xiao Nan is so filial, and when he massages your master, help me find acupuncture points."

  Nan Xi cleverly responded, "Okay, Mr. Sun."

   followed by a hard refusal, Chen Moucen raised his longevity eyebrows and shouted: "Go, you are not seriously ill. How many years have you sweated to find acupuncture points."

  Sun Hongguang didn’t get annoyed. He narrowed his eyes and joked: “Just look for it from a distance, and don’t need to massage me. Look at the way you take care of the child.”

  Chen Moucen grabbed the script at hand and threw it at Sun Hongguang with perfect headliness, but Sun Hongguang has been with Chen Moucen for many years, so he could hone his response ability higher than that of ordinary old people.

   It's better to lower your head and avoid it, and proudly said: "Hey, you can't hit it. Old man Chen is angry."

   was shaking his head and shaking his head to show off, a new notebook flew to the back, in the middle of the most swaying waist.

  Sun Hongguang shouted: "It hurts." He sat up straight with one hand on his waist, looking at Nan Xi with blushing face.

  Nan Xi immediately stated sensibly: "You two should rest early, and I will go back to sleep."

   "Go ahead."

  Getting permission, Nan Xi turned and walked towards the door, and Sun Hongguang’s depressive application came from behind.

  "In the future, you should pay attention to the younger generation. Don't just put your face down and pretend to be majestic. Who doesn't know that you posted Xiaonan. Don't let people say, throwing things and hitting people, do you think such an image is good?"

   "Shut up, you are so noisy, go to bed."

   "I see, pay attention later."

  Nan Xi opened the door happily, and walked out and closed it gently, delighting Master Sun Hongguang, who had a good temper, to accompany her in her old age.

  The next day, after having breakfast, Nan Xi was sitting in front of the makeup mirror with vigor.

  And Huang Yi and Amy stood on each side and yawned in turn.

  Amy played the potential of aggravating the bad atmosphere and sang hypnotic songs.

  "The gentle moonlight gently spilled in and shone on my little baby on the bed, the stars and the moon gently said to you, little baby will soon fall asleep."

  Huang Yi's brain became lumpy when she heard it, and she couldn't open her eyes. But after Nan Xi put on her makeup, she wanted to accompany her to the crew again, so she raised her voice and roared, "Oh my god."

  Successfully suppressed Amy's magic sound, busy looking for a refreshing topic, and furiously resisting the hypnotic divine comedy.

  Start from the point of fluke: "Xixi, there is no scene to be filmed with you in the morning, it will be annoying if you go too early."

  As of now, it has been discovered that Shi Jun is a little hiding from Nan Xi.

  Nan Xi replied indifferently: "It's okay, I'm fine to watch seniors filming in peace."

  Huang Yi wanted to cry without tears and rubbed the baby fat that has not faded for more than 20 years. I would like to ask more: Go and see, can I sleep in a hotel?

Thinking of the professionalism of other agents, he gave up the lazy application, and tried hard to lobby: "The key is Old Chen's temper. He will always be angry when he sees unrelated people waiting around to make a mess." Try to let Nan Xi stay with him. The hotel makes up for sleep.

   Nan Xi pondered, and agreed with an ‘um’.

  Huang Yi thought that she had touched her little ancestor, and as soon as everyone was about to shout long live with joy, Nan Xi said with a serious face: "Then I should stay away a little bit."

  Huang Yi couldn't put on it, and a sad look appeared on her face.

  Standing until her legs were sore, she simply gave up her image and squatted next to Nan Xi, holding her small fist to help Nan Xi massage her leg.

   "Xixi, what did you picture in the past so early? It's unpleasant, and there is a risk of annoying your master."

  Huang Yi really doesn’t understand. In her opinion, it’s best to have dinner at noon and avoid the hottest time. Anyway, Nan Xi’s play is in the evening.

  Nan Xi smiled lightly and responded: “It’s a rare opportunity to be able to study alongside the first-class actors of the living fossil in the film and television industry. I want to cherish it and break my acting skills.”

  Hongyuan’s goal abruptly stopped Huang Yi’s many complaints, and gritted his teeth and replied: "Okay, then I will accompany you."

   "Well, it's hard Huang Ma." Nan Xi looked through the mirror at Huang Yi, who was full of depression.

  Huang Yi lifted her head up, and returned with two smirks: "It's not bitter."

  Help Nan Xi pack up her things, Huang Yi carried her backpack, and the two walked out of the hotel with the bodyguard brother.

  Bodyguard drove them to the shooting location, sat down in a hidden corner, put on sunglasses and looked at Nan Xi's every move.

  Nan Xi quietly watched the performance of each old opera bone, while watching and writing and drawing in the memo, recording some symbols that only she could understand.

  Waiting for the end of Jun's morning scene, Nan Xi gave Huang Yi a look.

  Huang Yi immediately put on the chair with ice pad and mineral water, and approached him.

  Shijun felt at ease a few days ago, and took a look at this posture today, turned a few steps out of the resting shed, and fled. The so-called no merit is not rewarded, he can't bear Nan Xi's persistent request for advice honestly, and almost squeezes his rest time.

   "Xixi, what should I do?" Huang Yi asked urgently.

  Nan Xi sat on the chair with her exclusive ice pad, and said slowly: "It's okay, no hurry."

   "Huh?" Huang Yi sat beside Nan Xi in confusion.

After waiting with Nan Xi for more than ten minutes, Shi Jun walked in again with a false smile on his face. Without being greeted, I sat on the chair prepared by Huang Yi.

   "Is there any iced water? It's too hot near noon." He stretched out his hand to ask.

  Huang Yi looked at Nan Xi, got a nod, took out a new bottle of iced water from the incubator he brought up and handed it over.

  Shi Jun twisted the water, raised his head and drank a few sips, looking back at Shang Nan Xi's eagerly looking forward.

   licked the remaining cold water droplets on his mouth, and compromised: “Say good in advance. Only three questions are allowed in the morning. If you can get iced watermelons in the afternoon, you can add five more.”

   "Okay, can I ask now?" Nan Xi obediently agreed.

  Shi Jun responded well, and the two entered the process of discussion. Just after the two scenes, Shi Jun's cell phone rang.

  Pointed Nan Xi to the flashing screen, got up and walked to the other side of the rest shed to get the call.

   "Hey, wife, I'm listening, you say."

  Nan Xi put her cheeks in her hands, waited for another half an hour, but did not see the other party coming back.

   "Xixi, he seems to be cheating on our water and services." Huang Yi didn't want to maliciously speculate on others, but the facts are so obvious.

  Shi Jun finished answering the phone early, but sitting not far away, he just didn't want to come over.

  If Nan Xi went to look for him, Chen Moucen and others would surely be alarmed. With Chen Moucen's uncertain personality, Huang Yi could not predict that he would praise his little ancestor: "Diligent and studious". I still scold my little ancestor: ‘What did you do early? I only think of pulling when I hold my **** in my anus. ’

  Huang Yi didn't spread rumors. The ugly words are definitely from Chen Moucen, who is the chief director, who just scolded an old actor in the morning. Just because the old actor has forgotten to take specific props many times, he said that he would put it in a prominent place in advance.

   "It doesn't matter, he has to teach sooner or later." Nan Xi didn't care, and gently sucked the iced mineral water.

  Huang Yi warned herself to have confidence in the little ancestor, and she had to wait until dinner was over, and it was her turn to film the little ancestor's scene.

  The two new scenes were shot together by Chen Moucen.

  After Nan Xi’s vivid performance was finished, everyone had an expression that was difficult to express, which was too expressive for her to be too ‘vivid’.

  Chen Moucen rolled up the script, knocked Nan Xi's head three times, and asked, "I just improved a bit yesterday, why did I return to my mother's womb today?"

  Nan Xi pressed her lower lip aggrievedly, and secretly glanced at Shi Jun who was standing next to her.

Shi Jun let his sad eyes squint, and the whole person was like an enemy, and he explained in a hurry: "What do you think I do? It has nothing to do with me. I haven't played against you in these two passages, let alone give random pointers. you."

  "Are you not religious?" Chen Moucen turned his head, questioning geologically.

"of course not!

  Shi Jun didn’t finish, but Nan Xi’s smart voice came in her ear: “Master, if someone doesn’t memorize half of the script, you will give him a few days to memorize it?”

"Less than half!" Chen Moucen shouted angrily, and scolded: "This kind of people get out as early as possible, they are not worthy of being an actor! Today's film and television industry has too low a threshold. Even at least memorizing the script and being on time can be an advantage. "

  (End of this chapter)

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