Queen of the Days, She Was Only More Than a Billion

Chapter 323: You can determine Tianyu IP and people at will

  Chapter 323 You can freely determine Tianyu’s IP and people

  Sun Hongguang helped Nanxi sit on the bed, and spoke softly to enlighten her.

Xingmu silently stared at the two elderly people around her, her ardent and concerned eyes gradually calmed her mood, blocking the demon who longed for the rest of her life.

   sighed ‘so stupid’ secretly and gave it to myself in the play.

  People who are accustomed to shun are often far lower in frustration and stress resistance than others. Nan Xi read a report about a student who took the college entrance examination.

  It’s only ten minutes away from Peking University or Tsinghua University. According to ordinary people, there are two broad roads to choose from.

  1. Repeat one year.

  Second, choose a similar 985 for undergraduate and master’s degree to the dream school.

  The 18-year-old boy chose the third road, the most extreme narrow road, and ended his life.

  This young student has never been worse than others since he was young. He has never been among the best in the local examinations and ranked among the best in the competition. However, there are big problems in the education of his parents.

  Since the child was born, the two people have been praised and asked for advice by others for their children far more often than they themselves.

  The mantra is often used at home and outside. My son is so good, but he has never taught his children to fail.

  In the sophomore year of high school, the child had several declines in grades. Not only do they not look for problems and review themselves, but to stabilize their son's mentality, they conduct half-hour abuse activities at home every day, scolding people who surpass their sons.

  Blindly lifted up in the end, resulting in irreparable evil.

  Real people and real things are still true. Many of the characters in "Bing Xin Yuhu" are also adapted from real undisclosed anti-corruption deeds, including the character and plot of the villain.

  The younger sister in reality will report her sister because she understands the sentence year, fifteen years, and if she has performed well in prison, she can fight for early release.

  Sister hopes that her sister can reform, learn to face reality, and not have to live in fear and fear every day.

  It’s just that she never expected that her sister, who wandered between the rich and powerful, would abandon the normal life and pursuit of ordinary people early. The days of seeking wealth and wealth, precisely cater to my sister's speculation temperament.

  Nan Xisi and here, contact Shi Jun's role as the head of the Land Planning Bureau and the ending.

  All 36 episodes of TV series, starting from 20 episodes, there will be scenes that may be exposed in every two or two episodes, and he has brought a saying to the extreme: Jiang is still hot.

  Sent five people who were planning to commit an embezzlement. He stubbornly survived until the end of the blood book. The Anti-Corruption Bureau was dispatched urgently after the investigation department and the Anti-Corruption Bureau were to grab evidence before he was arrested and brought to justice.

  The real character ends in life imprisonment, and the script is changed to the death penalty. Chen Moucen personally checked the script for a few days and made changes with a swipe of a pen.

  As the backbone of the domestic film and television industry, the national teacher. No one will object to the changes he made.

   And even if people are curious about the reason, they will get together in private to discuss, no one dares to face Chen Moucen's temper and take the initiative to ask for uncomfortable.

  After the immersive performance of the female villain, Nan Xi guessed what Chen Moucen thought, but she couldn’t say too much about it.

  In the role of the chief of the Land Planning Bureau, he accepted bribes to approve more than a dozen tofu dregs projects, resulting in countless problems of family destruction and death. The irony is that the character will not choose to commit suicide like a villain. Before going in, he will do everything he can to pave the way for himself.

  Chen Moucen returned to him the fate that the character should have endured. Since it is a wake-up education film within the party and a public welfare film that shows the people's determination to fight corruption, the new ending has no unexpected gains from Liu Haotian’s support and the approval of the people above.

  At the time of relieving state, Nan Xi has a lot to figure out about the plot.

   Annoyance followed. As early as the last time Chen Moucen reminded her, she could do more comprehensively when she wanted to connect the overall story of the characters before performing.

   not only can entangle the scene of Shi Jun, who is closely related to fate in the plot, but also dig through the overall story of his character.

  "Drink some warm water." Sun Hongguang gave a cup filled with water.

   Nan Xi took it, bending her eyes, and said sweetly: "Thank you, Sun Lao."

   "You're welcome." Sun Hongguang's liking for Nan Xi grew.

  For a long time, I thought that I could only accompany Chen Moucen in his old age, spending the days of bickering and being trained, Nan Xi’s appearance was definitely a big surprise.

  At first knowing that the two were stupefied, and witnessing the stupidity of the two for a few years, Sun Hongguang guessed Nan Xi’s character and thought that he was as stubborn as Chen Moucen.

  Although it is contrary to the personality displayed by Nan Xi on the Internet, Sun Hongguang basically does not have exactly the same hope because of the false masks of younger generations.

   can be a real appearance of sweet people, completely subverting the wrong impression for many years.

  Follow Chen Moucen to enjoy the blessings of children, without mentioning how beautiful in my heart.

  There are so many old people in today’s society. As an elder, it can be considered very lucky to meet sensible younger generations, let alone people without blood.

  Sweet voice awakened Sun Hongguang's feelings, making him deeply touched.

   was hot, and immediately asked about his birthday again: "What gift does Xiao Nan want?"

   "Wait a minute, I will pour you some water, let's talk slowly."

  Nan Xi put down the paper cup in her hand, not afraid of trouble, poured tea to the two elderly people separately, and brought it to hand.

  Sit up, take a serious attitude and say, "The birthday gift I want is a forgiveness."

  Sun Hongguang asked wonderingly: "Huh? What did Xiao Nan do?" Wen Gui asked, unconditionally accepting everything.

  In contrast, Chen Moucen was much old and calm, his expression unchanged, and he only responded, "Say it."

  Nan Xi silently plucked up the courage in her heart and said softly: "I and Zhang Yichen were married five years ago. I didn't intentionally hide the two of them. I haven't found a suitable opportunity to say it before."

  Shengruo Hairspring's statement is over, Nan Xi is uneasy, waiting to take over the anger she intended.

  After waiting for a long time, the two old men looked at each other and said one after another: "Yes."


  No more words, no mood swings.

  The strange situation turned Nan Xi into the most helpless person, and her unconventional reaction made her dream. Xin said that with Chen Moucen's temper, he was not like Nanmu. After Zhang Yichen's long time as a son, he accepted and liked him.

   Overturned all the absurd speculation, blinked her apricots helplessly, and asked, "Aren't you angry?"

  Sun Hongguang couldn't bear Nan Xi's upset, looking at Chen Moucen, he told one thing without permission and without blocking.

   "You remember that Zhao Yu, just after the Spring Festival, temporarily turned back and turned to Star. Then Xiao Zhang will confess the matter to us and hope we can support you."

  Nan Xi tightened her lips in surprise. It is no wonder that Zhang Yichen assisted Chen Moucen at the dinner party with Liu Haotian.

  The confusion that arose in her heart accumulated overwhelmingly, and she blurted out and asked, "Why would my master agree to him?"

  Single to Sun Hongguang, the talkative Sun Hongguang may agree. If Chen Moucen learned about this, Zhang Yichen would be the most annoyed by threatening him with the resources in his hand, and he would still dislike him, so he would definitely disagree with anger and try to take her away from Tianyu.

  "Xiao Nan, pay attention to my words," Sun Hongguang raised his tone and repeated: "He hopes that we can support you, not Tianyu."

  Nan Xi's thoughts paused. Could it be that Zhang Yichen was particularly infatuated?

   In the next second, he denied it by himself. The aura flashed out of his mind, and the bitterness card was even more useless for Chen Moucen.

  Seeing her look tangled and pondering for a long while, Sun Hongguang guessed that she was considering various possibilities. He touched Chen Moucen with his elbow, and signaled not to make things difficult for the child. Tell the truth.

  Chen Moucen threw back a horrible look of'nosy', his face was fierce, but he rushed to his heart and mouth in time.

   "The stinky Zhang Jia made an agreement with me, I can decide any IP and people of Tianyu Entertainment at will."

  Nan Xi abruptly met Chen Moucen's gaze, and carefully observed whether he was joking.

  Confirmed that it was true, the cool heart surged and bitter, and the teeth bit on the lips that might be blamed.

  Sun Hongguang photographed the stubborn old man on the back, took out his temper and scolded: "Look at you, you have misunderstood Xiaonan for a few years before, and you are about to die. You are going to pretend to be a bad guy again!"

   After the training, she faced Nan Xi and comforted the person with red eyes: "It's not uncomfortable, your master didn't give a summary of the previous situation."

  "Previous affairs," Nan Xi adjusted her a little dumb voice, glanced at Chen Moucen in a weird manner, and asked with a snort, "What prerequisites?"

   "You girl still stares at me." Chen Moucen raised his hand in a good mood to poke Nan Xi's forehead.

  Sun Hongguang hurriedly stopped, and stared at him: "Okay, so Xiaonan and I can always tolerate your weird temper."

   Pushed away to the old man who couldn't hide the smile under his eyes, and Sun Hongguang narrowed his eyes to narrate the matter.

"Xiao Zhang asks your master to give him two years. If he treats you badly in the past two years, your master can take you away at any time. And give you the right to master. During the agreed time, your master can decide what Tianyu Entertainment will do at will. IP and people."

   "It's not uncommon for me to break the company." Chen Moucen sneered.

  Sun Hongshun said, "Yes, yes, you rarely stay with Xiaonan."

   Immediately, Chong Nan Xi smiled and added: "Just now, I just pretended to be deliberate."

  Chen Moucen angrily reprimanded: “No one if you don’t speak will treat you as dumb!”

   Straighten his fingers, and pointed out where to get out of bed to Sun Hongguang, who was still chatting with Nan Xi.

  Sun Hongguang reluctantly ignored the ridicule, and said tolerantly: "I know, it's time to rest. Xiaonan, you should go back to rest soon."

   After listening quietly, Nan Xi took out an official smile to accompany him with a smile, and said, "Okay, good night."

  Press the unspeakable shock in the heart, and speed up the steps.

  She didn't go back to the room she shared with Huang Yi, and asked Ning Wei to open a new room.

  Ning Wei went into the house first and checked whether there was an illegal pinhole camera in the room.

  Nan Xi put on sunglasses and a mask and waited at the door.

   More than ten minutes, Ning Wei finished his careful inspection and walked out to report.

   "No problem, sister. Here are your toiletries and daily necessities. I will help you out."

   "Well, it's hard work, thank you." Nan Xi took the item, and at the same time she spoke, she raised her leg and walked into the house.

  Ning Wei just finished answering ‘you’re welcome’, Nan Xi nodded at him, and the door closed from the inside.

  Ning Wei stopped halfway to the point of his head. There was no emotion of blaming. Nan Xi was pretty good. Before coming to Tianyu, he had been to other companies to act as an agent, and the extent of celebrities' throwing big names was beyond imagination.

  Served a big star named Han Tao, which made him especially fresh in his memory.

  Chen Moucen has a bad temper, and I don’t want to look for things out of thin air. Han Tao can't call it a temper problem, just because he is the big name of the company, he bullies the staff with no lower limit.

  Once he bought coffee and put some milk in it, and he scolded him for an hour.

  The key point is that he has found out Han Tao's morbid personality early, and confirmed that he only put two spoons before buying, and he can make **** scolding in public.

  Afterwards, Ning Wei learned that he was not only scolded that day, but the makeup artist who helped make-up was even worse. He didn't completely cover the dark circles and was slapped one by one.

  He really couldn't hold it, so he chose to jump to Tianyu, who would just enter the entertainment circle. Of course, from a real point of view, the reason for the double salary cannot be ruled out.

  In the room, Nan Xi opened the window and closed the curtains.

  Sit on the bed to unlock the phone, find Zhang Yichen’s chat box, and bring out the two people’s evasion of January’s question again: Brother Yichen, have you considered it?

  The phone time shows 11:20 at night, and it’s around 10:30 at noon.

  Nan Xi stood the phone on the wireless charging cradle, stared at the screen and emptied her mind. After a few minutes of absent-mindedness, the phone vibrated.

  Excitedly opened her a little sleepy eyes, and raised her hand to slide the screen to unlock and enter the main page.

  A bulging finger paused on the WeChat icon and hesitated.

  Close your eyes, click into the top chatter, shake again, quietly open a gap in your eyes, and look at the reply content.

  The dead man lived up to her expectations, and replied two words that reminded her of burning oil in a pot.

  The first sentence: I don’t like children. Let’s have a few years.

  Second sentence: I took a photo of LutsBjd's 520 limited edition.

  Yesterday's crazy bidding on the Luts website made Nan Xi discouraged, and finally the final price was 521W. She also wondered who was taking advantage of the money and had nowhere to spend it. It turned out that it was her family who took advantage of it.

  Although she likes the style of that doll, the normal price fluctuates up to 30-200W. Even if the special day is limited, the transaction price has never doubled.

  Nan Xi took out the last bit of patience and replied with the words: birthday present?

  Zhang Yichen: Well, do you like it?

  Nan Xi cruelly replied without thinking: I don’t like it.

  The phone was quiet for a few minutes, and then I received a message. Zhang Yichen: I will pick up Xi'er tomorrow, and accompany Xi'er to pick a favorite present on the spot.

  Nan Xi lost her patience, and she wrote back sharply: Brother Yichen, I want a live doll that can jump and jump and call my mother.

  After writing, I thought about longing for a long time, and the flame in his eyes went out, shining with gentle rays of light.

  Waiting for a few seconds, decided not to wait for the other party to make excuses to shirk off, and briskly pressed the longing for the future: Brother Yichen, let's form a complete family, we have you, I have a lovely baby.

   Nanxi sent it happily, but before she had time to cut out the chat box, she flicked up the video invitation.

  At the moment when he was about to connect, Nan Xi refused, and replied to Zhang Yichen: I’m taking a bath, waiting for ten minutes.

  Ignoring the cheeky message of the other party and the video that came up again, Nan Xi put the phone on the bedside table, picked up the daily necessities bag on the bed, and ran into the bathroom.

  Take out the Armani cushion from the bag and spread it evenly on the elbow. Cover it perfectly and turn on the headlights to confirm the effect.

  The arm injury is okay, but the face problem is serious.

  The person in the mirror, his face is white, his eyelids are slightly swollen and red, as if he just walked out of the zombie set.

  This is to be seen by Zhang Yichen, and she is designated to ask her: Why should we cry during the break time?

  It’s easy to make excuses, and to tell the truth, Master and Sun Hongguang will be hated.

  Zhang Yichen may be able to use it now, he won't show anything, and he can't remember what to do in the future.

  For the safety of the two elders, Nan Xi found the makeup kit from her bag and quickly put on makeup.

  (End of this chapter)

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