Queen of the Days, She Was Only More Than a Billion

Chapter 339: I just wanna see your heart

  Chapter 339 I just want to see your heart

  Hanging white fingers on the screen of the phone, the cat moved, and the two little ones inside did not receive her response, and screamed uneasy.

   "Meow Meow Meow" screamed sternly, she secretly glanced at the man who drove the car, the most irritable and noisy man, but Leng Jun did not see any disgust on his face.

  Nan Xi opened half of the zipper, reached into the cat bag, and touched the two small heads one by one.

  The two little ones rubbed her happily, and stopped the screaming.

  At this moment, her heart settles down. Sometimes happiness is really simple. Especially for her who is afraid of trouble, she responds to everything she thinks, feels, and asks.

   Touch two small animals a few more times until they are quietly lying back on the mat in the cat bag.

  Nan Xi closed the zipper, turned the transparent cover with vents to her leg, and the two little ones looked at her, slowly closing their eyes and entering the dream.

  Set them up, Nan Xi unlocked the phone and checked the two new messages.

   0:05, Su Zhu: Xixi, I know that your feelings for the violin are the same as my feelings for the piano and cannot be parted. If a love requires you to make concessions and compromise a lot to achieve, it will be too exhausting to maintain. You will lose your original appearance and become the imprisonment he wants.

   0:11, Su Zhu: Xixi, I hope you can participate in it. If even a role you like, Zhang Yichen can't accept it. He just blindly asks you to show everything in the mode he wants. Then I really can’t tell whether he loves you or just your beautiful body.

  Nan Xi sighed in her heart. She didn't let the other party's really sensational words affect her mood, but felt that she seemed to see Su's mother many years ago.

  Once geometric, she saw the same twisted obsession in Mother Su’s eyes, for Su Zhu’s uncle. Su's mother will describe all the women close to Uncle Su Zhu as filthy and unbearable, in order to show how pure and clean her love is.

  Zhang Yichen in Nan Xi's heart is not perfect at all. It should be said that until now, he can sometimes feel his arrogance.

  However, it is quite different from Su Zhu's abnormal personality. Although Zhang Yichen is not perfect, he has his bottom line and arrogance. In this way, he disdains to lower his body and look for diamonds in the mud.

  Meditate for a while, and press the reply: Thank you for your concern. I am really busy recently and can't spare the schedule to pick up the new drama. For "The Last Farewell Song", I recommend you to follow. If you consider it well, are willing to accept and can persuade the author, I will discuss the IP project with the company. If you are really interested in it and the author has difficulty letting it go, don't force it.

  She was kind, hoping to help Su Zhu find what she loves, but if she turns in the opposite direction and becomes her own troublemaker, then just forget it.

  Because of her childhood playmate, she did what she was supposed to do, leaving it to her fate. However, she believes that more than 80% of this matter will not turn off. Even though Su Zhu’s sunny side is more, the dark side is less, but the unwillingness and desire to control in the Su family's bones will make him grasp the hope of this matter as two. One of the few ties between people, working hard for it.

  Sure enough, I received a reply two minutes later, Su Zhu: I know Xixi’s intentions are good, I am not as overbearing as Zhang Yichen, I will cherish your intentions. If you don’t have time to play, I will respect your decision and work hard to win the author.

  Nan Xi gently pressed the four words: Well, come on.

  Lock the screen of the phone, come to the message, unlock and see: I hope my suggestion does not affect the relationship between you and Zhang Yichen. In fact, I can also understand the starting point of your decision. After all, when you were young, as long as you gave anything to me, and then to Zhang Yichen, he would definitely not want it and destroy it. I understand that there is not only a marriage contract between you and him, but also family interests, elder relationships and so on. I hope that one day you can see him clearly and live for yourself.

  An oddly long reply, Nan Xi only saw the first two sentences, and her mind went blank. Then came a few memories that she didn't want to recall when she was a child.

  After the baking class at the age of ten, the blueberry cookie was completed in the class, and the teacher asked to share it with family members and good children.

  Nan Xi returned home with a beautiful round bamboo basket and saw Zhang Yichen, Zhang's mother and Zhang's father who were coming as guests.

  After sharing the biscuits with mom and dad, there is still a box left. Thinking of Zhang's mother's eccentricity and love for her on weekdays, she doesn't need Nan mother to direct her, so she picked up the small basket and jumped to the big living room.

   After shouting sweetly, put the prepared biscuits on the table and invite them to eat.

  Father and Mother Zhang finished eating, and they all praised that her cooking tastes good.

  Nan Xi blinked her apricot eyes, staring at Zhang Yichen, who only eats and doesn't say anything.

  Mother Zhang was aware of her expectation, and after Zhang Yichen finished eating a few biscuits in her hand, she helped comment: "Look at what he ate, and I forgot to thank Xier."

  Zhang Yichen asked this to say a little bit, raised his head and looked at her, and said hardly: "Very crisp."

  Mother Zhang asked: "Is it delicious?"

  Zhang Yichen once again reiterated the comment he said: "It's very crisp."

Zhang’s mother made her son embarrassed. After Zhang Yichen went to play with Nan Xi, who was a little unhappy, she explained to Nan Xi: “Little Thorn always likes to eat snacks, especially sweet things. But he just saw him. I should like Xi'er's biscuits better. I ate three pieces."

  The reason why Nan Xi knew this explanation was that Nan Mu asked her to make biscuits again afterwards, and make more salty biscuits or sugar-free ones, which was so torturing.

  But because of Zhang's mother and Zhang's father's love for her, every time she makes the dessert that is exclusively for Zhang Yichen.

  Until one time, she brought snacks to school and gave Zhang Yichen the lunch break.

  When the two were eating together, Su Zhu called the cowardly Huang Yi to come closer.

   "Xixi, what are you eating?"

  Huang Yi was terribly frustrated, and for the first time overcame her timidity, and followed Su Zhu to issue a question.

  Nan Xi fully opened the lid of the lunch box, revealing all the cute little biscuits.

  Huang Yi swallowed her saliva, walked out behind Su Zhu, pointed to a little bear biscuit in the upper row, and asked in a low voice, "Xixi, I can have one, I'll exchange snacks with you."

   Nan Xi pinched a little rabbit biscuit from the bottom row and handed it over: "Two packets of spicy sticks."


  Huang Yi stretched out her hand and took it to her mouth, chewed and swallowed.

   happily pointed to the bear biscuit that I saw earlier, hehe laughed and applied: "Can I replace it with four packs of French fries? I prefer the bear shape."

   "No, you can eat the lower row. There is no sugar in the upper row. The taste of the lower row is not enough." Nan Xi found a reasonable reason.

  But there is no practical use. Huang Yi's obsession with wanting to eat is far more than anything else. She stretched out her hand and raised five fingers and said: "Five packets of French fries for it, I will only taste one bite."

  The foodie Huang Yi dared to apply for the meal. Su Zhu came over to add confusion, spreading ten fingers with both hands open, and increasing the price: "I have ten packs, only one piece."

  Huang Yi was in a hurry and added it to twelve packs. Other students who stayed in the classroom and rested, and a few people who had a good relationship with Nan Xi came over to join in the fun.

  Children are particularly prone to group effects. For example, in kindergarten, as long as one child cries, other children will follow.

  Little Nan Xi realized the troubles of the kindergarten teachers at the age of ten, and looked sideways at the crucial core point of the problem—Zhang Yichen.

   Things that are closely related to him, but like an uncle, he does not hear things outside the window, and continues to eat the upper row of biscuits without expression.

  This matter is actually quite easy to handle, as long as he eats the biscuits that Huang Yi and a few people value highly, the problem will be solved immediately.

  But the other party just didn't eat those pieces, and the attitude of being out of the way made Nan Xi extremely hot.

   Picked out four pieces and handed them to the selected people, put the box in his arms, and announced: "We are going to eat the rest."

  The other two who joined the team dispersed, leaving Su Zhu and Huang Yi to turn the front bench and sit opposite them.

  The two ate with gusto. Huang Yi finished the biscuits and licked her mouth to conclude: "It is indeed delicious with sugar. I will exchange snacks and Xixi for sugared biscuits in the future."

  And Su Zhu eats very slowly. After tasting it carefully, he took out a wet tissue from his pocket and wiped his hands, and said, “I think it’s delicious without sugar. Let’s have one with Yichen in the future.”

  The person who has been the uncle from the beginning to the end reacted, pushing the cookie box that Nan Xi was holding in his arms, and sneered, pushing the cookie box to the ground.

   "Oh, you have the ability to eat more."

   Without giving a few people a chance to react, she got up and stepped on a piece of biscuit and left Nan Xi.

   made Nan Xi confused and resisted the dislike. The next day she brought cookies to school. When she called Zhang Yichen during the lunch break, the other party didn't say that she hadn't answered her face, and didn't even make a sound.

  Nan Xi persisted for two more days, but Zhang Yichen still refused to respond at all. Her temper broke out and she stopped making sugar-free biscuits.

  This thing does not end here. At the age of 16, she participated in the international violin competition and caught up with the last train of the junior group, achieving the best results in the world. Nan Mu took her to share the joy with the Zhang family.

  Mother Zhang was very happy to learn, and proposed that the two families organize a picnic celebration on the weekend.

  Nan Xi is assigned the task of making desserts. Looking at Zhang Yichen, the cold noodle king standing next to him, Nan Xi is unwilling to do it.

Mother Zhang saw the reason for her resistance and smiled: "Xiao Ci told me a few days ago that I wanted to eat some sweets. God asked the chef to cook it all over the way. Xiao Ci didn't try a bite. God was fascinated. Ah, he missed Xi'er doing something lightly."

  The elders are there, Nan Xi will accept the matter suspiciously.

   To celebrate the good things, Nan Xi tried her best to stifle the contradictory points into the cradle, so she grew more minded and made more desserts without sugar.

  On the day of the picnic, others were eating sweets with sweets, and Nan Xi deliberately placed the sugar-free portion with Zhang Yichen.

  The person who didn't know what was good or bad took a bite, but finished two puffs with sugar.

  She knew for the first time that it turned out that a person can hold grudges on trivial matters for so long.

  Nan Xi did not arbitrarily wronged anyone, because after that incident, she deliberately did several sugar-free biscuit verifications.

  Zhang Yichen did not eat one bite. He did not eat or let others eat. The bodyguard forbids Su Zhu and Huang Yi to disturb the meal.

Nan Xi, who broke a few boxes of biscuits, yelled to Zhang Yichen behind him one evening: "Sniff!"

  "Xier, what you gave me, I don’t want to be the same as a man, otherwise I don’t mind destroying it and discarding it."

  He left arrogantly and left sharp words, thus confirming Nan Xi's position on him, conceited, hated, and stingy.

  Otherwise I don’t mind destroying it and discarding it...

   One sentence echoed in my mind for a long time, and it fits perfectly with the words typed by Su Zhu.

  Unconsciously back to Sheshan Garden, WMotors drove into the garage.

   "Here." Zhang Yichen picked up the cat bag and went to pull Nan Xi's hand.

  The little white hand flashed to the side, Nan Xi pressed her lower lip, making the familiar crazy words in her memory panic.

   turned his head to Zhang Yichen, and asked softly: "Brother Yichen, if I want to participate in a TV series, I would like to recall my favorite violin. But the hero of the movie is Su Zhu, would you agree?"

   Ruifeng's eyes dazzled, and Zhang Yichen asked in a low voice: "Did you make a series of preparations for this thing in the evening?"

   "You first answer whether I will support me to participate in the performance," Nan Xi tried to calm down the aroused emotions, lowered her eyes, and said in a slow tone: "The answer is very important to me."

  The thick eyelashes trembled weakly, and she tried to hide her eyes from the broken eyes, forcibly swallowing back to explain the desire of'the heroine only lived for less than five episodes'.

   Reached her big hand to her white cheeks, turned her side in vain, and gathered all the love and pity, he asked coldly.

   "Xier, are you playing the violin or Su Zhu?"

  Nan Xi blurted out without thinking: "Violin, the violin you ruined."

  Zhang Yichen's heart suddenly tightened, and the answer from his nature was torn up in his heart over and over again, and reappeared over and over again.

--do not go!

  For more than 20 years, he has been loyal to his nature and turned all of her into his own private property, but he is very aware of the strength in Nan Xi's bones, and his instinct inspires that fierce resistance to the extreme.

  The depressed breathing made him breathless, grabbing the person who was about to break free, and biting her small earballs severely.

  Sweet blood washed over the heart field that she had left many wounds with her own hands. Zhang Yichen used her thin lips stained with bright red blood and said solemnly the answer: "Go, sign a good agreement tomorrow morning."

  Nan Xi opened her eyes wide in shock, Zhang Yichen cut off all her retreats and cut a passage for what she wanted in his stubbornness.

The struggling hand fell silently, his face pressed into his arms, listening to the heavy heartbeat, and mutely said: "I am not going, I just want to see if you are the same as before, as long as I do not meet your wishes, you It will immediately destroy my hard work and love."

  Ruifeng’s eyes were tan pupils shaking, and Zhang Yichen laughed at himself: "Heh."

  Subvert all the answers in exchange for this absurd situation.

  The next second hand squeezed Nan Xi's shoulder forcefully, and passed the pain in her heart to her in the same amount, and asked in a cold voice: "Are you testing me?"

  Nan Xi heard the danger in Zhang Yichen's voice, but she had a tough and fearless light in her eyes, and she answered bravely.

"Yes, I'm testing, I'm testing whether you have made changes. Because I'm trying to get close to your heart, and I hope you can feel my closeness, rest assured that I am close. I believe I can deal with other people of the opposite **** well. Relationship, I believe that my feelings for you are irreplaceable by other people or objects."

  Nan Xi squeezed her fingers tightly, and pierced her hand with her glittering nails. It turns out that the feelings that are too hot only need to start, they can't be received, and they all want to show them to the other party.

   Regrettably, she put aside her arrogant expression and waited for a long time until Zhang Yichen picked up the cat bag to open the car door and left by herself.

  Leave her alone and sit in the air-conditioned car.

  (End of this chapter)

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