Queen of the Days, She Was Only More Than a Billion

Chapter 378: Chen Moucen's accident

  Chapter 378 Chen Moucen's accident

  Hearing a familiar tone, Xiao Li knows that the situation is often related to the big boss.

  Don’t ask more, start the car, and look at Nan Xi through the rearview mirror while holding the steering wheel.

  The look of anger in the delicate apricot eyes is very common, but there are a few more shining little halos than before, like a smart little fox, planning some small evils.

  When the car drove up the elevated highway at high speed, Nan Xi and the bodyguard brother changed positions, the bodyguard brother sat back in the front row, and she sat alone in the back row position.

   Attending Zedong’s celebration banquet in the evening, she did not ask Xiao Li to drive out the best nanny car, but instead gave that car to someone else.

   Speaking of the reasons, it can be called a bitter tear.

  Half an hour before he left, He Zhixing found her and questioned her: "That's it, you and Qiu Feng will be on the stage together. Why do you change temporarily?"

  He Zhixing was furious, just as Nan Xi was thinking about how to coax him to start.

The blame was cut off again, and it was even more polite: "Xiao Xi, you have taken me very seriously recently. I know, if you have a new era, as long as two of the few films at the end of the year can top the box office. , You can win the board of directors at the end of the year. At that time, I can abdicate and give you the executive director of the entertainment section. But don’t forget, the future is still unknown. I’m still here before it happens. You should at least know Will you hear me?"

  Nan Xi Wuxia thought about how to choose the appropriate words. She put a respectful look on her face, held He Zhixing with her hands, and helped the old man to sit on the sofa.

The old man beat his back with his hand, and said so obediently: "You have thought about it a lot. I didn't plan to take the place at the end of the year. I still know it. Even if you give me the position, you have to be in the right place. Time period. I plan to study with you for at least one and a half years. Don’t think I’m annoying."

He Zhixing twisted the back of his gray head and stared at Nan Xi with his side eyes. He observed for a few seconds, and said suspiciously: "Don't be so nice to comfort me. If you want to listen well, I don't need to listen from you. "

  Nan Xi smiled helplessly, moved her hand from He Zhixing's back to her shoulder, and squeezed it with moderate strength.

"From the truth, I was really negligent this time, but you know that Secretary-General Gao and I have always disliked each other. I changed to be a male partner, but simply refused to face his stinky face. There is no other meaning, let alone you. You think about seizing power and exerting pressure. Instead of thinking about seizing power and exerting pressure, you might as well want to be reliable in my accustomed male partner Zhang Yichen."

  Nan Xi went to heart and lungs to explain, and finally dispelled the suspicion in He Zhixing's eyes. Naive, she never expected that such a simple old man He Zhixing could be used by Zhang Yichen as a chess piece.

  She simply wanted to make He Zhixing happy, after all, the old man was still helping her and Zhang Yichen at his age.

  So when the old man proposed to arrange a better nanny car and bodyguard for Xiao Nana, she agreed without thinking.

  It turned out that Zhang Yichen had predicted her pre-judgment early, knowing that she would refuse to play with Gao Qiufeng, in order to trigger some things.

  Swipe your finger on the phone to enter the dialing interface, and press and hold the 1 key.

  The beep came from the Bluetooth headset, and after about half a minute, there was a deep bass.

   "Xi'er, I have something to do at night, and I couldn't make it over. You will go home directly after the banquet. I will be home in the early morning at the latest."

  The arrangement made Nan Xi feel mixed with all kinds of tastes. She pressed her pink lips that had taken off her makeup earlier, and said softly, "Okay, I'll go to the company to wait for you."

   "I'm not in the company, you go home. Be good, obedient." Zhang Yichen said affirmatively in the first sentence, but involuntarily lowered it a little bit stronger in the latter sentence.

   Blurred and changed his tone, even he himself had heard it for a few seconds.

  Even if he obeyed his heart, he kept his tone light and said, "Xi'er, it's late."

  "Brother Yichen, I am afraid of sleeping alone. I will wait for you at the company. I know you have something to deal with. I will sit in my office and wait for you."

  Nan Xi finished speaking pitifully, and pulled down her nose with the finishing touch, and hummed softly.

"I just want to be in the place where you are. Little Nana was almost kidnapped today. I always feel like someone is always following me lately. If there were no bodyguards around, they would have done it early. I suspect Zhongstar He Wan Teng Rang cut off his right hand arm and hated him, so he was looking for an excuse to retaliate. At night, the bodyguard can only stay in the auxiliary building. I sleep alone in the main building. I am so scared."

   A few words of touching confession, perfectly showing the weak young woman's desire for her husband by her side.

  "How long will you be here?" Zhang Yichen asked helplessly.

  The corners of Nan Xi’s mouth have already raised an arc of joy, and there is still a timid voice on her mouth: "There will be another 20 minutes to half an hour."

  Speak carefully, but you can kill you without asking what the other party is waiting for.

  Don’t ask, will it bother him?

  Or entangled in the details, debunked what he just said, and asked him if he was not in the company?

  It doesn’t matter if you make a big thing, as long as you can get to the company successfully, nothing else matters.

   "Okay, come over to the lounge of my office."

   got a further promise, Nan Xi hung up the phone with an ‘um’, and sent a cute and forward-looking emoticon message.

  Innocent completed everything, enter the information to check the latest information, Chen Moucen still did not reply.

   Normally, if something goes wrong with Chen Moucen, Ning Wei will report to her as soon as possible.

  If there is no incident with Xiao Nana, Nan Xi will wait until Chen Moucen answers. She understands her master’s temper, and if others talk too much, it means she is looking for death.

  The incident of Xiao Nana showed that under the double pressure of her and Zhang Yichen, someone turned into a dog, eager to jump the wall.

  No more hesitation, he dialed Chen Moucen. Dial two in a row and get the prompt that no one answers.

   Nan Xi was in a mess, so she changed hands and called Sun Hongguang.

  The repeated beeps sounded to her, which was particularly annoying and annoying. She only hoped to stop quickly and hear the familiar and cordial call.

  Facts did not meet people's wishes. Five links were simulcasted, and Sun Hongguang's mobile phone was also unanswered.

   Nan Xi's brain buzzed, Shen Shen closed her eyes, adjusted her flustered mind, and gave Ning Wei a pass.

  The annoying beeps continued to sound, each of which increased Nan Xi's heart rate. There were many good and bad cases in her mind.

  Hurry up and let the maddening worry break my head, I heard a voice: "Hello?"

  It’s not an exaggeration to say that Nan Xi has the ease of being reborn after a disaster. Chen Moucen is no less important to her than Nan's father.

   "Hello? Sister Xi, speak up!"

  Worries are like transferring to Ning Wei's side over the phone, raising her voice several times and shouting: "Sister Xi, can you hear it? There will be no signal, or I will hang up and call you over."

   "I can hear it." Nan Xi's emotions were undulating.

  Ning Wei said ‘oh’ and asked about the business: "Sister Xi, what are the arrangements?"

When the word   arranged came out, Nan Xi correspondingly remembered another troublesome trouble. Compared with troubles, the safety of the two elders is more important.

   Putting the trouble off for the time being, and asked what to care about: "My master and grandson have rested?"

   "No, today I came over to a cultural brigade leader, the second elder is meeting him." Ning Wei covered the phone and whispered: "I sneaked out, this will answer the phone in the toilet."

  Nan Xi's heart sank, ignoring the smell of the reply, and grabbed the key point: "Is the person sent by Bai Haotian?"

"No, it seems that Mr. Chen has a very ordinary relationship with him. The two haven't been in contact for a long time. Today I suddenly called Mr. Chen and said that I wanted to invite him. It just so happened that all the details of "Yuhu Bingxin" were changed and submitted. White Bureau It was scheduled to be broadcast on several popular satellite TVs in early July. Old Chen was in a good mood, so he agreed to the invitation, and I followed to help the two old men block the wine."

  Ning Wei found out a good reason for himself to cover up the fact that he was a fan.

  The anxiety in Nan Xi's heart rose again, and asked: "What is the name of the person who invited you? Are there many accompanying people?"

"It's not a familiar face, it seems to be called Li Muyi. He brought five accompanying people, about the same age as him, and said they were his colleagues. But I don't feel like it. The other four people barely drink. You can see their appearance. Unlike the elegant people who don't drink alcohol, they have tattoos all over their hands." Ning Wei answered the name with little memory.

  Hearing Li's surname, Nan Xi immediately remembered the more than 20 Li Xiaoxiao phone calls that he had refused within two or three days, and Li Qinggang, who had been in trouble with Li Mingcheng. Li Qinggang is Li Ming's cousin. According to Yang Panpan, Li Qinggang seems to have a brother working in the cultural brigade.

   "Xiao Weizi, you must now pick up the two elders and buy the latest flight to fly back to Magic City."

  Ning Wei was reluctant in every possible way, and found excuses to shirk: "Sister Xi, you know how stubborn Old Chen is. I'll go in and bring him out. This is too far-fetched."

  The most important thing is a few bottles of Wuliangye. The last time Ning Wei let go to drink it was when he was serving as Nan Xi’s agent. The world is declining, and the days of chic are gone forever. He should cherish the rare opportunity.

  Nan Xi made her anger a headache, but she reminded her of the improper arrangement instead.

   Indeed, with Chen Moucen’s temper, if Ning Wei cannot win in one fell swoop, persuading Chen Moucen to leave, it is easy to remind the dog who is going to jump over the wall and stimulate them to make bad arrangements in advance.

I quickly formed a new plan in my mind, and changed my tongue and said, "Stop playing! I suspect that the person who treats the guests is not good for my master and them. When you go in, don't say anything. I will arrange for someone to pick you up. You will try to drag the field. . Remember to be very happy and drink with Li Muyi."

  Ning Wei heard that something was wrong, so that the half-bottle of Wuliangye's mind started to work again.

  Thinking about the things that Nan Xi had arranged, how could it seem to let him return to the wolf den and settle down the pack of wolves?

  Ning Wei confessed with trembling teeth: "Sister Xi, can I squat here and wait for the person you arranged to come over?"

  Nan Xite wants to scold Ning Wei violently, so she's a bit promising!

Fearing the counter-effect, I had to speak softly and encourage him: "Don’t be afraid, you are a big man. The safety of the national teacher and contemporary living fossil musicians is in your hands. One time."

Ning Wei mentioned a bit of heartbeat, but it was not enough to offset the fear. He cried out and said in a low voice: "Sister Xi, let’s get something practical. If I can successfully protect the two elders this time, I apply to return to where I used to be. . I miss my position below two people and above ten thousand people. It’s so beautiful. As long as I can go back, why would I be afraid to risk my life again!"

   "Okay, stop talking nonsense, I promise you, you can send the hotel location to my mobile phone."

  Nan Xi originally planned to wait for Chen Moucen's affairs to be over and tell Ning Wei to come back. The company's latest and careful girl Jingli was transferred to the second elder, and the girl's massage technique was very good.


   A promise to fill Ning Wei with blood, re-suspended the greedy look of taking advantage, and walked out of the bathroom full of interest.

  Hang up Ning Wei's call, Nan Xi got up and walked to the bodyguard, begging: "Brother, I need to trouble you to go to Beijing and get Master and them back. I'm not worried about the others."

The eldest bodyguard looked at Nan Xi, his eyes filled with hesitation and hesitation.

"Brother, if something happens to my master, it will make me more uncomfortable than my own." He said that he held the bodyguard's hand tightly and passed on the anxiety in his heart: "Please, I have your brother in the devil. It will be safe to protect with Zhang Yichen. Please take my master over."

  Bodyguard shook Nan Xi's hand slightly, nodded his head, then took out his hand and held down the Bluetooth walkie-talkie hanging on the auricle, giving orders to the younger brothers.

  Five minutes later, the two younger brothers got in the car and handed the keys of the rear car to the bodyguard brother.

  Bodyguard left, Nan Xi turned on her phone and saw a quarter past ten. He still chose to call Zhu Qian, who could mobilize the right person in Beijing in time, except for Zhu Qian, only his father.

  Calling Father Zhu as Nan Xi, it is tantamount to opening the matter ahead of schedule without being fully deployed. The Li family will be punished, but they will still keep their breath.

   Over and over again and again, she wants to kill them all!

   "Hello? Nan Xi, what's wrong?" Zhu Qian answered the phone and asked loudly.

  Based on the noisy environment Zhu Qian was in, Nan Xi judged that she was playing at night.

  Slightly feel more at ease, it would be more appropriate for Zhang Yichen to call Zhu Qian, but she can’t wait.

   "Sister Zhu, I need to ask you for a personal matter, please take five minutes to listen to me."

  Nan Xi also raised her voice, fearing that Zhu Qian would not be able to hear her, so she directly changed the tone of request to please, please, please!

   "Okay, wait, I'll go out to pick you up."

   After Zhu Qian agreed, Nan Xi waited quietly, holding her breath.

While waiting, I thought about how to say it would be better. When Zhu Qian was in a safe and silent environment, Nan Xi said in a hoarse voice: "Zhu Qian, there is something difficult to tell, but please help your sister. I."

  A pitiful request, without accident, grabbed Zhu Qian's concern, and asked in a soft voice: "Say it, I will try my best to help within my ability."

"It can be considered a scandal. I'm not afraid you will laugh. My former agent is a bit poisonous and owes a black debt. Now the debt collector has forced him to go to the restaurant, so that he has to hand over the equivalent. He just happens to By my master's side, my master and grandson were worried and accompanied him, and now all three of them have been detained."

  Nan Xi dunton, sobbed a few times, and cried even harder: "Could you please find the local police station, deploy the police, and rescue them?"

  It’s safest to clean up restaurants from pornographic and illicit operations.

  (End of this chapter)

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