Questions and Answers To the Heavens, Starting From Marvel

Chapter 1000: Prison Break by Killing First and Playing Later

[[Chapter 1000: Prison Break by Killing First and Telling Later

Eddie was naturally confused, but he didn't think much about it and continued to focus on the light screen video.

In the future video, after Zemo discovered that he failed to control Bucky, he was not disappointed or embarrassed at all. Bucky was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and directly told the business. He mentioned that someone outside had copied the super soldier serum and asked Zemo about it. Are there any clues to this?

Zemo became excited when he heard about the Super Soldier Serum. He was very straightforward and said that he did have some information, but if he wanted to cooperate, he had to help him escape from prison!

At this time, the light curtain video paused, and a new question appeared: "Question, did Bucky Barnes help Helmut Zemo escape from prison?"

"A: Yes, B: No."

When Huey Campbell saw this question, he said without thinking: "The answer should be A. This Zemo looks like the kind of guy who is difficult to deal with. If his demands are not met, he will not give the information Hand it over."

Steve Rogers raised his eyebrows, shook his head and said, "You don't quite understand how dangerous this person is!"

Turning to look at Bucky again: "There are too many uncertainties in releasing him. If I remember correctly, this guy is still burdened with the blood debt of Wakanda. If you help him in the future video, If he robs the prison, the Wakandans will definitely cause trouble for you!"

After thinking for a while, Bucky said: "Steve, if you are still here in the future, I will listen to your opinion, but you are no longer here... I have a hunch that the answer to this question should be A. Did Huey say that?" Wrong, I will help him escape from prison."

Steve Rogers sighed, he was actually mentally prepared for this.

At this time, the countdown to answering the questions also started, and they did not have much time to think.

This question was a choice of two, and the players were very confident, so as soon as the countdown to the answer started, they all clicked on the answer button. This time Bucky was lucky and succeeded in answering.

After looking at Steve with his arms crossed, he chose A based on his wrong guess.

Others also made the same choice one after another. The countdown ended and the correct answer was announced. As expected, it was A, and everyone answered correctly again.

"Congratulations to player Bucky Barnes for answering the question correctly. The team received 4 points. Player Peter Parker...player Eric Lensherr answered the question correctly and each team received 1 point."

He answered the question correctly and scored points for his quick answer, but Steve Rogers didn't have much joy on his face. Instead, he was a little worried.

He turned to look at Bucky and said in a deep voice: "I'm worried that after you release Zemo, you will cause more extra trouble... Just like in the last round of the quiz game, Natasha and Clint found Dr. Zola to deal with Ultron, in the end, if Stephen hadn't stood up to suppress it, Dr. Zola would have caused chaos again!"

Bucky pursed his lips and said nothing. At this time, Eddie said curiously: "Why are you worried about this? Just change the future."

"Our timeline has long since changed, but these future videos also represent the present of other parallel time and spaces!" Steve Rogers explained lightly.

His words were a bit convoluted, but Eddie thought about it and figured it out. He asked: "You mean, although you are in the past, these futures have actually happened in another parallel world. ?”

"Yes, according to our understanding of the parallel world, that's it."

Steve Rogers said solemnly: "If you only care about the world we live in, then there is no need to worry about this.

But if we raise our horizons to the multiverse, the future we see at this time is likely to be happening in some parallel worlds! "

In fact, at the beginning, Captain America and the others didn't think too much. It was enough to watch the future video and then change their lives to reverse the tragedy that might happen in the future.

But as they got deeper into the quiz game and formed the Multiverse Light Front, traveling through parallel worlds one after another, the horizons of veteran players such as Steve Rogers became wider and wider.

What you see is no longer your own one-third of an acre of land, but a vast parallel universe as vast as smoke.

Perhaps after this quiz game, if he and Bucky lose the game, they may be sent to this parallel universe to perform tasks.

Steve Rogers looked worried, and at the same time, the video of the correct answer began to play on the light screen.

In the camera, Bucky and Sam met in a secret warehouse. Bucky told him about helping Zemo escape from prison. Sam's first reaction was to sternly refuse: "What? Help Zemo escape from prison? Bucky, are you crazy?" Bar!"

Bucky's reason is very good. They now need Zemo to deal with the Flag Smashers and find out the clues about the leakage of the super soldier serum. Moreover, Zemo and their positions are consistent on the matter of dealing with the super soldiers.

Naturally, Sam was not convinced so easily. He listed all the crimes that Zemo had committed. He carried out a terrorist attack at the United Nations General Assembly, assassinated the King of Wakanda, and framed you Bucky. How could such a dangerous guy do this? Release it?

Sam also mentioned that once Wakanda knows that Zemo is out, they will definitely come to trouble them!

He thinks Bucky has lost his mind now.

Seeing his reaction, Bucky waved his hand and said, "Okay, can we just make a hypothesis?"

In his hypothesis, it didn't seem difficult to help Zemo escape from prison. He only needed to give the access card to Zemo in advance, and then seize the loophole of the prison's lack of manpower, make some noise and create chaos, and Zemo could take advantage of it. Chaos broke out.

Listening to his escape plan, Sam was quite speechless and wanted to continue persuading him. But at this moment, he suddenly heard footsteps and turned around to see Zemo walking towards him in a swaggering manner!

It turned out that Bucky had killed him first and told him later. This kid had already released Zemo, using exactly the plan he had just 'assumed', and then came to Sam to 'discuss' it.

Bucky's little cleverness made Sam so angry that he almost attacked Zemo.

Outside the light screen video, Peter Parker raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Bucky, after this game is over, you'd better apologize to Sam. He was tricked by you."

Bucky shrugged his shoulders, while Steve Rogers shook his head and said: "Sam can't control you, but Bucky, it's really too risky to do this, and you are equivalent to forcibly tying Sam onto a pirate ship."

In the video, Bucky still insisted on his own ideas and persuaded Sam: "Sam, when Steve signed the Sokovia Agreement, you supported him, violated the treaty, and took risks for me. I request Please help me again."

He started playing the emotional card.

Sam was very helpless about this and had no choice but to agree. \u003eRemember the website address, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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