Questions and Answers To the Heavens, Starting From Marvel

Chapter 1003 Corruption and Incompetence

[[Chapter 1003 Corruption and Incompetence

"Dr. Nagle should be from Hydra." Bucky said in a deep voice.

Eddie analyzed: "What do you mean, this guy once joined Hydra and later worked for an ability broker? And SHIELD and Hydra are from the same family, so the answer to this question is B?"

Bucky nodded: "It seems that option B does look like the correct answer."

Just when their analysis was clear and logical, the countdown to answer the questions began. With the encouragement from the previous questions, the players were very enthusiastic about answering the questions. This time, they also clicked the button as soon as the countdown started.

This time, Peter Parker answered successfully. Little Spider chose B with a little excitement, and other players also made the same choice.

Then the countdown ended, and the correct answer was announced: "Player Peter Parker answered incorrectly, and 4 points were deducted from the team; player Steve Rogers...player Billy Butcher both answered incorrectly, and each team deducted 1 point!"

The correct answer is D, they were all wiped out!

Eddie immediately complained to Peter Parker: "Hey, didn't you say that Hydra and SHIELD belong to the same family?"

Little Spider scratched his head: "This... the information I saw is indeed like this. Okay, I'm sorry, I provided wrong information, but this question deducted the most points for me!"

Before the players had time to say anything more, another question popped up in the light curtain: "Question, which of the following options indirectly killed the godmother of Flag-Smasher leader Carly Morgenthau?"

"A: The Ability Broker, B: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, C: John Walker, D: GDC."

"Indirectly killed?" Eddie saw this question and pondered: "If I remember correctly, it was mentioned in the previous video that Carly was being hunted by an ability broker. Will the answer to this question be A? ?”

Billy Butcher reminded: "Option A is on the surface, perhaps as a bait to deliberately mislead us. I think option C is more suspicious.

The new Captain America is also tracking down Carly Morgenthau. According to the development in the video, maybe when the Bucky trio went to Madripoor Port, he had tracked Carly's location and killed her mother. ? "

Huey Campbell nodded and said: "What you said makes sense. Anyway, I feel that something is wrong with that John. It makes me feel like he is not a good person."

Peter Parker laughed and said, "Just like Eddie, right?"

Eddie rolled his eyes: "That's enough, this kind of joke is boring!"

Soon, the countdown to answer the question began. Just now, the players collectively answered incorrectly, but this time they were much more cautious. Even though Billy Butcher's analysis was very reasonable, they were not in a hurry to press the button.

It wasn't until the countdown was about to end that he had to choose to answer the question. This time, the right to answer fell into the hands of Magneto. After a slight hesitation, he chose B because option B looked the least like the correct answer.

Eric Lensher decided to do the opposite and take a gamble.

Eddie, Huey and Peter all chose C, while Steve looked at Bucky and chose A.

Soon, the countdown ended and the correct answer was announced, and it turned out to be D!

The players were wiped out again. Magneto answered incorrectly. 4 points were deducted from the team, and 1 point was deducted from the other players.

Eddie shook his head and said: "Isn't GDC a global security organization? Why does it kill people?"

Steve Rogers said solemnly: "Is this probably why the Flag-Smashers rebelled against the authorities?"

After two consecutive questions were answered, the subsequent video finally began to play on the light screen. The beginning was a GDC promotional video.

The promotional video is very well shot, showing at 360 degrees that this organization specializes in rescuing the billions of people who suddenly returned due to Shuo Mie, including many refugees who need key assistance from GDC.

When he saw this promotional video, Huey Campbell couldn't help but said: "This reminds me of the promotional video of Vought Company. It's really similar!"

Billy Butcher also felt the same way and nodded: "You are bright and righteous in front of the camera, but in private you are a bunch of bastards who do all kinds of evil?"

In the light curtain, the camera turned and cut to a simple refugee camp. The people placed here were all people in need of help from GDC.

But their lives are still very difficult and they lack corresponding supplies.

Especially some patients, who have neither money nor medicine, can only lie on simple beds and moan in pain.

Carly Morgenthau's mother is one of them. She contracted tuberculosis and was already terminally ill due to lack of drugs and related treatment.

After watching the previous GDC promotional video, and then seeing this, players and viewers immediately felt as if they had eaten flies.

The contrast between before and after cannot be too obvious. In the promotional video, GDC is so glamorous, saving lives and healing the wounded, and bringing hope and salvation to the people. In real life, it all seems so hypocritical and disgusting.

Huey Campbell couldn't help but cursed: "I read it right, this GDC is just like Vought Corporation, they are a bunch of hateful bastards!"

Billy Butcher also said coldly: "This group of people are all very capable of making money in the name of rescuing people who are suffering. If we really ask them to come up with something to do good deeds, they will all become Grands. tower."

Peter Parker shook his head and sighed: "No wonder the Flag-Smashers organization has followers and fans all over the world. The official power is not trustworthy at all!"

In the light curtain video, the corruption situation of GDC is further given.

When Carly Morgenthau led members of the Flag Smashers to rob a GDC warehouse, they found that the warehouse was filled with various supplies. According to requirements, these supplies should have been distributed to refugees three months ago, but they were They have detained it till now!

You don't need to guess to know that reselling supplies is a profitable business for GDC, and they don't want to distribute the supplies at all.

Such a dark and corrupt side naturally made the players and audiences outside the light screen filled with indignation, and in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the streets of Amerika were once again noisy.

In the front, the black super soldiers suffered racial discrimination and oppression, and in the back, there was the corruption and incompetence of the official organizations. People took to the streets one after another and began to hold banners in protest.

But at this time, the government in power made another stupid move. The spokesperson of the White House used standard diplomatic rhetoric to claim: "All scandals related to GDC are from another parallel time and space, and were done by the future Amerika government. They are not related to GDC." We have nothing to do with each other now!"

At first glance, there seems to be no problem with this statement. Why do you use the sword of the 'previous dynasty' to kill the officials of the 'current dynasty'?

Who knows which party is in power in the future exposed by the quiz game?

Even if we are from the same party, I can't apologize for things I haven't done in the future, right? \u003eRemember the website address, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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