Questions and Answers To the Heavens, Starting From Marvel

Chapter 73 Alexander: I curse you to hell!

After the quiz game, Nick and the others returned to Earth, and they were bombarded by phone calls.

Nick Fury didn't expect that some of the richest crocodiles would also call his phone.

But thinking about the relationship between them and the lords of the council, Nick was relieved, but he didn't let go of his mouth. Faced with these people's secret requests for Devil Fruits, they all refused.

Of course, he didn't dare to offend these big men, so he had to use a quiz game as a shield. Anyway, the fruit has been eaten. If you want to ask why, it is the game rules.

After a lot of busy work, Coulson finally managed to cope with these unreasonable requests, and Coulson sincerely thanked: "Thank you, boss."

Nick Fury patted him on the shoulder, "You deserve it, I just told them that the Devil Fruit was influenced by a quiz game and eaten directly by you, if anyone asks, you all say that, Understand?"


"No problem, Coulson is our own, don't worry, I'll be on your side."

Natasha and Tony have no problem with this, and Steve, who never lies, said that if someone asked himself, he would keep silent.

At this time, Nick Fury received another call and replied briefly, he frowned: "There was an accident at the hearing. After Alexander Pierce was exposed, the police tried to control it, but I didn't expect Hydra to arrange it. The commando was dispatched, directly forced the hearing, and rescued the person!"

Tony shrugged: "I'm not surprised at all, the power of Hydra in the video has expanded to a terrible level."

Natasha nodded and said: "Yes, they not only infiltrated our S.H.I.E.L.D., but also have their people in the police, the army, or the parliament, and the purpose of this hearing is to deal with you... without any preparation. Down, it's hard to catch Alexander."

Steve asked, "Where's Bruce? He was stalking outside the hearing before the quiz game."

Just after he finished speaking, Nick Fury's cell phone rang again, and after connecting, he heard Bruce Wayne's low voice: "Alexander Pierce has been caught by me."

"Nice job, Bruce!" Nick Fury couldn't help laughing twice, and then said seriously: "I'll rush over now, don't hand Alexander to anyone until I get there! Do you hear me? ? I mean anyone!"

"Of course I know." Bruce hung up the phone.

He was slumped to the ground under his feet,

Alexander Pierce with his hands behind his back.

The former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the leader of Hydra, did not look like he was in a suit and leather shoes in the past, but looked very embarrassed.

"Let me go! Bruce Wayne, you should know that Nick Fury is taking advantage of you! You are not from this world, and there is absolutely no need to do things for him. I know he promised you that he will help you get back to you. world, but he is lying to you!

Believe me, I know Nick Fury too well. He never trusts anyone, not even his close comrades in arms, let alone you, a visitor from another world.

He sees you as a threat, just like we did with the Winter Soldier, trying to control you!

Bruce, you are a smart person, as long as you let me go, I will definitely help you find your way home. The technology that S.H.I.E.L.D. has, Hydra also has it, and what they don't have, we have it too! "

At this point, Alexander Pierce is still unwilling to give up, racking his brains to bewitch Bruce.

"Save your strength." Bruce glanced at him, "No matter where it is, justice is justice, and I will never be in the company of evil!"

Even if Alexander broke the sky, Bruce's belief would not be shaken in the slightest.

He is a Batman who doesn't kill. Batman's righteous cause will never be limited to a small Gotham City. Just like where there is light, there will be shadows. As long as there is a place of sin, Batman will not be absent.

There is no need for Alexander to remind him at all. Bruce also knows that the bald chief has bad intentions for himself, but in the truth revealed by the quiz game and in the future, the Avengers Alliance hosted by Nick Fury undoubtedly represents the justice of this world.

In this case, Bruce can turn a blind eye, and even in some respects, he feels that the bald chief is quite similar to himself.

Nick Fury was on his toes, and so was Bruce.

After joining the Avengers, he has quietly archived all the information of the members of the Avengers, and has also formulated corresponding countermeasures and strategies.

At the same time, Bruce has also absorbed a lot of advanced technology from S.H.I.E.L.D. and Tony Stark, the Ark Reactor and the drawings of Mark3, which he has already obtained.

Speaking of which, Nick Fury is taking advantage of him, but Bruce Wayne is not at a disadvantage either.

Bruce was wearing the iconic bat mask, so that Alexander couldn't see the expression on his face, but he could see Bruce's deep and determined eyes, and he knew that he might not be able to convince the weirdo in front of him.

And when I think of myself working so hard for so many years, I ended up in this end, and the insight plan was exposed just as soon as it started to improve.

Blood dripped from Alexander's heart, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "FUCK! FUCK! Shit's quiz game, Shit's Avengers, I curse you all to hell!"

"Haha." Bruce sneered, picked him up, took 70% of his strength and punched Alexander in the stomach.

Under the baptism of Saiyan blood, Bruce Wayne's power has now exceeded the limit of the human body.

Even with only 20% to 30% strength, this punch still made Alexander's stomach turn upside down, his face was red and his ears were red, and he was retching constantly, and he wanted to spit out his tongue.

"It's you who should go to hell!"



"Damn it! You are all a bunch of idiots who deserve to go to hell!"

In a secret base of Hydra, countless old-fashioned computers are arranged in an orderly and uniform manner.

A blurred portrait appeared on the display of the main console, yelling at a group of Hydra generals through the loudspeaker.

The blurred face on the computer screen is the mastermind of Project Insight, the long overdue hell Dr. Zola, who suffered from an incurable disease decades ago.

With the medical conditions at the time, the physical disease could not be cured, but he had a whim and transmitted his consciousness to the computer, gaining a sense of rebirth, or even immortality.

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