Questions and Answers To the Heavens, Starting From Marvel

Chapter 994: Good gay friend suffered electrotherapy

[[Chapter 994: Good gay friend suffered electrotherapy

GRC is very beautiful in its publicity. It will provide materials and living security to people who need help, are homeless, and have no income from work.

But as we all know, official organizations will definitely have all kinds of tricks. Many people cannot enjoy the services of GRC and still live in poverty.

The Flag Smashers organization helps those poor people, and naturally gets some support from the public. Its leader, Carly Morgenthau, is revered as the 'Robin Hood' who robs the rich and gives to the poor.

Outside the light screen video, Steve Rogers raised his eyebrows and said: "When we watched these future videos before, our attention was all attracted by Thanos and the Avengers, and we did not realize the social consequences caused by the destruction of Twinkle. question."

Gwen shook his head and couldn't help but sigh: "The people who disappeared for five years suddenly came back, and not just one or two, but half of the world's population. God, just think about it and you will know how much chaos this will cause. .”

"The official guarantee organization will definitely not be able to help those people fairly and justly!" Eddie said at this time, "This organization called GRC must have a lot of power and a lot of money. If you want them to do things, you must first get rid of them. It’s okay to feed them, but then you don’t know how many people are hungry.”

As a reporter who dares to expose various social issues, Eddie has a good understanding of these issues.

Steve Rogers turned to look at him and said solemnly: "The GRC may have many problems, but violent organizations like the Flag-Smashers will only make the originally complex and chaotic situation more uncontrollable."

Magneto chuckled softly: "So who should speak for those who have been treated unfairly and need help? Or should they be completely ignored?"

Steve Rogers looked him directly in the eyes: "We, the Avengers, the Multiverse Light Front, will help them in reasonable and legal ways."

"Unfortunately, in these video clips, I only saw a violent civil gang that was wanted by the authorities and hunted by you." Magneto shrugged his shoulders and looked at Professor X beside him: "Charles, what do you think? ?”

"I don't know enough about their world, so I won't comment." Charles Xavier shook his head.

At this time, a new question popped up in the light screen: "Question: Which of the following forces did the serum vaccine stolen by Flag Breaker come from?"

"A: Ability Broker, B: GRC, C: US ​​Military, D: Skyward Sword Bureau."

Steve Rogers looked at the question and raised his eyebrows: "From the video just now, it can be seen that the materials stolen by the Flag-Smashers came from GRC, but this question doesn't seem that simple."

Bucky nodded: "I suspect that the vaccines they stole were all super soldier serum, so they were able to mass-produce so many super soldiers!"

Peter Parker asked curiously: "This kind of serum that can give people supernatural powers shouldn't be so easy to develop, right?"

"Of course, as far as I know, only a few organizations are still capable of doing relevant research." Steve Rogers pondered: "But the options given in the question are all strange."

Eddie scratched his head and said, "It seems that the US military is keen on doing this kind of research, right?"

"This is the kind of thing the military is keen to do no matter where in the world it is," Billy Butcher said.

The quiz game did not give them much time to think. Soon, the countdown to answer the question began. The players were not sure about this question, so they naturally waited for the last second of the countdown before clicking the answer button.

In the end, Huey Campbell answered successfully. He said helplessly to Billy: "I don't know which one to choose."

Billy Butcher looked at the four options, raised his eyebrows and said: "Then just choose any one and bet on your luck!"

"Don't blame me if you bet wrong!" Huey Campbell took a deep breath and said, "I choose A for this question!"

Gwen chose D, Bucky chose C, Eddie did the same, and Professor X chose B.

The countdown ended and the correct answer was announced: "Congratulations to player Huey Campbell for successfully answering the question. The team received 4 points. Player Gwen Stacy...player Charles Xavier both answered the question incorrectly. Each team will deduct 1 point!"

Huey Campbell smiled happily and said: "Wow, it seems that I am very lucky today!" Bucky shrugged his shoulders: "Steve, we are -5 points."

As soon as he finished speaking, a serious voice came from above his head: "Player Steve Rogers, player Bucky Barnes has accumulated 5 negative points, triggering the first level of punishment!"

Dazzling bolts of lightning fell from the sky and struck the two of them. In the blink of an eye, the two handsome white boys were electrocuted into black charcoal.

Magneto, Professor

Eddie couldn't help but asked with trembling lips: "Hey! Didn't you say that the first level of punishment will not kill people? They are almost cooked by electrocution!"

Peter Parker waved his hand and said: "Don't be nervous, relax. Captain and Bucky are fine. The electrotherapy in the quiz game is amazing. It will make you feel the pain that goes deep into the bone marrow, but it will not cause your body to be too seriously damaged. It just looks scary."

Eddie swallowed, looked at the miserable situation of Steve and Bucky, and shook his head wildly: "Shet! Can I abstain? I don't want to play this damn game!"

Is this just looking scary?

He seemed to smell the strong smell of barbecue!

"Be careful, man, if you make a scene here and insult the quiz game, you might get electrotherapy!" Huey Campbell kindly reminded.

Eddie was so frightened that he immediately covered his mouth, and Venom's roar came in his mind: "Shut up, you idiot!"

Magneto raised his head solemnly and said softly: "What is the purpose of this game?"

Gwen also asked the same question: "The trivia game captured us just so that we can watch future videos and answer questions? Does this have any special meaning to him?"

"Who knows, but it actually means a lot to us." Peter Parker blinked and said with emotion: "The quiz game helped me avoid a lot of tragedies and also brought me and my beloved girlfriend together.

Honestly, I'm so grateful to be a player of this game, and if it weren't for trivia, I wouldn't have met you, Gwen. "

Gwen chuckled and asked, "Aren't you afraid that your girlfriend will be jealous now that you are with me?"

Peter Parker was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed. He really hadn't considered this before, and said with a guilty conscience: "Stop it, Gwen, we are just good friends..."\u003eRemember the website address, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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