Questions and Answers To the Heavens, Starting From Marvel

Chapter 997 Different skin colors are treated differently

[[Chapter 997 Different skin colors are treated differently

Isaiah, an old black man, showed his hand to them in anger, casually used an iron box as a dart, and inserted it deeply into the wooden pillar next to him.

This strength obviously does not match his gray-haired age.

Sam looked straight at him and confirmed that the other party's identity was not simple.

Isaiah came to Bucky angrily and pointed at himself: "Do you know what they did to me to make me a so-called hero? They kept me in prison for thirty years! Do experiments on me, collect my blood, break into my cell, and even your accomplices won’t let me go..."

Sam was shocked by this statement and wanted to say something: "Isaiah..."

However, Isaiah also completely lost control of his emotions and yelled: "Get out of my house now!"

Seeing that he was about to take action in the next second, Sam and Bucky had no choice but to turn around and leave.

After leaving Isaiah's house, Sam couldn't help complaining: "Why hasn't anyone mentioned him?"

Then he couldn't help but ask: "Bucky, I want to ask you a question. Doesn't Steve know it too?"

"He doesn't know, I didn't tell him," Bucky explained. Sam said excitedly: "So you're telling me that there was a black superhero decades ago, but no one ever knew about him?"

Bucky was speechless, and the video ended.

In the eternal space, Magneto couldn't help but chuckled: "They are both super soldiers. One is worshiped by thousands of people and is a real hero, while the other is unknown and suffers all kinds of pain alone. It's really interesting. Tell me why. what is it then?"

Steve Rogers sighed: "No matter what, this was a mistake, a mistake that we ignored."

Seeing that he was very remorseful, Bucky apologized: "I'm sorry, Steve, I should have told you about Isaiah earlier."

Eddie looked at Steve Rogers with great interest and said sharply: "The reasons for the different treatment are very complicated, but I think the biggest difference between you and Isaiah is because of your different skin colors. Isaiah Ya is a black man, so racial discrimination is one of the important reasons why he is unfairly and cruelly treated!"

"That's right, kid, you got to the point." Magneto raised his chin, his expression gradually turning cold: "Racial discrimination is really like a mirror, showing all the ugly sides of human nature."

Racial discrimination is just like human experimentation, and it also accurately hit the scar on Magneto's heart. It can be said that he grew up in a racially discriminatory environment.

As a Jew, he was discriminated against by the Nazis when he was a child, and when he grew up, as a mutant, he was discriminated against by the entire human society. In this regard, Eric Lensheer has a lot to say.

Steve Rogers wanted to say something, but he also found that he could not stand on the official stand and whitewash what the officials had done. He couldn't do it at all.

Even now, decades later, discrimination against people of color is still commonplace, not to mention decades ago during World War II. At that time, the discrimination faced by black soldiers in military camps was almost always on the table.

Billy Butcher sneered: "Super Soldier Serum, isn't it something similar to Compound No. 5? They are all attempts to use human experiments to create so-called super humans! Sure enough, this kind of supernatural ability is the original sin!"

Eric Lensheer glanced at him lightly: "If you deduce it like that, then there are many original sins."

Steve Rogers said solemnly: "We can't control the original sin for the time being, but we will definitely be able to properly handle Isaiah's problem."

Racial discrimination is a big problem, and it does not mean that it can be solved immediately, but Steve believes that he still has the ability to defend a veteran who has been treated unfairly.

At this time, a new question appeared in the light curtain: "In order for Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes to continue investigating the details of the Flag-Smasher organization, which of the following options will they turn to for help?"

"A: Nick Fury, B: Stephen Strange, C: James Roddy, D: Helmut Zemo."

Seeing this question, Steve Rogers frowned deeply again: "Zemo? If I remember correctly, this guy planned a conspiracy in the future timeline, causing the Avengers to fall apart, and even A civil war started?"

"Yes, I remember him too. A video about his future was exposed in a quiz game before." Bucky nodded.

Steve's frown deepened: "Then why does he appear in the options?"

Bucky and Sam are looking for help. Three of the four options are positive characters. Only option D is an exception, which naturally attracts attention.

Peter Parker was very clever. He rolled his eyes and asked, "Is it because option D is the correct answer?"

"It's not impossible, but I don't quite understand why you and Sam would go to Zemo for help?" Steve Rogers turned to look at Bucky in confusion.

Bucky shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know about the future now... Maybe it's because Sam and I in the future both believe that the super soldier serum obtained by Flag Smasher is related to Hydra, and Zemo is interested in Hydra." He knows the secrets of snakes very well, so I hope to find out something useful from his mouth.”

Steve Rogers nodded: "That makes sense."

When they said this, they undoubtedly considered option D as the correct answer and decided to take a gamble.

After all, among the four options, only option D is so special. According to the convention of question and answer games, this special option is most likely to be the correct answer. Of course, there are exceptions.

Soon, the countdown to answer the question began. This time, except for the two teams of Professor button.

In the end, the right to answer fell to Eddie, and Venom was making suggestions in his mind, muttering: "I think it should be C, choose C!"

"I got your answer wrong last time, and didn't you hear their discussion just now? You should obviously choose D for this question!"

Eddie ignored Venom and chose D. Bucky and Peter Parker also chose D. Billy Butcher looked around and finally decided to follow suit.

Eric Landsher wanted to be unique, but was stopped by Charles Xavier's eyes, and he also chose D.

The countdown ended and the correct answer was announced. As expected, it was D.

"Congratulations to player Eddie Brock for answering the questions correctly, and the team received 4 points! Congratulations to player Bucky Barnes...player Eric Lensherr answered the questions correctly, and each team received 1 point!"

Everyone gets extra points, and it’s a happy situation. \u003eRemember the website address, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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